1,130 research outputs found

    Influence of temperature gradients on tunnel junction thermometry below 1 K: cooling and electron-phonon coupling

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    We have studied thermal gradients in thin Cu and AlMn wires, both experimentally and theoretically. In the experiments, the wires were Joule heated non-uniformly at sub-Kelvin temperatures, and the resulting temperature gradients were measured using normal metal-insulator-superconducting tunnel junctions. The data clearly shows that even in reasonably well conducting thin wires with a short (10μ\sim 10 \mum) non-heated portion, significant temperature differences can form. In most cases, the measurements agree well with a model which includes electron-phonon interaction and electronic thermal conductivity by the Wiedemann-Franz law.Comment: J. Low Temp. Phys. in pres

    Reversible control of the electronic density of states at the Fermi level of Ca3Co4O9+δ misfit-layered oxide single crystals through O+/H+ plasma exposure

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    Misfit-layered Ca3Co4O9 crystals were grown and characterized via XRD, SEM, and photo-emission spectroscopy (PES). The evolution of the intensity at the Fermi level (E F) with varying oxygen content was studied by PES. Oxygen species were successfully introduced and removed through O+ and H+ microwave-plasma (2.45GHz, 2-5mbar) treatments, respectively. A 5min O+ plasma exposure was observed to result into a drastic enhancement in the E F intensity, demonstrating the influence of oxygen content to the charge carrier population in layered cobalt-oxide material

    Impacts of ditch cleaning on hydrological processes in a drained peatland forest

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    Low schoolwork engagement and schoolwork difficulties predict smoking in adolescence?

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    Low academic achievement has been associated with smoking but factors behind this association are poorly known. Such factors could include schoolwork disengagement and schoolwork difficulties. To assess the extent to which they contribute to the explanation of how health inequalities emerge, we study in a longitudinal design whether these have an independent effect on smoking or whether their effect is mediated through academic achievement. Longitudinal data were collected in the Helsinki metropolitan area, Finland in 2011 and 2014. Participants were seventh-graders (12 13 years, N=9497). In the follow-up, 6534 students reported their smoking status in the ninth grade (15 16 years). Smoking, schoolwork behavioural engagement, i.e. participation in academic activities, and disengagement, schoolwork difficulties and cognitive competence were self-reported by adolescents. Academic achievement was obtained from the Finnish national application register on upper secondary education. A mediation analysis was executed with bootstrapped confidence intervals. Higher schoolwork behavioural engagement and cognitive competence in the seventh grade predicted that adolescents were more likely not to smoke in the ninth grade (all P <0.001) while higher schoolwork disengagement and schoolwork difficulties predicted adolescents smoking (all P <0.001). The effects were mediated through academic achievement. Students behavioural disengagement with schoolwork and schoolwork difficulties are risks for smoking initiation. Their effect is mediated through poor school achievement. As smoking often continues in adulthood and poor school performance typically leads to lower education, schoolwork disengagement and difficulties in adolescence constitute potential pathways to inequalities in health.Peer reviewe

    Water and nitrogen processes along a typical water flowpath and streamwater exports from a forested catchment and changes after clear-cutting: a modelling study

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    International audienceA two dimensional model, FEMMA, to describe water and nitrogen (N) fluxes within and from a forested first-order catchment (Kangasvaara in Eastern Finland) was constructed by linking the most significant processes affecting the fluxes of water, ammonium, nitrate and dissolved organic nitrogen along a hillslope from the water divide to the stream. The hillslope represents the average flowpath of water in the catchment and the model was used to estimate the N fluxes for a catchment in eastern Finland before and after clear-cutting. The simulated results were in reasonable agreement with the nitrate, dissolved organic N and dissolved total N measurements from the study catchment and with other results in the literature. According to the simulations, the major sinks of N after clear-cutting were immobilisation by soil microbes, uptake by ground vegetation and sorption to soil. These sinks increased downslope from the clear-cut area, indicating the importance of an uncut buffer zone between the stream and the clear-cut area in reducing N exports. The buffer zone retained 76% of the N flux coming from the clear-cut area. Nitrification was a key process in controlling the N export after clear-cutting and N increases were mainly as nitrate. Most of the annual N export took place during the spring flood, when uptake of N by plants was minimal

    Ethnicity predicts perceptions of smoking and smoking cessation among veterans

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    The objective of this study was to determine if race/ethnicity predicts motivation to quit smoking and preferences for cessation services among smokers serviced by a primarily psychiatric Veterans Affairs hospital. A self‐administered survey was given to a convenience sample of smokers ( n = 146) at the Battle Creek Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Univariate, bivariate and multivariate regression analyses were calculated to determine the association between race/ethnicity and motivation to quit smoking. Forty‐two per cent of the sample was non‐White. Non‐White patients smoked significantly less cigarettes per day as compared with White patients ( P = 0.002). In the multivariate analyses, compared with Whites, non‐Whites had 3.5 times greater odds of thinking that quitting smoking was extremely/very important to health ( P = 0.01), 4.0 times greater odds of thinking of quitting using tobacco products in the next 30 days ( P = 0.004) and 3.4 times greater odds of being interested in receiving smoking cessation services ( P = 0.007). Yet, non‐White patients were less likely to be interested in intensive nurse counselling and cessation medications. As the number of non‐Whites continues to increase in the military, novel strategies may be needed to capitalize on the high motivation to quit smoking and preference for non‐traditional interventions among non‐White smokers treated in Veterans Affairs hospitals.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/90416/1/j.1365-2850.2011.01757.x.pd

    The menopause transition and women\u27s health at midlife: a progress report from the Study of Women\u27s Health Across the Nation (SWAN)

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    OBJECTIVE: Our initial understanding of the menopause transition (MT) has been framed by clinical samples of women seeking treatment rather than by population-based studies. The Study of Women\u27s Health Across the Nation (SWAN) initiated in 1996 with an overall goal to define the MT, to characterize its biological and psychosocial antecedents and sequelae in an ethnically and racially diverse sample of midlife women. METHODS: This review summarizes the central findings of SWAN to date that can inform women and their healthcare providers about the impact of the MT and midlife aging on overall health and well-being. RESULTS: SWAN characterized changes in reproductive axis and menstrual cycle patterns that informed the development of the reproductive aging staging system Staging of Reproductive Aging Workshop+10; MT-related symptoms and mental health (vasomotor symptoms, sleep complaints, psychological symptoms, cognitive performance, and urogenital and sexual health); and physiological systems and functions (cardiovascular and cardiometabolic health, bone health, physical function performance) that are influenced by the MT. SWAN demonstrated substantial interrelations among these changes and significant racial/ethnic differences in the rate and magnitude of change in multiple health indictors in midlife women. The findings point to midlife as a critical stage for adopting healthy behavior and preventive strategies. CONCLUSIONS: Over the past 23 years, SWAN has advanced our understanding of the impact of the MT and midlife aging on health and well-being in women. SWAN will be instrumental to determine whether MT-related changes during midlife are related to unfavorable health and well-being in early old age

    Etätyön vaikutukset työhyvinvointiin

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    Tiivistelmä. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella etätyön ja työhyvinvoinnin välistä suhdetta sekä selvittää, miten etätyö vaikuttaa työhyvinvointiin. Tarkastelu tapahtuu yksilön eli työntekijän näkökulmasta. Tutkielman tavoitteena on koota yhteen työhyvinvoinnin osa-alueita ja pohtia niitä etätyön näkökulmasta. Tutkielmassa nostetaan esille sekä etätyön positiivisia että negatiivisia vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Työhyvinvointi on laajasti yhteiskuntaa puhuttava aihe ja koronapandemian myötä räjähdysmäisesti lisääntynyt etätyö on nostanut työhyvinvoinnin ja etätyön välisen tarkastelun hyvin ajankohtaiseksi. Hyvinvointi, työhyvinvointi ja etätyö ovat tämän tutkielman pääkäsitteitä, joita avataan tutkielmassa tarkemmin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta, sillä tutkielman tekemisessä on hyödynnetty useita eri lähteitä monipuolisesti. Etätyötä ja työhyvinvointia käsitteleviä aineistoja on olemassa siinä määrin, että niiden perusteella on mahdollista tarjota kattava vastaus tutkielmassa esitettyyn tutkimuskysymykseen. Tutkielman tekemisessä on hyödynnetty aihetta käsittelevää kirjallisuutta. Lähteinä on käytetty sekä suomalaisia että kansainvälisiä aineistoja, mutta pääosin käytetyt lähteet ovat suomalaisia. Tulosten mukaan etätyöllä on niin positiivisia kuin negatiivisiakin vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Kirjallisuuden monipuolisen tarkastelun perusteella voidaan todeta, että työntekijän näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna etätyö tuo mukanaan useita hyötyjä, joista osa vaikuttaa positiivisesti myös työntekijän työhyvinvointiin. Esimerkkinä etätyön positiivisista vaikutuksista on työn aikaan ja paikkaan sitoutumattomuus, mikä lisää työntekijöiden mahdollisuuksia valita työaika oman vireystilan mukaan. Työntekijän mahdollisuus vaikuttaa työaikaan on yhteydessä myös työhyvinvoinnin kokemukseen, sillä hyvä vireystila vahvistaa työhyvinvointia. Hyötyjen lisäksi etätyöhön liittyy myös haittoja, joista osa vaikuttaa negatiivisesti myös työntekijän työhyvinvointiin. Esimerkkinä etätyön negatiivisista vaikutuksista on kasvanut vastuun määrä. Liian suuri vastuu kuormittaa työntekijää ja jatkuva liiallinen kuormitus vähentää työhyvinvointia