1,083 research outputs found

    Environnement humain de l'érosion

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    Dans le cadre des évaluations économiques des mesures de conservation des eaux et du sol, on propose d'utiliser des méthodes et modèles existants pour déterminer les effets de ces mesures sur l'érosion et sur les bilans d'eau et d'éléments nutritifs et ensuite les effets des changements sur les rendements. Dans ce texte on présente des "feuilles de calcul", y incluant ces bilans et effets, afin de calculer les bénéfices des mesures de CES. Un exemple concerne l'évaluation économique des cordons pierreux au Burkina Faso. (Résumé d'auteur

    Geomorphological mapping and geophysical profiling for the evaluation of natural hazards in an alpine catchment

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    International audienceLiechtenstein has faced an increasing number of natural hazards over recent decades: debris flows, slides, snow avalanches and floods repeatedly endanger the local infrastructure. Geomorphological field mapping and geo-electrical profiling was used to assess hazards near Malbun, a village potentially endangered by landslides, and especially debris flows. The area is located on the tectonic contacts of four different nappe slices. The bedrock consists of anhydrite and gypsum, dolomite, shale, marl, and limestone. The spatial distribution and occurrence of debris flows and slides is evaluated through a combination of geomorphological expert knowledge, and detailed visualization in a geographical information system. In a geo-database a symbol-based 1:3000 scale geomorphological map has been digitized and rectified into polygons. The polygons include information on the main geomorphological environment, the Quaternary material distribution and of geomorphological processes, which are stored in attribute tables. The spatial distribution of these attributes is then combined with geophysical information and displacement rates interpolated from benchmark measurements. On one of the landslides two geo-electrical profiles show that the distance to a potential failure plane varies between 10-20 m and that the topography of the failure plane is influenced by subterranean gypsum karst features. The displacement measurements show that this landslide actively disintegrates into minor slides and is not, therefore, a risk to the village of Malbun. The hazard zonation indicates that debris flows can pose a risk if no countermeasures are taken. Gypsum karst may locally accelerate the landslide activity. In contrast, the impact of debris flows is diminished because collapse dolines may act as sediment traps for the debris flow materials. This research illustrates how geomorphological expert knowledge can be integrated in a GIS for the evaluation of natural hazards on a detailed scale

    Een eeuw Wageningen University, 1918-2018 : een halve eeuw Erosiestudies in Spanje 1969-2018

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    Barriers to home care for terminally ill Turkish and Moroccan migrants, perceived by GPs and nurses: a survey

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    BACKGROUND: Previous qualitative research proved that relatives of elderly terminally ill Turkish and Moroccan immigrants experience several barriers to the use of Dutch professional home care. The aim of this study was to explore how general practitioners and home care nurses perceive the home care for terminally ill Turkish and Moroccan migrants and their families in the Netherlands. METHODS: Questionnaires were sent to home care organizations and GPs working in areas where most of these migrants are living. 93 nurses and 78 GPs provided information about their experiences and opinions regarding home care for this group of patients. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics. RESULTS: GPs refer relatively few patients from these migrant groups to home care. They often find it difficult to assess the needs of these patients and their families. In 40% of the GPs' cases in which terminally ill Turkish and Moroccan migrants were not referred to home care, the GP regretted this afterwards: the patients had not received sufficient qualified care, and their informal carers had often become overburdened. In addition, home care nurses often express dissatisfaction with the home care given to terminally ill Turkish or Moroccan patients, because of communication problems, the patients' lack of knowledge of the disease, or difficulties in making suitable appointments with the patient or with the family. CONCLUSIONS: Nurses and GPs cite chiefly similar factors influencing access to and use of home care as family members did in a previous study. However, according to GPs and nurses, the main barrier to the use of home care concerns communication problems, while relatives cited the preference for family care as the main reason for abstaining from the use of home care. (aut. ref.

    The relation between self-event connections and personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology

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    OBJECTIVE: One way in which individuals construct their narrative identity is by making self‐event connections, which are often linked to better functioning. Being unable to make connections is related to identity discontinuity and psychopathology. Work in the general population corroborates this association, but also highlights the importance of focusing on specific aspects of these connections and on vulnerable populations. METHOD: We examined the association of self‐event connections with personality functioning in youth with severe psychopathology (cross‐sectional N = 228, M (age) = 19.5, longitudinal N = 84), and the role of event and connection valence in the subsample of youth who made a connection (n = 188 and n = 68). Negative affectivity was controlled for in all models. RESULTS: We found no evidence that self‐event connections, nor connection valence and its interaction with event valence, are related to functioning. Positive event valence was associated with better functioning. Higher negative affectivity was strongly linked to lower functioning and explained the relation between event valence and functioning. No longitudinal associations emerged. CONCLUSIONS: These findings show that for youth with severe psychopathology making self‐event connections may not be associated with better functioning. Moreover, negative affectivity may be a distal predictor of both event valence and functioning

    A systematic review of the energy and climate impacts of teleworking

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    Information and communication technologies (ICTs) increasingly enable employees to work from home and other locations (‘teleworking’). This study explores the extent to which teleworking reduces the need to travel to work and the consequent impacts on economy-wide energy consumption. Methods/Design: The paper provides a systematic review of the current state of knowledge of the energy impacts of teleworking. This includes the energy savings from reduced commuter travel and the indirect impacts on energy consumption associated with changes in non-work travel and home energy consumption. The aim is to identify the conditions under which teleworking leads to a net reduction in economy-wide energy consumption, and the circumstances where benefits may be outweighed by unintended impacts. The paper synthesises the results of 39 empirical studies, identified through a comprehensive search of 9,000 published articles. Review results/Synthesis: Twenty six of the 39 studies suggest that teleworking reduces energy use, and only eight studies suggest that teleworking increases, or has a neutral impact on energy use. However, differences in the methodology, scope and assumptions of the different studies make it difficult to estimate ‘average’ energy savings. The main source of savings is the reduced distance travelled for commuting, potentially with an additional contribution from lower office energy consumption. However, the more rigorous studies that include a wider range of impacts (e.g. non-work travel or home energy use) generally find smaller savings. Discussion: Despite the generally positive verdict on teleworking as an energy-saving practice, there are numerous uncertainties and ambiguities about its actual or potential benefits. These relate to the extent to which teleworking may lead to unpredictable increases in non-work travel and home energy use that may outweigh the gains from reduced work travel. The available evidence suggests that economy-wide energy savings are typically modest, and in many circumstances could be negative or non-existent

    Perspectives on care and communication involving incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, relatives and professionals: a systematic literature review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Our aim was to obtain a clearer picture of the relevant care experiences and care perceptions of incurably ill Turkish and Moroccan patients, their relatives and professional care providers, as well as of communication and decision-making patterns at the end of life. The ultimate objective is to improve palliative care for Turkish and Moroccan immigrants in the Netherlands, by taking account of socio-cultural factors in the guidelines for palliative care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A systematic literature review was undertaken. The data sources were seventeen national and international literature databases, four Dutch journals dedicated to palliative care and 37 websites of relevant national and international organizations. All the references found were checked to see whether they met the structured inclusion criteria. Inclusion was limited to publications dealing with primary empirical research on the relationship between socio-cultural factors and the health or care situation of Turkish or Moroccan patients with an oncological or incurable disease. The selection was made by first reading the titles and abstracts and subsequently the full texts. The process of deciding which studies to include was carried out by two reviewers independently. A generic appraisal instrument was applied to assess the methodological quality.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-seven studies were found that reported findings for the countries of origin (mainly Turkey) and the immigrant host countries (mainly the Netherlands). The central themes were experiences and perceptions of family care, professional care, end-of-life care and communication. Family care is considered a duty, even when such care becomes a severe burden for the main female family caregiver in particular. Professional hospital care is preferred by many of the patients and relatives because they are looking for a cure and security. End-of-life care is strongly influenced by the continuing hope for recovery. Relatives are often quite influential in end-of-life decisions, such as the decision to withdraw or withhold treatments. The diagnosis, prognosis and end-of-life decisions are seldom discussed with the patient, and communication about pain and mental problems is often limited. Language barriers and the dominance of the family may exacerbate communication problems.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This review confirms the view that family members of patients with a Turkish or Moroccan background have a central role in care, communication and decision making at the end of life. This, in combination with their continuing hope for the patient’s recovery may inhibit open communication between patients, relatives and professionals as partners in palliative care. This implies that organizations and professionals involved in palliative care should take patients’ socio-cultural characteristics into account and incorporate cultural sensitivity into care standards and care practices<it>.</it></p

    Role of institutional and socio-economic factors on adoption, dis-adoption and non-adoption of soil and water conservation technologies: Empirical evience from the North Western Ethiopia highlands.

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    ABSTRACT In order to combat land degradation in the form of water erosion and fertility depletion in the Central Rift Valley (CRV) of Ethiopia farmers are of crucial importance. If they perceive land degradation as a problem they will be more willing to invest in land management measures. This study presents farmers’ perceptions of land degradation, respective investments, and factors influencing their investments in land. In this study, water erosion and fertility depletion are taken as main indicators of land degradation. Results show that farmers perceive water erosion and soil fertility depletion as problems that have intensified over the last decade. However, despite awareness of these problems, farmers’ investments to control soil erosion and soil fertility depletion are very limited. This study shows that the major factors that positively influence farmers’ investments in land management practices are households’ resource endowments, access to information, social capital and availability of family labor. For sustainable land management strategies this implies that these should (i) be integrated within a comprehensive rural development strategy that generates improvements of farmers’ livelihoods and their financial capacity, (ii) trigger social capital and create enabling conditions for farmers to participate in different groups, cross site visits and farmer-to-farmer experience sharing, and (iii) stimulate collective action within the villages in order to enhance access to labor which is crucial for carrying out land management practices. Key words: Land degradation, farmers’ investments, sustainable land management, socioeconomic factors, factor analysi

    Identity development across the transition from primary to secondary school: The role of personality and the social context

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    The secondary school transition may be important for identity change. We investigated identity change and subgroups therein, and whether personal and environmental factors explain subgroup membership. Data was used from four timepoints across the last year of primary and first year of secondary school from 241 adolescents (M age = 11.6, range 10.5–12.8). Identity change was generally in the direction of higher pre-transition commitment and lower post-transition commitment and exploration, with most change as well as differences therein manifesting post-transition. Neuroticism and best friend support did not predict group membership; parental support predicted more adaptive change. These findings suggest educational identity change around the transition and especially during its runup is relatively normative, with strong expectations of how adolescents should change

    Гарантоздатність як фундаментальний узагальнюючий та інтегруючий підхід

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    Представлені головні принципи та умови становлення і етапи розвитку фундаментальної теорії і практики узагальнюючих та інтегруючих концепцій гарантоздатності, починаючи з першої об’єднаної конференції двох наукових шкіл Дж. фон Неймана і Н. Вінера. Приведені основні положення розвитку теоретичних засад і результатів прикладних досліджень інтеграційних процесів безвідмовності (надійності), відмовостійкості та гарантоздатності інформаційно-управляючих комп’ютерних систем (ІУКС).Представлены главные принципы, условия становления и этапы развития фундаментальной теории и практики обобщающих и интегрирующих концепций гарантоспособности, начиная с первой объединённой конференции двух научных школ Дж. фон Неймана и Н. Винера. Приведены основные положения развития теоретических основ и результатов прикладных исследований интеграционных процессов безотказности (надёжности), отказоустойчивости и гарантоспособности информационно-управляющих компьютерных систем (ИУКС).The main principles and conditions of formation and stages of development of the fundamental theory and practice of the generalizing and integrating concepts of dependability were presented after the leadthrough the first joint conference of two scientific schools of J. von Neumann and N. Wiener. The basic aspects of development of theoretical principles and results of applied researches of integration processes of reliability (fail-safety)