1,077 research outputs found

    Effects of wall compliance on the laminar–turbulent transition of torsional Couette flow

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    Torsional Couette flow between a rotating disk and a stationary wall is studied experimentally. The surface of the disk is either rigid or covered with a compliant coating. The influence of wall compliance on characteristic flow instabilities and on the laminar–turbulent flow transition is investigated. Data obtained from analysing flow visualizations are discussed. It is found that wall compliance favours two of the three characteristic wave patterns associated with the transition process and broadens the parameter regime in which these patterns are observed. The results for the effects of wall compliance on the third pattern are inconclusive. However, the experiments indicate that the third pattern is not a primary constituent of the laminar–turbulent transition process of torsional Couette flow

    Mieux gérer l'information sur les périmètres irrigués collectifs : un outil au service de leur efficacité

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    International audienceAu Mali, l'Office du Niger gère un périmètre d'irrigation entièrement gravitaire de 70 000 ha. La programmation et le suivi de la maintenance de ce réseau sont assurés paritairement par l'Office du Niger et des représentants des usagers. Ces activités rencontrent de grandes difficultés pour mobiliser l'information nécessaire. En partant des pratiques actuelles des différents acteurs et en explicitant, avec eux, les procédures de gestion employées, une application informatique a été mise au point (le système d'information pour la maintenance à l'Office du Niger) afin de gérer les données de manière uniformisée, d'en assurer le traitement informatique et de les stocker. Son implantation dans les divers services de l'Office du Niger (service de gestion de l'eau, service des aménagements hydrauliques, bureau des procédures de marchés) a fait l'objet de formations et d'actions d'accompagnement. Ce système assure les fonctionnalités de programmation et de suivi des interventions de maintenance ainsi que la gestion de l'ensemble des données de références que sont les composants du réseau d'irrigation - canaux, cavaliers et pistes, ouvrages - et les nomenclatures. La lenteur du processus d'intégration de ce nouveau système est due d'une part à la charge de travail importante pour mettre en place les données de référence, et d'autre part à la volonté de laisser les agents des services de l'Office s'approprier cet outil à leur rythme. Cependant, le manque de supports et d'assistance informatique fonctionnelle, rapprochée et permanente a pénalisé ce processus, de même l'engagement de la hiérarchie est indispensable pour intégrer pleinement ce logiciel dans la gestion. Si, aujourd'hui, l'emploi du logiciel n'est pas encore systématisé pour la gestion de la maintenance, les réflexions collectives qui ont généré son élaboration ont permis de confronter et d'uniformiser le vocabulaire et les pratiques de gestion de la maintenance des différents services de l'Office du Niger. Des supports d'information, principalement cartographiques, destinés aux paysans et à leurs représentants au sein des comités paritaires, seront prochainement soumis à la critique de ces usagers. Ce type de démarche et de concepts devrait trouver des applications sur d'autres périmètres du même type

    Endothelial Connexin37 and Connexin40 participate in basal but not agonist-induced NO release.

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    BACKGROUND: Connexin37 (Cx37) and Cx40 are crucial for endothelial cell-cell communication and homeostasis. Both connexins interact with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS). The exact contribution of these interactions to the regulation of vascular tone is unknown. RESULTS: Cx37 and Cx40 were expressed in close proximity to eNOS at cell-cell interfaces of mouse aortic endothelial cells. Absence of Cx37 did not affect expression of Cx40 and a 50 % reduction of Cx40 in Cx40(+/-) aortas did not affect the expression of Cx37. However, absence of Cx40 was associated with reduced expression of Cx37. Basal NO release and the sensitivity for ACh were decreased in Cx37(-/-) and Cx40(-/-) aortas but not in Cx40(+/-) aortas. Moreover, ACh-induced release of constricting cyclooxygenase products was present in WT, Cx40(-/-) and Cx40(+/-) aortas but not in Cx37(-/-) aortas. Finally, agonist-induced NO-dependent relaxations and the sensitivity for exogenous NO were not affected by genotype. CONCLUSIONS: Cx37 is more markedly involved in basal NO release, release of cyclooxygenase products and the regulation of the sensitivity for ACh as compared to Cx40

    Sodium [2-(mercaptomethylcarbonylamino)-N-(2-mercaptophenyl)ethanamide(4-)-[kappa]4S,N,N',S']oxorhenate(V) monohydrate

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    In the complex anion of the title compound, Na[Re(C10H8N2O2S2)O]·H2O, the Re atom adopts a square-pyramidal coordination, in which the Re=O bond is apical and the S,N,N,S-tetradentate ligand spans the four basal sites. The Na+ counter-ion is octahedrally surrounded by one S and five O atoms

    Tetraphenylphosphonium [N-(2-aminophenyl)-2-(mercaptomethylcarbonylamino)ethanamido(4-)-[kappa]4S,N,N',N'']oxorhenate(V)

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    The title compound, (C24H20P)[Re(C10H9N3O2S)O], contains well separated square-pyramidal [OReL]- complex anions (L is the deprotonated N-(2-aminophenyl)-2-(mercaptomethylcarbonylamino)ethanamide ligand) and tetrahedral [(C6H5)4P]+ cations. In the anion, the Re=O bond is oriented along the apical direction and the four basal sites are occupied by one S- and three N-atom donors of the tetradentate L4- ligand

    Decision-Making Measured by the Iowa Gambling Task in Patients with Alcohol Use Disorders Choosing Harm Reduction versus Relapse Prevention Program

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    AIMS: Two main therapeutic programs were offered to patients suffering from alcohol use disorders (AUDs): avoid the alcohol by abstinence or controlling their consumption. After information and motivational sessions, the patient chooses his own therapeutic plan. However, patients with AUD exhibit poor decision-making. The purpose of this study was to investigate the decision-making in AUD by comparing patients who chose to reduce and control their consumption to those who chose abstinence program. METHODS: Sixty-seven subjects with alcohol use disorder were included (AUD group) for treatment, choosing either a relapse prevention program (RPP) or a harm reduction program (HRP). Patients were compared to a healthy control group (n = 31). Cognitive skills were assessed through the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test, the National Adult Reading Test, the Trail Making Test and the Iowa Gambling Task (IGT). RESULTS: Thirty-seven patients with AUD chose the RPP while 30 followed a HRP. The AUD group performed worse than controls on the IGT. The RPP group had significantly lower performance than both HRP and control groups (these later groups being not statistically different). No correlation was observed between the available clinical, cognitive and intellectual measures. CONCLUSION: This study confirms that the decision-making process of patients with an alcohol use disorder is impaired. However, the 2 groups differ on the IGT scores, despite comparable clinical and cognitive profiles. The patients\u27 decision-making abilities could be a useful guide when developing therapeutic programs

    Magnetic field induced by elliiptical instability in a rotating tidally distorded sphere

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    It is usually believed that the geo-dynamo of the Earth or more generally of other planets, is created by the convective fluid motions inside their molten cores. An alternative to this thermal or compositional convection can however be found in the inertial waves resonances generated by the eventual precession of these planets or by the possible tidal distorsions of their liquid cores. We will review in this paper some of our experimental works devoted to the elliptical instability and present some new results when the experimental fluid is a liquid metal. We show in particular that an imposed magnetic field is distorted by the spin- over mode generated by the elliptical instability. In our experiment, the field is weak (20 Gauss) and the Lorenz force is negligible compared to the inertial forces, therefore the magnetic field does not modify the fluid flow and the pure hydrodynamics growth rates of the instability are recovered through magnetic measurements

    Targeting endothelial connexin40 inhibits tumor growth by reducing angiogenesis and improving vessel perfusion.

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    Endothelial connexin40 (Cx40) contributes to regulate the structure and function of vessels. We have examined whether the protein also modulates the altered growth of vessels in tumor models established in control mice (WT), mice lacking Cx40 (Cx40-/-), and mice expressing the protein solely in endothelial cells (Tie2-Cx40). Tumoral angiogenesis and growth were reduced, whereas vessel perfusion, smooth muscle cell (SMC) coverage and animal survival were increased in Cx40-/- but not Tie2-Cx40 mice, revealing a critical involvement of endothelial Cx40 in transformed tissues independently of the hypertensive status of Cx40-/- mice. As a result, Cx40-/- mice bearing tumors survived significantly longer than corresponding controls, including after a cytotoxic administration. Comparable observations were made in WT mice injected with a peptide targeting Cx40, supporting the Cx40 involvement. This involvement was further confirmed in the absence of Cx40 or by peptide-inhibition of this connexin in aorta-sprouting, matrigel plug and SMC migration assays, and associated with a decreased expression of the phosphorylated form of endothelial nitric oxide synthase. The data identify Cx40 as a potential novel target in cancer treatment

    Investigation of nosocomial pneumocystis infections: usefulness of longitudinal screening of epidemic and post-epidemic pneumocystis genotypes

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    BACKGROUND: Twenty-five patients, of whom 22 were renal transplant recipients, developed Pneumocystis jirovecii infections at the nephrology department of Reims University Hospital (France) from September 2008 to October 2009, whereas only four sporadic cases had been diagnosed in this department over the 14 previous years. AIM: This outbreak was investigated by analysing patient encounters and P. jirovecii types. METHODS: A transmission map was drawn up. P. jirovecii typing at DHPS, ITS and mtLSU rRNA sequences was performed in the patients of the cluster (18 patients with Pneumocystis pneumonia (PCP) and seven colonized patients), 10 unlinked control patients (six PCP patients and four colonized patients), as well as 23 other patients diagnosed with P. jirovecii (nine PCP patients and 14 colonized patients) in the same department over a three-year post-epidemic period. FINDINGS: Eleven encounters between patients harbouring the same types were observed. Three PCP patients and one colonized patient were considered as possible index cases. The most frequent types in the cluster group and the control group were identical. However, their frequency was significantly higher in the first than in the second group (P < 0.01). Identical types were also identified in the post-epidemic group, suggesting a second outbreak due to the same strain, contemporary to a disruption in prevention measures. CONCLUSIONS: These results provide additional data on the role of both PCP and colonized patients as infectious sources. Longitudinal screening of P. jirovecii types in infected patients, including colonized patients, is required in the investigation of the fungus\u27s circulation within hospitals

    An Upper Mass Limit on a Red Supergiant Progenitor for the Type II-Plateau Supernova SN 2006my

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    We analyze two pre-supernova (SN) and three post-SN high-resolution images of the site of the Type II-Plateau supernova SN 2006my in an effort to either detect the progenitor star or to constrain its properties. Following image registration, we find that an isolated stellar object is not detected at the location of SN 2006my in either of the two pre-SN images. In the first, an I-band image obtained with the Wide-Field and Planetary Camera 2 on board the Hubble Space Telescope, the offset between the SN 2006my location and a detected source ("Source 1") is too large: > 0.08", which corresponds to a confidence level of non-association of 96% from our most liberal estimates of the transformation and measurement uncertainties. In the second, a similarly obtained V-band image, a source is detected ("Source 2") that has overlap with the SN 2006my location but is definitively an extended object. Through artificial star tests carried out on the precise location of SN 2006my in the images, we derive a 3-sigma upper bound on the luminosity of a red supergiant that could have remained undetected in our pre-SN images of log L/L_Sun = 5.10, which translates to an upper bound on such a star's initial mass of 15 M_Sun from the STARS stellar evolutionary models. Although considered unlikely, we can not rule out the possibility that part of the light comprising Source 1, which exhibits a slight extension relative to other point sources in the image, or part of the light contributing to the extended Source 2, may be due to the progenitor of SN 2006my. Only additional, high-resolution observations of the site taken after SN 2006my has faded beyond detection can confirm or reject these possibilities.Comment: Minor text changes from Version 1. Appendix added detailing the determination of confidence level of non-association of point sources in two registered astronomical image