377 research outputs found

    What Sets the Radial Locations of Warm Debris Disks?

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    The architectures of debris disks encode the history of planet formation in these systems. Studies of debris disks via their spectral energy distributions (SEDs) have found infrared excesses arising from cold dust, warm dust, or a combination of the two. The cold outer belts of many systems have been imaged, facilitating their study in great detail. Far less is known about the warm components, including the origin of the dust. The regularity of the disk temperatures indicates an underlying structure that may be linked to the water snow line. If the dust is generated from collisions in an exo-asteroid belt, the dust will likely trace the location of the water snow line in the primordial protoplanetary disk where planetesimal growth was enhanced. If instead the warm dust arises from the inward transport from a reservoir of icy material farther out in the system, the dust location is expected to be set by the current snow line. We analyze the SEDs of a large sample of debris disks with warm components. We find that warm components in single-component systems (those without detectable cold components) follow the primordial snow line rather than the current snow line, so they likely arise from exo-asteroid belts. While the locations of many warm components in two-component systems are also consistent with the primordial snow line, there is more diversity among these systems, suggesting additional effects play a role

    Infrared Emission by Dust Around lambda Bootis Stars: Debris Disks or Thermally Emitting Nebulae?

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    We present a model that describes stellar infrared excesses due to heating of the interstellar (IS) dust by a hot star passing through a diffuse IS cloud. This model is applied to six lambda Bootis stars with infrared excesses. Plausible values for the IS medium (ISM) density and relative velocity between the cloud and the star yield fits to the excess emission. This result is consistent with the diffusion/accretion hypothesis that lambda Bootis stars (A- to F-type stars with large underabundances of Fe-peak elements) owe their characteristics to interactions with the ISM. This proposal invokes radiation pressure from the star to repel the IS dust and excavate a paraboloidal dust cavity in the IS cloud, while the metal-poor gas is accreted onto the stellar photosphere. However, the measurements of the infrared excesses can also be fit by planetary debris disk models. A more detailed consideration of the conditions to produce lambda Bootis characteristics indicates that the majority of infrared-excess stars within the Local Bubble probably have debris disks. Nevertheless, more distant stars may often have excesses due to heating of interstellar material such as in our model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted by ApJ, emulateap

    Relative photometry of HAT-P-1b occultations

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    We present HST STIS observations of two occultations of the transiting exoplanet HAT-P-1b. By measuring the planet to star flux ratio near opposition, we constrain the geometric albedo of the planet, which is strongly linked to its atmospheric temperature gradient. An advantage of HAT-P-1 as a target is its binary companion ADS 16402 A, which provides an excellent photometric reference, simplifying the usual steps in removing instrumental artifacts from HST time-series photometry. We find that without this reference star, we would need to detrend the lightcurve with the time of the exposures as well as the first three powers of HST orbital phase, and this would introduce a strong bias in the results for the albedo. However, with this reference star, we only need to detrend the data with the time of the exposures to achieve the same per-point scatter, therefore we can avoid most of the bias associated with detrending. Our final result is a 2 sigma upper limit of 0.64 for the geometric albedo of HAT-P-1b between 577 and 947 nm.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 3 table

    The impact of suspension control on the controllability of the lateral vehicle dynamics

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    International audienceSince there is a coupling between lateral and vertical dynamics, the interactions between control components must be taken into consideration. The paper presents the effects of vertical load variations on the controlled invariant set of the steering system. In the model the nonlinear characteristics of the tire force are approximated by the polynomial form. The analysis is based on Sum-of-Squares programming method and parameter-dependent polynomial control Lyapunov functions. The Maximum Controlled Invariant Sets of the steering as a function of vertical loads are illustrated through a simulation example. The results of the analysis are built into the control design of the suspension system. A semi-active suspension system using preview control is applied. The operation of the controller is illustrated through simulation examples

    SPITZER/IRAC-MIPS Survey of NGC2451A and B: Debris Disks at 50-80 million years

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    We present a Spitzer IRAC and MIPS survey of NGC 2451 A and B, two open clusters in the 50-80 Myr age range. We complement these data with extensive ground-based photometry and spectroscopy to identify the cluster members in the Spitzer survey field. We find only two members with 8 micron excesses. The incidence of excesses at 24 microns is much higher, 11 of 31 solar-like stars and 1 of 7 early-type (A) stars. This work nearly completes the debris disk surveys with Spitzer of clusters in the 30-130 Myr range. This range is of inte rest because it is when large planetesimal collisions may have still been relatively common (as indicated by the one that led to the formation of the Moon during this period of the evolution of the Solar System). We review the full set of surveys and find that there are only three possible cases out of about 250 roughly solar-mass stars where very large excesses suggest that such collisions have occurred recently.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 25 pages 17 figure

    The first CCD photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2126

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    We present the first CCD photometric observations of the northern open cluster NGC 2126. Data were taken on eight nights in February and December 2002 with a total time span of ~57 hours. Almost 1000 individual V-band frames were examined to find short-period variable stars. We discovered six new variable stars, of which one is a promising candidate for an eclipsing binary with a pulsating component. Two stars were classified as delta Scuti stars and one as Algol-type eclipsing binary. Two stars are slow variables with ambiguous classification. From absolute VRI photometry we have estimated the main characteristics of the cluster: m-M=11.0+/-0.5, E(V-I)=0.4+/-0.1, E(V-R)=0.08+/-0.06 (E(B-V)=0.2+/-0.15) and d=1.3+/-0.6 kpc. Cluster membership is suggested for three variable stars from their positions on the colour-magnitude diagram.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The design of an H∞/LPV active braking control to improve vehicle roll stability

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    International audienceThe active braking control system is an active safety system designed to prevent accidents and to stabilize dynamic manoeuvers of a vehicle by generating an artificial yaw moment using differential braking forces. In this paper, the yaw-roll model of a single unit heavy vehicle is used for studying the active braking system by using the longitudinal braking force at each wheel. The grid-based LPV approach is used to synthesize the H ∞ /LPV controller by considering the parameter dependant weighting function for the lateral acceleration. The braking monitor designs are proposed to allow the active braking system to react when the normalized load transfer at the rear axle reaches the criteria of rollover ±1. The simulation results indicate that the active braking system satisfies the adaptation of vehicle rollover in an emergency situation, with low braking forces and improved handling performance of the vehicle

    Breathing Spots in a Reaction-Diffusion System

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    A quasi-2-dimensional stationary spot in a disk-shaped chemical reactor is observed to bifurcate to an oscillating spot when a control parameter is increased beyond a critical value. Further increase of the control parameter leads to the collapse and disappearance of the spot. Analysis of a bistable activator-inhibitor model indicates that the observed behavior is a consequence of interaction of the front with the boundary near a parity breaking front bifurcation.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, see also http://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/ and http://t7.lanl.gov/People/Aric

    Photoevaporation of Protoplanetary Disks

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    We present HST/NICMOS Paschen alpha images and low and high resolution IRS spectra of photoevaporating disk-tail systems originally detected at 24 micron near O stars. We find no Paschen alpha emission in any of the systems. The resulting upper limits correspond to about 0.000002-0.000003 solar mass of mass in hydrogen in the tails suggesting that the gas is severely depleted. The IRAC data and the low resolution 5-12 micron IRS spectra provide evidence for an inner disk while high resolution long wavelength (14-30 micron) IRS spectra confirm the presence of a gas free ``tail'' that consists of ~ 0.01 to ~ 1 micron dust grains originating in the outer parts of the circumstellar disks. Overall our observations support theoretical predictions in which photoevaporation removes the gas relatively quickly (<= 100000 yrs) from the outer region of a protoplanetary disk but leaves an inner more robust and possibly gas-rich disk component of radius 5-10 AU. With the gas gone, larger solid bodies in the outer disk can experience a high rate of collisions and produce elevated amounts of dust. This dust is being stripped from the system by the photon pressure of the O star to form a gas-free dusty tail.Comment: 9 pages 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap