310 research outputs found

    Minimally invasive blood sampling method for genetic studies on Gopherus tortoises

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    Método de extracción de sangre mínimamente invasivo para estudios genéticos en tortugas terrestres del género Gopherus La obtención de muestras de tejido de buena calidad es la primera dificultad en cualquier estudio molecular. Esto es especialmente cierto en los estudios de manejo y conservación de la fauna silvestre. En el caso de las tortugas terrestres, la fuente más habitual de ADN son las muestras de sangre obtenidas principalmente de las venas braquial y yugular por contención química, o de individuos conscientes mediante métodos de manipulación y sujeción que pueden causar estrés en el animal. Se requiere una cantidad mínima de sangre para los ensayos del PCR. A continuación, presentamos una técnica mínimamente invasiva que ha resultado eficaz para extraer pequeñas cantidades de sangre apropiadas para realizar análisis genéticos. Además, las muestras obtenidas producen una amplificación de ADN mejor que otras fuentes celulares, como las células epiteliales cloacales. Después de dos años de aplicación en tortugas terrestres silvestres, esta técnica ha demostrado ser inofensiva. Sugerimos que el muestreo de pequeñas cantidades de sangre con esta técnica podría ser útil para otro tipo de análisis, como el seguimiento fisiológico y médico.Obtaining good quality tissue samples is the first hurdle in any molecular study. This is especially true for studies involving management and conservation of wild fauna. In the case of tortoises, the most common sources of DNA are blood samples. However, only a minimal amount of blood is required for PCR assays. Samples are obtained mainly from the brachial and jugular vein after restraining the animal chemically; or from conscious individuals by severe handling methods and clamping. Herein, we present a minimally invasive technique that has proven effective for extracting small quantities of blood, suitable for genetic analyses. Furthermore, the samples obtained yielded better DNA amplification than other cell sources, such as cloacal epithelium cells. After two years of use on wild tortoises, this technique has shown to be harmless. We suggest that sampling a small amount of blood could also be useful for other types of analyses, such as physiologic and medical monitoring.Método de extracción de sangre mínimamente invasivo para estudios genéticos en tortugas terrestres del género Gopherus La obtención de muestras de tejido de buena calidad es la primera dificultad en cualquier estudio molecular. Esto es especialmente cierto en los estudios de manejo y conservación de la fauna silvestre. En el caso de las tortugas terrestres, la fuente más habitual de ADN son las muestras de sangre obtenidas principalmente de las venas braquial y yugular por contención química, o de individuos conscientes mediante métodos de manipulación y sujeción que pueden causar estrés en el animal. Se requiere una cantidad mínima de sangre para los ensayos del PCR. A continuación, presentamos una técnica mínimamente invasiva que ha resultado eficaz para extraer pequeñas cantidades de sangre apropiadas para realizar análisis genéticos. Además, las muestras obtenidas producen una amplificación de ADN mejor que otras fuentes celulares, como las células epiteliales cloacales. Después de dos años de aplicación en tortugas terrestres silvestres, esta técnica ha demostrado ser inofensiva. Sugerimos que el muestreo de pequeñas cantidades de sangre con esta técnica podría ser útil para otro tipo de análisis, como el seguimiento fisiológico y médico

    Suitability of winter canola (Brassica napus) for enhancing summer annual crop rotations in Iowa

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    What are the prospects for winter canola as an alternative crop for Iowa farmers? This project examined the economics and costs/benefits of adding canola as a third crop or a cover crop in rotations

    Perceived internal depth in rotating and translating objects

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    Previous research has indicated that observers use differences between velocities and ratios of velocities to judge the depth within a moving object, although depth cannot in general be determined from these quantities. In four experiments we examined the relative effects of velocity difference and velocity ratio on judged depth within a transparent object that was rotating about a vertical axis and translating horizontally, examined the effects of the velocity difference for pure rotations and pure translations, and examined the effect of the velocity difference for objects that varied in simulated internal depth. Both the velocity difference and the velocity ratio affected judged depth, with difference having the larger effect. The effect of velocity difference was greater for pure rotations than for pure translations. Simulated depth did not affect judged depth unless there was a corresponding change in the projected width of the object. Observers appear to use the velocity difference, the velocity ratio, and the projected width of the object heuristically to judge internal object depth, rather than using image information from which relative depth could potentially be recovered

    Neural Regions Underlying Object and Action Naming: Complementary Evidence from Acute Stroke and Primary Progressive Aphasia

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    Background: Naming impairment is commonly noted in individuals with aphasia. However, object naming receives more attention than action naming. Furthermore, most studies include participants with aphasia due to only one aetiology, commonly stroke. We developed a new assessment, the Hopkins Action Naming Assessment (HANA), to evaluate action naming impairments. Methods \u3e& Procedures: Participants (N = 138 PPA, N = 37 acute stroke) completed the BNT and HANA. Behavioural performance was compared. A subset of participants (N = 31 PPA, N = 37 acute stroke) provided neuroimaging data. The whole brain was automatically segmented into regions of interest (ROIs). For participants with PPA, the image variables were the ROI volumes, normalised by brain volume. For participants with acute stroke, the image variables were the percentage of each ROI that was lesioned. The relationship between ROIs likely to be involved in naming performance was modelled with LASSO regression. Outcomes & Results: Behavioural results showed a double dissociation in performance: in each group, some participants displayed intact performance relative to healthy controls on actions but not objects and/or significantly better performance on actions than objects, while others showed the opposite pattern. These results support the need to assess both objects and actions when evaluating naming deficits. Neuroimaging results identified different regions associated with object vs. action naming, implicating overlapping but distinct networks of regions. Furthermore, results differed for participants with PPA vs. acute stroke, indicating that critical information may be missed when only one aetiology is considered. Conclusions: Overall, the study provides a more comprehensive picture of the neural bases of naming, underscoring the importance of assessing both objects and actions and considering different aetiologies of damage. It demonstrates the HANA\u27s utility

    Photocatalytic activity of a new composite material of Fe (III) oxide nanoparticles wrapped by a matrix of polymeric carbon nitride and amorphous carbon

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    Polymeric carbon nitride was synthesized from urea and doped with Cu and Fe to act as co-catalysts. The material doped with Fe was a new composite material composed of Fe(III) oxides (acting as a co-catalyst) wrapped by the polymer layers and amorphous carbon. Furthermore, the copper doped material was described in a previous report. The photocatalytic degradation of the azo dye direct blue 1 (DB) was studied using as photocatalysts: pure carbon nitride (CN), carbon nitride doped with Cu (CN-Cu) and carbon nitride doped with Fe (CN-Fe). The catalysts were characterized by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction (XRD), by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Brunauer–Emmett–Teller method (BET), etc. The adsorption phenomenon was studied using the Langmuir and Freundlich models. For the kinetic study, a solution of 500 mg L-1 of DB1 was treated with each catalyst, visible light and H2O2. The dye concentration was measured by spectrophotometry at the wavelength of 565 nm, and the removal of the total organic content (TOC) was quantified. BET analysis yielded surface areas of 60.029, 20.116 and 70.662 m2g-1 for CN, CN-Cu and CN-Fe, respectively. The kinetics of degradation were pseudo-first order, whose constants were 0.093, 0.039 and 0.110 min-1 for CN, CN-Cu and CN-Fe, respectively. The total organic carbon (TOC) removal reached the highest value of 14.46% with CN-Fe

    Inside the metropolis: the articulation of Spanish metropolitan areas into local labor markets

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    In this article, we delimit local labor markets (LLMs) in order to analyze the internal structure and organization of Spanish metropolitan areas. LLMs are defined as self-contained and cohesive areas in terms of commuting flows. Unlike the conventional approach to polycentrism based on the analysis of commuting flows that begins with the identification of subcenters, our analytical strategy does assume any a priori structure and is compatible with the relationship between places of work and residence having other locational and spatial organization patterns. The analysis is performed at three different scales of detail linked to three self-containment levels for the LLMs delimited and three population groups (total, males, and females). The results show that metropolitan areas are complex, fuzzy, multidimensional spaces, where the conditions of spatial organization are manifested in different ways depending on the parameters and variables used.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [grant numbers CSO2011-29943-C03-01, CSO2011-29943-C03-02, CSO2014-55780-C3-1-P, and CSO2014-55780-C3-2-P (National R&D&I Plan)]

    Descripción de la onda de reducción polarográfica de un derivado pirimidínico

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    It is effecte the polarographic description of a pyrimidine derivative. There is only one step of reduction with interchange of two electrons and two protons.Se ha efectuado la descripción polarográfica de un derivado pirimidínico. Se presenta un sólo paso de reducción con intercambio de dos electrones y dos protones

    Evaluación bioquímica de fracciones proteínicas de piñón Mexicano (Jatropha curcas L.)

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    J. curcas seed proteins were fractioned according to the Osborne method and some biochemical properties were determined for these fractions. Glutelins (378 g kg–1 protein) and globulins (201 g kg–1 protein) were the main components. Albumins and prolamins were the minor components. Protein digestibility was highest in glutelins and globulins with values of 81 and 80% respectively. Electrophoresis analysis showed that globulins and glutelins exhibited similar polypeptide profiles. Electrophoresis patterns suggested that there could be a structural relationship among 2S, 7S and 11S storage proteins from plant sources. According to the FAO⁄WHO reference, the protein fractions had acceptable levels of most of the essential amino acids, but its globulins and glutelins were low in lysine and tryptophan.Las proteínas de semillas de J. curcas L. se fraccionaron empleando el método de Osborne y posteriormente se determinaron algunas de sus propiedades bioquímicas y nutricionales. Las fracciones mayoritarias resultaron ser glutelinas (378 g kg–1 de proteína) y globulinas (201 g kg–1 de proteína) mientras que las albúminas y prolaminas fueron las fracciones minoritarias. La digestibilidad de la proteína resultó ser más alta en las glutelinas y globulinas, con valores de 81 y 80% respectivamente. El análisis por electroforesis mostró que las globulinas y glutelinas presentaron perfiles similares, los resultados sugieren que podría existir una relación con proteínas de almacenamiento 2S, 7S y 11S de origen vegetal. Asimismo, de acuerdo con la FAO/WHO, las fracciones proteínicas tuvieron niveles aceptables para la mayoría de los aminoácidos esenciales, sin embargo, las globulinas y glutelinas fueron deficientes en Lys y Trp

    Judging distance across texture discontinuities

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    Sinai et al (1998 Nature 395 497 - 500) showed that less distance is perceived along a ground surface that spans two differently textured regions than along a surface that is uniformly textured. We examined the effect of texture continuity on judged distance using computer-generated displays of simulated surfaces in five experiments. Discontinuities were produced by using different textures, the same texture reversed in contrast, or the same texture shifted horizontally. The simulated surface was either a ground plane or a frontoparallel plane. For all textures and both orientations, less distance was judged in the discontinuous conditions than in continuous conditions. We propose that when a surface contains a texture discontinuity, a small area adjacent to the perceived boundary is excluded from judged distances

    Sarcomere function activates a p53-dependent DNA damage response that promotes polyploidization and limits in vivo cell engraftment.

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    Human cardiac regeneration is limited by low cardiomyocyte replicative rates and progressive polyploidization by unclear mechanisms. To study this process, we engineer a human cardiomyocyte model to track replication and polyploidization using fluorescently tagged cyclin B1 and cardiac troponin T. Using time-lapse imaging, in vitro cardiomyocyte replication patterns recapitulate the progressive mononuclear polyploidization and replicative arrest observed in vivo. Single-cell transcriptomics and chromatin state analyses reveal that polyploidization is preceded by sarcomere assembly, enhanced oxidative metabolism, a DNA damage response, and p53 activation. CRISPR knockout screening reveals p53 as a driver of cell-cycle arrest and polyploidization. Inhibiting sarcomere function, or scavenging ROS, inhibits cell-cycle arrest and polyploidization. Finally, we show that cardiomyocyte engraftment in infarcted rat hearts is enhanced 4-fold by the increased proliferation of troponin-knockout cardiomyocytes. Thus, the sarcomere inhibits cell division through a DNA damage response that can be targeted to improve cardiomyocyte replacement strategies