4,709 research outputs found

    Saturation properties and incompressibility of nuclear matter: A consistent determination from nuclear masses

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    Starting with a two-body effective nucleon-nucleon interaction, it is shown that the infinite nuclear matter model of atomic nuclei is more appropriate than the conventional Bethe-Weizsacker like mass formulae to extract saturation properties of nuclear matter from nuclear masses. In particular, the saturation density thus obtained agrees with that of electron scattering data and the Hartree-Fock calculations. For the first time using nuclear mass formula, the radius constant r0r_0=1.138 fm and binding energy per nucleon ava_v = -16.11 MeV, corresponding to the infinite nuclear matter, are consistently obtained from the same source. An important offshoot of this study is the determination of nuclear matter incompressibility K∞K_{\infty} to be 288±\pm 28 MeV using the same source of nuclear masses as input.Comment: 14 latex pages, five figures available on request ( to appear in Phy. Rev. C

    The Multiphase Intracluster Medium in Galaxy Groups Probed by the Lyman Alpha Forest

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    The case is made that the intracluster medium (ICM) in spiral-rich galaxy groups today probably has undergone much slower evolution than that in elliptical-rich groups and clusters. The environments of proto-clusters and proto-groups at z > 2 are likely similar to spiral-rich group environments at lower redshift. Therefore, like the ICM in spiral-rich groups today, the ICM in proto-groups and proto-clusters at z > 2 is predicted to be significantly multiphased. The QSO Lyman alpha forest in the vicinity of galaxies is an effective probe of the ICM at a wide range of redshift. Two recent observations of Lyman alpha absorption around galaxies by Adelberger et al. and by Pascarelle et al are reconciled, and it is shown that observations support the multiphase ICM scenario. Galaxy redshifts must be very accurate for such studies to succeed. This scenario can also explain the lower metallicity and lower hot gas fraction in groups.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, replaced with the version after proo

    2-Nested Simulation is not Finitely Equationally Axiomatizable

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    2-nested simulation was introduced by Groote and Vaandrager [10] as the coarsest equivalence included in completed trace equivalence for which the tyft/tyxt format is a congruence format. In the lineartime-branching time spectrum of van Glabbeek [8], 2-nested simulationis one of the few equivalences for which no finite equational axiomatization is presented. In this paper we prove that such an axiomatizationdoes not exist for 2-nested simulation.Keywords: Concurrency, process algebra, basic CCS, 2-nested simulation, equational logic, complete axiomatizations

    The clock paradox in a static homogeneous gravitational field

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    The gedanken experiment of the clock paradox is solved exactly using the general relativistic equations for a static homogeneous gravitational field. We demonstrate that the general and special relativistic clock paradox solutions are identical and in particular that they are identical for finite acceleration. Practical expressions are obtained for proper time and coordinate time by using the destination distance as the key observable parameter. This solution provides a formal demonstration of the identity between the special and general relativistic clock paradox with finite acceleration and where proper time is assumed to be the same in both formalisms. By solving the equations of motion for a freely falling clock in a static homogeneous field elapsed times are calculated for realistic journeys to the stars.Comment: Revision: Posted with the caption included with the figure

    Mathisson's helical motions for a spinning particle --- are they unphysical?

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    It has been asserted in the literature that Mathisson's helical motions are unphysical, with the argument that their radius can be arbitrarily large. We revisit Mathisson's helical motions of a free spinning particle, and observe that such statement is unfounded. Their radius is finite and confined to the disk of centroids. We argue that the helical motions are perfectly valid and physically equivalent descriptions of the motion of a spinning body, the difference between them being the choice of the representative point of the particle, thus a gauge choice. We discuss the kinematical explanation of these motions, and we dynamically interpret them through the concept of hidden momentum. We also show that, contrary to previous claims, the frequency of the helical motions coincides, even in the relativistic limit, with the zitterbewegung frequency of the Dirac equation for the electron

    The red stellar population in NGC 1569

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    We present HST NICMOS photometry of the resolved stellar population in NGC 1569. The CMD in the F110W and F160W photometric bands contains ~2400 stars with a formal photometric error < 0.1 mag down to J~23.5 and H~22.5. We describe the data processing which is required to calibrate the instrumental peculiarities of NICMOS. Two different packages for PSF-fitting photometry are used to strengthen the photometric results in the crowded stellar field of NGC 1569. The resulting CMD is discussed in terms of the major evolutionary properties of the resolved stellar populations. For a distance modulus of 26.71 and a reddening E(B-V)=0.56, our CMD samples stars down to ~0.8 Mo, corresponding to look-back times > 15 Gyr. This is clear indication of SF activity spanning an entire Hubble time. The metallicity of the reddest RGB stars is in better agreement with Z=0.004 as measured in HII regions, than with Z=0.0004 as expected from the stellar ages. The presence of - yet undetected - very metal-poor stars embedded in the stellar distribution around J=22.75 and J-H=1.15 is, however, not ruled out. The youngest stars (< 50 Myr) are preferentially found around the two central super star clusters, whereas the oldest population has a more uniform spatial distribution. A SFR per unit area of 1 Mo yr*(-1) kpc*(-2) and a mass formed in stars of ~ 1.4x10*6 Mo in the last 50 Myr are derived from the CMD. The NIR CMD places strong constraints on the lower limit of the onset of SF in NGC 1569. The exceptionally high crowding in the NICMOS images of NGC 1569 is a challenge for the photometric analysis. As a result, optical and NIR images of NGC 1569 sample different populations and cannot be cross-correlated. Nevertheless, we demonstrate the consistency of the SF histories derived from the optical and NIR CMDs.Comment: 41 pages including 1 table (Latex) and 14 figures (postscript). Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, March 2001 issu

    VLT identification of the optical afterglow of the gamma-ray burst GRB 000131 at z=4.50

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    We report the discovery of the gamma-ray burst GRB 000131 and its optical afterglow. The optical identification was made with the VLT 84 hours after the burst following a BATSE detection and an Inter Planetary Network localization. GRB 000131 was a bright, long-duration GRB, with an apparent precursor signal 62 s prior to trigger. The afterglow was detected in ESO VLT, NTT, and DK1.54m follow-up observations. Broad-band and spectroscopic observations of the spectral energy distribution reveals a sharp break at optical wavelengths which is interpreted as a Ly-alpha absorption edge at 6700 A. This places GRB 000131 at a redshift of 4.500 +/- 0.015. The inferred isotropic energy release in gamma rays alone was approximately 10^54 erg (depending on the assumed cosmology). The rapid power-law decay of the afterglow (index alpha=2.25, similar to bursts with a prior break in the lightcurve), however, indicates collimated outflow, which relaxes the energy requirements by a factor of < 200. The afterglow of GRB 000131 is the first to be identified with an 8-m class telescope.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, accepted to A&A Letter

    Logics for Unranked Trees: An Overview

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    Labeled unranked trees are used as a model of XML documents, and logical languages for them have been studied actively over the past several years. Such logics have different purposes: some are better suited for extracting data, some for expressing navigational properties, and some make it easy to relate complex properties of trees to the existence of tree automata for those properties. Furthermore, logics differ significantly in their model-checking properties, their automata models, and their behavior on ordered and unordered trees. In this paper we present a survey of logics for unranked trees

    Solos da Ilha UruĂĄ - Baixo Tocantins.

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