743 research outputs found

    New membership determination and proper motions of NGC 1817. Parametric and non-parametric approach

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    We have calculated proper motions and re-evaluated the membership probabilities of 810 stars in the area of two NGC objects, NGC 1817 and NGC 1807. We have obtained absolute proper motions from 25 plates in the reference system of the Tycho-2 Catalogue. The plates have a maximum epoch difference of 81 years; and they were taken with the double astrograph at Zo-Se station of Shanghai Observatory, which has an aperture of 40 cm and a plate scale of 30 arcsec/mm. The average proper motion precision is 1.55 mas/yr. These proper motions are used to determine the membership probabilities of stars in the region, based on there being only one very extended physical cluster: NGC 1817. With that aim, we have applied and compared parametric and non-parametric approaches to cluster/field segregation. We have obtained a list of 169 probable member stars.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, A&A in pres

    Multivector Field Formulation of Hamiltonian Field Theories: Equations and Symmetries

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    We state the intrinsic form of the Hamiltonian equations of first-order Classical Field theories in three equivalent geometrical ways: using multivector fields, jet fields and connections. Thus, these equations are given in a form similar to that in which the Hamiltonian equations of mechanics are usually given. Then, using multivector fields, we study several aspects of these equations, such as the existence and non-uniqueness of solutions, and the integrability problem. In particular, these problems are analyzed for the case of Hamiltonian systems defined in a submanifold of the multimomentum bundle. Furthermore, the existence of first integrals of these Hamiltonian equations is considered, and the relation between {\sl Cartan-Noether symmetries} and {\sl general symmetries} of the system is discussed. Noether's theorem is also stated in this context, both the ``classical'' version and its generalization to include higher-order Cartan-Noether symmetries. Finally, the equivalence between the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formalisms is also discussed.Comment: Some minor mistakes are corrected. Bibliography is updated. To be published in J. Phys. A: Mathematical and Genera

    Beyond the Hype: RPA Horizon for Robot-Human Interaction

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    Medium and big organizations have embraced RPA in the last years bringing to light the high maturity of the technology. Current trends are towards including “human-in-the-loop” which promotes efficient ways for robot-human interaction. This is especially relevant since most real RPA projects require a collaboration between the human and the robot leading to hybrids approaches. The challenges that arise from this line can be addressed by both asynchronous (i.e., landing area or task queues where robots and humans share information) and synchronous solutions (i.e., human digital augmentation where robots provide immediate support). This paper goes in deep elaborating in these two alternatives by setting the benefits, requirements, and future research lines which are envisioned through industrial experiences. In addition, this work exposes the role of process mining in this journey since it allows for the necessary efficiency in the process analysis, time-to-market reduction, and continuous improvement that this robot-human collaboration requires.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2016-76956-C3-2-RJunta de Andalucía CEI-12-TIC02

    Assessment of habitat quality and landscape connectivity for forest-dependent cracids in the Sierra Madre del Sur Mesoamerican biological corridor, Mexico

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    Assessing landscape connectivity allows us to identify critical areas that impede or facilitate the movement of organisms and their genes and to plan their conservation and management. In this article, we assessed landscape connectivity and ecological condition of the habitat patches of a highly biodiverse region in Chiapas, Mexico. We employed data of three cracid species with different characteristics in habitat use and mobility. The habitat map of each species was derived from a spatial intersection of the models of potential distribution and a high-resolution map of current land cover and land use. The ecological condition of vegetation types was evaluated using 75 field plots. Structure of landscape was estimated by fragmentation metrics, while functional connectivity was assessed using spatially explicit graph analysis. The extent of suitable habitat for Oreophasis derbianus, Penelopina nigra, and Penelope purpurascens correspond to 25%, 46%, and 55% of the study area (5,185.6 km2), respectively. Although the pine-oak forests were the most fragmented vegetation type, habitats of the three species were well connected, and only 4% to 9% of the fragments located on the periphery of the corridor had low connectivity. Landscape connectivity depends mainly on land uses with an intermediate and lower ecological condition (secondary forests and coffee agroforestry systems). Therefore, we suggest that in addition to promoting the improvement in connectivity in fragmented forests, conservation efforts should be aimed at preventing the conversion of mature forests into agricultural uses and maintaining agroforestry systems

    Fertility dynamics and life history tactics vary by socioeconomic position in a transitioning cohort of postreproductive Chilean women

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    Globally, mortality and fertility rates generally fall as resource abundance increases. This pattern represents an evolutionary paradox insofar as resource-rich ecological contexts can support higher numbers of offspring, a component of biological fitness. This paradox has not been resolved, in part because the relationships between fertility, life history strategies, reproductive behavior, and socioeconomic conditions are complex and cultural-historically contingent. We aim to understand how we might make sense of this paradox in the specific context of late-twentieth-century, mid–demographic transition Chile. We use distribution-specific generalized linear models to analyze associations between fertility-related life-history traits—number of offspring, ages at first and last reproduction, average interbirth interval, and average number of live births per reproductive span year—and socioeconomic position (SEP) using data from a cohort of 6,802 Chilean women born between 1961 and 1970. We show that Chilean women of higher SEP have shorter average interbirth intervals, more births per reproductive span year, later age at first reproduction, earlier ages at last reproduction, and, ultimately, fewer children than women of lower SEP. Chilean women of higher SEP consolidate childbearing over a relatively short time span in the middle of their reproductive careers, whereas women of lower SEP tend to reproduce over the entirety of their reproductive lifespans. These patterns may indicate that different SEP groups follow different pathways toward declining fertility during the demographic transition, reflecting different life-history trade-offs in the process

    Coherent control of two Jaynes-Cummings cavities

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    In this work, we uncover new features on the study of a two-level atom interacting with one of two cavities in a coherent superposition. The James-Cummings model is used to describe the atom-field interaction and to study the effects of quantum indefiniteness on such an interaction. We show that coherent control of the two cavities in an undefined manner allows novel possibilities to manipulate the atomic dynamics on demand which are not achievable in the conventional way. In addition, it is shown that the coherent control of the atom creates highly entangled states of the cavity fields taking a Bell-like or Schr\"odinger-cat-like state form. Our results are a step forward to understand and harness quantum systems in a coherent control, and open a new research avenue in the study of atom-field interaction exploiting quantum indefiniteness

    Invariant Forms and Automorphisms of Locally Homogeneous Multisymplectic Manifolds

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    It is shown that the geometry of locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifolds (that is, smooth manifolds equipped with a closed nondegenerate form of degree > 1, which is locally homogeneous of degree k with respect to a local Euler field) is characterized by their automorphisms. Thus, locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifolds extend the family of classical geometries possessing a similar property: symplectic, volume and contact. The proof of the first result relies on the characterization of invariant differential forms with respect to the graded Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms, and on the study of the local properties of Hamiltonian vector fields on locally multisymplectic manifolds. In particular it is proved that the group of multisymplectic diffeomorphisms acts (strongly locally) transitively on the manifold. It is also shown that the graded Lie algebra of infinitesimal automorphisms of a locally homogeneous multisymplectic manifold characterizes their multisymplectic diffeomorphisms.Comment: 25 p.; LaTeX file. The paper has been partially rewritten. Some terminology has been changed. The proof of some theorems and lemmas have been revised. The title and the abstract are slightly modified. An appendix is added. The bibliography is update

    On the k-Symplectic, k-Cosymplectic and Multisymplectic Formalisms of Classical Field Theories

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    The objective of this work is twofold: First, we analyze the relation between the k-cosymplectic and the k-symplectic Hamiltonian and Lagrangian formalisms in classical field theories. In particular, we prove the equivalence between k-symplectic field theories and the so-called autonomous k-cosymplectic field theories, extending in this way the description of the symplectic formalism of autonomous systems as a particular case of the cosymplectic formalism in non-autonomous mechanics. Furthermore, we clarify some aspects of the geometric character of the solutions to the Hamilton-de Donder-Weyl and the Euler-Lagrange equations in these formalisms. Second, we study the equivalence between k-cosymplectic and a particular kind of multisymplectic Hamiltonian and Lagrangian field theories (those where the configuration bundle of the theory is trivial).Comment: 25 page

    Non-standard connections in classical mechanics

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    In the jet-bundle description of first-order classical field theories there are some elements, such as the lagrangian energy and the construction of the hamiltonian formalism, which require the prior choice of a connection. Bearing these facts in mind, we analyze the situation in the jet-bundle description of time-dependent classical mechanics. So we prove that this connection-dependence also occurs in this case, although it is usually hidden by the use of the ``natural'' connection given by the trivial bundle structure of the phase spaces in consideration. However, we also prove that this dependence is dynamically irrelevant, except where the dynamical variation of the energy is concerned. In addition, the relationship between first integrals and connections is shown for a large enough class of lagrangians.Comment: 17 pages, Latex fil
