562 research outputs found


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    Theory of enhancement of thermoelectric properties of materials with nanoinclusions

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    Based on the concept of band bending at metal/semiconductor interfaces as an energy filter for electrons, we present a theory for the enhancement of the thermoelectric properties of semiconductor materials with metallic nanoinclusions. We show that the Seebeck coefficient can be significantly increased due to a strongly energy-dependent electronic scattering time. By including phonon scattering, we find that the enhancement of ZT due to electron scattering is important for high doping, while at low doping it is primarily due to a decrease in the phonon thermal conductivity

    An argumentation analysis of weblog conversations

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    The state's investment in education – basis of human capital

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    The task of economic development of the state can be solved by investing in education as a basis for the development of human capital. The article discusses the approaches necessary investment in human capital at the level of the stateЗадача экономического развития государства может быть решена посредством инвестирования в образование как основы развития человеческого капитала. В статье рассмотрены подходы необходимости инвестирования человеческого капитала на уровне государств

    The history of professional education in Perm krai

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    Данная статья посвящена 75-летию Трудовых резервов. В статье ставятся задачи рассмотреть частично историю профессионального образования в России, показать важнейшую роль Трудовых резервов в развитии нашей страны, привести примеры из истории Пермского края (где проживает автор). Эта статья заинтересует людей тем или иным образом связанных с профессиональным образованием, например, педагогов, студентов и т.д.This article is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Labor reserves. The task of the article is to consider partially the history of professional education in Russia, to show the key role of Labour reserves in the development of our country, to give some examples from the history of the Perm region (where the author lives). This article will be interesting this way or another for people who connected with professional education, e.g. teachers, students, etc

    Motivation of teenagers to design in the field of fine arts

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    This article includes the results of a scientific study, the purpose of which has been to study the motivational component of the design process in teenagers. In this regard, we considered the motivational component of the teenager's desire to design activities in the field of fine arts. We offered fine arts as an effective mean of developing this component, the effectiveness of which has been proved in the course of experimental work, organized in three consecutive stages. To implement the experimental work, we used observation, testing, diagnostic techniques and other pedagogical methods. We consistently analyzed the results of the experimental and control groups after the formative stage of the experiment, which revealed a positive qualitative and quantitative dynamics of the indicators studied. The qualitative dynamics is manifested in the following: increased emotional responsiveness to works of art and interest in the project activities, illustrations of works, artistic component of literary works, as well as interest in participating in the scientific and practical conferences and competitions not only in fine arts, but also in other subjects. In addition, it is noted the teenager's activity in the after-hour activity on the creation and implementation of new school projects: charitable action, creative competition, school newspaper, master class, etc. It is concluded that the fine arts contribute to the teenager's motivation development to design.Key words: motivation, readiness for design activity, teenagers, fine arts


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    This article analyzes the reaction of Islamic political and spiritual leaders of the countries of  outh East Asia to contemporary challenges, such as modernization, democratization, globalization, ecological crisis, as well as their search for an adequate answer based on the sacred mission of Islam and fundamental religious texts.Статья посвящена поискам исламскими политическими и религиозными деятелями стран Юго-Восточной Азии достойного ответа на такие важнейшие вызовы современности, как модернизация, глобализация, демократизация, экологический кризис, которые воздействуют на все стороны общественно-политического развития мусульманских стран и народов. В своих поисках они подчеркивают священную миссию ислама и опираются на сакральные тексты – Коран и Сунну