38 research outputs found

    Historical changes (1905-2005) in external phosphorus loads to Loch Leven, Scotland, UK

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    This article reviews historical changes in the total phosphorus (TP) inputs to Loch Leven, Scotland, UK. Data derived from palaeolimnological records suggest that inputs in the early 1900s were about 6 t TP year-1 (0.45 g TP m-2 year-1). By 1985, this had risen to about 20 t TP year-1 (1.5 g TP m-2 year-1) due to increases in runoff from agricultural land and discharges from point sources. By the late 1970s, increased TP inputs were causing serious degradation of lake water quality. Most noticeably, there had been an increase in cyanobacterial blooms. A catchment management plan was implemented in the early 1990s. This resulted in a 60% reduction in the annual TP input between 1985 (20 t TP year-1/1.5 g TP m-2 year-1) and 1995 (8 t TP year-1/0.6 g TP m-2 year-1). The main reduction was associated with better control of point source discharges, but attempts were also made to reduce inputs from diffuse sources. The reduction in external TP loading to the lake led to a marked decline in TP retention by the lake each year

    Uncertainties in estimated phosphorus loads as a function of different sampling frequencies and common calculation methods

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    Water quality monitoring programs are often based upon low-frequency regular sampling regimes from which loads are estimated. In this study, stream flow (Q) and phosphorus concentrations (C) were measured at 2-hourly intervals over a 10-week period between October and December 2006 in a tributary of Loch Leven, Scotland. The dataset was deconstructed to emulate different weekly, daily and composite sampling strategies, the aim being to highlight the large amount of uncertainty and imprecision in estimating total (TP) and soluble reactive (SRP) phosphorus loads on the basis of commonly applied sampling strategies and calculation methods. When based on the full dataset, phosphorus (P) loads estimated from the 2-hourly data were 459 kg TP, 351 kg particulate P (PP) and 78 kg SRP. In contrast, P loads estimated from different weekly, daily and composite sampling regimes and determined by applying seven different calculation methods ranged from 22 to 5028 kg TP, 13 to 4588 kg PP and 7 to 286 kg SRP. The results of this study highlight the large amount of uncertainty and imprecision associated with estimating P loads and contributes to the body of evidence that high-frequency monitoring is necessary if P loads to standing water bodies are to be quantified accurately and the effects of nutrient management programs interpreted correctly

    Modelling the response of phytoplankton in a shallow lake (Loch Leven, UK) to changes in lake retention time and water temperature.

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    The phytoplankton community of Loch Leven in 2005 was modelled and subjected to a combination of different flushing rates and water temperatures in order to assess the lake’s sensitivity to these two climatic drivers. Whilst the simulated annual mean total chlorophyll a proved relatively insensitive to these changes, at the species level marked changes were recorded. Some species responded positively to increased temperature (e.g. Aulacoseira), some negatively (e.g. Asterionella), whilst others were negatively affected by increased flow (e.g. Aphanocapsa) and others enhanced (e.g. Stephanodiscus). However, this relationship with flow was season dependent with, for example, a simulated increase in summer inflows actually benefiting some species through increased nutrient supply, whereas an equivalent increase in flow in wetter seasons would have negatively affected those species (i.e. through flushing loss). Overall, the simulations showed that the range of species types simulated in the community was sufficient for one species to always benefit from the changing niches created by the multiple climatic drivers applied in this study. The level of exploitation by such a species was only constrained by the nutrient carrying capacity of the system, which led to the overall dampened response in the total chlorophyll a measure, both at the annual and season scale. Thus, whilst overall biomass showed relatively little reaction to the two climatic drivers tested, the phytoplankton community composition responded markedly

    Large-Scale Variation in Combined Impacts of Canopy Loss and Disturbance on Community Structure and Ecosystem Functioning

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    Ecosystems are under pressure from multiple human disturbances whose impact may vary depending on environmental context. We experimentally evaluated variation in the separate and combined effects of the loss of a key functional group (canopy algae) and physical disturbance on rocky shore ecosystems at nine locations across Europe. Multivariate community structure was initially affected (during the first three to six months) at six locations but after 18 months, effects were apparent at only three. Loss of canopy caused increases in cover of non-canopy algae in the three locations in southern Europe and decreases in some northern locations. Measures of ecosystem functioning (community respiration, gross primary productivity, net primary productivity) were affected by loss of canopy at five of the six locations for which data were available. Short-term effects on community respiration were widespread, but effects were rare after 18 months. Functional changes corresponded with changes in community structure and/or species richness at most locations and times sampled, but no single aspect of biodiversity was an effective predictor of longer-term functional changes. Most ecosystems studied were able to compensate in functional terms for impacts caused by indiscriminate physical disturbance. The only consistent effect of disturbance was to increase cover of non-canopy species. Loss of canopy algae temporarily reduced community resistance to disturbance at only two locations and at two locations actually increased resistance. Resistance to disturbance-induced changes in gross primary productivity was reduced by loss of canopy algae at four locations. Location-specific variation in the effects of the same stressors argues for flexible frameworks for the management of marine environments. These results also highlight the need to analyse how species loss and other stressors combine and interact in different environmental contexts

    The effects of rain on the erosion threshold of intertidal cohesive sediments

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    Intertidal sedimentary environments are complex systems governed by interactions between physical, chemical and biological processes and parameters. Tidally induced flow and wave action are known to be an integral driving force behind the erosion, transport, deposition and consolidation cycle (ETDC) of intertidal sediments. Whilst considerable advances have been made in understanding both the physical and biological processes and their interactions in these systems, it is clear that there are gaps in our understanding. One factor that has been largely ignored to date is that of rain. Visual observations in the field and associated data indicated that rain showers during low tide are correlated with a reduction in the erosion threshold of intertidal cohesive sediments. This paper presents preliminary field and laboratory data showing the importance of rain in reducing the erosion threshold of cohesive intertidal sediments. The implications for our knowledge of, and modelling of the ETDC cycle of cohesive intertidal sediments are discussed

    Summary of impacts of canopy loss and disturbance on ecosystem structure after 3–6 months.

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    <p>C = Canopy, D = Disturbance, CD = Canopy x Disturbance interaction. For community analyses (PERMANOVA), a ‘+’ symbol indicates any significant difference in community structure. For univariate measures, a ‘+’ symbol indicates a significant positive effect of applying the treatment (e.g. removal of canopy increases taxon richness), ‘<b>−</b>’ symbol indicates a significant negative effect of applying the treatment (e.g. disturbance reduces taxon richness). For CD, a ‘<b>−</b>’ symbol indicates that loss of canopy reduced stability (i.e. increased impact of disturbance) and a ‘+’ symbol indicates that loss of canopy increased stability (i.e. reduced impact of disturbance). In each case, no symbol indicates no significant result and ‘na’ indicates data unavailable. ‘Sessile’ refers to sessile invertebrates, ‘%’ refers to percentage cover, ‘Mobile’ refers to mobile invertebrates, ‘No.’ refers to number per quadrat. At Roscoff only presence-absence data were recorded, so only richness was analysed.</p>1<p>in absence of disturbance only.</p