172 research outputs found

    Macroscopic and microscopic determinations of residual stresses in thin Oxide Dispersion Strengthened steel tubes

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    To improve the efficiency of components operating at high temperatures, many efforts are deployed to develop new materials. Oxide Dispersion Strengthened (ODS) materials could be used for heat exchangers or cladding tubes for the new GENIV nuclear reactors. This type of materials are composed with a metallic matrix (usually iron base alloy for nuclear applications or nickel base alloy for heat exchangers) reinforced by a distribution of nano-oxides. They are obtained by powder metallurgy and mechanical alloying. The creep resistance of these materials is excellent, and they usually exhibit a high tensile strength at room temperature. Depending on the cold working and/or the heat treatments, several types of microstructure can be obtained: recrystallised, stress relieved. One of the key challenges is to transform ODS materials into thin tubes (up to 500 microns thick) within a robust fabrication route while keeping the excellent mechanical properties. To prevent cracking during the process or to obtain a final product with low residual stresses, it is important to quantify the effect of the heat treatments on the release of internal stresses. The aim of this study is to show how residual stresses can be determined on different thin tubes using two complementary approaches: (i) macroscopic stresses determination in the tube using beam theory (small cuts along the longitudinal and circumferential directions and measurements of the deflection), (ii) stress determination from X-ray diffraction analyses (surface analyses, using "sin 2 Ψ" method with different hypothesis). Depending on the material and the heat treatment, residual stresses vary dramatically and can reach 800 MPa which is not far from the yield stress; comparisons between both methods are performed and suggestions are given in order to optimize the thermo-mechanical treatment of thin ODS tubes

    Modélisation multi-échelle du comportement électrique de nano-composites Cu-Nb

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    Les fils composites nanostructurés et architecturés cuivre-niobium, qui sont de bons candidats pour la génération de champs magnétiques intenses, allient une limite d’élasticité élevée et une excellente conductivité électrique. Ils sont élaborés par co-déformation d’un assemblage composite Cu-Nb. La microstructure, multi-échelle, est formée de 853 motifs élémentaires de Cu-Nb de taille caractéristique nanométrique. Afin d’étudier le lien entre la conductivité électrique effective et la microstructure, deux méthodes d’homogénéisation sont appliquées : l’une, en champs moyens (modèle auto-cohérent généralisé), dans laquelle une microstructure formée de motifs co-cylindriques répartis aléatoirement est considérée, et l’autre, en champs complets (éléments finis), dans laquelle l’aspect périodique de la microstructure expérimentale est pris en compte. Les effets de la taille des constituants élémentaires (nm), de la température, ainsi que de la densité de dislocations, sur la conductivité locale sont considérés. Le caractère multi-échelle du matériau est pris en compte grâce à un processus itératif. Les conductivités effectives longitudinale et transversale obtenues avec les deux méthodes sont en excellent accord, montrant un moindre effet de la distribution des fibres sur ces propriétés. Ces résultats reproduisent également les données expérimentales disponibles

    Peculiar effective elastic anisotropy of nanometric multilayers studied by surface Brillouin scattering

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    We show in this paper by using a two-scale transition model that the elastic anisotropy of a thin film specimen can be tuned by appropriate stacking design. The anisotropic behaviour is illustrated for two monophase thin films, namely W which is perfectly elastically isotropic and Au which is strongly elastically anisotropic, and for a nanometric W/Au multilayers. The experimental measurements show that the model capture the elastic anisotropy rather well even for a nanometric multilayer stacking (period of 12 nm) and that the elastic anisotropy of W/Au multilayer is more pronounced than the ones of the two components for a fraction of 50%. This enhanced anisotropy is discussed in view of the multilayer microstructur

    Infecciones asociadas a la Asistencia Sanitaria en un Hospital especializado en el paciente nefro-urológico

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    Introducción: Las Infecciones asociadas a la Asistencia Sanitaria constituyen un evento negativo para el paciente al determinar aumento de la morbilidad y mortalidad y gastos hospitalarios, comportándose como indicador de la calidad asistencial. Objetivo: Describir las infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria que ocurrieron durante 2013 y 2014 en un hospital especializado en la atención del paciente nefrológico. Material y Métodos: Los datos se recolectaron mediante pesquisa activa, revisión de historias clínicas y registro de infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria en cada servicio del hospital. En el análisis estadístico se utilizaron distribuciones de frecuencias, y como medidas de resumen, las tasas y porcentajes. Resultados: La frecuencia de infección asociada a la asistencia sanitaria fue 8 y 7,5% en cada año de estudio, con predominio de infecciones relacionadas con el acceso vascular en pacientes en hemodiálisis, y la infección del tracto urinario en pacientes instrumentados y cirugía endo-urológica. Los microorganismos más reportados fueron Estafilococcco aureus, Estafilococo aureus meticilino resistente y Escherichia coli.  La mortalidad asociada a la IAAS fue de 5,1%, en los 2 años de estudio. Conclusiones: Las infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria son las esperadas por la complejidad de los procesos que se realizan en el centro, donde se destacan las infecciones asociadas al acceso vascular y el reporte de microorganismos Gram positivos. Palabras claves: Infecciones, asistencia sanitaria, acceso vascular, paciente nefrológico, microorganismos, Gram positivo, Gram negativo.</p

    The influence of localised size reorganisation on short-duration bidispersed granular flows

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    We investigate experimentally the runout resulting from the collapse of a granular column containing two particle species that differ in size only. The experimental configuration is strictly twodimensional (only one particle per width of the experimental tank) and we explore both the role of the initial arrangement and proportion of the two particle sizes in the column, using high-speed videography, and by determining the centres of mass of the big and small particles in the initial column and the final deposit. The duration of the experiment is sufficiently short that large-scale segregation does not occur, however, we find a clear dependence of runout on both initial mixture arrangement and proportion for all conditions. We investigated this observation through detailed analysis of the flow front motion, and identify a characteristic "stopping" phase when dissipation dominates, and we apply a shallow layer model at the flow front to show how the initial mixture arrangement and proportion influence the effective coefficient of friction during emplacement. We find that a bidispersed mixture can induce a larger friction on emplacement than a monodispersed mixture, and the highest coefficient of friction was found for a well-mixed initial arrangement of particles at the proportion that shows maximum horizontal spreading of the flow. These observations suggest that downwards percolation of fine particles takes place at the front of the collapsing column, and so localised size segregation processes at the flow front can control flow mobility. This effect is likely to be important in controlling the mobility of large geophysical flows that occur on finite time scales, and whose deposits typically show granular segregation at the front and edges but not throughout the entire deposit

    Mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1, KIF5C and KIF2A cause malformations of cortical development and microcephaly

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    The genetic causes of malformations of cortical development (MCD) remain largely unknown. Here we report the discovery of multiple pathogenic missense mutations in TUBG1, DYNC1H1 and KIF2A, as well as a single germline mosaic mutation in KIF5C, in subjects with MCD. We found a frequent recurrence of mutations in DYNC1H1, implying that this gene is a major locus for unexplained MCD. We further show that the mutations in KIF5C, KIF2A and DYNC1H1 affect ATP hydrolysis, productive protein folding and microtubule binding, respectively. In addition, we show that suppression of mouse Tubg1 expression in vivo interferes with proper neuronal migration, whereas expression of altered gamma-tubulin proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae disrupts normal microtubule behavior. Our data reinforce the importance of centrosomal and microtubule-related proteins in cortical development and strongly suggest that microtubule-dependent mitotic and postmitotic processes are major contributors to the pathogenesis of MCD

    Dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation: outcome of bilateral pallidal stimulation

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    Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation encompasses a heterogeneous group of rare neurodegenerative disorders that are characterized by iron accumulation in the brain. Severe generalized dystonia is frequently a prominent symptom and can be very disabling, causing gait impairment, difficulty with speech and swallowing, pain and respiratory distress. Several case reports and one case series have been published concerning therapeutic outcome of pallidal deep brain stimulation in dystonia caused by neurodegeneration with brain iron degeneration, reporting mostly favourable outcomes. However, with case studies, there may be a reporting bias towards favourable outcome. Thus, we undertook this multi-centre retrospective study to gather worldwide experiences with bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation in patients with neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. A total of 16 centres contributed 23 patients with confirmed neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation and bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation. Patient details including gender, age at onset, age at operation, genetic status, magnetic resonance imaging status, history and clinical findings were requested. Data on severity of dystonia (Burke Fahn Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale—Motor Scale, Barry Albright Dystonia Scale), disability (Burke Fahn Marsden Dystonia Rating Scale—Disability Scale), quality of life (subjective global rating from 1 to 10 obtained retrospectively from patient and caregiver) as well as data on supportive therapy, concurrent pharmacotherapy, stimulation settings, adverse events and side effects were collected. Data were collected once preoperatively and at 2–6 and 9–15 months postoperatively. The primary outcome measure was change in severity of dystonia. The mean improvement in severity of dystonia was 28.5% at 2–6 months and 25.7% at 9–15 months. At 9–15 months postoperatively, 66.7% of patients showed an improvement of 20% or more in severity of dystonia, and 31.3% showed an improvement of 20% or more in disability. Global quality of life ratings showed a median improvement of 83.3% at 9–15 months. Severity of dystonia preoperatively and disease duration predicted improvement in severity of dystonia at 2–6 months; this failed to reach significance at 9–15 months. The study confirms that dystonia in neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation improves with bilateral pallidal deep brain stimulation, although this improvement is not as great as the benefit reported in patients with primary generalized dystonias or some other secondary dystonias. The patients with more severe dystonia seem to benefit more. A well-controlled, multi-centre prospective study is necessary to enable evidence-based therapeutic decisions and better predict therapeutic outcomes

    X-exome sequencing of 405 unresolved families identifies seven novel intellectual disability genes

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    X-linked intellectual disability (XLID) is a clinically and genetically heterogeneous disorder. During the past two decades in excess of 100 X-chromosome ID genes have been identified. Yet, a large number of families mapping to the X-chromosome remained unresolved suggesting that more XLID genes or loci are yet to be identified. Here, we have investigated 405 unresolved families with XLID. We employed massively parallel sequencing of all X-chromosome exons in the index males. The majority of these males were previously tested negative for copy number variations and for mutations in a subset of known XLID genes by Sanger sequencing. In total, 745 X-chromosomal genes were screened. After stringent filtering, a total of 1297 non-recurrent exonic variants remained for prioritization. Co-segregation analysis of potential clinically relevant changes revealed that 80 families (20%) carried pathogenic variants in established XLID genes. In 19 families, we detected likely causative protein truncating and missense variants in 7 novel and validated XLID genes (CLCN4, CNKSR2, FRMPD4, KLHL15, LAS1L, RLIM and USP27X) and potentially deleterious variants in 2 novel candidate XLID genes (CDK16 and TAF1). We show that the CLCN4 and CNKSR2 variants impair protein functions as indicated by electrophysiological studies and altered differentiation of cultured primary neurons from Clcn4−/− mice or after mRNA knock-down. The newly identified and candidate XLID proteins belong to pathways and networks with established roles in cognitive function and intellectual disability in particular. We suggest that systematic sequencing of all X-chromosomal genes in a cohort of patients with genetic evidence for X-chromosome locus involvement may resolve up to 58% of Fragile X-negative cases