3,681 research outputs found

    Minimal representations of unitary operators and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle

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    In this paper we prove that the simplest band representations of unitary operators on a Hilbert space are five-diagonal. Orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle play an essential role in the development of this result, and also provide a parametrization of such five-diagonal representations which shows specially simple and interesting decomposition and factorization properties. As an application we get the reduction of the spectral problem of any unitary Hessenberg matrix to the spectral problem of a five-diagonal one. Two applications of these results to the study of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle are presented: the first one concerns Krein's Theorem; the second one deals with the movement of mass points of the orthogonality measure under monoparametric perturbations of the Schur parameters.Comment: 31 page

    Matrix orthogonal polynomials whose derivatives are also orthogonal

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    In this paper we prove some characterizations of the matrix orthogonal polynomials whose derivatives are also orthogonal, which generalize other known ones in the scalar case. In particular, we prove that the corresponding orthogonality matrix functional is characterized by a Pearson-type equation with two matrix polynomials of degree not greater than 2 and 1. The proofs are given for a general sequence of matrix orthogonal polynomials, not necessarily associated with an hermitian functional. However, we give several examples of non-diagonalizable positive definite weight matrices satisfying a Pearson-type equation, which show that the previous results are non-trivial even in the positive definite case. A detailed analysis is made for the class of matrix functionals which satisfy a Pearson-type equation whose polynomial of degree not greater than 2 is scalar. We characterize the Pearson-type equations of this kind that yield a sequence of matrix orthogonal polynomials, and we prove that these matrix orthogonal polynomials satisfy a second order differential equation even in the non-hermitian case. Finally, we prove and improve a conjecture of Duran and Grunbaum concerning the triviality of this class in the positive definite case, while some examples show the non-triviality for hermitian functionals which are not positive definite.Comment: 49 page

    Influence of the geometry on a field-road model : the case of a conical field

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    Field-road models are reaction-diffusion systems which have been recently introduced to account for the effect of a road on propagation phenomena arising in epidemiology and ecology. Such systems consist in coupling a classical Fisher-KPP equation to a line with fast diffusion accounting for a road. A series of works investigate the spreading properties of such systems when the road is a straight line and the field a half-plane. Here, we take interest in the case where the field is a cone. Our main result is that the spreading speed is not influenced by the angle of the cone

    An extension of the associated rational functions on the unit circle

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    A special class of orthogonal rational functions (ORFs) is presented in this paper. Starting with a sequence of ORFs and the corresponding rational functions of the second kind, we define a new sequence as a linear combination of the previous ones, the coefficients of this linear combination being self-reciprocal rational functions. We show that, under very general conditions on the self-reciprocal coefficients, this new sequence satisfies orthogonality conditions as well as a recurrence relation. Further, we identify the Caratheodory function of the corresponding orthogonality measure in terms of such self-reciprocal coefficients. The new class under study includes the associated rational functions as a particular case. As a consequence of the previous general analysis, we obtain explicit representations for the associated rational functions of arbitrary order, as well as for the related Caratheodory function. Such representations are used to find new properties of the associated rational functions.Comment: 27 page

    One-dimensional quantum walks with one defect

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    The CGMV method allows for the general discussion of localization properties for the states of a one-dimensional quantum walk, both in the case of the integers and in the case of the non negative integers. Using this method we classify, according to such localization properties, all the quantum walks with one defect at the origin, providing explicit expressions for the asymptotic return probabilities at the origin

    Direct and inverse polynomial perturbations of hermitian linear functionals

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    AbstractThis paper is devoted to the study of direct and inverse (Laurent) polynomial modifications of moment functionals on the unit circle, i.e., associated with hermitian Toeplitz matrices. We present a new approach which allows us to study polynomial modifications of arbitrary degree.The main objective is the characterization of the quasi-definiteness of the functionals involved in the problem in terms of a difference equation relating the corresponding Schur parameters. The results are presented in the general framework of (non-necessarily quasi-definite) hermitian functionals, so that the maximum number of orthogonal polynomials is characterized by the number of consistent steps of an algorithm based on the referred recurrence for the Schur parameters.The non-uniqueness of the inverse problem makes it more interesting than the direct one. Due to this reason, special attention is paid to the inverse modification, showing that different approaches are possible depending on the data about the polynomial modification at hand. These different approaches are translated as different kinds of initial conditions for the related inverse algorithm.Some concrete applications to the study of orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle show the effectiveness of this new approach: an exhaustive and instructive analysis of the functionals coming from a general inverse polynomial perturbation of degree one for the Lebesgue measure; the classification of those pairs of orthogonal polynomials connected by a certain type of linear relation with constant polynomial coefficients; and the determination of those orthogonal polynomials whose associated ones are related to a degree one polynomial modification of the original orthogonality functional

    Wall Polynomials on the Real Line: a classical approach to OPRL Khrushchev’s formula

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    The standard proof of Khrushchev’s formula for orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle given in Khrushchev (J Approx Theory 108:161–248, 2001, J Approx Theory 116:268–342, 2002) combines ideas from continued fractions and complex analysis, depending heavily on the theory of Wall polynomials. Using operator theoretic tools instead, Khrushchev’s formula has been recently extended to the setting of orthogonal polynomials on the real line in the determinate case (GrĂŒnbaum and VelĂĄzquez in Adv Math 326:352–464, 2018). This paper develops a theory of Wall polynomials on the real line, which serves as a means to prove Khrushchev’s formula for any sequence of orthogonal polynomials on the real line. This real line version of Khrushchev’s formula is used to rederive the characterization given in Simon (J Approx Theory 126:198–217, 2004) for the weak convergence of pn2d”, where pn are the orthonormal polynomials with respect to a measure ” supported on a bounded subset of the real line (Theorem 8.1). The generality and simplicity of such a Khrushchev’s formula also permits the analysis of the unbounded case. Among other results, we use this tool to prove that no measure ” supported on an unbounded subset of the real line yields a weakly convergent sequence pn2d” (Corollary 8.10), but there exist instances such that pn2d” becomes vaguely convergent (Example 8.5 and Theorem 8.6). Some other asymptoptic results related to the convergence of pn2d” in the unbounded case are obtained via Khrushchev’s formula (Theorems 8.3, 8.7, 8.8, Proposition 8.4, Corollary 8.9). In the bounded case, we include a simple diagrammatic proof of Khrushchev’s formula on the real line which sheds light on its graph theoretical meaning, linked to PĂłlya’s recurrence theory for classical random walks. © 2022, The Author(s)
