443 research outputs found

    New detection method for rolling element and bearing defects

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    Instrument for detecting defects in rolling elements of bearings is described. Detection depends on rate at which rolling elements impact defect and establishes envelope amplitude of ball resonant frequency. Block diagram of instrument is provided and results obtained in conducting tests are reported

    The functional significance of multiple Pax7 isoforms

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    The Pax7 gene is critical for specification of both neurons in the mid-brain and skeletal muscle satellite cells. Several alternate transcripts are transcribed from the single gene. Previous studies have shown that the resultant alternate Pax7 isoforms differ in the structure of their paired domain (a DNA-binding domain that influences target gene selection), yet the functional significance of each isoform for specification of neurogenic and myogenic cell types remains unknown. Although previous studies have identified the presence of multiple alternate Pax7 transcripts in both neurogenic and myogenic cell lines, more research is necessary to understand the functional significance of the alternate Pax7 isoform that each transcript encodes. The aim of this research was to investigate DNA-binding differences of each Pax7 isoform to reveal it\u27s specific contribution to embryonic development. A chromatin immunoprecipitation technique which purifies genomic fragments bound by individual Pax7 isoforms was employed, for the purpose of determining DNA-binding differences. Understanding the functional specificity of each Pax7 transcript is important as these transcripts are possible candidates for future stem cell/ gene therapy approaches aimed at developing novel treatments for Neurodegenerative diseases and Duchene Muscular Dystrophy

    A system for early warning of bearing failure

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    System for detecting incipient failure in ball bearings is described. Ultrasonic equipment detects bearing system resonance and provides warning signal through electronic circuitry. Detector can be used to evaluate performance of newly installed bearings. Schematic diagram is provided to show components

    Design and test of a pump failure anticipator

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    Tests were conducted on two different types of pumps in order to refine the concept and to finalize design details of a positive displacement internal gear pump and a shroudless centrifugal pump. A concept and a system that could be used with pumps to allow a rapid judgement to be made of the suitability of the pump for futher service is developed. Test results and detailed data analysis are included

    Design and fabrication of prototype system for early warning of impending bearing failure

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    Ball bearing performance tests run on several identical ball bearings under a variety of load, speed, temperature, and lubrication conditions are reported. Bearing temperature, torque, vibration, noise, strain, cage speed, etc., were monitored to establish those measurements most suitable as indicators of ball bearing health. Tape records were made under steady-state conditions of a variety of speeds and loads. Sample sections were selected for narrowband spectral analysis with a real time analyzer. An artificial flow was created across the inner race surface of one bearing using an acid etch technique to produce the scratch. Tape records obtained before and after established a characteristic frequency response that identifies the presence of the flow. The signals found most useful as indicators of performance degradation were ultrasonic outputs

    Comparison of the RNA-amplification based methods RT–PCR and NASBA for the detection of circulating tumour cells

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    Increasingly, reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) is used to detect clinically significant tumour cells in blood or bone marrow. This may result in a redefinition of disease-free and clinical relapse. However, its clinical utility may be limited by lack of automation or reproducibility. Recent studies have suggested nucleic acid sequence-based amplification of target RNA may be more robust. In this study, nucleic acid sequence-based amplification was established to detect melanoma, colorectal and prostate cancer cells. Nucleic acid sequence-based amplification and RT–PCR both successfully amplified target RNA in peripheral blood samples from patients with melanoma and colorectal cancer, but only RT–PCR detected PSA in blood samples from patients with prostate cancer. There was relatively good agreement between sample replicates analyzed by RT–PCR (Kappa values of one for tyrosinase, 0.67 for CK-20 and one for PSA), but less agreement when analyzed by nucleic acid sequence-based amplification. This may limit the routine use of NASBA for the detection of clinically significant disease. In summary, RT–PCR appears at present to be the most reliable and reproducible method for the detection of low-level disease in cancer patients, although prospective studies are warranted to assess the clinical utility of different molecular diagnostic methods

    High-latitude E Region Ionosphere-thermosphere Coupling: A Comparative Study Using in Situ and Incoherent Scatter Radar Observations

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    We present in situ and ground-based measurements of the ratio k of ion cyclotronangular frequency to ion-neutral momentum transfer collision frequency to investigateionosphere-thermosphere (IT) coupling in the auroral E region. In situ observations were obtained by NASA sounding rocket 36.234, which was launched into the nightsideE region ionosphere at 1229 UT on 19 January 2007 from Poker Flat, AK. The payload carried instrumentation to determine ion drift angle and electric field vectors. Neutral winds were measured by triangulating a chemical tracer released from rocket 41.064 launched two minutes later. k is calculated from the rotation of the ion drift angle relative to the E-cross-B drift direction in a frame co-rotating with the payload. Between the altitudes of 118 km and 130 km k increases exponentially with a scale height of 9.3 +/- 0.7 km, deviating from an exponential above 130 km. k = 1 at an altitude z(sub0) of 119.9 +/- 0.5 km. The ratio was also estimated from Poker Flat Incoherent Scatter Radar (PFISR) measurements using the rotation of ion velocity with altitude. Exponential fits to the PFISR measurements made during the flight of 41.064 yield z(sub0) 115.9 +/- 1.2 km and a scale height of 9.1 +/- 1.0 km. Differences between in situ and ground-based measurements show that the E region atmospheric densities were structured vertically and/or horizontally on scales of 1 km to 10 km. There were no signs of ionospheric structure in ion density or ion temperature below scales of 1 km. The observations demonstrate the accuracy with which the in situ and PFISR data may be used as probes of IT coupling

    Consensus criteria for sensitive detection of minimal neuroblastoma cells in bone marrow, blood and stem cell preparations by immunocytology and QRT-PCR: recommendations by the International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Task Force

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    Disseminating disease is a predictive and prognostic indicator of poor outcome in children with neuroblastoma. Its accurate and sensitive assessment can facilitate optimal treatment decisions. The International Neuroblastoma Risk Group (INRG) Task Force has defined standardised methods for the determination of minimal disease (MD) by immunocytology (IC) and quantitative reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (QRT-PCR) using disialoganglioside GD2 and tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA respectively. The INRG standard operating procedures (SOPs) define methods for collecting, processing and evaluating bone marrow (BM), peripheral blood (PB) and peripheral blood stem cell harvest by IC and QRT-PCR. Sampling PB and BM is recommended at diagnosis, before and after myeloablative therapy and at the end of treatment. Peripheral blood stem cell products should be analysed at the time of harvest. Performing MD detection according to INRG SOPs will enable laboratories throughout the world to compare their results and thus facilitate quality-controlled multi-centre prospective trials to assess the clinical significance of MD and minimal residual disease in heterogeneous patient groups

    Strong Magnetic Field Fluctuations within Filamentary Auroral Density Cavities Interpreted as VLF Saucer Sources

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    The Geoelectrodynamics and Electro-Optical Detection of Electron and SuprathermalIon Currents (GEODESIC) sounding rocket encountered more than 100 filamentary densitycavities associated with enhanced plasma waves at ELF (3 kHz) and VLF (310 kHz)frequencies and at altitudes of 800990 km during an auroral substorm. These cavities weresimilar in size (20 m diameter in most cases) to so-called lower-hybrid cavities (LHCs)observed by previous sounding rockets and satellites; however, in contrast, many of theGEODESIC cavities exhibited up to tenfold enhancements in magnetic wave powerthroughout the VLF band. GEODESIC also observed enhancements of ELF and VLFelectric fields both parallel and perpendicular to the geomagnetic field B0 within cavities,though the VLF E field increases were often not as large proportionally as seen in themagnetic fields. This behavior is opposite to that predicted by previously published theoriesof LHCs based on passive scattering of externally incident auroral hiss. We argue thatthe GEODESIC cavities are active wave generation sites capable of radiating VLF wavesinto the surrounding plasma and producing VLF saucers, with energy supplied by cold,upward flowing electron beams composing the auroral return current. This interpretation issupported by the observation that the most intense waves, both inside and outside cavities,occurred in regions where energetic electron precipitation was largely inhibited orabsent altogether. We suggest that the wave-enhanced cavities encountered by GEODESICwere qualitatively different from those observed by earlier spacecraft because of thefortuitous timing of the GEODESIC launch, which placed the payload at apogee within asubstorm-related return current during its most intense phase, lasting only a few minutes

    Visible-light photoredox catalysis enables the biomimetic synthesis of nyingchinoids A, B, and D, and rasumatranin D

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    German editionThe total synthesis of nyingchinoids A and B has been achieved through successive rearrangements of a 1,2-dioxane intermediate that was assembled using a visible-light photoredox-catalysed aerobic [2+2+2] cycloaddition. Nyingchinoid D was synthesised with a competing [2+2] cycloaddition. Based on NMR data and biosynthetic speculation, we proposed a structure revision of the related natural product rasumatranin D, which was confirmed through total synthesis. Under photoredox conditions, we observed the conversion of a cyclobutane into a 1,2-dioxane through retro-[2+2] cycloaddition followed by aerobic [2+2+2] cycloaddition.Jacob D. Hart, Laura Burchill, Aaron J. Day, Christopher G. Newton, Christopher J. Sumby, David M. Huang, and Jonathan H. Georg