157 research outputs found

    Analysis of the SFR - M* plane at z<3: single fitting versus multi-Gaussian decomposition

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    The analysis of galaxies on the star formation rate - stellar mass (SFR-M*) plane is a powerful diagnostic for galaxy evolution at different cosmic times. We consider a sample of 24463 galaxies from the CANDELS/GOODS-S survey to conduct a detailed analysis of the SFR-M* relation at redshifts 0.5z<\leqslant z<3 over more than three dex in stellar mass. To obtain SFR estimates, we utilise mid- and far-IR photometry when available, and rest-UV fluxes for all the other galaxies. We perform our analysis in different redshift bins, with two different methods: 1) a linear regression fitting of all star-forming galaxies, defined as those with specific star formation rates log10(sSFR/yr1)>9.8\rm log_{10}(sSFR/yr^{-1}) > -9.8, similarly to what is typically done in the literature; 2) a multi-Gaussian decomposition to identify the galaxy main sequence (MS), the starburst sequence and the quenched galaxy cloud. We find that the MS slope becomes flatter when higher stellar mass cuts are adopted, and that the apparent slope change observed at high masses depends on the SFR estimation method. In addition, the multi-Gaussian decomposition reveals the presence of a starburst population which increases towards low stellar masses and high redshifts. We find that starbursts make up ~5% of all galaxies at z=0.5-1.0, while they account for ~16% of galaxies at 2<z<<z<3 with log10(M)=_{10}(M^{*})=8.25-11.25. We conclude that the dissection of the SFR-M* in multiple components over a wide range of stellar masses is necessary to understand the importance of the different modes of star formation through cosmic time.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in A&A, after addressing referee report. Main changes with respect to v1: two new appendixes to investigate the impact of redshift outliers and to test a two-Gaussian component fit to the sSFR distribution. No conclusion change

    Simulating the infrared sky with a S PRITZ

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    Aims. Current hydrodynamical and semi-empirical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution have difficulties in reproducing the number densities of infrared-detected galaxies. Therefore, a phenomenological simulation tool that is new and versatile is necessary to reproduce current and predict future observations at infrared (IR) wavelengths. Methods. In this work we generate simulated catalogues starting from the Herschel IR luminosity functions of different galaxy populations to consider different populations of galaxies and active galactic nuclei (AGN) in a consistent way. We associated a spectral energy distribution and physical properties, such as stellar mass, star formation rate, and AGN contribution, with each simulated galaxy using a broad set of empirical relations. We compared the resulting simulated galaxies, extracted up to z = 10, with a broad set of observational relations. Results. Spectro-Photometric Realisations of IR-Selected Targets at all-z (SPRITZ) simulations allow us to obtain, in a fully consistent way, simulated observations for a broad set of current and future facilities with photometric capabilities as well as low-resolution IR spectroscopy, such as the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) or the Origin Space Telescope (OST). The derived simulated catalogue contains galaxies and AGN that by construction reproduce the observed IR galaxy number density, but this catalogue also agrees with the observed number counts from UV to far-IR wavelengths, the observed stellar mass function, the star formation rate versus stellar mass plane, and the luminosity function from the radio to X-ray wavelengths. The proposed simulation is therefore ideal to make predictions for current and future facilities, in particular, but not limited to, those operating at IR wavelengths

    Recovering the properties of high redshift galaxies with different JWST broad-band filters

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    Imaging with the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will allow for observing the bulk of distant galaxies at the epoch of reionisation. The recovery of their properties, such as age, color excess E(B-V), specific star formation rate (sSFR) and stellar mass, will mostly rely on spectral energy distribution fitting, based on the data provided by JWST's two imager cameras, namely the Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) and the Mid Infrared Imager (MIRI). In this work we analyze the effect of choosing different combinations of NIRCam and MIRI broad-band filters, from 0.6 {\mu}m to 7.7 {\mu}m, on the recovery of these galaxy properties. We performed our tests on a sample of 1542 simulated galaxies, with known input properties, at z=7-10. We found that, with only 8 NIRCam broad-bands, we can recover the galaxy age within 0.1 Gyr and the color excess within 0.06 mag for 70% of the galaxies. Besides, the stellar masses and sSFR are recovered within 0.2 and 0.3 dex, respectively, at z=7-9. Instead, at z=10, no NIRCam band traces purely the {\lambda}> 4000 {\AA} regime and the percentage of outliers in stellar mass (sSFR) increases by > 20% (> 90%), in comparison to z=9. The MIRI F560W and F770W bands are crucial to improve the stellar mass and the sSFR estimation at z=10. When nebular emission lines are present, deriving correct galaxy properties is challenging, at any redshift and with any band combination. In particular, the stellar mass is systematically overestimated in up to 0.3 dex on average with NIRCam data alone and including MIRI observations improves only marginally the estimation.Comment: 21 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Accepted for publication at the ApJ

    Star formation in galaxies at z~4-5 from the SMUVS survey: a clear starburst/main-sequence bimodality for Halpha emitters on the SFR-M* plane

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    We study a large galaxy sample from the Spitzer Matching Survey of the UltraVISTA ultra-deep Stripes (SMUVS) to search for sources with enhanced 3.6 micron fluxes indicative of strong Halpha emission at z=3.9-4.9. We find that the percentage of "Halpha excess" sources reaches 37-40% for galaxies with stellar masses log10(M*/Msun) ~ 9-10, and decreases to <20% at log10(M*/Msun) ~ 10.7. At higher stellar masses, however, the trend reverses, although this is likely due to AGN contamination. We derive star formation rates (SFR) and specific SFR (sSFR) from the inferred Halpha equivalent widths (EW) of our "Halpha excess" galaxies. We show, for the first time, that the "Halpha excess" galaxies clearly have a bimodal distribution on the SFR-M* plane: they lie on the main sequence of star formation (with log10(sSFR/yr^{-1})<-8.05) or in a starburst cloud (with log10(sSFR/yr^{-1}) >-7.60). The latter contains ~15% of all the objects in our sample and accounts for >50% of the cosmic SFR density at z=3.9-4.9, for which we derive a robust lower limit of 0.066 Msun yr^{-1} Mpc^{-3}. Finally, we identify an unusual >50sigma overdensity of z=3.9-4.9 galaxies within a 0.20 x 0.20 sq. arcmin region. We conclude that the SMUVS unique combination of area and depth at mid-IR wavelengths provides an unprecedented level of statistics and dynamic range which are fundamental to reveal new aspects of galaxy evolution in the young Universe.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, 1 table. Re-submitted to the ApJ, after addressing referee report. Main changes with respect to v1: a new section and a new appendix have been added to investigate further the origin and robustness of the sSFR bimodality. No conclusion change

    Calibration Scheme for Large Kinetic Inductance Detector Arrays Based on Readout Frequency Response

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    Microwave kinetic inductance detector (MKID) provides a way to build large ground based sub-mm instruments such as NIKA and A-MKID. For such instruments, therefore, it is important to understand and characterize the response to ensure good linearity and calibration over wide dynamic range. We propose to use the MKID readout frequency response to determine the MKID responsivity to an input optical source power. A signal can be measured in a KID as a change in the phase of the readout signal with respect to the KID resonant circle. Fundamentally, this phase change is due to a shift in the KID resonance frequency, in turn due to a radiation induced change in the quasiparticle number in the superconducting resonator. We show that shift in resonant frequency can be determined from the phase shift by using KID phase versus frequency dependence using a previously measured resonant frequency. Working in this calculated resonant frequency, we gain near linearity and constant calibration to a constant optical signal applied in a wide range of operating points on the resonance and readout powers. This calibration method has three particular advantages: first, it is fast enough to be used to calibrate large arrays, with pixel counts in the thousand of pixels; second, it is based on data that are already necessary to determine KID positions; third, it can be done without applying any optical source in front of the array.Comment: Accepted to Journal of Low Temperature Physics LTD16 Special Issue, Low Temperature Detector 16 Conference Proceedings,manuscript number: #JLTP-D-15-00356R1, 6 pages, 5 figure

    SPRITZ is sparkling: Simulated CO and [C II] luminosities

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    Aims. We present a new prediction for the luminosity functions (LFs) of the [C II] line at 158 mu M, of the CO lines from J = 0 to J = 24, and of the molecular gas mass density up to z = 10, using the Spectro-Photometric Realisations of Infrared-selected Targets at all-z (SPRITz) simulation.Methods. We update the state-of-the-art phenomenological simulation SPRITZ to include both the CO (J &lt;= 24) and the [C II] line luminosities. This has been performed using different empirical and theoretical relations to convert the total infrared luminosity (or star formation rate, SFR) to the [C II] or CO luminosity. The resulting line LFs were compared for validation with a large set of observations available in the literature. We then used the derived CO and [C II] line luminosities to estimate the molecular gas mass density and compare it with available observations.Results. The CO and [C II] LFs presented here are in good agreement with all the available observations. In particular, the best results for [C II] are obtained deriving the [C II] luminosity directly from the SFR, but considering a dependence of this relation on the gas metallicity. For all the CO LFs, the estimates favoured by the data are derived considering different relations, depending on the ionisation mechanism dominating each galaxy, namely star formation or active galactic nuclei, and, moreover, by deriving the J &gt;= 4 CO lines directly from the [C II] luminosity. However, further data are necessary to fully distinguish between models. Finally, the best agreements with observations of the molecular gas mass density are derived by converting the [C II] luminosity to H-2 mass, using a [C II]-to-H-2 conversion similar to 130 M-circle dot/L-circle dot. All the line LFs, useful for planning and interpreting future observations, are made publicly available

    Simulating the infrared sky with a Spritz

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    Current hydrodynamical and semi-empirical simulations of galaxy formation and evolution have difficulties in reproducing the number densities of IR-detected galaxies. Therefore, a versatile, phenomenological new simulation tool is necessary to reproduce current and predict future observations at IR wavelengths. In this work we generate simulated catalogues starting from the Herschel infrared luminosity functions of different galaxy populations, in order to consider in a consistent way different populations of galaxies and active galactic nuclei. We associated a spectral energy distribution and physical properties, such as stellar mass, star-formation-rate and AGN contribution, to each simulated galaxy using a broad set of empirical relations. We compare the resulting simulated galaxies, extracted up to z==10, with a broad set of observational relations. The Spectro-Photometric Realisations of Infrared-selected Targets at all-z (SPRITZ) simulation will allow us to obtain in a fully consistent way simulated observations for a broad set of current and future facilities with photometric capabilities as well as low-resolution IR spectroscopy, like the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) or the Origin Space Telescope (OST). The derived simulated catalogue contains galaxies and active galactic nuclei that by construction reproduce the observed IR galaxy number density, but it is also in agreement with the observed number counts from UV to far-IR wavelengths, the observed stellar mass function, the star-formation-rate vs. stellar mass plane and the luminosity function from the radio to the X-ray. The proposed simulation is therefore ideal to make predictions for current and future facilities, in particular, but not limited to, those operating at IR wavelengths. The SPRITZ simulation will be publicly available.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 32 pages, 30 figure

    Simulating infrared spectro-photometric surveys with a S pritz

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    Mid- and far-infrared (IR) photometric and spectroscopic observations are fundamental to a full understanding of the dust-obscured Universe and the evolution of both star formation and black hole accretion in galaxies. In this work, using the specifications of the SPace Infrared telescope for Cosmology and Astrophysics (SPICA) as a baseline, we investigate the capability to study the dust-obscured Universe of mid- and far-IR photometry at 34 and and low-resolution spectroscopy at using the state-of-the-art Spectro-Photometric Realisations of Infrared-selected Targets at all-z (Spritz) simulation. This investigation is also compared to the expected performance of the Origins Space Telescope and the Galaxy Evolution Probe. The photometric view of the Universe of a SPICA-like mission could cover not only bright objects (e.g. 10^{12},{ m L}_{odot} ]]>) up to, but also normal galaxies ( L_{IR}) up to. At the same time, the spectroscopic observations of such mission could also allow us to estimate the redshifts and study the physical properties for thousands of star-forming galaxies and active galactic nuclei by observing the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and a large set of IR nebular emission lines. In this way, a cold, 2.5-m size space telescope with spectro-photometric capability analogous to SPICA, could provide us with a complete three-dimensional (i.e. images and integrated spectra) view of the dust-obscured Universe and the physics governing galaxy evolution up to

    Optical and mid-infrared line emission in nearby Seyfert galaxies

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    Line ratio diagnostics provide valuable clues on the source of ionizing radiation in galaxies with intense black hole accretion and starbursting events, such as local Seyfert or galaxies at the peak of the star formation history. We aim to provide a reference joint optical and mid-IR analysis for studying AGN identification via line ratios and testing predictions from photoionization models. We obtained homogenous optical spectra with the Southern Africa Large Telescope for 42 Seyfert galaxies with Spitzer/IRS spectroscopy and X-ray to mid-IR multiband data available. After confirming the power of the main optical ([OIII]) and mid-IR ([NeV], [OIV], [NeIII]) emission lines in tracing AGN activity, we explore diagrams based on ratios of optical and mid-IR lines by exploiting photoionization models of different ionizing sources (AGN, star formation and shocks). We find that pure AGN photoionization models are good at reproducing observations of Seyfert galaxies with an AGN fractional contribution to the mid-IR (5-40 micron) emission larger than 50 per cent. For targets with a lower AGN contribution these same models do not fully reproduce the observed mid-IR line ratios. Mid-IR ratios like [NeV]/[NeII], [OIV]/[NeII] and [NeIII]/[NeII] show a dependence on the AGN fractional contribution to the mid-IR unlike optical line ratios. An additional source of ionization, either from star formation or radiative shocks, can help explain the observations in the mid-IR. Among combinations of optical and mid-IR diagnostics in line ratio diagrams, only those involving the [OI]/Halpha ratio are promising diagnostics for simultaneously unraveling the relative role of AGN, star formation and, shocks. A proper identification of the dominant ionizing source would require the exploitation of analysis tools based on advanced statistical techniques as well as spatially resolved data.Comment: 31 pages, 15 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    The role of SPICA-like missions and the Origins Space Telescope in the quest for heavily obscured AGN and synergies with Athena

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    In the BH-galaxy co-evolution framework, most of the star-formation (SF) and the black hole (BH) accretion is expected to take place in highly obscured conditions. Thus, obscured AGN are difficult to identify in optical or X-ray bands, but shine bright in the IR. Moreover, X-ray background (XRB) synthesis models predict that a large fraction of the yet-unresolved XRB is due to the most obscured (Compton thick, CT) of these AGN. In this work, we investigate the synergies between putative IR missions (using SPICA, proposed for ESA/M5 but withdrawn in October 2020, and Origins Space Telescope, OST, as `templates') and the X-ray mission Athena, which should fly in early 2030s, in detecting and characterizing AGN, with a particular focus on the most obscured ones. Using an XRB synthesis model, we estimated the number of AGN and the number of those which will be detected in the X-rays. For each AGN we associated an optical-to-FIR SED from observed AGN with both X-ray data and SED decomposition, and used these SEDs to check if the AGN will be detected by SPICA-like or OST at IR wavelengths. We expect that, with the deepest Athena and SPICA-like (or OST) surveys, we will be able to detect in the IR more than 90%90\,\% of all the AGN (down to L210keV1042_{2-10\text{keV}} \sim 10^{42}\,erg/s and up to z10z \sim 10) predicted by XRB synthesis modeling, and we will detect at least half of them in the X-rays. Athena will be extremely powerful in detecting and discerning moderate- and high-luminosity AGN. We find that the most obscured and elusive CT-AGN will be exquisitely sampled by SPICA-like mission or OST and that Athena will allow a fine characterization of the most-luminous ones. This will provide a significant step forward in the process of placing stronger constraints on the yet-unresolved XRB and investigating the BH accretion rate evolution up to very high redshift (z4z \ge 4).Comment: Accepted for publication in PAS