1,636 research outputs found

    The Influence of Hospitality Leaders’ Relational Transparency on Followers’ Trust and Deviance Behaviors: Mediating Role of Behavioral Integrity

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    This paper investigates the effect of leader\u27s relational transparency on follower organizational deviance through followers’ perception of leader\u27s behavioral integrity and their trust in leader. Multi-level modeling results from a multisource survey-based field-study with 24 hospitality student project teams (N = 149) show that behavioral integrity mediates the relationship between leader\u27s relational transparency and follower\u27s trust in leader. Furthermore, multi-level path analysis suggests that leader\u27s relational transparency, a team-level construct, exerts a cross-level effect on follower\u27s organizational deviance through the mediating roles of behavioral integrity and follower\u27s trust in leader. The study has yielded theoretical and practical implications that are useful for hospitality leaders. © 201


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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah yang menjadi prinsip-prinsip dasar pembinaan bagi narapidana dan bagaimanakah masalah jaminan keamanan bagi narapidana dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan.  Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif dapat disimpulkan, bahwa: 1.   Terdapat adanya empat komponen penting dalam prinsip-prinsip dasar pembinaan narapidana, yaitu: diri sendiri, yaitu narapidana itu sendiri; keluarga, yaitu keluarga inti atau keluarga dekat; masyarakat, yaitu orang-orang yang berada di sekeliling narapidana saat masih di luar LP dan petugas yaitu petugas kepolisian, penasehat hukum, petugas keagamaan, petugas sosial, petugas LP/Rutan, Balai BISPA, dan Hakim Wasmat. 2. Secara  umum,  dapatlah  dikatakan  bahwa dengan dapat diatasinya  kendala/kelemahan  daripada  Sistem  Pemasyarakatan  itu  meliputi  kemampuan  personil  (human  resource) dari  Lembaga  Pemasyarakatan  yang  secara  umum  kurang  memadai  di dalam  menerjemahkan  konsep  pemasyarakatan  dalam  menjalankan  tugas  pembinaan,  sarana  dan  prasarana  operasionalisasi  Sistem  Pemasyarakatan   berupa  sarana  fisik  yaitu  berupa  gedung-gedung  penjara  yang  masih  merupakan  warisan  masa  kolonial,  serta  ketidakpercayaan  masyarakat  terhadap  bekas  narapidana  karena  persepsi  yang  sudah  terlanjur  tertanam  dalam  masyarakat  bahwa  Lembaga  Pemasyarakatan  tidak  lebih  sebagai  sekolah  kejahatan, maka masalah jaminan keamanan bagi narapidana di LP tidak akan menimbulkan masalah terlebih apabila para petugas lembaga pemasyarakatan/Rutan menerapkan Pasal 5 dan Pasal 14 UU No. 12 Tahun 1995 baik dan benar. Kata kunci: Jaminan keamanan, terpidana

    Penentuan Barcode DNA Berdasarkan Gen MatK Dan Analisis In-silico MatK Rumput Macan (Lantana Camara L.)

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    DNA barcoding merupakan metode identifikasi spesies menggunakan potongan DNA pendek yang disebut barcode DNA. Gen matK merupakan gen standar untuk penentuan barcode DNA tanaman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan barcode DNA tumbuhan rumput macan (L. camara L.) berdasarkan gen matK, serta melakukan analisis in-silico terhadap produk gen matK tumbuhan rumput macan (L. camara L.) dengan kerabat terdekatnya. Gen matK L. camara L. telah berhasil diamplifikasi dengan Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) menggunakan primer forward matK-1RKIM-f dan primer reverse matK-3FKIM-r. Analisis terhadap sekuens matK L. camara L. menunjukkan bahwa barcode DNA tumbuhan rumput macan (L. camara L.) terdiri dari 843 nukleotida. Selanjutnya, hasil analisis in-silico menunjukkan bahwa matK Lantana camara L. bersifat basa, stabil, dan dapat berinteraksi baik dengan air.DNA barcoding is a method of species identification using short pieces of DNA called DNA barcode. matK is a standard gene to determine DNA barcode of a plant. The aim of this research was to determine the DNA barcode of Rumput Macan plant (Lantana camara L.) based on matK gene, as well as in-silico analysis of the product matK gene Rumput Macan (L camara L.) with its closest relatives. L. camara L. matK gene was successfully amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) using forward primer MATK-1RKIM-f and reverse primer MATK-3FKIM-r. Analysis of the matK sequence of L. camara L. showed that the barcode DNA of rumput macan plant (L. camara L.) consisting of 843 nucleotides. Furthermore, the result of in-silico analysis showed that the matK of L camara L. is alkaline, stable, and able to interact well with water

    On Teaching an Object-Oriented Database Module in Undergraduate CS/IS Curricula

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    As object-oriented technology becomes more and more prevalently used in the computing industry, it is important that the computing science curricula keep up with the technological trend. The literature shows numerous efforts in this direction but few have dealt with object-oriented databases. Much of the efforts are in the areas of incorporating object-orientation into introductory computing courses or integrating special topics courses on object-oriented programming into the curricula. This paper describes the experiences that the author had while integrating object-orientation into a CS/IS curriculum. In particular, it illustrates where and how object-oriented databases can be introduced in an introductory DBMS course by using some object-oriented DBMS prototypes. A sample module for introducing object-oriented databases is also presented

    Teaching Web Development Technologies: Past, Present, and (Near) Future

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    The advent of the World Wide Web not only fundamentally changes the way we do things, it also greatly changes how computer software are built. While this profound evolution of software development has caused many in the software industry to change their way of developing software, it has not caused many in the academics to change their way of teaching computing. This paper describes the evolution of a course that teaches web development technologies. The contents of the course in three different iterations, the observations made, the available educational resources employed, and the challenges ahead for the course are presented

    Genetic Algorithm with 3-parent Uniform Crossover

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    A new genetic algorithm which uses a 3-parent uniform crossover operator is developed and analyzed. Uniform crossover operators are shown to be based on the premise that all bit-level genetic information should be passed from parents to children. The 3-parent uniform crossover operator is shown to adhere to this premise. The 3-parent uniform crossover operator is shown to be better than the 2-parent uniform crossover operator on the De Jong test functions. Two new genetic algorithms which use 3-parent traditional crossover operators are developed and analyzed. The first uses a strategy of randomly selecting 3 of the 6 children resulting from 3-parent reproduction. The second uses a strategy of selecting the best 3 of the 6 children resulting from 3-parent reproduction. Each of the 3-parent traditional crossover operators is shown to be superior to the 2-parent traditional crossover operator on the De Jong test functions. The strategy of selecting the best 3 out of 6 children is shown to be superior to the strategy of randomly selecting 3 out of 6 children. In addition to these 3-parent genetic algorithms, a relationship between the Metropolis algorithm from simulated annealing and the two-membered evolution strategy is developed. The Metropolis algorithm is shown to be a special case of the two- membered evolution strategy