676 research outputs found

    Two-Proton Correlations near Midrapidity in p+Pb and S+Pb Collisions at the CERN SPS

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    Correlations of two protons emitted near midrapidity in p+Pb collisions at 450 GeV/c and S+Pb collisions at 200A GeV/c are presented, as measured by the NA44 Experiment. The correlation effect, which arises as a result of final state interactions and Fermi-Dirac statistics, is related to the space-time characteristics of proton emission. The measured source sizes are smaller than the size of the target lead nucleus but larger than the sizes of the projectiles. A dependence on the collision centrality is observed; the source size increases with decreasing impact parameter. Proton source sizes near midrapidity appear to be smaller than those of pions in the same interactions. Quantitative agreement with the results of RQMD (v1.08) simulations is found for p+Pb collisions. For S+Pb collisions the measured correlation effect is somewhat weaker than that predicted by the model simulations, implying either a larger source size or larger contribution of protons from long-lived particle decays.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX) text, 4 (EPS) figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Lett.

    Effects of social-cognitive processing demands and structural importance on narrative recall: Differences between children, adolescents, and adults

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    This study examined the contributions of developmental changes in social-cognitive ability throughout adolescence to the development of narrative comprehension. We measured the effects of sensitivity to the causal structure of narratives and of sensitivity to differences in social-cognitive processing demands on narrative recall by children (8–10 years old), adolescents (13–15 years old), and adults (19–21 years old). Generalized mixed-effects models for dichotomous variables revealed that social-cognitive processing demands of story elements predicted differences in narrative recall between the age groups, over and above the causal importance of story elements. Children's and adolescents' recall of the narrative differed from that of adults, and these differences were most apparent for social-cognitive aspects of the narrative. These findings suggest that immature social-cognitive abilities limit narrative comprehension in childhood and adolescence and, in doing so, contribute to our understanding of the interaction between reader characteristics and text characteristics in the development of narrative comprehension.Development Psychopathology in context: schoo

    Caracterização do nível de oxidação de glutationa durante a dormência hibernal em gemas de macieira.

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    A macieira (Malus x domestica) apresenta a queda de folhas no final do ciclo e o estabelecimento da donnência hibemal (endodonnência). Durante a endodonnência, as plantas necessitam de regularidade e intensidade de baixas temperaturas para que iniciem a brotação e se estabeleça um novo ciclo vegetativo e produtivo. Entretanto, em regiões de clima temperado, como a Região Sul do Brasil, em muitos invemos ocorrem flutuações de temperatura que resultam em quedas de produção.Resumo

    Lambda-proton correlations in relativistic heavy ion collisions

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    The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to extract source sizes in relativistic heavy ion collisions is investigated. It is found that the strong interaction induces a large peak in the correlation function that provides more sensitive source size measurements than two-proton correlations under some circumstances. The prospect of using lambda-proton correlations to measure the time lag between lambda and proton emissions is also studied.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure, revtex style. Two short paragraphs are added at referees' recommendations. Phys. Rev. Lett. in pres

    Baryon phase-space density in heavy-ion collisions

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    The baryon phase-space density at mid-rapidity from central heavy-ion collisions is estimated from proton spectra with interferometry and deuteron coalescence measurements. It is found that the mid-rapidity phase-space density of baryons is significantly lower at the SPS than the AGS, while those of total particles (pion + baryon) are comparable. Thermal and chemical equilibrium model calculations tend to over-estimate the phase-space densities at both energies.Comment: 5 pages, 2 tables, no figure. RevTeX style. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. C Rapid Communicatio

    Rapid estimation of catalytic efficiency by cumulative atomic multipole moments:application to ketosteroid isomerase mutants

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    We propose a simple atomic multipole electrostatic model to rapidly evaluate the effects of mutation on enzyme activity and test its performance on wild-type and mutant ketosteroid isomerase. The predictions of our atomic multipole model are similar to those obtained with symmetry-adapted perturbation theory at a fraction of the computational cost. We further show that this approach is relatively insensitive to the precise amino acid side chain conformation in mutants and may thus be useful in computational enzyme (re)­design

    Characterization of the seismic environment at the Sanford Underground Laboratory, South Dakota

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    An array of seismometers is being developed at the Sanford Underground Laboratory, the former Homestake mine, in South Dakota to study the properties of underground seismic fields and Newtonian noise, and to investigate the possible advantages of constructing a third-generation gravitational-wave detector underground. Seismic data were analyzed to characterize seismic noise and disturbances. External databases were used to identify sources of seismic waves: ocean-wave data to identify sources of oceanic microseisms, and surface wind-speed data to investigate correlations with seismic motion as a function of depth. In addition, sources of events contributing to the spectrum at higher frequencies are characterized by studying the variation of event rates over the course of a day. Long-term observations of spectral variations provide further insight into the nature of seismic sources. Seismic spectra at three different depths are compared, establishing the 4100-ft level as a world-class low seismic-noise environment.Comment: 29 pages, 16 figure

    Electrocardiogram Monitoring Wearable Devices and Artificial-Intelligence-Enabled Diagnostic Capabilities: A Review

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    Worldwide, population aging and unhealthy lifestyles have increased the incidence of high-risk health conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, sleep apnea, and other conditions. Recently, to facilitate early identification and diagnosis, efforts have been made in the research and development of new wearable devices to make them smaller, more comfortable, more accurate, and increasingly compatible with artificial intelligence technologies. These efforts can pave the way to the longer and continuous health monitoring of different biosignals, including the real-time detection of diseases, thus providing more timely and accurate predictions of health events that can drastically improve the healthcare management of patients. Most recent reviews focus on a specific category of disease, the use of artificial intelligence in 12-lead electrocardiograms, or on wearable technology. However, we present recent advances in the use of electrocardiogram signals acquired with wearable devices or from publicly available databases and the analysis of such signals with artificial intelligence methods to detect and predict diseases. As expected, most of the available research focuses on heart diseases, sleep apnea, and other emerging areas, such as mental stress. From a methodological point of view, although traditional statistical methods and machine learning are still widely used, we observe an increasing use of more advanced deep learning methods, specifically architectures that can handle the complexity of biosignal data. These deep learning methods typically include convolutional and recurrent neural networks. Moreover, when proposing new artificial intelligence methods, we observe that the prevalent choice is to use publicly available databases rather than collecting new data

    Bose-Einstein Correlations for Three-Dimensionally Expanding, Cylindrically Symmetric, Finite Systems

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    The parameters of the Bose-Einstein correlation function may obey an {\it MtM_t-scaling}, as observed in S+PbS + Pb and Pb+PbPb + Pb reactions at CERN SPS. This MtM_t-scaling implies that the Bose-Einstein correlation functions view only a small part of the big and expanding system. The full sizes of the expanding system at the last interaction are shown to be measurable with the help the invariant momentum distribution of the emitted particles. A vanishing duration parameter can also be generated in the considered model-class with a specific MtM_t dependence.Comment: 35 pages, ReVTeX, LaTeX, no figures, discussion extende
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