580 research outputs found

    Proximal, Microbiological and Nutritional Characterization in Chinese Potato Flour of the White Variety Colocasia Esculenta for Application in Functional Foods

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    The study presents a qualitative-quantitative scope through descriptive statistics for the variables studied with its analyses, with the objective of performing physical, proximal, microbiological and contained characterization of amino acids in Chinese potato flour of the white variety Colocasia esculenta for its application in functional foods. By obtaining the flour, the proximal percentages are evaluated; moisture 9.01%, ash 2.24 ± 0.15% protein 2.02 ± 0.02% fiber 4.25 ± 0.26% and fat 0.43 ± 0.15%. Additionally, the physical-chemical analyses carried out on the flour obtain a pH of 6.66 ± 0.10% acidity (oxalic) 2.24 ± 0.00% Brix degrees 2 ± 0.50%. The nutritional values reported in the Chinese potato flour of the white variety lies mainly in its content of Methionine with a value of 21.15%, Alanine with 10.43%, Isoleucine with 8.08%, Threonine with 7.41%, Histidine with 3.65% and lysine with 3.10%. Finally, the microbiological analysis of the product is determined, concluding that they are within the parameters established in wheat flours with the INEN 616: 2006 standard; thus it is considered of good quality, suitable for human consumption and consequently, for use in the food industry. Therefore, it can be used as functional food or be transformed through the use of different techniques, thus being an important plant genetic resource to improve the nutritional quality of food, productivity, food health, as well as the protection and prevention of diseases in areas of the equator with high levels of malnutrition. Keywords: characterization, nutritional food, Chinese potato, industrialization, flour. Resumen El estudio presenta un alcance cualitativo-cuantitativo mediante la estadística descriptiva para las variables estudiadas con sus respectivos análisis y el objetivo de realizar la caracterización física, proximal, microbiológica y contenida de aminoácidos en harina de papa China de la variedad blanca Colocasia esculenta para su aplicación en alimentos funcionales. Mediante la obtención de la harina se evalúa los porcentajes proximales; humedad 9,01%, cenizas 2,24 ± 0,15% proteína 2,02 ± 0,02% fibra 4,25 ± 0,26% y grasa 0,43 ± 0.15%. Además, los análisis físico-químicos realizados en la harina se obtiene un pH de 6,66 ± 0,10% acidez (oxálico) 2,24 ± 0,00% grados Brix 2 ± 0,50%. Los valores nutricionales reportados en la harina de papa China de la variedad blanca radica principalmente en su contenido de Metionina con un valor de 21,15%, Alanina 10,43%, Isoleucina 8,08%, Treonina 7,41%, Histidina 3,65% y lisina con el 3,10%. Finalmente, se determina el análisis microbiológico del producto concluyendo que se encuentran dentro de los parámetros establecidos en harinas de trigo con la norma INEN 616:2006 de este modo se considera de buena calidad, apta para el consumo humano y consecutivamente empleada en industria alimentaria. Por lo que, puede ser utilizado como alimento funcional o ser trasformado mediante la utilización de distintas técnicas siendo así un importante recurso fitogenético para mejorar la calidad nutricional de los alimentos, la productividad, la 171 sanidad alimentaria, así como la protección y prevención de enfermedades en zonas del ecuador con altos niveles de desnutrición. Palabras clave: caracterización, alimento nutricional, papa China, industrialización, harina

    Creating a Micro-Enterprise for the Development and Marketing of a Chili Sauce Based on Sambo Seeds: Market Analysis

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    The present work was carried out to promote a chili sauce made with the seeds of the sambo fruit – a local variety of pumpkin. Presently, the sauce is consumed only in Ecuador and is prepared using just the fleshy part of the fruit, while the seeds are discarded. The authors of this article see a larger potential application of the fruit in the food industry, as the fruit not only adds a pleasant flavor but is also full of nutrition. They have made a new chili sauce with a base of sambo seeds. The research was carried out using an inductive method, where people were selected at random. Variables such as gender, age, level, and consumption preferences, among others, were analyzed. The study was conducted in Riobamba canton on 164 people, aged 20 and over, considering various aspects. The instrument used was a questionnaire. The results showed that 71.95% of those surveyed consumed chili-based sauces, and 54.88% of them consumed it at least once a week. In addition, 63.41% of them consumed or had consumed sambo seeds, thus denoting that consumers were aware of and were consuming this product. The current research allowed us to innovate the product using correct methods and techniques, and adapt the best use of seeds in the food industry. Keywords: chili, sambo, economic analysis, consumption, commercialization. RESUMEN El presente trabajo se realizó con el objetivo de dar a conocer la aceptación y el beneficio económico de la salsa de ají con adición de semillas del fruto de sambo en el mercado, actualmente su consumo se da en todo el país y se aprovecha únicamente la parte carnosa de la fruta, las semillas son desechadas, por cuanto vemos una potencial aplicación en la industria alimentaria de estas, a más de aportar con sabor agradable aportan nutricionalmente, y se las han adicionado en una salsa de ají, al integrar al mercado una nueva salsa elaborada con este producto icónico además se busca utilizar las semillas de la calabaza local conocida como sambo. Esta investigación se realizó mediante un método inductivo, donde las personas fueron seleccionadas al azar, se analizaron variables como: género, edad, nivel y preferencias de consumo, entre otras. La búsqueda de información fue en el cantón Riobamba, a 164 personas, de 20 años en adelante, considerando varios aspectos; el instrumento aplicado fue cuestionario. Los resultados demuestran que el 71.95% de los How to encuestados consumen salsas elaboradas a base de ají, y de estos 54.88% lo consumen como mínimo una vez a la semana, además que el 63,41% consume o ha consumido semillas de sambo, denotando así que los consumidores conocen y consumen estos productos. La actual investigación nos permitió innovar el producto, utilizando correctamente métodos y técnicas adaptando el mejor uso de las semillas en la industria alimentaria. Palabras Clave: Ají, sambo, semillas, análisis económico, consumo, comercialización

    Chaotic Rivest-Shamir-Adlerman Algorithm with Data Encryption Standard Scheduling

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    Cryptography, which involves the use of a cipher, describes a process of encrypting information so that its meaning is hidden and thus, secured from those who do not know how to decrypt the information. Cryptography algorithms come with the various types including the symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. In this paper, the authors applied the most commonly used algorithm, which is the RSA algorithm together with the Chaos system and the basic security device employed in the worldwide organizations which is the Data Encryption Standard (DES) with the objective to make a hybrid data encryption. The advantage of a chaos system which is its unpredictability through the use of multiple keys and the secrecy of the RSA which is based on integer factorization’s difficulty is combined for a more secure and reliable cryptography. The key generation was made more secure by applying the DES schedule to change the keys for encryption. The main strength of the proposed system is the chaotic variable key generator that chages the value of encrypted message whenever a different number of key is used. Using the provided examples the strength of security of the proposed system was tested and demonstrated

    Android Application for Microcontroller-based Reservoir Water Level Monitoring

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    A reservoir water level monitoring system was designed, constructed using a microcontroller and evaluated through functionality, reliability and accuracy. The monitoring system components consisted of a Gizduino microcontroller, Ethernet shield, serial camera and float switches which enabled the system to provide real time status and pictures of the reservoir. The monitoring system can be accessed using an Android application that can be installed in a compatible Android smartphone. An internet connection with a dedicated public IP was needed to broadcast the status and pictures of the reservoir. The specific monitoring system is fixed to a specific dam as it has a set of different float switches and camera. A back-up battery supply was integrated to the monitoring system to provide continuous power to the system. Fifty students evaluated the user acceptance of the water level monitoring system. According to the participants, the system was user-friendly, functional, reliable and accurate

    Chaotic Rivest-Shamir-Adlerman Algorithm with Data Encryption Standard Scheduling

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    Cryptography, which involves the use of a cipher, describes a process of encrypting information so that its meaning is hidden and thus, secured from those who do not know how to decrypt the information. Cryptography algorithms come with the various types including the symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. In this paper, the authors applied the most commonly used algorithm, which is the RSA algorithm together with the Chaos system and the basic security device employed in the worldwide organizations which is the Data Encryption Standard (DES) with the objective to make a hybrid data encryption. The advantage of a chaos system which is its unpredictability through the use of multiple keys and the secrecy of the RSA which is based on integer factorization's difficulty is combined for a more secure and reliable cryptography. The key generation was made more secure by applying the DES schedule to change the keys for encryption. The main strength of the proposed system is the chaotic variable key generator that chages the value of encrypted message whenever a different number of key is used. Using the provided examples the strength of security of the proposed system was tested and demonstrated


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    The thermal performance of flat plate pulsating heat pipes with differentchannel geometries was performed in this experimental work. The testswere accomplished with two channel profiles, round and grooved. One ofthe channel geometries, located on the evaporator, can be considered novel,consisting of a round channel with two lateral grooves. Diffusion bondingtechnology was used to manufacture the PHPs made of two copper flatplates. Distilled water was used as the working fluid with a filling ratio of50% (17.9 ml) of the total volume. The pulsating heat pipes were tested atone position (vertical) under heat loads from 20 up to 2000 W. Theexperimental results showed that both flat plate pulsating heat pipesoperates successfully for high heat fluxes. The lateral grooves reduced thethermal resistance, being principally efficient in lower loads. Besides that,the novel channel considerably anticipated the operation startup. Therefore,a much better performance was obtained by the grooved channel PHP,which was constructed from a simple, low cost modification of thefabrication process

    Structure, Configuration And Sizing Of Ni Nanoparticles Generated By Ultrafast Laser Ablation In Different Media

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    In recent years, nickel nanoparticles (NPs) have increased scientific interest because of their extensive prospects in catalysts, information storage, large-scale batteries and biomedicine. Several works on Ni NPs generation by laser ablation have appeared in the literature in the last years, using different pulsed laser regimes and different media have been published recently. In this work we analyze the characteristics of species, structure (bare core or core-shell), configuration and size distribution of NPs generated by fs pulse laser ablation over a Ni solid target in n-heptane and water. We explore the presence of NiO-Ni core-shell and hollow Ni (or air-Ni) NPs in the colloids obtained. These were experimentally characterized using AFM and TEM microscopy, as well as Optical Extinction Spectroscopy (OES). Extinction spectra were modeled using Mie theory through an appropriate modification of the complex experimental dielectric function, taking into account a size-dependent corrective term for each free and bound electron contribution. Experimental UV-visible-NIR spectra were reproduced considering a size distribution of bare core, hollow and core-shell structures NPs. In both media, Ni NPs shape and size distribution agrees with that derived from TEM and AFM analysis.954

    Villatina: algunas reflexiones 20 años después de la tragedia

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    El estudio presenta una breve síntesis de la tragedia ocurrida el 27 de septiembre de 1987 en Villatina y de las intervenciones posteriores a la tragedia; luego, desde la perspectiva de los pobladores que permanecieron en el barrio y de quienes fueron reubicados en varios programas, compara las interpretaciones del evento dadas en 3 momentos (1987, 1993 y 2007) y su incidencia sobre la concepción del riesgo; y analiza el tránsito de la informalidad a la formalidad, haciendo énfasis en el reto de los compromisos que adquiere la población, en las relaciones con los vecinos del nuevo entorno y en los procesos organizativos