1,078 research outputs found

    Unidad did?ctica para el aprendizaje significativo de funciones cuadr?ticas en los estudiantes de grado 9 de la instituci?n educativa Leonidas Rubio Villegas de Ibagu?

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    129 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto tiene como objetivo, generar aprendizaje significativo de las funciones cuadr?ticas en estudiantes de grado noveno de la instituci?n educativa Le?nidas Rubio Villegas - Sede Principal de Ibagu?. Con base en un problema identificado en la pr?ctica docente se dise?a y se aplica una unidad did?ctica bajo fundamentaciones te?ricas, particularmente las de aprendizaje significativo. La unidad est? influenciada bajo la corriente del Paidocentrismo (el alumno como centro), la cual busca la autoformaci?n del estudiante una investigaci?n- acci?n, se aplic? una prueba antes y despu?s de la ejecuci?n de las actividades propuestas, en ?ltima instancia se ilustra un cuadro comparativo entre las dos para evaluar la efectividad de la unidad did?ctica. La indagaci?n en el aula es un proceso que todo docente deber?a realizar d?a a d?a por ?tica profesional para mejorar la calidad de su ense?anza. Se pudo apreciar que la unidad did?ctica tuvo efectividad en el momento que los estudiantes se sienten contextualizados con la realidad y las funciones cuadr?ticas. Cuando se pone en contacto el estudiante con situaciones de la vida real, articula la abstracci?n de las funciones cuadr?ticas para el entendimiento de fen?menos sociales, f?sicos, qu?micos naturales, etc.The aim of this project is generating meaningful learning of quadratic functions in the ninth grade students from the Institution Educative Leonidas Rubio Villegas ? Sede Principal de Ibague. Based on an identified problem seen in the practicum. A didactic unit is designed and applied under theoretical foundations, particularly meaningful learning. The unit is influenced under the current of Paidocentrismo (Students as center), which seeks self-training student in action research. A test was applied before and after the implementation of the proposed activities, ultimately, it illustrates a comparative table between the two to assess the effectiveness of the didactic Unit. The inquiry in the classroom is a process that every teacher should make daily for professional ethics to improve the quality of their teaching. It was observed that the didactic unit was effective at the moment that students felt contextualized with the reality and the quadratic functions. When the students get contact with the real-life situations, they articulate the abstraction of quadratic functions for the understanding of social, physical, chemical, natural phenomena, etc. Keywords: Meaningful learning, Quadratic Functions, contextualization

    Conformational changes of calmodulin upon Ca2+ binding studied with a microfluidic mixer

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    A microfluidic mixer is applied to study the kinetics of calmodulin conformational changes upon Ca2+ binding. The device facilitates rapid, uniform mixing by decoupling hydrodynamic focusing from diffusive mixing and accesses time scales of tens of microseconds. The mixer is used in conjunction with multiphoton microscopy to examine the fast Ca2+-induced transitions of acrylodan-labeled calmodulin. We find that the kinetic rates of the conformational changes in two homologous globular domains differ by more than an order of magnitude. The characteristic time constants are ≈490 μs for the transitions in the C-terminal domain and ≈20 ms for those in the N-terminal domain of the protein. We discuss possible mechanisms for the two distinct events and the biological role of the stable intermediate, half-saturated calmodulin

    Perceptions of graduates of industrial engineering at the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto.

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    Qual a percep??o que o egresso do curso de engenharia de produ??o tem sobre sua forma??o durante o tempo que estudou na universidade? O que estes fizeram de estudos complementares ap?s a sua diploma??o? E o que estes t?m a dizer sobre sua pr?pria empregabilidade? Estas quest?es serviram de base para a constru??o do objetivo do trabalho e a realiza??o da pesquisa propriamente dita. Valeu-se, como metodologia, de uma pesquisa direta. O p?blico pesquisado foram os egressos do curso de engenharia de produ??o da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. A justificativa para a realiza??o do trabalho foi a inexist?ncia de dados/informa??o do p?blico pesquisado e tamb?m necessidade de se entender quais atividades mais contribuem para o desempenho deste egresso em suas atividades ap?s diploma??o. Como resultado pode-se dizer que a maior dificuldade apontada foi a de encontrar emprego. Por?m, os mesmos apontaram um tempo menor que um ano para se inserirem no mercado de trabalho. Por fim, outro ponto tamb?m observado/analisado foi um n?mero consider?vel de egressos que fizeram p?s-gradua??o, mestrado e doutorado

    Representaciones sociales y pr?cticas de la lectura en el grado primero del conservatorio de Ibagu? ? sede Bel?n.

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    172 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa siguiente investigaci?n titulada ?Representaciones Sociales y Pr?cticas de la lectura en el grado primero del Conservatorio de Ibagu? ? Sede Bel?n.? Centr? su principal an?lisis en el reconocimiento y conceptualizaci?n de las representaciones sociales que tienen los docentes y estudiantes del grado primero de primaria de la jornada ma?ana frente a la lectura en relaci?n con sus propias pr?cticas. En este sentido, hallar las diferentes representaciones sociales, nos permitir? conocer como los maestros y estudiantes construyen ideol?gica y culturalmente sus propias pr?cticas entorno a la lectura, por lo cual, se hace necesario por medio de una amplia metodolog?a conocer c?mo est?n actuando los maestros en las aulas escolares y c?mo por medio de su pr?ctica develan en sus estudiantes un constructo social entorno a la lectura.ABSTRACT The following research entitled "Social Representations and Practices of reading in the first grade Conservatorio Ibagu? -. Headquarters Belen" focused his main analysis in the recognition and conceptualization of social representations which teachers and students of the first grade of primary day morning outside reading in relation to their own practices. In this sense, finding different social representations allow us to know how teachers and students construct ideological and culturally their own practices around reading, so it is necessary through a comprehensive methodology to know how they are acting teachers in the classroom and how through their practice in their students reveal a social construct around reading.INTRODUCCI?N 14 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 15 2. PREGUNTAS DE INVESTIGACI?N 17 3. OBJETIVOS 18 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 18 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 18 4. JUSTIFICACI?N 19 5. MARCO TE?RICO 22 5.1 LECTURA 22 5.1.1 Lectura desde la Alfabetizaci?n 22 5.1.2 Lectura desde la Decodificaci?n 24 5.1.3 Lectura como Liberaci?n 26 5.1.4 Lectura del Grado Primero en Colombia 27 5.2 EVALUACI?N DE LA LECTURA 30 5.2.1 Consideraciones 31 5.3 REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES 32 5.3.1 La Representaci?n y el Contexto 33 Consideraciones. 37 8 5.4 LAS PR?CTICAS 37 5.4.1 Consideraciones 41 6. ANTECEDENTES 43 7. METODOLOG?A 57 P?g. 7.1 ENFOQUE Y TIPO DE ESTUDIO 56 7.2 PARTICIPANTES Y CONTEXTO 56 7.3 PROCEDIMIENTOS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 57 7.3.1 Fase Etnogr?fica 58 7.3.2 Fase de Aplicaci?n 58 7.3.3 Fase de An?lisis 62 7.3.4 Fase de Consolidaci?n Interpretativa y Propositiva. 63 8. ANALISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 64 8.1 SECUENCIA DIDACTICA 64 8.1.1 Grupo Focal. Grupo Focal 64 8.2 ENTREVISTA DE ESTUDIANTES 64 9. REPRESENTACIONES SOCIALES UN VIAJE DEL MAESTRO AL NI?O 66 9.1 REPRESENTACI?N SOCIAL DE LA LECTURA COMO ?MEDIO DE SUPERACI?N? 66 9.1.1 Representaci?n Social de la Lectura como Decodificaci?n 72 9.2 REPRESENTACI?N SOCIAL: LEER PARA COMPRENDER 76 79 9 10. DE LA REPRESENTACI?N A LA PR?CTICA 10.1 EL TRADICIONALISMO CONVENCIONAL 81 10.2 PR?CTICAS EVALUATIVAS DE LECTURA 89 10.3 LIBRO DE TEXTO ACOMPA?ANTE DE LAS PR?CTICAS LECTORAS 95 10.4 NUEVAS PR?CTICAS EN EL ARTE DE LEER 100 11. PLAN DE ACCI?N O MEJORAMIENTO 105 12. CONCLUSIONES 109 RECOMENDACIONES 111 REFERENCIAS 11

    The under-graduation in Industrial Engineering of the Federal University of Ouro Preto : a perspective of the students and the professors.

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    Pesquisar e analisar como o ensino superior est? sendo realizado ? relevante, pois permite identificar excessos e tamb?m atividades a serem reconhecidas. Na gradua??o em Engenharia de Produ??o, foco deste artigo, n?o ? diferente. Para tanto, levantou-se quest?es como: Qual ? o perfil do discente do curso de Engenharia de Produ??o? Quais s?o suas percep??es? E quais s?o as dos docentes? Estas perguntas serviram de base para a elabora??o do objetivo deste trabalho, que foi: descrever o perfil e percep??es dos discentes e docentes do curso de Engenharia de Produ??o da Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Utilizou-se como metodologia uma pesquisa direta com um Survey. O recorte do p?blico pesquisado se justifica pois n?o h? dados/informa??es publicadas destes. Outros dois pontos que justificam a implementa??o desta pesquisa ?: primeiro, a necessidade de se entender quais atividades mais contribuem para o desempenho destes discentes; segundo, analisar a forma??o do docente, ambiente de trabalho e instrumentos did?ticos. Como resultado pode-se dizer que os discentes j? haviam come?ado uma outra forma??o antes de optar pela Engenharia de Produ??o, todavia n?o conheciam o projeto pedag?gico do curso. Outro ponto ? a percep??o que estes possuem sobre quais atividades mais contribuem para sua forma??o, tais como: aulas pr?ticas, empresa j?nior dentre outras. J? os dados sobre os docentes, uma boa parte daqueles pesquisados leram o projeto pedag?gico do curso. Al?m disso, uma parte consider?vel deles n?o tiveram forma??o em did?tica do ensino superior.Make research about under graduation is relevant, because it allows us to identify excesses and also activities that must be recognized. In Industrial Engineering, focus of this paper, is no different. In order to do so, the following questions were raised: What is the student profile of the Industrial Engineering? What are their perceptions? And what are those from the professors? These questions served as a basis for the purpose of this research, which was to describe the profile and perceptions of the students and professors of the Industrial Engineering undergraduation at the Federal University of Ouro Preto. A survey was used as methodology. The delimitation of the researched public was due to the fact that there is no data and information of them. Two other points that justify the implementation of this research are: first, to understand what activities contribute to the performance of this students; second, to analyze professor formation, work environment, and didactic tools. As a result it can be said that the current students had already started a undergraduation before opting for Industrial Engineering, but they did not know the pedagogical project of it. Another point is the perception that they have about what activities most contribute to their performance, such as: practical classes, junior enterprise, among others. Already the professors, a good part of them had already read the pedagogical project. In addition, a considerable part of them did not have training in didactics

    Raman spectroscopy of the arsenate minerals maxwellite and in comparison with tilasite.

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    Maxwellite NaFe3+(AsO4)F is an arsenate mineral containing fluoride and forms a continuous series with tilasite CaMg(AsO4)F. Both maxwellite and tilasite form a continuous series with durangite NaAl3+(AsO4)- F. We have used the combination of scanning electron microscopy with EDS and vibrational spectroscopy to chemically analyse the mineral maxwellite and make an assessment of the molecular structure. Chemical analysis shows that maxwellite is composed of Fe, Na and Ca with minor amounts of Mn and Al. Raman bands for tilasite at 851 and 831 cm_1 are assigned to the Raman active m1 symmetric stretching vibration (A1) and the Raman active triply degenerate m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration (F2). The Raman band of maxwellite at 871 cm_1 is assigned to the m1 symmetric stretching vibration and the Raman band at 812 cm_1 is assigned to the m3 antisymmetric stretching vibration. The intense Raman band of tilasite at 467 cm_1 is assigned to the Raman active triply degenerate m4 bending vibration (F2). Raman band at 331 cm_1 for tilasite is assigned to the Raman active doubly degenerate m2 symmetric bending vibration (E). Both Raman and infrared spectroscopy do not identify any bands in the hydroxyl stretching region as is expected

    A vibrational spectroscopic study of the copper bearing silicate mineral luddenite.

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    The molecular structure of the copper?lead silicate mineral luddenite has been analysed using vibrational spectroscopy. The mineral is only one of many silicate minerals containing copper. The intense Raman band at 978 cm 1 is assigned to the m1 (A1g) symmetric stretching vibration of Si5O14 units. Raman bands at 1122, 1148 and 1160 cm 1 are attributed to the m3 SiO4 antisymmetric stretching vibrations. The bands in the 678?799 cm 1 are assigned to OSiO bending modes of the (SiO3)n chains. Raman bands at 3317 and 3329 cm 1 are attributed to water stretching bands. Bands at 3595 and 3629 cm 1 are associated with the stretching vibrations of hydroxyl units suggesting that hydroxyl units exist in the structure of luddenite

    Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Apixaban Versus Edoxaban in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation for Stroke Prevention

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    OBJECTIVE: Our objective was to assess the cost effectiveness of apixaban versus edoxaban in the prevention of stroke and systemic embolism (SE) in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) in Spain. METHODS: We customized a Markov model with ten health states to estimate the lifetime economic and clinical outcomes in 6-week cycles. The efficacy (clinical event rates per 100 patient-years) and safety data were derived from a pairwise indirect treatment comparison. The analysis was conducted from both the national health service (NHS) and societal perspectives, and included pharmaceutical costs (retail price plus value-added tax (VAT) and applicable national deductions) according to daily dosages (apixaban 10 mg (5 mg twice daily (bid)) and edoxaban 60 or 30 mg) and complications and disease-management costs, obtained from national databases. Utilities for quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) calculations reflected EuroQoL 5-Dimension scores in patients with AF. An annual discount rate of 3% was applied for costs (euro, year 2019 values) and outcomes. RESULTS: In a 1000-patient cohort, apixaban 5 mg bid versus edoxaban 60 mg could avoid five strokes, six major bleedings and 29 clinically relevant non-major bleedings (CRNMBs). Compared with edoxaban 30 mg, apixaban could avoid 21 strokes and two SEs. An increase in bleedings was observed with apixaban (seven haemorrhagic strokes, 48 major bleedings and 17 CRNMBs). Apixaban yielded 0.04 additional QALYs compared with edoxaban 60 mg or 30 mg. Incremental costs/QALY were euro9639.33 and euro354.22 for apixaban versus edoxaban 60 mg and edoxaban 30 mg, respectively, from the NHS perspective and euro7756.62 for apixaban versus edoxaban 60 mg from the societal perspective. Apixaban was dominant versus edoxaban 30 mg from the societal perspective. Sensitivity analyses confirmed the robustness of the model. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that apixaban 5 mg bid is a cost-effective alternative to edoxaban for stroke prevention in the AF population in Spain