2,155 research outputs found

    Case study of the impact of professional high school internships on college and career readiness

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    Carole Edmonds, Dissertation Supervisor.Includes vita.Field of Study: Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis.Title as shown: A case study of the impact of professional high school internshps on college and career readiness"May 2018."The purpose of this qualitative case study was to explore the impact that professional high school internships have on college and career readiness. Educational systems, both public and private, continue to search for ways to improve postsecondary achievement. Research on this topic is limited; thus, this study aims to strengthen the body of literature and provide educational systems with insight and understanding of how high school internships impact postsecondary readiness. This study is significant, acting as a catalyst to encourage further research in educational systems where high school internships are used to cultivate professional skill building as a tool for successful skill retention in postsecondary experiences.Includes bibliographical references (pages 162-174)

    The Progress in Wireless Data Transport and its Role in the Evolving Internet

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    The progress of wireless technology through the past 105 years is quantitatively reviewed in this paper. Spectral efficiency and coverage density are both found to increase in a relatively continuous exponential fashion over the entire period with spectral efficiency increasing at about 15% per year and coverage density at about 33% per year. Throughput by wireless technology was not found to follow a single exponential but instead followed an exponential with annual increase of only 5% up to the late 70s and since then (and the introduction of the cellular concept) has followed an exponential with annual increases of greater than 50%. These high rates of progress in the functional performance of wireless technology are an essential enabler for wireless interfaces to become the dominant mode for connecting to the Internet

    Locating Planetesimal Belts in the Multiple-planet Systems HD 128311, HD 202206, HD 82943, and HR 8799

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    In addition to the Sun, six other stars are known to harbor multiple planets and debris disks: HD 69830, HD 38529, HD 128311, HD 202206, HD 82943, and HR 8799. In this paper, we set constraints on the location of the dust-producing planetesimals around the latter four systems. We use a radiative transfer model to analyze the spectral energy distributions of the dust disks (including two new Spitzer IRS spectra presented in this paper), and a dynamical model to assess the long-term stability of the planetesimals' orbits. As members of a small group of stars that show evidence of harboring a multiple planets and planetesimals, their study can help us learn about the diversity of planetary systems

    Influence of Surface Pre-treatments on Laser Welding of Ti6Al4V Alloy

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    In the present study, Ti6Al4V samples have been welded under conduction regime by means of a high power diode laser. The main objective of the work has been to determine the actual influence of the surface pre-treatments on the laser welding process. Thus, six different pre-treatments were applied to Ti6Al4V samples before performing bead-on-plate and butt welding treatments. The depth, width, microstructure, and microhardness of the different weld zones were deeply analyzed. Grinding, sandblasting, and chemical cleaning pre-treatments lead to welds with the highest depth values, presenting high joint strengths. Treatments based on the application of dark coatings generate welds with lower penetration and worse mechanical properties, specially the graphite-based coating

    Critical properties and Bose Einstein Condensation in dimer spin systems

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    We analyze the spin relaxation time 1/T11/T_1 for a system made of weakly coupled one dimensional ladders.This system allows to probe the dimensional crossover between a Luttinger liquid and a Bose-Einstein condensateof magnons. We obtain the temperature dependence of 1/T11/T_1 in the various dimensional regimes, and discuss the experimental consequences.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX 4, 3 EPS figure

    Ni heroínas ni princesas : la intervención del Trabajo Social con niñas desde una perspectiva de género en el centro cultural La Casita del M.E.D.H.

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    El recorte seleccionado para este trabajo de tesina se fundamenta a raíz de experiencias e interrogantes vivenciados en el transcurso de la Práctica Profesional II y III de la Licenciatura en Trabajo Social, en el Movimiento Ecuménico por los Derechos Humanos y los posteriores años de trabajo voluntario en el Centro Cultural La Casita.Fil: Amaya, Guadalupe L. Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Ciencia Política y Relaciones Internacionales. Escuela de Trabajo Social; Argentina

    Human schistosomiasis

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    Human schistosomiasis-or bilharzia-is a parasitic disease caused by trematode fl ukes of the genus Schistosoma. By conservative estimates, at least 230 million people worldwide are infected with Schistosoma spp. Adult schistosome worms colonise human blood vessels for years, successfully evading the immune system while excreting hundreds to thousands of eggs daily, which must either leave the body in excreta or become trapped in nearby tissues. Trapped eggs induce a distinct immune-mediated granulomatous response that causes local and systemic pathological eff ects ranging from anaemia, growth stunting, impaired cognition, and decreased physical fi tness, to organ-specifi c eff ects such as severe hepatosplenism, periportal fi brosis with portal hypertension, and urogenital infl ammation and scarring. At present, preventive public health measures in endemic regions consist of treatment once every 1 or 2 years with the isoquinolinone drug, praziquantel, to suppress morbidity. In some locations, elimination of transmission is now the goal; however, more sensitive diagnostics are needed in both the fi eld and clinics, and integrated environmental and health-care management will be needed to ensure elimination. © Chataway et al. Open Access article distributed under the terms of CC BY

    Is the Cepheus E Outflow driven by a Class 0 Protostar?

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    New early release observations of the Cepheus E outflow and its embedded source, obtained with the Spitzer Space Telescope, are presented. We show the driving source is detected in all 4 IRAC bands, which suggests that traditional Class 0 classification, although essentially correct, needs to accommodate the new high sensitivity infrared arrays and their ability to detected deeply embedded sources. The IRAC, MIPS 24 and 70 microns new photometric points are consistent with a spectral energy distribution dominated by a cold, dense envelope surrounding the protostar. The Cep E outflow, unlike its more famous cousin the HH 46/47 outflow, displays a very similar morphology in the near and mid-infrared wavelengths, and is detected at 24 microns. The interface between the dense molecular gas (where Cep E lies) and less dense interstellar medium, is well traced by the emission at 8 and 24 microns, and is one of the most exotic features of the new IRAC and MIPS images. IRS observations of the North lobe of the flow confirm that most of the emission is due to the excitation of pure H2 rotational transitions arising from a relatively cold (Tex~700 K) and dense (N{H}~9.6E20 cm-2 molecular gas.Comment: 14 pages (pre-print format), including 6 figures. Published in ApJ Special Spitzer Issue (2004