9 research outputs found

    El matrimonio homosexual en M??xico : las disputas en torno a su legalizaci??n y los dilemas del reconocimiento

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    En M??xico, los t??rminos de la ciudadan??a est??n cambiando. En diciembre de 2009, el Gobierno del Distrito Federal aprob?? el matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo. Situaci??n que provoc?? una serie de eventos conflictivos que puso en juego diversos actores sociales e institucionales, con miras a producir nuevos reg??menes de ciudadan??a sexual. En esta investigaci??n, analizo cu??les fueron las disputas por el reconocimiento de derechos en torno al matrimonio homosexual1; c??mo se dieron esas disputas; cu??les fueron las luchas por ciudadan??a y cu??les fueron los derechos ganados para gays y lesbianas. Para ello desarrollo los distintos posicionamientos que se dieron en torno al mismo: los actores y sus discursos. Con la aprobaci??n del matrimonio homosexual se reconfigur?? la ciudadan??a heteronormativa, generando nuevas libertades y reconocimiento de derechos para los grupos no normativos. Situaci??n que provoc?? p??nico moral en los sectores conservadores y miembros de la izquierda, los cuales se horrorizaron enormemente cuando se modific?? el tema del matrimonio, la adopci??n y la parentalidad. Defendieron los ??rdenes sexual y de g??nero naturalizados, acudiendo al argumento de que la presencia de las figuras del padre y de la madre es necesaria en la constituci??n ps??quica y sexual de los hijos

    Carbon storage in a Ferrosol under subtropical rainforest, tree plantations, and pasture is linked to soil aggregation

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    Soil is a large sink for carbon (C), with the potential to significantly reduce the net increase in atmospheric CO concentration. However, we previously showed that subtropical tree plantations store less C into long-term soil pools than rainforest or pasture. To explore reasons for differences in C storage between different land-use systems, we examined the relationships between soil aggregation, iron and aluminium oxide and hydroxide content, and soil organic C (SOC) under exotic C pasture (Pennisetum clandestinum), native hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) plantations, and rainforest. We measured SOC concentrations of water-stable and fully dispersed aggregates to assess the location of soil C. Concentrations of dithionite- and oxalate-extractable iron and aluminium were also determined to assess their role in SOC sequestration. Soil under rainforest and pasture contained more C in intra-aggregate particulate organic matter (iPOM, >53m) than hoop pine plantations, indicating that in rainforest and pasture, greater tabilisation of SOC occurred via soil aggregation. SOC was not significantly correlated with dithionite- and oxalate-extractable Fe and Al in these systems, ndicating that sorption sites of Fe and Al oxides and hydroxides were saturated. We concluded that soil C under rainforest and pasture is stabilised by incorporation within soil aggregates, which results in greater storage of C in soil under pasture than plantations following land-use change. The reduced storage of C as iPOM in plantation soil contributes to the negative soil C budget of plantations compared with rainforest and pasture, even 63 years after establishment. The results have relevance for CO mitigation schemes based on tree plantations

    Gonadal function in male and female patients with classic galactosemia

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    BACKGROUND: Hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic infertility is the most burdensome complication for females suffering from classic galactosemia. In contrast, male gonadal function seems less affected. The underlying mechanism is not understood and several pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed. Timing of the lesion, prenatal or chronic post-natal, or a combination of both are not yet clear. METHODS: This review focuses on gonadal function in males and females, ovarian imaging and histology in this disease. It is based on the literature known to the authors and a Pubmed search using the keywords galactosemia, GALT deficiency, (premature) ovarian failure/insufficiency/dysfunction, testicular function, gonadotrophins, FSH, LH (published between January 1971 and April 2009). RESULTS: Male gonads are less affected, boys spontaneously reach puberty, although onset can be delayed. Semen quality has not been extensively studied. Several affected males are known to have fathered a child. Female gonads are invariably affected, although to a varied extent (hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic ovarian dysfunction). Intriguingly, FSH is often already increased in infancy. Imaging usually shows hypoplastic and streak-like ovaries. Histological findings in some cases reveal the presence of morphologically normal but decreased numbers of primordial follicles, with the absence of intermediate and Graafian follicles. CONCLUSION: Gonads in males seem less affected than in females who exhibit hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic subfertility. FSH can be elevated in infancy, and ovarian histology sometimes shows the presence of normal primordial follicles with absence of intermediate and Graafian follicles. These findings are similar to other genetic diseases primarily affecting the ovary

    Gonadal function in male and female patients with classic galactosemia

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    Hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic infertility is the most burdensome complication for females suffering from classic galactosemia. In contrast, male gonadal function seems less affected. The underlying mechanism is not understood and several pathogenic mechanisms have been proposed. Timing of the lesion, prenatal or chronic post-natal, or a combination of both are not yet clear. This review focuses on gonadal function in males and females, ovarian imaging and histology in this disease. It is based on the literature known to the authors and a Pubmed search using the keywords galactosemia, GALT deficiency, (premature) ovarian failure/insufficiency/dysfunction, testicular function, gonadotrophins, FSH, LH (published between January 1971 and April 2009). Male gonads are less affected, boys spontaneously reach puberty, although onset can be delayed. Semen quality has not been extensively studied. Several affected males are known to have fathered a child. Female gonads are invariably affected, although to a varied extent (hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic ovarian dysfunction). Intriguingly, FSH is often already increased in infancy. Imaging usually shows hypoplastic and streak-like ovaries. Histological findings in some cases reveal the presence of morphologically normal but decreased numbers of primordial follicles, with the absence of intermediate and Graafian follicles. Gonads in males seem less affected than in females who exhibit hypergonadotropic hypoestrogenic subfertility. FSH can be elevated in infancy, and ovarian histology sometimes shows the presence of normal primordial follicles with absence of intermediate and Graafian follicles. These findings are similar to other genetic diseases primarily affecting the ovary