22 research outputs found

    La l?dica como estrategia pedag?gica para el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje significativo en los ni?os del grado preescolar del centro educativo Maranatha

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    137 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente documento da cuenta del trabajo de investigaci?n formativa realizado en el Centro Educativo Maranatha de la comuna dos de la ciudad de Ibagu?, el cual involucra el estudio cualitativo, de enfoque etnogr?fico, desarrollado en dos fases: en la primera se realiz? un ejercicio de caracterizaci?n, donde se reconoce el contexto que rodea a los ni?os de grado preescolar utilizando diversas t?cnicas e instrumentos tales como cuestionarios, entrevistas, observaci?n (participante y no participante), indagaci?n documental, diarios de campo, entre otras; evidenciando de esta manera una problem?tica susceptible de ser intervenida para su mejoramiento. En la segunda fase, se realiza la intervenci?n de la problem?tica detectada, est? se realiza mediante el Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula ?Juego, me divierto y aprendo? el cual involucra a los estudiantes, docentes, directivos y padres de familia del grado preescolar; dicha intervenci?n se realiza mediante actividades integradoras dirigidas a cada uno de los agentes educativos. El Proyecto Pedag?gico de Aula implementado se basa principalmente en el desarrollo de estrategias l?dico-pedag?gicas, las cuales crean un ambiente de alegr?a y disfrute frente al proceso de formaci?n infantil, promoviendo as? el fortalecimiento del aprendizaje significativo en los ni?os, generando la dinamizaci?n del trabajo de aula, haci?ndolos protagonistas de su formaci?n, buscando el mejoramiento del proceso de ense?anzaaprendizaje sin incurrir en la rutina obligada del modelo tradicional. Palabras claves: L?dica, aprendizaje significativo, estrategias pedag?gicas, dinamismo.The following document provides a detail report of the formative research held in Maranatha Primary School, located in the second commune of Ibague, which involves a qualitative study with an ethnographic approach, developed in two stages: in the first one there was a characterization where the researchers recognized the context that surrounded the kindergarten students using several techniques and instruments such a questionnaires, interviews, observational study (participant and non-participant), documentary inquiry, field dairy, among others; it evidences that there is a problematic eligible for intervention and further improvement. In the second stage, there is an intervention of the problems identified, it is held through the Classroom Pedagogical Project: ?I play, have fun and learn? which involves students, teachers, managers and parents in kindergarten; such intervention is carried out by taking into account inclusive activities directed to each educative agent. The Classroom Pedagogical Project, after been implemented, is mainly based on the development of playful-pedagogical strategies, which create a funny and joyful environment towards the early childhood education process, promoting in this way the consolidation of the meaningful learning in children, this in turn stimulates classwork, making us play the major role in the teaching-learning process without incurring into the traditional model routine. Keywords: playful, meaningful learning, pedagogical strategies, dynamism

    Diagn?stico y propuesta de mejoramiento a los indicadores de eficacia de la Corporaci?n Unificada Nacional de Educaci?n Superior CUN sede Monter?a, desde la perspectiva del talento humano

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    92 p.Esta investigaci?n se realiz? en la Corporaci?n Unificada Nacional de Educaci?n Superior CUN sede Monter?a, la cual cuenta con una planta de personal de 80 colaboradores. Con el objetivo de ?Desarrollar un plan de mejoramiento desde la gesti?n de talento humano, que permita aumentar la eficacia en las metas establecidas en el plan estrat?gico en los ?ltimos tres a?os, de la Corporaci?n Unificada Nacional de Educaci?n Superior CUN sede Monter?a Conceptualmente se soporta en los indicadores de eficacia, especialmente en los indicadores de gesti?n y en todo lo relacionado con el proceso de planeaci?n estrat?gica. Como medios para alcanzar objetivos organizacionales. Es un estudio de car?cter cuantitativo, de tipo descriptivo con un dise?o de campo Entre las conclusiones del proyecto est? el seguimiento a las actividades de la instituci?n para una mayor organizaci?n en la planeaci?n de las metas de manera clara y pertinente en los fundamentos del plan estrat?gico para la consecuci?n de los objetivos establecidos, recursos y procedimientos. Los resultados obtenidos de esta investigaci?n reflejan que la instituci?n no se anticipa a los riegos y cambios futuros, lo que genera retrasos en la consecuci?n de las metas, por lo que la instituci?n no se encuentra con los m?s altos ?ndices de eficiencia y eficacia. El aporte principal de esta investigaci?n es proporcionar a la Corporaci?n Unificada Nacional de Educaci?n Superior CUN, sede Monter?a una herramienta de gran ayuda para la toma de decisiones en cuanto al plan estrat?gico desde la gesti?n de talento humano, que permita mejorar la eficacia en las metas establecidas en dicho plan estrat?gico a trav?s de un diagn?stico y propuesta por parte de los investigadores para alcanzar el desarrollo y las competencias ideales. Las recomendaciones est?n enfocadas hacia a dar continuidad a este proyecto en toda el ?rea administrativa de la empresa, as? como mantener la gesti?n del talento humano para el mejoramiento de la eficacia por intermedio de un plan estrat?gico ideal y actualizado.This research was carried out in the Unified National Corporation of Higher Education CUN Monter?a headquarters, which has a staff of 80 employees. With the objective of "Developing a plan of improvement from the management of human talent, that allows to increase the efficiency in the goals established in the strategic plan in the last three years, of the Unified National Corporation of Higher Education CUN Monter?a headquarters Conceptually it is supported in the effectiveness indicators, especially in the management indicators and in everything related to the strategic planning process. As means to achieve organizational objectives. It is a study of quantitative character, of descriptive type with a field design Between the conclusions of the project this the tracing to activities of the institution for a higher organization in the planning of the goals of clear way and relevant in the basics of the strategic plan for the achievement of the established objectives, resources and procedures the results obtained of this investigation reflect that the institution does not anticipate to the risks and future changes, which generates delays in the consecution of the goals, for the that the institution is not found with the more highs indexes of efficiency and effectiveness The main contribution of this research is to provide the Unified National Corporation of Higher Education CUN, headquarters Monteria a tool of great help for decision making regarding the strategic plan from the management of human talent, to improve the deficiency and breach in the goals established in said strategic plan through a diagnosis and proposal by researchers to achieve the development and ideal competencies. The recommendations are geared towards giving continuity to this project throughout the administrative area of the company as well as maintaining human talent management to improve efficiency through an ideal and updated strategic plan. Key words: diagnosis, proposal of improvement indicators of effectiveness, organization, human talent management, competences

    A New Cytotoxic Friedelane Acid – Pluricostatic Acid – and Other Compounds from the Leaves of Marila pluricostata

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    Bioassay-guided fractionation of the dichloromethane extract of the leaves of Marila pluricostata led to the isolation of 2α,3β-dihydroxy-D:A-friedoolean-28-oic acid (pluricostatic acid), a new friedelane triterpenoid, (1), ten known triterpenoids and three sterols. Their chemical structures were elucidated through spectroscopic analysis. The less polar fractions, on GC/MS analysis and comparison with a MS library, resulted in the identification of twenty four sesquiterpenoids. The new triterpenoid acid 1 showed cytotoxicity against the MCF-7, H-460, and SF-268 human cancer cell lines with GI50 values from 1.2 to 3.3 μg/mL

    El Empleo De Las Administraciones PPblicas En Espaaa: Caracterizaciin Y Evoluciin Durante La Crisis (General Government Employment in Spain: Composition and Evolution Over the Economic Crisis)

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