61 research outputs found

    An Upper Limit on the Mass of a Central Black Hole in the Large Magellanic Cloud from the Stellar Rotation Field

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    We constrain the possible presence of a central black hole (BH) in the center of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). This requires spectroscopic measurements over an area of order a square degree, due to the poorly known position of the kinematic center. Such measurements are now possible with the impressive field of view of the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on the ESO Very Large Telescope. We used the Calcium Triplet (~850nm) spectral lines in many short-exposure MUSE pointings to create a two-dimensional integrated-light line-of-sight velocity map from the ~10810^8 individual spectra, taking care to identify and remove Galactic foreground populations. The data reveal a clear velocity gradient at an unprecedented spatial resolution of 1 arcmin2^{2}. We fit kinematic models to arrive at a 3σ3\sigma upper-mass-limit of 107.110^{7.1} MSun_{Sun} for any central BH - consistent with the known scaling relations for supermassive black holes and their host systems. This adds to the growing body of knowledge on the presence of BHs in low-mass and dwarf galaxies, and their scaling relations with host-galaxy properties, which can shed light on theories of BH growth and host system interaction.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, 1 table, ApJ - in pres

    KMOS view of the Galactic Centre I. Young stars are centrally concentrated

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    The Galactic centre hosts a crowded, dense nuclear star cluster with a half-light radius of 4 pc. Most of the stars in the Galactic centre are cool late-type stars, but there are also >100 hot early-type stars in the central parsec of the Milky Way. These stars are only 3-8 Myr old. Our knowledge of the number and distribution of early-type stars in the Galactic centre is incomplete. Only a few spectroscopic observations have been made beyond a projected distance of 0.5 pc of the Galactic centre. The distribution and kinematics of early-type stars are essential to understand the formation and growth of the nuclear star cluster. We cover the central >4pc^2 of the Galactic centre using the integral-field spectrograph KMOS. We extracted more than 1,000 spectra from individual stars and identified early-type stars based on their spectra. Our data set contains 114 bright early-type stars: 6 have narrow emission lines, 23 are Wolf-Rayet stars, 9 stars have featureless spectra, and 76 are O/B type stars. Our wide-field spectroscopic data confirm that the distribution of young stars is compact, with 90% of the young stars identified within 0.5 pc of the nucleus. We identify 24 new O/B stars primarily at large radii. We estimate photometric masses of the O/B stars and show that the total mass in the young population is >12,000M_sun. The O/B stars all appear to be bound to the Milky Way nuclear star cluster, while less than 30% belong to the clockwise rotating disk. The central concentration of the early-type stars is a strong argument that they have formed in situ. A large part of the young O/B stars is not on the disk, which either means that the early-type stars did not all form on the same disk or that the disk is dissolving rapidly. [abridged]Comment: 27 pages, 17 figures, matches journal version: Corrected typos, corrected Notes in Table B.

    Large scale kinematics and dynamical modelling of the Milky Way nuclear star cluster

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    Within the central 10pc of our Galaxy lies a dense nuclear star cluster (NSC), and similar NSCs are found in most nearby galaxies. Studying the structure and kinematics of NSCs reveals the history of mass accretion of galaxy nuclei. Because the Milky Way (MW) NSC is at a distance of only 8kpc, we can spatially resolve the MWNSC on sub-pc scales. This makes the MWNSC a reference object for understanding the formation of all NSCs. We have used the NIR long-slit spectrograph ISAAC (VLT) in a drift-scan to construct an integral-field spectroscopic map of the central 9.5 x 8pc of our Galaxy. We use this data set to extract stellar kinematics both of individual stars and from the unresolved integrated light spectrum. We present a velocity and dispersion map from the integrated light and model these kinematics using kinemetry and axisymmetric Jeans models. We also measure CO bandhead strengths of 1,375 spectra from individual stars. We find kinematic complexity in the NSCs radial velocity map including a misalignment of the kinematic position angle by 9 degree counterclockwise relative to the Galactic plane, and indications for a rotating substructure perpendicular to the Galactic plane at a radius of 20" or 0.8pc. We determine the mass of the NSC within r = 4.2pc to 1.4 x 10^7 Msun. We also show that our kinematic data results in a significant underestimation of the supermassive black hole (SMBH) mass. The kinematic substructure and position angle misalignment may hint at distinct accretion events. This indicates that the MWNSC grew at least partly by the mergers of massive star clusters. Compared to other NSCs, the MWNSC is on the compact side of the r_eff - M_NSC relation. The underestimation of the SMBH mass might be caused by the kinematic misalignment and a stellar population gradient. But it is also possible that there is a bias in SMBH mass measurements obtained with integrated light.Comment: 20 pages, 19 Figures, Accepted for publication in A&

    Central kinematics of the globular cluster NGC 2808: Upper limit on the mass of an intermediate-mass black hole

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    Globular clusters are an excellent laboratory for stellar population and dynamical research. Recent studies have shown that these stellar systems are not as simple as previously assumed. With multiple stellar populations as well as outer rotation and mass segregation they turn out to exhibit high complexity. This includes intermediate-mass black holes which are proposed to sit at the centers of some massive globular clusters. Today's high angular resolution ground based spectrographs allow velocity-dispersion measurements at a spatial resolution comparable to the radius of influence for plausible IMBH masses, and to detect changes in the inner velocity-dispersion profile. Together with high quality photometric data from HST, it is possible to constrain black-hole masses by their kinematic signatures. We determine the central velocity-dispersion profile of the globular cluster NGC 2808 using VLT/FLAMES spectroscopy. In combination with HST/ACS data our goal is to probe whether this massive cluster hosts an intermediate-mass black hole at its center and constrain the cluster mass to light ratio as well as its total mass. We derive a velocity-dispersion profile from integral field spectroscopy in the center and Fabry Perot data for larger radii. High resolution HST data are used to obtain the surface brightness profile. Together, these data sets are compared to dynamical models with varying parameters such as mass to light ratio profiles and black-hole masses. Using analytical Jeans models in combination with variable M/L profiles from N-body simulations we find that the best fit model is a no black hole solution. After applying various Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the uncertainties, we derive an upper limit of the back hole mass of M_BH < 1 x 10^4 M_SUN (with 95 % confidence limits) and a global mass-to-light ratio of M/L_V = (2.1 +- 0.2) M_SUN/L_SUN.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    First results from the JWST Early Release Science Program Q3D: Benchmark Comparison of Optical and Mid-IR Tracers of a Dusty, Ionized Red Quasar Wind at z=0.435

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    The [OIII] 5007 A emission line is the most common tracer of warm, ionized outflows in active galactic nuclei across cosmic time. JWST newly allows us to use mid-infrared spectral features at both high spatial and spectral resolution to probe these same winds. Here we present a comparison of ground-based, seeing-limited [OIII] and space-based, diffraction-limited [SIV] 10.51 micron maps of the powerful, kpc-scale outflow in the Type 1 red quasar SDSS J110648.32+480712.3. The JWST data are from the Mid-InfraRed Instrument (MIRI). There is a close match in resolution between the datasets (0."4--0."6), in ionization potential of the O+2 and S+3 ions (35 eV), and in line sensitivity (1e-17 to 2e-17 erg/s/cm2/arcsec2). The [OIII] and [SIV] line shapes match in velocity and linewidth over much of the 20 kpc outflowing nebula, and [SIV] is the brightest line in the rest-frame 3.5--19.5 micron range, demonstrating its usefulness as a mid-IR probe of quasar outflows. [OIII] is nevertheless intriniscally brighter and provides better contrast with the point-source continuum, which is strong in the mid-IR. There is a strong anticorrelation of [OIII]/[SIV] with average velocity, which is consistent with a scenario of differential obscuration between the approaching (blueshifted) and receding (redshifted) sides of the flow. The dust in the wind may also obscure the central quasar, consistent with models that attribute red quasar extinction to dusty winds.Comment: Submitted to ApJ

    A Dynamical N-body Model for the Central Region of ω\omega Centauri

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    Supermassive black holes (SMBHs) are fundamental keys to understand the formation and evolution of their host galaxies. However, the formation and growth of SMBHs are not yet well understood. One of the proposed formation scenarios is the growth of SMBHs from seed intermediate-mass black holes (IMBHs, 10^2 to 10^5 M_{\odot}) formed in star clusters. In this context, and also with respect to the low mass end of the M-sigma relation for galaxies, globular clusters are in a mass range that make them ideal systems to look for IMBHs. Among Galactic star clusters, the massive cluster ω\omega Centauri is a special target due to its central high velocity dispersion and also its multiple stellar populations. We study the central structure and dynamics of the star cluster ω\omega Centauri to examine whether an IMBH is necessary to explain the observed velocity dispersion and surface brightness profiles. We perform direct N-body simulations to follow the dynamical evolution of ω\omega Centauri. The simulations are compared to the most recent data-sets in order to explain the present-day conditions of the cluster and to constrain the initial conditions leading to the observed profiles. We find that starting from isotropic spherical multi-mass King models and within our canonical assumptions, a model with a central IMBH mass of 2% of the cluster stellar mass, i.e. a 5x10^4 M_{\odot} IMBH, provides a satisfactory fit to both the observed shallow cusp in surface brightness and the continuous rise towards the center of the radial velocity dispersion profile. In our isotropic spherical models, the predicted proper motion dispersion for the best-fit model is the same as the radial velocity dispersion one. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope II. Multi-object spectroscopy (MOS)

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    We provide an overview of the capabilities and performance of the Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) when used in its multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) mode employing a novel Micro Shutter Array (MSA) slit device. The MSA consists of four separate 98 arcsec ×\times 91 arcsec quadrants each containing 365×171365\times171 individually addressable shutters whose open areas on the sky measure 0.20 arcsec ×\times 0.46 arcsec on a 0.27 arcsec ×\times 0.53 arcsec pitch. This is the first time that a configurable multi-object spectrograph has been available on a space mission. The levels of multiplexing achievable with NIRSpec MOS mode are quantified and we show that NIRSpec will be able to observe typically fifty to two hundred objects simultaneously with the pattern of close to a quarter of a million shutters provided by the MSA. This pattern is fixed and regular, and we identify the specific constraints that it yields for NIRSpec observation planning. We also present the data processing and calibration steps planned for the NIRSpec MOS data. The significant variation in size of the mostly diffraction-limited instrument point spread function over the large wavelength range of 0.6-5.3 μ\mum covered by the instrument, combined with the fact that most targets observed with the MSA cannot be expected to be perfectly centred within their respective slits, makes the spectrophotometric and wavelength calibration of the obtained spectra particularly complex. These challenges notwithstanding, the sensitivity and multiplexing capabilities anticipated of NIRSpec in MOS mode are unprecedented, and should enable significant progress to be made in addressing a wide range of outstanding astrophysical problems

    The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope: III. Integral-field spectroscopy

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    The Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec) on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) offers the first opportunity to use integral-field spectroscopy from space at near-infrared wavelengths. More specifically, NIRSpec's integral-field unit can obtain spectra covering the wavelength range 0.65.3 μ0.6 - 5.3~\mum for a contiguous 3.1 arcsec ×\times 3.2 arcsec sky area at spectral resolutions of R100R \approx 100, 1000, and 2700. In this paper we describe the optical and mechanical design of the NIRSpec integral-field spectroscopy mode, together with its expected performance. We also discuss a few recommended observing strategies, some of which are driven by the fact that NIRSpec is a multipurpose instrument with a number of different observing modes, which are discussed in companion papers. We briefly discuss the data processing steps required to produce wavelength- and flux-calibrated data cubes that contain the spatial and spectral information. Lastly, we mention a few scientific topics that are bound to benefit from this highly innovative capability offered by JWST/NIRSpec