54 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial resistance- and pathogen patterns in the fecal microbiota of sows and their offspring in German commercial pig farms

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    Reducing antibiotic use is one of the biggest challenges in pig farming, as antibiotics have been used for years to control typical problems such as newborn or post-weaning diarrhea. The pressure a one health approach has created on animal production regarding antimicrobial resistance is an opportunity to find other strategies against enterobacterial pathogens in suckling and weaned piglets. A farm-specific approach could have a good success due to the individual farm structures in Germany and other countries. In this study, non-metric multidimensional scaling, hierarchical clustering, and latent class analysis were used to determine the impact of antibiotic use on antibiotic resistance patterns and pathogen prevalence in 20 German pig farms. This may help to develop individualized health strategies. 802 fresh fecal samples were collected from sows and piglets from 20 piglet production and rearing farms at different production times (sows antepartum and postpartum, suckling piglets, weaned piglets). In addition, the use of antibiotics was recorded. DNA extracts were subjected to quantitative real-time qPCR with primers specific for antibiotic resistance genes (int1, sul1-3, dfrA1, mcr-1, blaCTX-M), and virulence factors of relevant bacteria (C. difficile, C. perfringens, Salmonella, Escherichia/Shigella/Hafnia, E. coli). Linear and logistic regression models were used to analyze the relationship between different antibiotics and the major genes contributing to the clustering of observations for the different animal groups. Clustering revealed different farm clusters for sows, suckling piglets, and weaned piglets, with the most remarkable diversity in antibiotic use among weaned piglets. Amoxicillin, lincomycin, and enrofloxacin were identified as the most probable cause of increased odds of the presence of relevant antibiotic resistance genes (mcr1, dfrA1, blaCTX-M). Still, direct effects of a specific antibiotic on its associated resistance gene were rare. Enrofloxacin and florfenicol favored the occurrence of C. difficile in sows. The E. coli fimbriae genes were less affected by antibiotic use in sows and piglets, but the F4 fimbriae gene could be associated with the integrase 1 gene in piglets. The results confirm that multidrug-resistant enterobacteria are widespread in German pig farms and give awareness of the impact of current antibiotic use while searching for alternative health strategies

    MyD88 Is Required for Efficient Control of Coxiella burnetii Infection and Dissemination

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    The intracellular pathogen Coxiella (C.) burnetii causes Q fever, a usually self-limiting respiratory infection that becomes chronic and severe in some patients. Innate immune recognition of C. burnetii and its role in the decision between resolution and chronicity is not understood well. However, TLR2 is important for the response to C. burnetii in mice, and genetic polymorphisms in Myd88 have been associated with chronic Q fever in humans. Here, we have employed MyD88-deficient mice in infection models with the attenuated C. burnetii Nine Mile phase II strain (NMII). Myd88−/− macrophages failed to restrict the growth of NMII in vitro, and to upregulate production of the cytokines TNF, IL-6, and IL-10. Following intraperitoneal infection, NMII bacterial burden was significantly higher on day 5 and 20 in organs of Myd88−/− mice. After infection via the natural route by intratracheal injection, a higher bacterial load in the lung and increased dissemination of NMII to other organs was observed in MyD88-deficient mice. While wild-type mice essentially cleared NMII on day 27 after intratracheal infection, it was still readily detectable on day 42 in multiple organs in the absence of MyD88. Despite the elevated bacterial load, Myd88−/− mice had less granulomatous inflammation and expressed significantly lower levels of chemoattractants, inflammatory cytokines, and of several IFNγ-induced genes relevant for control of intracellular pathogens. Together, our results show that MyD88-dependent signaling is essential for early control of C. burnetii replication and to prevent systemic spreading. The continued presence of NMII in the organs of Myd88−/− mice constitutes a new mouse model to study determinants of chronicity and resolution in Q fever

    The inhibition of the apoptosis pathway by the Coxiella burnetii effector protein CaeA requires the EK repetition motif, but is independent of survivin

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    Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular bacterium that causes Query (Q) fever, a zoonotic disease. It requires a functional type IV secretion system (T4SS) which translocate bacterial effector proteins into the host cell cytoplasm and thereby facilitates bacterial replication. To date, more than 130 effector proteins have been identified, but their functions remain largely unknown. Recently, we demonstrated that one of these proteins, CaeA (CBU1524) localized to the host cell nucleus and inhibited intrinsic apoptosis of HEK293 or CHO cells. In the present study we addressed the question whether CaeA also affects the extrinsic apoptosis pathway. Ectopic expression of CaeA reduced extrinsic apoptosis and prevented the cleavage of the executioner caspase 7, but did not impair the activation of initiator caspase 9. CaeA expression resulted in an up-regulation of survivin (an inhibitor of activated caspases), which, however, was not causal for the anti-apoptotic effect of CaeA. Comparing the sequence of CaeA from 25 different C. burnetii isolates we identified an EK (glutamic acid/ lysine) repetition motif as a site of high genetic variability. The EK motif of CaeA was essential for the anti-apoptotic activity of CaeA. From these data, we conclude that the C. burnetii effector protein CaeA interferes with the intrinsic and extrinsic apoptosis pathway. The process requires the EK repetition motif of CaeA, but is independent of the upregulated expression of survivin.This work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB796 project B8) to AL and by the ERA-NET PathoGenoMics 3rd call to AL and JPG

    The Coxiella burnetii Dot/Icm System Delivers a Unique Repertoire of Type IV Effectors into Host Cells and Is Required for Intracellular Replication

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    Coxiella burnetii, the causative agent of human Q fever, is an intracellular pathogen that replicates in an acidified vacuole derived from the host lysosomal network. This pathogen encodes a Dot/Icm type IV secretion system that delivers bacterial proteins called effectors to the host cytosol. To identify new effector proteins, the functionally analogous Legionella pneumophila Dot/Icm system was used in a genetic screen to identify fragments of C. burnetii genomic DNA that when fused to an adenylate cyclase reporter were capable of directing Dot/Icm-dependent translocation of the fusion protein into mammalian host cells. This screen identified Dot/Icm effectors that were proteins unique to C. burnetii, having no overall sequence homology with L. pneumophila Dot/Icm effectors. A comparison of C. burnetii genome sequences from different isolates revealed diversity in the size and distribution of the genes encoding many of these effectors. Studies examining the localization and function of effectors in eukaryotic cells provided evidence that several of these proteins have an affinity for specific host organelles and can disrupt cellular functions. The identification of a transposon insertion mutation that disrupts the dot/icm locus was used to validate that this apparatus was essential for translocation of effectors. Importantly, this C. burnetii Dot/Icm-deficient mutant was found to be defective for intracellular replication. Thus, these data indicate that C. burnetii encodes a unique subset of bacterial effector proteins translocated into host cells by the Dot/Icm apparatus, and that the cumulative activities exerted by these effectors enables C. burnetii to successfully establish a niche inside mammalian cells that supports intracellular replication

    Macrophages inhibit Coxiella burnetii by the ACOD1 ‐itaconate pathway for containment of Q fever

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    Infection with the intracellular bacterium Coxiella (C.) burnetii can cause chronic Q fever with severe complications and limited treatment options. Here, we identify the enzyme cis-aconitate decarboxylase 1 (ACOD1 or IRG1) and its product itaconate as protective host immune pathway in Q fever. Infection of mice with C. burnetii induced expression of several anti-microbial candidate genes, including Acod1. In macrophages, Acod1 was essential for restricting C. burnetii replication, while other antimicrobial pathways were dispensable. Intratracheal or intraperitoneal infection of Acod1-/- mice caused increased C. burnetii burden, weight loss and stronger inflammatory gene expression. Exogenously added itaconate restored pathogen control in Acod1-/- mouse macrophages and blocked replication in human macrophages. In axenic cultures, itaconate directly inhibited growth of C. burnetii. Finally, treatment of infected Acod1-/- mice with itaconate efficiently reduced the tissue pathogen load. Thus, ACOD1-derived itaconate is a key factor in the macrophage-mediated defense against C. burnetii and may be exploited for novel therapeutic approaches in chronic Q fever

    Analysis of the maturation of Afipia- and Rhodococcus-containing phagosomes in macrophages

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    Die Isolierung von Phagosomen ermöglicht die biochemische Analyse der Phagosomen-Zusammensetzung sowie der an der Phagosomenreifung beteiligten MolekĂŒle. Deshalb wurde im Rahmen dieser Promotionsarbeit eine Methode entwickelt, die es ermöglicht, Bakterien-enthaltende Phagosomen zu isolieren. Diese Methode erzielt im Vergleich zu anderen in der Literatur beschriebenen Methoden eine gute Ausbeute (fast 40 Prozent) und vor allem eine höhere Reinheit an Bakterien-enthaltenden Phagosomen. So besteht keine Kontamination mit Teilen des Golgi-Apparates und nur eine sehr geringe Kontamination mit endosomalen und lysosomalen Proteinen sowie Plasmamembranbestandteilen. Allerdings wurde eine Kontamination mit Mitochondrien und ER detektiert. Letzteres muss nicht unbedingt eine Kontamination darstellen, sondern könnte ein wichtiger Bestandteil von Phagosomen sein. Afipia felis ist ein Gram-negatives Bakterium, das fĂŒr einige FĂ€lle der Katzen-Kratz Krankheit verantwortlich ist. Es kann innerhalb von Makrophagen ĂŒberleben und sich vermehren. Die genaue Kompartimentierung der Afipia felis-enthaltenden Phagosomen in Makrophagen war allerdings unbekannt und sollte deshalb in der vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit analysiert werden. Ovalbumin Texas Red, mit dem Lysosomen vor der Infektion markiert wurden, gelangt nicht in die Afipien-enthaltenden Phagosomen, und die Afipien-enthaltenden Phagosomen sind auch nicht zugĂ€nglich fĂŒr Ovalbumin Texas Red, mit dem das gesamte endozytische System nach der etablierten Infektion markiert wurde. Außerdem sind etablierte, isolierte Afipia felis-enthaltende Phagosomen nur in geringem Umfang positiv fĂŒr spĂ€t endosomale/lysosomale Markerproteine und negativ fĂŒr frĂŒh endosomale Markerproteine. Die Afipien, die ein nicht endozytisches Kompartiment etablieren, werden vom Makrophagen in ein EEA1-negatives Kompartiment aufgenommen, das auch zu spĂ€teren Zeitpunkten negativ fĂŒr LAMP-1 ist. Nur die circa 30 Prozent der Afipien, die sich in einem Kompartiment befinden, das zum endozytischen System gehört, gelangen nach der Aufnahme durch den Makrophagen in ein EEA1-positives Kompartiment, das zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt positiv fĂŒr LAMP-1 wird. Tötung der Afipien oder Opsonisierung mit Antikörpern vor der Infektion normalisiert die Reifung der Afipia felis-enthaltenden Phagosomen in den J774E-Makrophagen. Somit konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass die Mehrzahl der Phagosomen (70 Prozent), die Afipia felis enthalten, nicht zum endozytischen System gehören. Diese ungewöhnliche Kompartimentierung besteht bereits bei der Aufnahme und kann nur von lebenden Afipien etabliert werden. Rhodococcus equi ist ein Gram-positives Bakterium, das unter anderem Bronchopneumonien beim Fohlen verursacht. Aber auch Menschen und andere SĂ€ugetiere sind von Infektionen mit R. equi betroffen. Die FĂ€higkeit der Rhodokokken, innerhalb der Makrophagen zu ĂŒberleben und sich zu vermehren, ist mit dem Vorhandensein eines 85 kbp Plasmids assoziiert. Da ĂŒber die genaue Kompartimentierung von R. equi im Mausmakrophagen wenig bekannt war, und der Frage, ob es einen Unterschied zwischen der Kompartimentierung von R. equi(+)- und R. equi(-)-enthaltenden Phagosomen gibt, noch nicht nachgegangen wurde, war beides Thema dieser Promotionsarbeit. Dabei zeigt sich, dass R. equi(-)-enthaltende Phagosomen wesentlich stĂ€rker mit den spĂ€t endosomalen/lysosomalen Markerproteinen vATPase und LAMP-1 assoziiert sind sowie eine höhere ß-Galaktosidase-AktivitĂ€t aufweisen als die R. equi(+)-enthaltenden Phagosomen. Da sowohl die isolierten R. equi(-)- als auch die R. equi(+)-enthaltenden Phagosomen mit dem frĂŒh endosomalen Markerprotein rab5 assoziiert sind, ist anzunehmen, dass Rhodokokken unabhĂ€ngig vom Vorhandensein des 85 kbp Plasmids in der Lage sind, die Phagosomenreifung zu verzögern. Aber R. equi(-) kann die Reifung zwar verzögern, aber letztendlich nicht verhindern. Wahrscheinlich reifen die Phagosomen, die R. equi(-) enthalten, zu einem spĂ€teren Zeitpunkt zu Phagolysosomen, wohingegen R. equi(+) ein ungewöhnliches Kompartiment etabliert und dadurch die Phagosomenreifung endgĂŒltig zu verhindern scheint. Somit ist anzunehmen, dass mindestens ein vom 85 kbp Plasmid kodiertes MolekĂŒl fĂŒr die Etablierung dieses ungewöhnlichen, R. equi(+)-enthaltenden Kompartimentes, verantwortlich ist. Da eine Infektion mit Rhodococcus equi zytotoxisch fĂŒr die infizierte Zelle sein kann, wurde die von den Rhodokokken vermittelte ZytotoxizitĂ€t nĂ€her analysiert. Die in dieser vorliegenden Promotionsarbeit dargestellten Ergebnisse zeigen deutlich, dass nur die Plasmid-enthaltenden Rhodokokken zur Nekrose, aber nicht zur Apoptose ihrer Wirtszellen fĂŒhren, wĂ€hrend R. equi(-) keinen Einfluss auf die VitalitĂ€t ihrer Wirtszellen haben. Dieses PhĂ€nomen ist allerdings abhĂ€ngig vom Wirtszelltyp. So sind R. equi(-) als auch R. equi(+) fĂŒr humane Monozyten nur geringfĂŒgig zytotoxisch.The isolation of phagosomes from phagocytes enables their fine biochemical analysis as well as the determination of the role of various molecules in phagosome biogenesis. Therefore, a method to purify bacteria-containing phagosomes from infected macrophages has been established in this study. In comparison with previously described methods a good yield (40 per cent) and a higher level of purity of bacteria-containing phagosomes were obtained using this phagosome isolation method. No Golgi-derived contamination and only very little endosomal or lysosomal and plasma membrane-derived contaminations was found. Furthermore, some mitochondrial and ER contaminations were detectable. Afipia felis is a Gram-negative bacterium that causes some cases of human Cat Scratch Disease. It can survive and multiply in macrophages, but the precise intracellular compartimentalization of Afipia felis-containing phagosomes is unknown. In this study we show evidence, that 70 per cent of Afpia felis-containing phagosomes do not belong to the endocytic pathway. This is supported by the facts that neither did ovalbumin preloaded into lysosomes enter most Afipia felis-containing phagosomes, nor did ovalbumin loaded into the endocytic system after infection. Furthermore the percentage of isolated Afipia felis-containing phagosomes positive for late endosomal/lysosomal markerproteins were very low and early endosomal marker proteins were rarely detectable. Those bacteria that were to be found in a nonendosomal compartment entered the macrophage via an EEA1-negative compartment, which remained negative for LAMP-1. The small population of Afipia felis whose phagosomes were part of the endocytic system entered into an EEA1-positive compartment which also subsequently acquired LAMP-1. Killing of Afipia felis or opsonization with antibodies before infection lead to a strong increase in the percentage of Afipia felis-containing phagosomes that interact with the endocytic system. We conclude that most phagosomes containing Afipia felis are disconnected from the endocytic system. This unusual compartalization is decided at uptake and can only be established by viable Afipia felis. Rhodococcus equi is a Gram-positive bacterium that causes granulomatous pneumonia in foals. It is also a pathogen for other animals and human beings. The pathogenicity of Rhodococcus equi is depending on its ability to exist and multiply inside macrophages and this correlates with the presence of a 85 kbp plasmid. The aim of this study was to elucidate the intracellular compartmentation of Rhodococcus equi and the mechanism by which the bacteria might avoid the destruction in host macrophages. The importance of the virulence-associated plasmid was also evaluated. In this study it is shown that R. equi(-)-containing phagosomes contained much more of the late endosomal/lysosomal marker proteins vATPase or LAMP-1 and also a larger amount of the lysosomal enzyme ß-galactosidase than R. equi(+)-containing phagosomes. Both R. equi(+)- and R. equi(-)-containing phagosomes associated with the early endosomal marker protein rab5. Based on these results it can be speculated that Rhodococcus equi is able to slow down or arrest the maturation of its phagosome independently of the 85 kbp virulence-associated plasmid. Whereas R. equi(-) is able to slow down but not to arrest its phagosomes, R. equi(+) establishes an unusual compartment, which possibly represents a recycling-endosome. Therefore, for the long term establishment of the unusual R. equi(+)-containing phagosomes at least one of the molecules encoded by the 85 kbp plasmid is necessary. Since Rhodococcus equi infection ultimately proves toxic for macrophages, the R. equi mediated cytotoxicity was analyzed. In this study it is shown that Rhodococcus equi induce necrosis in their host cells and which is dependent on the presence of the virulence-associated 85 kbp plasmid. But the Rhodococcus induced necrosis can only be observed in mouse macrophages and not in human monocytes

    Coxiella burnetii Inhibits Activation of Host Cell Apoptosis through a Mechanism That Involves Preventing Cytochrome c Release from Mitochondria▿

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    Coxiella burnetii is an obligate intracellular pathogen and the etiological agent of the human disease Q fever. C. burnetii infects mammalian cells and then remodels the membrane-bound compartment in which it resides into a unique lysosome-derived organelle that supports bacterial multiplication. To gain insight into the mechanisms by which C. burnetii is able to multiply intracellularly, we examined the ability of host cells to respond to signals that normally induce apoptosis. Our data show that mammalian cells infected with C. burnetii are resistant to apoptosis induced by staurosporine and UV light. C. burnetii infection prevented caspase 3/7 activation and limited fragmentation of the host cell nucleus in response to agonists that induce apoptosis. Inhibition of bacterial protein synthesis reduced the antiapoptotic effect that C. burnetii exerted on infected host cells. Inhibition of apoptosis in C. burnetii-infected cells did not correlate with the degradation of proapoptotic BH3-only proteins involved in activation of the intrinsic cell death pathway; however, cytochrome c release from mitochondria was diminished in cells infected with C. burnetii upon induction of apoptosis. These data indicate that C. burnetii can interfere with the intrinsic cell death pathway during infection by producing proteins that either directly or indirectly prevent release of cytochrome c from mitochondria. It is likely that inhibition of apoptosis by C. burnetii represents an important virulence property that allows this obligate intracellular pathogen to maintain host cell viability despite inducing stress that would normally activate the intrinsic death pathway
