48 research outputs found

    Reconstruction of Separable Particle Verbs in a Corpus of Spoken German

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    We present a method for detecting and reconstructing separated particle verbs in a corpus of spoken German by following an approach suggested for written language. Our study shows that the method can be applied successfully to spoken language, compares different ways of dealing with structures that are specific to spoken language corpora, analyses some remaining problems, and discusses ways of optimising precision or recall for the method. The outlook sketches some possibilities for further work in related areas

    The General Warped Solution with Conical Branes in Six-dimensional Supergravity

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    We present the general regular warped solution with 4D Minkowski spacetime in six-dimensional gauged supergravity. In this framework, we can easily embed multiple conical branes into the warped geometry by choosing an undetermined holomorphic function. As an example, for the holomorphic function with many zeroes, we find warped solutions with multi-branes and discuss the generalized flux quantization in this case.Comment: 1+19 pages, no figure, JHEP style, version to appear in JHE

    Local SU(5) Unification from the Heterotic String

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    We construct a 6D supergravity theory which emerges as intermediate step in the compactification of the heterotic string to the supersymmetric standard model in four dimensions. The theory has N=2 supersymmetry and a gravitational sector with one tensor and two hypermultiplets in addition to the supergravity multiplet. Compactification to four dimensions occurs on a T^2/Z_2 orbifold which has two inequivalent pairs of fixed points with unbroken SU(5) and SU(2)xSU(4) symmetry, respectively. All gauge, gravitational and mixed anomalies are cancelled by the Green-Schwarz mechanism. The model has partial 6D gauge-Higgs unification. Two quark-lepton generations are localized at the SU(5) branes, the third family is composed of split bulk hypermultiplets. The top Yukawa coupling is given by the 6D gauge coupling, all other Yukawa couplings are generated by higher-dimensional operators at the SU(5) branes. The presence of the SU(2)xSU(4) brane breaks SU(5) and generates split gauge and Higgs multiplets with N=1 supersymmetry in four dimensions. The third generation is obtained from two split \bar{5}-plets and two split 10-plets, which together have the quantum numbers of one \bar{5}-plet and one 10-plet. This avoids unsuccessful SU(5) predictions for Yukawa couplings of ordinary 4D SU(5) grand unified theories.Comment: 38 pages. v2: Typos correcte

    Building SO(10) models from F-theory

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    We revisit local F-theory SO(10) and SU(5) GUTs and analyze their properties within the framework of the maximal underlying E_8 symmetry in the elliptic fibration. We consider the symmetry enhancements along the intersections of seven-branes with the GUT surface and study in detail the embedding of the abelian factors undergoing monodromies in the covering gauge groups. We combine flux data from the successive breaking of SO(10) to SU(5) gauge symmetry and subsequently to the Standard Model one, and further constrain the parameters determining the models' particle spectra. In order to eliminate dangerous baryon number violating operators we propose ways to construct matter parity like symmetries from intrinsic geometric origin. We study implementations of the resulting constrained scenario in specific examples obtained for a variety of monodromies.Comment: 53 page

    Preverbs: an introduction

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    The notion ‘preverb’ is a traditional descriptive notion in Indo-European linguistics. It refers to morphemes that appear in front of a verb, and which form a close semantic unit with that verb. In many cases, the morpheme that functions as a preverb can also function without a preverbal context, often as an adverb or an adposition. Most linguists use the notion ‘preverb’ as a cover term for preverbal words and preverbal prefixes. The preverb may be separated from the verb whilst retaining its close cohesion with the verb, which is called ‘tmesis’. It may also develop into a bound morpheme, that is, a prefix inseparable from the verb, with concomitant reduction of phonological form in some cases. If the preverb has become a real prefix, we may use the more specific notion of ‘complex verb’, whereas we take the notion ‘complex predicate’ to refer generally to multi-morphemic expressions with verbal valency. That is, we make a terminological distinction between complex predicates and complex verbs. The latter are multi-morphemic, but behave as single grammatical words

    U(n) Spectral Covers from Decomposition

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    We construct decomposed spectral covers for bundles on elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefolds whose structure groups are S(U(1) x U(4)), S(U(2) x U(3)) and S(U(1) x U(1) x U(3)) in heterotic string compactifications. The decomposition requires not only the tuning of the SU(5) spectral covers but also the tuning of the complex structure moduli of the Calabi-Yau threefolds. This configuration is translated to geometric data on F-theory side. We find that the monodromy locus for two-cycles in K3 fibered Calabi-Yau fourfolds in a stable degeneration limit is globally factorized with squared factors under the decomposition conditions. This signals that the monodromy group is reduced and there is a U(1) symmetry in a low energy effective field theory. To support that, we explicitly check the reduction of a monodromy group in an appreciable region of the moduli space for an E6E_6 gauge theory with (1+2) decomposition. This may provide a systematic way for constructing F-theory models with U(1) symmetries.Comment: 41 pages, 14 figures; v2: minor improvements and a reference adde

    Discrete R-symmetries and Anomaly Universality in Heterotic Orbifolds

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    We study discrete R-symmetries, which appear in 4D low energy effective field theory derived from hetetoric orbifold models. We derive the R-symmetries directly from geometrical symmetries of orbifolds. In particular, we obtain the corresponding R-charges by requiring that the couplings be invariant under these symmetries. This allows for a more general treatment than the explicit computations of correlation functions made previously by the authors, including models with discrete Wilson lines, and orbifold symmetries beyond plane-by-plane rotational invariance. Surprisingly, for the cases covered by earlier explicit computations, the R-charges differ from the previous result. We study the anomalies associated with these R-symmetries, and comment on the results.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures. Minor changes, typos corrected. Matches JHEP published versio

    Massive Abelian Gauge Symmetries and Fluxes in F-theory

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    F-theory compactified on a Calabi-Yau fourfold naturally describes non-Abelian gauge symmetries through the singularity structure of the elliptic fibration. In contrast Abelian symmetries are more difficult to study because of their inherently global nature. We argue that in general F-theory compactifications there are massive Abelian symmetries, such as the uplift of the Abelian part of the U(N) gauge group on D7-branes, that arise from non-Kahler resolutions of the dual M-theory setup. The four-dimensional F-theory vacuum with vanishing expectation values for the gauge fields corresponds to the Calabi-Yau limit. We propose that fluxes that are turned on along these U(1)s are uplifted to non-harmonic four-form fluxes. We derive the effective four-dimensional gauged supergravity resulting from F-theory compactifications in the presence of the Abelian gauge factors including the effects of possible fluxes on the gauging, tadpoles and matter spectrum.Comment: 49 page

    Rational F-Theory GUTs without exotics

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    We construct F-theory GUT models without exotic matter, leading to the MSSM matter spectrum with potential singlet extensions. The interplay of engineering explicit geometric setups, absence of four-dimensional anomalies, and realistic phenomenology of the couplings places severe constraints on the allowed local models in a given geometry. In constructions based on the spectral cover we find no model satisfying all these requirements. We then provide a survey of models with additional U(1) symmetries arising from rational sections of the elliptic fibration in toric constructions and obtain phenomenologically appealing models based on SU(5) tops. Furthermore we perform a bottom-up exploration beyond the toric section constructions discussed in the literature so far and identify benchmark models passing all our criteria, which can serve as a guideline for future geometric engineering.Comment: 27 Pages, 1 Figur

    Fixing D7 Brane Positions by F-Theory Fluxes

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    To do realistic model building in type IIB supergravity, it is important to understand how to fix D7-brane positions by the choice of fluxes. More generally, F-theory model building requires the understanding of how fluxes determine the singularity structure (and hence gauge group and matter content) of the compactification. We analyse this problem in the simple setting of M-theory on K3xK3. Given a certain flux which is consistent with the F-theory limit, we can explicitly derive the positions at which D7 branes or stacks of D7 branes are stabilised. The analysis is based on a parameterization of the moduli space of type IIB string theory on T^2/Z_2 (including D7-brane positions) in terms of the periods of integral cycles of M-theory on K3. This allows us, in particular, to select a specific desired gauge group by the choice of flux numbers.Comment: 41 pages, 2 figures; latex font correcte