388 research outputs found

    PDE-betinga optimering : prekondisjonerarar og metodar for diffuse domene

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    This thesis is mainly concerned with the efficient numerical solution of optimization problems subject to linear PDE-constraints, with particular focus on robust preconditioners and diffuse domain methods. Associated with such constrained optimization problems are the famous first-order KarushKuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions. For certain minimization problems, the functions satisfying the KKT conditions are also optimal solutions of the original optimization problem, implying that we can solve the KKT system to obtain the optimum; the so-called “all-at-once” approach. We propose and analyze preconditioners for the different KKT systems we derive in this thesis.Denne avhandlinga ser i hovudsak på effektive numeriske løysingar av PDE-betinga optimeringsproblem, med eit særskilt fokus på robuste prekondisjonerar og “diffuse domain”-metodar. Assosiert med slike optimeringsproblem er dei velkjende Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)-føresetnadane. For mange betinga optimeringsproblem, vil funksjonar som tilfredstillar KKT-vilkåra samstundes vere ei optimal løysing på det opprinnelege optimeringsproblemet. Dette impliserar at vi kan løyse KKT-likningane for å finne optimum. Vi konstruerar og analyserar prekondisjonerar for dei forskjellige KKT-systema vi utleiar i denne avhandlinga

    Bargaining, Strategy and Opportunism - A case study of why amalgamating municipalities hoard

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    How does municipal leadership legitimise the decision of whether to hoard ahead of an amalgamation? To answer this question, I conducted semi-structured interviews with eight political leaders involved in the amalgamation of Førde, Jølster, Gaular and Naustdal into Sunnfjord municipality in 2020. These interviews reveal three main explanations of increased spending, also known as hoarding, ahead of the amalgamation. First, an understanding emerged that some hoarding among the smaller municipalities was acceptable. It was seen as the price to pay for a successful amalgamation by the biggest municipality, Førde. Second, the smaller municipalities explained that they hoarded to ensure the long-term local provision of core services for their citizenry while they still could. Third, some informants cited the opportunity to internalise benefits of increased spending while sharing costs with the new municipality. I also find evidence to suggest that cultural differences between amalgamating municipalities and polarisation within them could be important determinants of hoarding in municipal amalgamations.Masteroppgåve i administrasjon og organisasjonsvitskapAORG350MASV-AOR

    Identifying the source term in the potential equation with weighted sparsity regularization

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    We explore the possibility for using boundary measurements to recover a sparse source term f(x) in the potential equation. Employing weighted sparsity regularization and standard results for subgradients, we derive simple-to-check criteria which assure that a number of sinks (f(x) 0) can be identified. Furthermore, we present two cases for which these criteria always are fulfilled: a) well-separated sources and sinks, and b) many sources or sinks located at the boundary plus one interior source/sink. Our approach is such that the linearity of the associated forward operator is preserved in the discrete formulation. The theory is therefore conveniently developed in terms of Euclidean spaces, and it can be applied to a wide range of problems. In particular, it can be applied to both isotropic and anisotropic cases. We present a series of numerical experiments. This work is motivated by the observation that standard methods typically suggest that internal sinks and sources are located close to the boundary

    Sparsity regularization for inverse problems with non-trivial nullspaces

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    We study a weighted 1\ell^1-regularization technique for solving inverse problems when the forward operator has a significant nullspace. In particular, we prove that a sparse source can be exactly recovered as the regularization parameter α\alpha tends to zero. Furthermore, for positive values of α\alpha, we show that the regularized inverse solution equals the true source multiplied by a scalar γ\gamma, where γ=1cα\gamma = 1 - c\alpha. Our analysis is supported by numerical experiments for cases with one and several local sources. This investigation is motivated by PDE-constrained optimization problems arising in connection with ECG and EEG recordings, but the theory is developed in terms of Euclidean spaces. Our results can therefore be applied to many problems

    Timing the US Stock Market Using Moving Averages and Momentum Rules: An Extensive Study

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    Master's thesis Business Administration BE501 - University of Agder 2017In this thesis we investigate the performance of moving average and momentum strategies by simulating returns, both in-sample and out-of-sample, while simultaneously taking into account important market frictions. We do so for two stock indices and four stock portfolios, at daily and monthly frequency, in the period from 1928 to 2015. This is carried out in order to examine if the active strategies outperform the passive benchmark on a risk-adjusted basis, and to see if the trading rules pro table when tested in-sample also are pro table out-of-sample. In addition, and for the rst time, we examine the relevance of data frequencies in out-of-sample testing. A stationary block bootstrap methodology is adopted in order to evaluate the statistical signi cance of the risk-adjusted performance, measured by the Sharpe ratio. We nd that in-sample pro table trading rules perform poorly when tested out-of-sample. However, we are able to nd statistically signi cant outperformance when trading in small-cap stocks; yet, the outperformance disappeared in recent past. Moreover, we investigate how the performance depends on the split point between the in- and out-of-sample period and the length of the in-sample period. We nd that the performance of an out-of-sample test highly depends on the choice of split point as well as in-sample period length. Consequently, the out-of-sample testing procedure is not a complete remedy for the \data mining bias". Finally, we are not able to nd conclusive evidence suggesting any bene t of trading more frequently. Key words: technical analysis, market timing, moving averages, time-series momentum, out-of-sample simulations, trading frequenc

    Barn er ikke vanskelig, men kan ha vanskelige følelser som de ikke har lært å håndtere

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    I begynnelsen av prosessen fokuserte jeg på personalet som opplevde dette som utfordrende. Fokuset ga en foreløpig problemstilling, men etter veiledning endret jeg problemstilling, som ble retningsgivende for valg av metode. Fokuset ble hva personalet kan gjøre noe med for å forstå barna og kom fram til denne problemstillingen: Hvordan kan personalet i barnehagen anerkjenne barn med utagerende atferd på en god måte?publishedVersio

    Adventure tourism:Exploring relations between knowledge and innovation

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    Mental health in pancreatic cancer

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    Fordypningsoppgave i Kreftsykepleie - 60 studiepoeng. 2019.Hensikt: Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å undersøke og belyse hvilke psykiske symptomer som melder seg ved diagnostisering av pankreaskreft og hva pasienter trenger bistand til. Pankreaskreft er en av de alvorligste kreftdiagnosene grunnet få symptomer, sen diagnostisering og lite håp for helbredende kirurgi. På bakgrunn av dette drøftes det hvordan pasienter kan oppleve det å få pankreaskreft samt hva de trenger av bistand i perioden etter diagnose. Metode: Metoden for oppgaven er et litteraturstudie og har blitt utført via søk i ulike databaser. Søkeord brukt er blant annet: emotional distress, depression, anxiety, mental health distress, pancreatic cancer, treatment og oncologists. Hovedfunn: Ved diagnostisering av pankreaskreft reagerer mange pasienter med å gå inn i en krise. Fremtredende følelser er sjokk, sinne, fortvilelse og nedstemthet. Psykiske symptomer som angst og depresjon er normale reaksjoner. Dette kan etterhvert utvikle seg til psykiske lidelser. Noen pasienter står også i fare for å ta sitt eget liv som følge av kreftdiagnosen. Det bør som en følge av dette rettes et større fokus på psykiske symptomer og lidelser. Det bør videre være en integrert del av behandlingsopplegget. Det kan være utfordrende å identifisere psykiske lidelser hos denne pasientgruppen. Imidlertid kan Edmonton symptom assessment system (ESAS) være et hensiktsmessig verktøy. Konklusjon: Oppgaven argumenterer for ivaretagelse av psykisk helse for å kunne bidra til en helhetlig behandling og oppfølging av denne pasientgruppen. Det er i dag et stort fokus på den somatiske behandlingen. Oppgaven argumenterer for at det også bør rettes et større fokus på pasientens psykisk helse. Herunder pasientens sykehistorie før kreftdiagnosen, igangsetting av individtilpassede tiltak, samt oppfølging av disse. Flere av studiene presentert i denne oppgaven viser at barrierer som hindrer helsepersonell i oppfølging av psykisk helse er mangel på tid, mangel på kunnskap om psykisk helse og mangel på opplæring til å bruke de ulike screeningverktøyene. På et overordnet nivå må opplæringen og kunnskapen til helsepersonell styrkes for å kunne bistå denne pasientgruppen bedre