2,006 research outputs found

    Experimental food subsidies keep eagles inside protected areas: implications for conservation and resource management

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    The conservation and management of mobile species, populations and dynamic habitats, presents significant challenges since such species face diverse threats during various stages of their life cycle. Protected areas (PAs) are essential tools in conservation efforts, aiming to preserve native species and their habitats. However, larger mobile animals, such as the Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), may require much larger areas outside PAs for essential life moments, including foraging, resting, and wintering. As a result, the efficacy of PAs in conserving such species may be questionable. We designed an experiment in an eastern Spain PA that is home to nesting Bonelli's eagles to determine if increasing food availability through experimental feeding within the PA could result in an effective reduction of space use outside the protected area by the eagles and lead to reduce death risk. Over the period of 2016 to 2021, we tracked 10 Bonelli's eagles from six different territories using GPS-GSM transmitters. We evaluated their space use before, during, and after the feeding experiment. Our results indicate that the availability of food within PAs restricted the eagles' movement, resulting in a higher concentration of locations inside the PAs. The eagles spent less time outside the PAs when they were fed and less time in highly human-dominated habitats. Consequently, this reduced mortality risks that were higher outside the PAs. Our findings suggest that management decisions aimed at increasing food availability within PAs, could be critical in conserving endangered species populations such as the Bonelli's eagle in Mediterranean landscapes.Fieldwork seasons (2017 – 2018) were partially supported by the Wildlife Service of the Valencian Community Regional Government (Conselleria d'Agricultura, Desenvolupament Rural, Emergència Climàtica i Transició Ecològica, Generalitat Valenciana, Spain). Red Eléctrica de España provided financial support to track Bonelli's eagles under the supplementary feeding project. The corresponding author A. L-P. is supported by a Val I+D predoctoral grant (ACIF/2020/051) and an internship grant (CIBEFP/2021/75), both funded by the Generalitat Valenciana (Spain). This paper is part of the Ph.D. thesis of A. López-Peinado at the University of Valencia (Spain)

    Los precios en los mercados reestructurados de electricidad: algunas lecciones básicas para la negociación derivada

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    Este artículo investiga los precios al contado de mercados reestructurados de la electricidad de diversas partes del mundo. Primero se proporciona un análisis detallado de las propiedades distributivas y de la dinámica de los precios de contado eléctricos. Después se realiza una introducción a los múltiples factores por el lado de la demanda y de la oferta que contribuyen a su complejo y variado comportamiento. Finalmente se extraen algunas lecciones fundamentales del análisis anterior para la negociación de derivados sobre la electricidad.This paper investigates the spot prices from restructured electricity markets around the world. First, we provide a comprehensive survey of the distributional properties and the dynamics of spot electricity prices. Then, we introduce the multiple demand and supply factors that contribute to their complex and diverse behaviour. Finally, we extract some fundamental lessons implied by such characteristics, for the power [email protected]

    Educative attention to diversity. Deaf students in the classroom of Portugal and Turkey

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    en esta publicación pretendemos dar a conocer algunos resultados de la experiencia innovadora que estamos realizando a través del proyecto SMILE. Nos hemos centrado en el análisis de las relaciones que se establecen en torno a los alumnos sordos en el ámbito escolar y el papel de la lengua de signos en su integración y en los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Esta indagación se basa en las percepciones de los autores de este artículo, los docentes de los centros escolares donde se educan niños sordos, los alumnos oyentes y sordos, y nuestros estudiantes universitarios que realizaron las prácticas in situ. A continuación ponemos de relieve la realidad específica sobre la atención a la diversidad y la igualdad de oportunidades, centrada en la situación de los discentes con sordera, en centros escolares de Turquía y Portugalin this publication we intend to present some results of the innovative experience that we are realizing through Project SMILE. We have focused on the analysis of the relationships established around deaf students in schools and the role of sign language and its integration in the teaching-learning processes. This research is based on the perceptions of the authors of this article, teachers in schools where children are educated deaf children, hearing and deaf students, and university students who realized the practices on-site. Here we highlight the specific situation on the attention to diversity and equal opportunities, focusing on the situation of deaf learners in schools in Turkey and Portuga

    Illness, disability or cultural identity? Interpretation of deafness and answers from the Spanish educational system

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    En España, en los últimos años, se han experimentado múltiples cambios en la prevención y la aten - ción de las personas con discapacidad, en particular en lo que se refiere a las personas sordas. La interpretación de la sordera no sólo como deficiencia auditiva, sino como una diferencia comunicativa, está llevando a la disposición de contextos educativos con carácter bilingüe y bicultural. Esta nueva perspectiva conceptual y la consecuente orientación de las prácticas escolares tienen un impacto positivo en los campos de la salud, la educación y el ámbito social, fomentando el desarrollo tanto del alumnado sordo, como del alumnado oyente. En este artículo se expone la situación del con - texto español en este campo, y ha servido de base para la realización de un proyecto transnacional europeo

    Requests from the Teacher training. The Develop of the Inclusive Education in the High Schools

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    Durante los últimos años, la escolarización de alumnos que presentan necesidades específicas de apoyo educativo (NEAE) en centros ordinarios se hace más evidente. Nosotros defendemos el sistema de educación inclusiva, donde la participación de toda la comunidad, incluyendo el profesorado, es fundamental. Hemos realizado un estudio de caso para diagnosticar las ayudas y necesidades formativas que presenta el profesorado para poder desarrollar una educación inclusiva. Entre los principales resultados, hemos obtenido que la formación pedagógica inicial ha sido escasa, y que por ello el profesorado prefiere el sistema de integración educativa frente al de inclusiónFor the last years, the schooling of students with specific needs of educational support in ordinary schools is very obvious. We defend the system of inclusive education, where the participation from the every members of the educational community, even the teachers, is essential. We have made a case study to diagnose the helps and training needs from the teachers to can develop a inclusive education. Between the main results, we have obtained that the initial teacher training has been short, and consequently the teachers prefer the system of educative integration opposite the educative inclusio

    How Can an Intercultural Educational Center be Organized? Practical Proposals from Spain

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    La diversidad cultural muy presente en las aulas españolas conlleva a la necesidad de diagnosticar las necesidades educativas y culturales de este alumnado. Además, percibimos que debemos desarrollar propuestas para la formación del profesorado, fomentar la participación de las familias inmigrantes, acoger al nuevo alumnado, desarrollar actitudes interculturales inclusivas, desarrollar competencias comunicativas interculturales e incluso como desarrollar un “currículum intercultural inclusivo”. Se hace necesario revisar las prácticas educativas actuales e intentar innovar. En este sentido, presentamos una serie de propuestas para orientar al profesorado para iniciar sus propias medidas.The abundant cultural diversity in Spanish classrooms brings with it the need to diagnose the educational and cultural needs of these students. Also, proposals to educate teachers, encourage immigrant family participation and welcome the new students should be created, as should proposals for developing inclusive intercultural attitudes, intercultural communicative competences and even an “inclusive intercultural curriculum.” Current educational practices should be reviewed and innovation should be attempted. In this sense, a series of proposals are offered to guide professors in initiating their own measure

    Correlations for the ignition characteristics of six different fuels and their application to predict ignition delays under transient thermodynami conditions

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    [EN] The ignition characteristics of six different fuels have been correlated as a function of the temperature, pressure, equivalence ratio and oxygen molar fraction in this investigation. More specifically, the ignition delay referred to cool flames, the high-temperature ignition delay and the critical concentrations and ignition times of HO2 and CH2O have been parameterized for n-dodecane, PRFO, PRF25, PRF50, PRF75 and PRF100. To do so, a wide database of ignition data of the aforementioned fuels has been generated by means of chemical simulations in CHEMKIN, solving a detailed mechanism for PRF mixtures and a reduced mechanism for n-dodecane. In fact, in cylinder engine-like conditions reached in a Rapid Compression Expansion Machine (RCEM) have been replicated. The mathematical correlations have shown a relative deviation around 20% with the database in the low-temperature, low-pressure zone, which is the typical accuracy of usual correlations for the ignition delay. Finally, the ignition delay under transient conditions measured in the RCEM has been predicted by means of different integral methods coupled to both the proposed correlations and the generated database. It has been found that deviations between the predictions obtained with the correlations or with the database are lower than 1%. This means that the correlations are accurate enough to predict the ignition time in spite of showing high deviation with the database, since the low-temperature, low-pressure zone has a minor contribution to the ignition delay.The authors would like to thank different members of the CMT-Motores Termicos team of the Universitat Politecnica de Valencia for their contribution to this work. The authors would also like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for financing the PhD. Studies of Dario Lopez-Pintor (grant FPU13/02329). This research has been partially funded by FEDER and the Spanish Government through project TRA2015-67136-R.Desantes, J.; Bermúdez, V.; López, JJ.; López-Pintor, D. (2017). Correlations for the ignition characteristics of six different fuels and their application to predict ignition delays under transient thermodynami conditions. Energy Conversion and Management. 152:124-135. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.09.030S12413515

    Análisis de las prácticas y variables favorecedoras de procesos inclusivos en los centros de educación secundaria obligatoria

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue diagnosticar las necesidades que presenta el profesorado de Educación Secundaria, de un centro educativo de Córdoba, para atender las necesidades educativas de su alumnado siguiendo los principios de la “educación inclusiva”. Se trata de un estudio de caso, de análisis mixto, donde hemos encuestado a profesorado y alumnado, analizado recursos, realizado entrevistas etnográficas, etc. Se destaca que el centro educativo sigue fielmente la legislación educativa y que la participación de la comunidad educativa es muy limitada. Por otra parte, se han analizado las prácticas educativas con respecto a las siguientes variables: “Estrategias de Atención a la Diversidad”, “Participación de la comunidad educativa” y “Relaciones interpersonales y convivencia”. Esta investigación se ha nutrido de la información aportada por diferentes técnicas e instrumentos (entrevistas, cuestionarios y observación directa). Podemos comprobar que, aunque existe un interés por atender las necesidades educativas de todo el alumnado y por promover valores basados en la igualdad y la tolerancia (entre otros), aún hay aspectos a mejorar. Planteamos, por ello, una serie de propuestas de intervenciónWe conducted a research with the primary aim of diagnosing the needs presented by the teachers of Secondary Education, an educational center of Cordoba, to meet the educational needs of their students on the principles of "inclusive education". This is a case study, combined analysis, where we surveyed teachers and students, discussed resources, conducted ethnographic interviews, etc. It is emphasized that the school closely follows the educational legislation and the education community participation is very limited. Moreover, we have analyzed the educational practices with respect to the following variables: "Strategies for Diversity", "Participation of the educational community" and "Relationships and coexistence." This research has drawn on information provided by different techniques and instruments (interviews, questionnaires and direct observation). We can see that although there is interest in meeting the educational needs of all students and to promote values based on equality and tolerance (among others), there are still areas for improvement. We propose, therefore, some intervention proposals

    Sensitivity analysis and validation of a predictive procedure for high and low-temperature ignition delays under engine conditions for n-dodecane using a Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine

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    [EN] A predictive procedure for cool flames and high-temperature ignition delays based on the accumulation and consumption of chain carriers has been validated for n-dodecane under engine conditions. To do so, an experimental parametric study has been carried out in a Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine, measuring the ignition times for different compression ratios (14 and 19), initial temperatures (from 403 K to 463 K), O-2 molar fractions (from 0.21 to 0.16) and equivalence ratios (from 0.4 to 0.7). The measured ignition delays have been compared to results from chemical kinetic simulations performed in CHEMKIN using a 0-D reactor that replicates the experimental conditions by solving five different chemical kinetic mechanisms, as a way to evaluate the mechanisms accuracy and variability. In general, all chemical kinetic mechanisms are able to accurately replicate the experimental ignition delays, being the mean relative deviation lower than 1.9% and 1.6% for both ignition stages, cool flames and the high-temperature ignition respectively. Furthermore, small differences have been appreciated between mechanisms in terms of ignition delay. Then, the predictive method has been applied using different databases obtained from each mechanism and a sensitivity analysis has been performed in order to evaluate the effects of the selected database on the predicted ignition delay. It has been found that while cool flames seems to be independent on the selected mechanism, the predicted high-temperature ignition delay is very sensitive to the species selected as chain carrier. Thus, if formaldehyde is assumed as ignition tracer, the predicted ignition time can vary up to 3%, while this percent decreases up to 1.3% when hydrogen peroxide takes the role of chain carrier. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The authors are grateful to the Generalitat Valenciana for the financial support to acquire the RCEM (references PPC/2013/011 and FEDER Operativo 2007/2013 F07010203PCI00CIMETUPV001). Finally, the authors would like to thank the Spanish Ministry of Education for financing the PhD. Studies of Darío López-Pintor (grant FPU13/02329).Desantes, J.; Bermúdez, V.; López, JJ.; López-Pintor, D. (2017). Sensitivity analysis and validation of a predictive procedure for high and low-temperature ignition delays under engine conditions for n-dodecane using a Rapid Compression-Expansion Machine. Energy Conversion and Management. 145:64-81. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.04.092S648114

    Envisioning the idea. Creative graphic processes in architecture and concept art

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    [EN] The research delves into the creative graphic processes of architecture and concept art, a stage of visual development in world-creating industries such as video games and animation. Pre-production strategies such as conceptual drawings, color scripts or miniature sketches are related to study drawings, sequential drawings or serial visions that define the experience and architectural narrative. The suitable coherence between the visual strategies to explore the idea and the communicative purpose could be useful in architectural design as considering experiential and emotional perception. The findings bring to light a visual development methodology based on design analysis.[ES] El artículo establece un paralelismo entre el arte de concepto desarrollado en industrias creadoras de mundos como los videojuegos y la animación y los procesos gráficos creativos de la arquitectura. Se pone en relación estrategias de pre-producción, como los dibujos conceptuales, el guion de color o los bocetos en miniatura, con los dibujos de estudio, los dibujos secuenciales o las visiones seriales que definen la experiencia y la narrativa gráfica arquitectónica. La coherencia entre las distintas estrategias visuales para explorar la idea y el propósito comunicativo podría ser útil en el diseño arquitectónico al considerar cuestiones vinculadas a la percepción experiencial y emocional. Los hallazgos manifiestan una metodología de desarrollo visual basada en el análisis del diseño de la idea.López-Chao, V.; Fernández-Álvarez, AJ. (2023). Visualizar la idea. Procesos gráficos creativos en arquitectura y arte de concepto. EGA Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 28(49):180-195. https://doi.org/10.4995/ega.2023.19064180195284