574 research outputs found

    Genetic study in patients operated dentally and anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine

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    Aims: In this study we wanted to figure out if there was a correlation between OPRM1 N40D, TRPV1 I316M, TRPV1 I585V, NOS3 −786T>C and IL6 −174C>G polymorphisms and the response to locally applied articaine-epinephrine anesthetic. Methods: In this observational study, 114 oral cell samples of patients anesthetized with articaine-epinephrine (54 from men 60 from women), were collected from dental centers in Madrid (Spain). High molecular weight DNA was obtained from oral mucosa cells. The analysis of OPRM1 N40D (rs1799971), TRPV1 I316M (rs222747), TRPV1 I585V (rs8065080) and IL6 −174C>G polymorphism was performed through real-time PCR allelic discrimination using TaqMan probes. Polymorphism NOS3 −786T> C (rs2070744) was analyzed using RFLP-PCR. Results: The studied polymorphisms are involved neither in the response to the anesthetic, nor in the intensity of perceived dental pain. However, in a subset of female patients we found that TRPV1 I316M was associated with a delayed onset of anesthesia. Conclusions: There is no association among these polymorphisms and the time elapsed between the application of the anesthetic and the onset of its effect

    The collapse of Io's primary atmosphere in Jupiter eclipse

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    Volcanic outgassing due to tidal heating is the ultimate source of a tenuous SO atmosphere around Jupiter's moon Io. The question of whether SO frost on the surface plays a part, and to what degree, in maintaining Io's atmosphere with the constant volcanic outgassing is still debated. It is believed that for a sublimation-supported atmosphere, the primary atmosphere should collapse during eclipses by Jupiter, as the SO vapor pressure is strongly coupled to the temperature of the ice on the surface. No direct observations of Io's atmosphere in eclipse have previously been possible, due to the simultaneous need for high spectral and time sensitivity, as well as a high signal-to-noise ratio. Here we present the first ever high-resolution spectra at 19 µm of Io's SO atmosphere in Jupiter eclipse from the Gemini telescope. The strongest atmospheric band depth is seen to dramatically decay from 2.5 ± (0.08)% before the eclipse to 0.18 ± (0.16)% after 40 min in eclipse. Further modeling indicates that the atmosphere has collapsed shortly after eclipse ingress, implying that the atmosphere of Io has a strong sublimation-controlled component. The atmospheric column density—from pre-eclipse to in-eclipse—drops by a factor of 5 ± 2.C.C.C.T. and J.R.S. at Southwest Research Institute were funded by NASA Outer Planets Research grant NNX14AC63G and Planetary Astronomy grant NNX11AD61G. M.A.L.V. was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and by FEDER funds under project ESP2015-65064-C2-1-P (MINECO/FEDER)Peer Reviewe

    Oral pathology in the Iberian Neanderthals

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    In 1994, a series of human bones was found at the Sidrón cave in Borines (Concejo de Piloña, Asturias), Spain. Since the investigators suspected that they were dealing with human remains from the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), the bones were collected by the Civil Guard, but were not subjected to archeological scrutiny. The finding was reported then to the corresponding authorities, who had them sent to the Laboratory of Forensic Anthropology of the Forensic Institute of Madrid (Spain), where an anthropological study was undertaken. This revealed the extraordinary palaeoanthropological and palaeopathological interest of the remains. The specimen studied herein, a mandible catalogued as SDR 7-8 (SIDRON 7-8) by the Forensic Laboratory in Madrid (Spain) and belonging to Homo neanderthalensis, with an age of 90,000 to 40,000 years BCE, showed special characteristics of oral pathology, making it a specimen of great palaeodontological interest.Key words: Mandible, Neanderthal, oral pathology, Sidrón, Asturias

    Influencia de la administración de parathormona, calcitonina y tiroxina sobre la excreción de calcio endógeno

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    The influence of seyeral hormonal factors on calcium, endogenous excretion was studied in adult rats. The injection of parathyroid hormone doesn't change the fecal endogenous calcium. It may be that the parathyroid hormone have a real effect over the intestinal absortion of calcium, effect, that in our experiments, would be masked by an increase in the calcitonine secretion. In the kidney, the parathyroid hormone causes an increase, of endogenous caldum excretion highly significative, which it would be possible the result of the raising of the calcemia. The administration of calcitonine or thyroxine produces an increase in the fecal and urinary excretion of endogenous calcium. Possibly, the calcitonine produces hypercalciurie and hypocalcemia acting directly upon the kidney and inhibiting the tubular reabsorption of calcium.Se estudia la influencia de varios factores hormonales sobre la excreción de calcio endógeno en ratas adultas de la cepa Nestlé. En nuestras condiciones experimentales la administración de parathormona no cambia la excreción fecal de calcio endógeno. Puede ser que la parathormona tenga un efecto real sobre la absorción intestinal de calcio, efecto que en nuestro caso quedaría enmascarado por un aumento en la secreción de calcitonina. A nivel renal la administración de parathormona produce un incremento estadísticamente significativo de la excreción de calcio endógeno, que podría ser el resultado de la elevación de la calcemia. La administración de calcitonina o de tiroxina dan lugar a un incremento en la excreción fecal y urinaria de calcio endógeno. Posiblemente la calcitonina produzca hipercalciuria e hipocalcemia actuando directamente a nivel renal e inhibiendo la reabsorción tubular de calcio

    Influence of seasonal factors in the earned value of construction

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    [EN] The objectives in each construction process can be multiple. However, the constructions have to be carried out under some restrictions concerning price and terms. They constitute some strategic and interdependent goals. In other words, ¿time is money¿. Several papers support that seasonal effects influence the execution rate of construction. Thus, most of them try to improve the forecasts by evaluating and joining them to the planning, although always measuring their influence indirectly. In this paper, we suggest a methodology to directly measure the influence of the seasonal factors as a whole over the earned value of construction. Additionally, we apply it to a certain case study regarding the subsidised housing of public promotion in the Castilla-La Mancha region (Spain). It is worth mentioning that our results are clarified: we have calculated the average monthly production for each month a year with respect to the annual monthly mean. Moreover, the differences regarding the average monthly production we have contributed are quite significant, and hence they have to be taken into account for each earned value forecast so that a project becomes reliable.The authors would like to thank Gicaman SA, Eres SA, and Urvial SA (construction companies) by the cession of their outcome data corresponding to 161 public promotions that gave rise to 5,319 subsidised housing.Ruiz-Fernández, JP.; Benlloch Marco, J.; López, MA.; Valverde-Gascueña, N. (2019). Influence of seasonal factors in the earned value of construction. Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences. 4(1):21-34. https://doi.org/10.2478/AMNS.2019.1.00003S213441Koehn, E., & Brown, G. (1985). Climatic Effects on Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 111(2), 129-137. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9364(1985)111:2(129)El-Rayes, K., & Moselhi, O. (2001). Impact of Rainfall on the Productivity of Highway Construction. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 127(2), 125-131. doi:10.1061/(asce)0733-9364(2001)127:2(125)Kenley, R., & Wilson, O. D. (1989). A construction project net cash flow model. Construction Management and Economics, 7(1), 3-18. doi:10.1080/01446198900000002Skitmore, M. (1992). Parameter prediction for cash flow forecasting models. Construction Management and Economics, 10(5), 397-413. doi:10.1080/01446199200000038Chan, D. W. M., & Kumaraswamy, M. M. (1995). A study of the factors affecting construction durations in Hong Kong. Construction Management and Economics, 13(4), 319-333. doi:10.1080/01446199500000037Kaka, A. P., & Price, A. D. F. (1993). Modelling standard cost commitment curves for contractors’ cash flow forecasting. Construction Management and Economics, 11(4), 271-283. doi:10.1080/01446199300000027Blyth, K., & Kaka, A. (2006). A novel multiple linear regression model for forecasting S‐curves. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 13(1), 82-95. doi:10.1108/09699980610646511Khosrowshahi, F., & Kaka, A. P. (2007). A Decision Support Model for Construction Cash Flow Management. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 22(7), 527-539. doi:10.1111/j.1467-8667.2007.00508.

    Neuropathic pain associated with mucocele in the maxillary sinus

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    Mucocele in the paranasal sinuses consists of a clinically unpainful, pseudocystic lesion that may be confused with cysts with mucosal accumulation due to an obstruction of a seromucinous gland or with other lesions displaying expansive masses in the maxillary sinuses. Histologically, mucocele consists of an accumulation of seromucosal secretion lined by epithelium. It is an infrequent pathology, whose treatment has evolved favourably to a considerable extent over the past decades. Here we report a case of mucocele located in a paranasal sinus associated with a syndrome of odontalgic neuritic pain. After the collection of complementary radiological evidence, antrostomic surgical treatment was implemented on the lateral-external wall of the maxillary sinus with a view to fully removing the cystic capsule, after which a histopathological study of the sample was performed. The lesion and the neuropathic pain disappeared following removal of the cystic mass, and after 21 months of follow-up the patient has remained free of relapse. Conclusions: lateral antrostomy for the removal of mucocele in the maxillary sinus can alleviate the neuropathic pain possibly associated with the pathology

    Variability of the Martian thermosphere during eight Martian years as simulated by a ground-to-exosphere global circulation model

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    Using a ground-to-exosphere general circulation model for Mars we have simulated the variability of the dayside temperatures at the exobase during eight Martian years (MY, from MY24 to MY31, approximately from 1998 to 2013), taking into account the observed day-to-day solar and dust load variability. We show that the simulated temperatures are in good agreement with the exospheric temperatures derived from Precise Orbit Determination of Mars Global Surveyor. We then study the effects of the solar variability and of two planetary-encircling dust storms on the simulated temperatures. The seasonal effect produced by the large eccentricity of the Martian orbit translates in an aphelion-to-perihelion temperature contrast in every simulated year. However, the magnitude of this seasonal temperature variation is strongly affected by the solar conditions, ranging from 50 K for years corresponding to solar minimum conditions to almost 140 K during the last solar maximum. The 27 day solar rotation cycle is observed on the simulated temperatures at the exobase, with average amplitude of the temperature oscillation of 2.6 K but with a significant interannual variability. These two results highlight the importance of taking into account the solar variability when simulating the Martian upper atmosphere and likely have important implications concerning the atmospheric escape rate. We also show that the global dust storms in MY25 and MY28 have a significant effect on the simulated temperatures. In general, they increase the exospheric temperatures over the low latitude and midlatitude regions and decrease them in the polar regions.©2015. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.F.G.G. was partly funded by a CSIC JAE-Doc grant financed by the European Social Fund. F.G.G., M.-A.L.V., and M.G.C. thank the Spanish MICINN for funding support through the CONSOLIDER program ASTROMOLCSD2009-00038 and through projects AYA2011-23552/ESP and AYA2012-39691-C02-01. This work has also been partially funded by the ESA-CNES project Mars Climate Database and Physical Models.Peer Reviewe

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (10)

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    Sumario : Investigación: Chorros relativistas en núcleos activos de galaxias.-- Materia oscura: a tientas por el Universo.-- Ventana Abierta: Físico teórico autónomo se ofrece para.-- Charlas con… Robert Haberle.-- Actualidad Científica: La búsqueda de las estrellas más viejas de la Galaxia.-- Un superbólido más brillante que la Luna llena surcó el cielo argelino.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIF 2001-4284-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaN

    Desarrollo de un algoritmo de solución directa para el cálculo de distribuciones óptimas de cultivos bajo riego deficitario controlado

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    La adecuada gestión de un recurso natural cada vez más escaso, como es el agua, implica maximizar la eficiencia en su uso. Desde el punto de vista de una explotación agraria, es de la máxima importancia encontrar la distribución óptima de cultivos que maximice el margen bruto obtenido con el agua de riego disponible. Actualmente, los métodos de optimización disponibles para resolver este problema no lineal, recurren a métodos de optimización heurísticos de propósito general mucho más lentos y menos eficientes de lo que sería un algoritmo de optimización de solución directa, donde se conocen los mecanismos involucrados y las sinergias existentes entre los cultivos para la obtención de la solución óptima del problema. El objetivo del presente trabajo es desarrollar un algoritmo de solución directa capaz de determinar la distribución óptima de cultivos que sea compatible con el modelo MOPECO (Modelo de Optimización Económica del agua de riego). La solución óptima se consigue con sólo uno o dos cultivos, pero esta solución no es la más adecuada desde el punto de vista agronómico (p.e. rotación de cultivos, PAC, etc.), por lo que ha sido necesario adaptar el algoritmo desarrollado para manejar este tipo de situaciones. Para una hipotética explotación de 100 ha, considerando 10 cultivos diferentes y 11 escenarios de volumen de agua total disponible, se han comparado los resultados del algoritmo desarrollado con las soluciones ofrecidas por el software de optimización LINGO y los algoritmos genéticos. El algoritmo desarrollado consigue márgenes brutos un 0,5% inferiores a los de LINGO, y un 1,1% mayores que los algoritmos genéticos, reduciendo el tiempo de cálculo entre 50-100 y 2000 veces, respectivamente