112 research outputs found

    Análisis posturográfico y clínico del equilibrio en una muestra de personas mayores institucionalizadas

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    [Resumen] El equilibrio puede evaluarse mediante pruebas clínicas o a través de una valoración posturográfica. Nuestro objetivo fue caracterizar y establecer la posible relación entre el perfil posturográfico de una muestra de personas mayores institucionalizadas y los datos obtenidos a través de tres instrumentos para la evaluación del equilibrio, y determinar la influencia de distintas variables sobre dicho perfil. Es un estudio transversal en el que se ha seleccionado una muestra de 43 personas usuarias del Complejo Gerontológico La Milagrosa. La capacidad funcional, la talla, el IMC, el historial de caídas y el número de fármacos consumidos fueron las variables que se correlacionaron con las escalas de equilibrio empleadas. El test MCTSIB mostró una mejor capacidad de compensación visual y vestibular en las mujeres. Los test posturográficos utilizados correlacionaron con las variables talla, IMC, capacidad funcional, historial de caídas y número de fármacos consumidos; además el test MCTSIB y la prueba RWS establecieron una relación estadísticamente significativa con el nivel de deterioro cognitivo. El parámetro posturográfico que mejor correlacionó con los test de equilibrio fue el Punto de Excursión Final Máxima (MXE). El uso de la posturografía permite el diseño de programas de intervención individualizados y la cuantificación de los resultados.[Resumo] O equilibrio pode avaliarse mediante probas clínicas ou a través dunha valoración posturográfica. O noso obxectivo foi caracterizar e establecer a posible relación entre o perfil posturográfico dunha mostra de persoas maiores institucionalizadas e os datos obtidos a través de tres instrumentos para a avaliación do equilibrio, e determinar a influencia de distintas variables sobre dito perfil. É un estudo transversal no que se seleccionou unha mostra de 43 persoas usuarias do Complexo Xerontolóxico La Milagrosa. A capacidade funcional, a altura, o IMC, o historial de caídas e o número de fármacos consumidos foron as variables que se correlacionaron coas tres escalas de equilibrio empregadas. O test MCTSIB mostrou unha mellor capacidade de compensación visual e vestibular nas mulleres. Os test posturográficos empregados relacionáronse coas variables altura, IMC, capacidade funcional, historial de caídas e número de fármacos consumidos; ademáis o test MCTSIB e a proba RWS estableceron unha relación estadísticamente significativa co nivel de deterioro cognitivo. O parámetro posturográfico que mellor se relacionou cos test de equilibrio foi o Ponto de Excursión Final Máxima (MXE). O emprego da posturografía permite o deseño de programas de intervención individualizados e a cuantificación dos resultados.[Abstract] Balance can be assessed by clinical tests or by posturographic assessment. Our aim was to characterize and to establish a possible relationship between the posturographic profile of a sample of institutionalized older people and the data obtained from three instruments used to assess balance; and to determine the influence of different variables on that profile. This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 43 users of the Gerontological Complex La Milagrosa. The variables correlated with the balance scales used were: functional ability, size, BMI, fall history and number of drugs consumed. The Modified Clinical Test for the Sensory Interaction on Balance (MCTSIB) showed a better performance in the visual and vestibular compensation in women. The posturographic tests correlated with variable size, functional ability, fall history and number of drugs consumed; besides, the MCTSIB and the Rhythmic Weight Shift (RWS) test established a statistically significant relation to the level of cognitive impairment. The posturographic parameter that best correlated with the balance tests was the Maximum Excursion Final Point (MXE). The use of posturography allows the design of individual intervention programs and the quantification of the results

    Análisis jurídico del procedimiento de registro del diseño industrial, contemplado en la ley 354, Ley de patentes de invención, modelos de utilidad y diseños industriales

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    El presente informe para optar al título de Licenciado en Derecho, consiste en analizar y describir las condiciones actuales del procedimiento interno utilizado por el Registro de la Propiedad Intelectual al momento de solicitar el registro de un diseño industrial y su resolución, así abordar conforme está establecido en la ley. El problema de investigación planteado fue analizar las incidencias que pudieran derivarse del procedimiento del registro y como la entidad resuelve sobre la misma, con este análisis se busca ayudar al fortalecimiento del procedimiento de registro. La investigación se efectuó utilizando como base la metodóloga del estudio de la ley en sí, el estudio de casos y la obtención de información de varias fuentes, tales como: entrevista a funcionario del RPI, documentación interna del registro.Para realizar el análisis jurídico del tema en cuestión, el presente trabajo se dividió en tres capítulos, del cual desarrollaremos a continuación; en el primer capítulo se abordará las generalidades, el antecedente jurídico del diseño industrial,la clasificación internacional y los primeros convenios en materia de propiedad industrial.En el segundo capítulo se abordará la primera parte del tema tales como;estructura del marco jurídico de los diseños industriales, los tratados internacionales y el ente regulador en la explotación de un diseño industrial;Y como parte final, el tercer capítulo se desarrolla con las aportaciones de los funcionarios públicos del R.P.I, y abordara de manera directa el tema del procedimiento de registro, su oposición, la parte resolutiva y de cada uno de los elementos necesarios para lograr entender la problemática y así aportar con este informe, los aspectos que deban tomarse en cuenta al momento de elaborar una propuesta de reforma por parte del registro

    Reliability of 4-m and 6-m walking speed tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this study was to evaluate the interrater and test–retest reliability of 4-m and 6-m walking speed tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment. 50 subjects aged 65 and over with cognitive impairment were selected from an adult day-care centre and a nursing home. To examine interrater reliability, 21 people were evaluated independently by two researchers who administered the 4-m and 6-m walking tests in each evaluation. For test–retest reliability, two observers administered the tests to the same 29 subjects, with a time interval of one week. Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) were calculated to examine interrater and test–retest reliability. The ICCs for interrater reliability reached values of 0.96 and 0.88 for the 4-m and 6-m walking tests, respectively. In the test–retest study, the time interval was 7.4 1.17 days. The ICCs were 0.91 for the 4-m test and 0.86 for the 6-m test. The results support the use of walking tests in elderly people with cognitive impairment

    Improving the co and ch4 gas sensor response at room temperature of alpha-fe2o3(0001) epitaxial thin films grown on srtio3(111) incorporating au(111) islands

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    In this work, the functional character of complex -Fe2O3(0001)/SrTiO3(111) and Au(111) islands/ -Fe2O3(0001)/SrTiO3(111) heterostructures has been proven as gas sensors at room temperature. Epitaxial Au islands and -Fe2O3 thin film are grown by pulsed laser deposition on SrTiO3(111) substrates. Intrinsic parameters such as the composition, particle size and epitaxial character are investigated for their influence on the gas sensing response. Both Au and -Fe2O3 layer show an island-type growth with an average particle size of 40 and 62 nm, respectively. The epitaxial and incommensurate growth is evidenced, confirming a rotation of 30 between the in-plane crystallographic axes of -Fe2O3(0001) structure and those of SrTiO3(111) substrate and between the in-plane crystallographic axes of Au(111) and those of -Fe2O3(0001) structure. -Fe2O3 is the only phase of iron oxide identified before and after its functionalization with Au nanoparticles. In addition, its structural characteristics are also preserved after Au deposition, with minor changes at short-range order. Conductance measurements of Au(111)/ -Fe2O3(0001)/SrTiO3(111) system show that the incorporation of epitaxial Au islands on top of the -Fe2O3(0001) layer induces an enhancement of the gas-sensing activity of around 25% under CO and 35% under CH4 gas exposure, in comparison to a bare -Fe2O3(0001) layer grown on SrTiO3(111) substrates. In addition, the response of the heterostructures to CO gas exposure is around 5–10% higher than to CH4 gas in each case.This work has been supported by the Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN) and the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) through the projects PIE-2010-OE-013- 200014, PIE 2021-60-E-030 and RTI2018-095303-A-C52. The ESRF, MICINN and CSIC are acknowledged for the provision of synchrotron radiation facilities. A.S. acknowledges financial support from Comunidad de Madrid for an “Atracción de Talento Investigador” Contract (2017-t2/IND5395)

    Suicide attempts in mexican teenagers: a cultural consensus theory perspective

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    El suicidio es un problema de salud pública mundial y los adolescentes son los que presentan con mayor frecuencia esta problemática. El estudio realizado identifica la estructura semántica del dominio cultural, el promedio de conocimiento y el grado de consenso cultural que sobre el suicidio tienen adolescentes con tentativa suicida. El trabajo es un estudio cualitativo mediante la técnica de listas libres. Participaron 29 adolescentes (13 a 18 años). Las listas libres fueron sobre: las causas; los signos y los síntomas; lo que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente antes de cometer suicidio y las estrategias de prevención de éste. Los resultados muestran para cada pregunta un único modelo semántico en el dominio cultural. En lo estructural se identifican los problemas familiares como la causa del intento suicida; la depresión y la tristeza son síntomas previos al intento suicida. La tristeza y la soledad, salir del problema y suicidarse es lo que considera que siente, piensa y hace un adolescente previo al intento de suicidio. Como estrategias de prevención, se identifican le ponga más atención y hablar con él. Los resultados ponderan la importancia de la familia para los programas de prevención de las conductas suicidas en adolescentes. The suicide is a problem of public world health and the adolescents are those who present with more frequency this problem. Nevertheless, the studies of the suicide phenomenon from a cultural perspective are limited. Cultural research in suicidology is important to develop the understanding of the meanings of suicidal behavior in different contexts. The cultural consensus theory would contribute to the cultural perspective of the knowledge of suicidal behaviors in terms of its internal elements and their functioning (emic) and this theory allows knowing if there exists a knowledge shared by a social group regarding an issue and allows to recognize its organization. The aim of this study was to identify the semantic structure of the cultural domain, as well as the average of knowledge and the degree of cultural consensus regarding suicide among adolescent suicide attempters. It was a qualitative study, using the free-listing technique, with a non-random sample made up of 29 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 18 years. The free lists were on: the causes; the signs and the symptoms; what he/she feels, thinks and does before attempting suicide and the strategies of suicide prevention at adolescence. The results showed for every question a single semantic model in the cultural domain suicide attempt. In such structure, the family problems were identified as the cause of suicidal attempt; the depression and the sadness were symptoms before suicidal attempt. The sadness, the loneliness and the anger were what an adolescent feels before the suicide attempt. Furthermore, to get out of the problem and to end his/her life were what an adolescent thinks before attempting suicide and to commit suicide was what an adolescent does before to suicide attempt. To pay more attention, to talk with the adolescent, to improve the communication with the parents and to attend a psychotherapy were identified as strategies for suicide prevention. The results highlight the importance of the family of suicide prevention programs for adolescents based on cultural knowledge.ITESO, A.C.Universidad de GuadalajaraInstituto Mexicano del Seguro SocialPsicólogos Especializados Jalisc

    Prevalence and Geographic Variations in Asthma Symptoms in Children and Adolescents in Galicia (Spain)

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    [Resumen] Objetivos. Determinar la prevalencia y variaciones geográficas de síntomas relacionados con asma en niños y adolescentes gallegos. Población y métodos. Estudio transversal según la metodología ISAAC (Internacional Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) mediante cuestionario escrito distribuido en el medio escolar. Se incluyeron 10.371 niños de 6-7 años y 10.372 adolescentes de 13-14 años de todas las Áreas Sanitarias de Galicia. Se analizaron las variaciones geográficas mediante un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados. Las sibilancias en los últimos 12 meses oscilaron en los pequeños, del 11,4 (Santiago) al 15,7% (Vigo) y en los adolescentes del 8,8 (Ourense) al 18,8% (Vigo). Según el género se observó una mayor frecuencia en varones de 6-7 años (p < 0,001) y con tendencia a la significación estadística en las chicas de 13-14 años (p = 0,08). El riesgo (Odds ratio [OR]) de sibilancias en los últimos 12 meses, en el área de mayor prevalencia con respecto a la de menor, fue 1,45 (intervalo de confianza [IC] del 95%: 1,12-1,88) en niños y 2,39 (IC 95%: 1,82-3,13) en adolescentes. La prevalencia de asma estimada para Galicia fue de 13,6% en niños y 12,2% en adolescentes. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de sibilancias en los últimos 12 meses en las diferentes áreas gallegas es sensiblemente superior al resto de ciudades españolas participantes en el ISAAC en los pequeños, siendo muy similar en los adolescentes, salvo en Vigo donde es sensiblemente superior. Encontramos un patrón geográfico muy definido en los adolescentes, siendo mayores las prevalencias en la costa que en el interior.[Abstract] Objectives. To determine the prevalence and geographic variations of the symptoms associated with asthma in Galician children and adolescents. Population and methods. A cross-sectional epidemiological study following ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) methodology, and using a written questionnaire distributed in schools. The study sample included 10,371 6-7 year-old children and 10,372 13-14 year-old adolescents, all of them from Galician Health Areas. A logistic regression model was used to analyse geographic variations. Results. In the 6-7 year-old group, wheezing in the last 12 months varied from 11.4% (Santiago) to 15.7% (Vigo) and in the adolescents varied from 8.8% (Ourense) to 18.8% (Vigo). The distribution by gender showed a predominant significance in 6-7 year-old males (P < .001), and near to be statistically significant in 13-14 year-old females (P = .08). The risk (odds ratio [OR]) of wheezing in the last 12 months in the area with highest prevalence in comparison with the area of lowest prevalence was 1.45 (95% Confidence Interval [CI], 1.12-1.88) for children and 2.39 (95% CI, 1.82-3.13) for adolescents. The estimated prevalence of asthma in the Autonomous Community of Galicia was 13.6% in younger children and 12.2% in adolescents. Conclusions. The prevalence of wheezing in the last 12 months in the different areas of Galicia is considerably higher than the rest of Spanish ISAAC cities in the 6-7 years group and very similar in the 13-14 years group, except in Vigo where it is considerably higher. We found a clearly defined geographic pattern in the adolescent group, with higher prevalences in coastal areas than in the interior

    A Functional Link between AMPK and Orexin Mediates the Effect of BMP8B on Energy Balance

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    AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) and orexin (OX) in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA) modulate brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis. However, whether these two molecular mechanisms act jointly or independently is unclear. Here, we show that the thermogenic effect of bone morphogenetic protein 8B (BMP8B) is mediated by the inhibition of AMPK in the VMH and the subsequent increase in OX signaling via the OX receptor 1 (OX1R). Accordingly, the thermogenic effect of BMP8B is totally absent in ox-null mice. BMP8B also induces browning of white adipose tissue (WAT), its thermogenic effect is sexually dimorphic (only observed in females), and its impact on OX expression and thermogenesis is abolished by the knockdown of glutamate vesicular transporter 2 (VGLUT2), implicating glutamatergic signaling. Overall, our data uncover a central network controlling energy homeostasis that may be of considerable relevance for obesity and metabolic disordersThe research leading to these results received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement 281854 the ObERStress project (M.L.), Junta de Andalucía (M.T.-S., P08-CVI-03788 and P12-FQM-01943), Xunta de Galicia (M.L., 2015-CP079; and R.N., 2015-CP080 and PIE13/00024), MINECO co-funded by FEDER (C.D., BFU2014-55871-P; R.N., BFU2015-70664-R; M.T.-S., BFU2014-57581-P; and M.L., SAF2015-71026-R and BFU2015-70454-REDT/Adipoplast). I.G.-G. is a recipient of a fellowship from Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU12/01827). CIBER de Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición is an initiative of ISCIII. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscriptS

    Central Ceramide-Induced Hypothalamic Lipotoxicity and ER Stress Regulate Energy Balance

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    Hypothalamic endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is a key mechanism leading to obesity. Here, we demonstrate that ceramides induce lipotoxicity and hypothalamic ER stress, leading to sympathetic inhibition, reduced brown adipose tissue (BAT) thermogenesis, and weight gain. Genetic overexpression of the chaperone GRP78/BiP (glucoseregulated protein 78 kDa/binding immunoglobulin protein) in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) abolishes ceramide action by reducing hypothalamic ER stress and increasing BAT thermogenesis, which leads to weight loss and improved glucose homeostasis. The pathophysiological relevance of this mechanism is demonstrated in obese Zucker rats, which show increased hypothalamic ceramide levels and ER stress. Overexpression of GRP78 in the VMH of these animals reduced body weight by increasing BAT thermogenesis as well as decreasing leptin and insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis. Overall, these data identify a triangulated signaling network involving central ceramides, hypothalamic lipotoxicity/ER stress, and BAT thermogenesis as a pathophysiological mechanism of obesity

    Obesity and asthma: an association modified by age

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    [Abstract] Background. Some studies indicate some causal relationship between obesity and asthma, while others show inconsistent results. Our objective was to evaluate the prevalence of asthma according to obesity in children. Methods. A cross-sectional study, following the ISAAC study methodology, was conducted on two randomly selected groups consisting of 6–7 year-old children (n = 7485) and 13–14 year-old adolescents (n = 8496). The asthma symptoms and potential risk factors were determined from the questionnaire. Overweight and obesity were defined based on the body mass index. Multiple logistic regression was used to obtain adjusted prevalence odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals. Results. Obesity was associated with an increase in wheezing ever (OR: 1.35) and exercise-induced asthma (OR: 1.62) in the 6–7 year-old group. No significant relationship was observed in the adolescent population. Conclusion. Obesity was associated with a higher prevalence of asthma in young children, but not in adolescents