398 research outputs found

    RoboARCH: An autonomous robot for analysis and documentation of historical architectures

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    The Mediterranean basin has an impressive amount of millenarian urban structures which have been modelled along centuries. Unfortunately, they are sometimes damaged due to both the passage of time as well as bad preservation criteria. In order to avoid these situations or reduce their effects, new preservation criteria have arisen in the last decades. These criteria aim to revitalize the historical value of these architectural remains from a cultural and economic perspective. In this line of research, the “Archaeology of Architecture” applies the theoretical principles of the archaeology to study buildings and streets, offering new methodologies of analysis. An important part of these methodologies incorporates new technologies, such as 3D scanners, robotic total stations, or virtual and augmented reality, to the data acquisition and processing tasks. The application of these technologies in the area of Historical Heritage results in a breakthrough in the graphic documentation of monuments and archaeological remains, which allows the development of new preservation strategies. Among all these new technologies, this abstract proposes the use of an autonomous robot to help identifying elements inside a building. The robot navigates through the environment, collects data and compares them against well-known historical and architectural archetypes, to find a set of candidates for each perceived pattern. The advantages of the proposed system when compared against current state-of-the-art techniques are the following: (i) the robot explores the environment autonomously using SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Mapping) algorithms and acquires colour and depth information; (ii) no special markers, such as the targets or spheres usually employed by robotic total stations, are required; (iii) the system uses advanced image processing methods to automatically provide a first characterization of perceived borders, that will help in different identification processes, from single elements to more complex structures; (iv) obtained data are compared against historical and architectural archetypes included in a data base; (v) evaluation of the object position inside the stratigraphic sequence of the wall.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Didáctica de las enseñanzas artísticas impartidas en las Facultades de Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación: la webquest como estrategia metodológica construccionista

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    Our current society finds itself in a process of continuous change which has been favoured mostly by the advances happening in the world of Information and Communication Technology (TIC´s). Rightly, education professionals have adapted, failing or succeeding, this fact from the XXI century to their work in school. Therefore, Technology and Internet have become part of the didactic tools used by numerous teachers in their classrooms. This is the main cause of the development of a more active methodology in which the main role is played by students. As it can be seen in this project, we will focus our methodological approach on the use of the webquest as a 2.0 tool with the purpose of developing a constructionist teaching-learning model applicable to the art education taught in the Faculties of Education. This new approach which will be put into practice in the classroom can´t be regarded as a way of replacing the current didactic tools but as a project whose main aim is to establish some skills which allow linking tradition and 2.0 as well as adapt the training of future teachers, who work with children aged between 3-11 years old, to the curricular and social demands of today´s world.La sociedad actual se encuentra sumida en un proceso de cambio continuo que se ha visto favorecido, en gran parte, por los avances acaecidos en el mundo de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC’s). Como no podía ser de otra manera, los profesionales de la educación han adoptado con más o menos éxito esta realidad del siglo XXI a su trabajo en la escuela. Tecnología e Internet, por tanto, han pasado a formar parte de las herramientas didácticas que numerosos docentes utilizan en el aula, causa principal del desarrollo de una metodología más activa en la que el verdadero protagonista es el alumnado. En este caso, centraremos nuestra propuesta metodológica en el uso de la webquest como herramienta 2.0 para el desarrollo de un modelo enseñanza-aprendizaje construccionista aplicable a las enseñanzas artísticas impartidas en las Facultades de Educación. Este nuevo planteamiento en el aula no trata de sustituir las herramientas didácticas puestas en uso hasta el día de hoy. Más bien, su finalidad primordial es establecer unas competencias que permitan aunar tradición y 2.0 y adaptar la formación de los futuros maestros de Infantil y Primaria a las exigencias curriculares y sociales de mundo actual

    Las políticas de innovación y los modelos de innovación en la literatura científica. Un análisis mediante la utilización de técnicas bibliométricas

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    [ES] El objetivo principal de esta tesis ha sido el estudio de las políticas de innova-ción y de los modelos de innovación más extendidos (los Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación -NIS en sus siglas en inglés- y los Sistemas Regionales de Innovación -RIS en sus siglas en inglés-) a través de un análisis global y sistemático de la literatura científica, ya que la gran cantidad de estudios académicos publicados en estos campos de investigación, especialmente en las últimas décadas, puede dificultar la obtención de una visión general y, a la vez, pro-funda de los mismos. En esta tesis se han utilizado, fundamentalmente, técnicas bibliométricas y la base de datos científica Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) para determinar los autores, las instituciones, los países y las revistas científicas más influyentes en estos campos de investigación, así como para elaborar los mar-cos conceptuales de los mismos. También se han identificado y revisado los estudios más influyentes con el fin de establecer las principales tendencias investigadoras en estas materias y su evolución a lo largo del tiempo. Se concluye que las políticas de innovación y los modelos de innovación en la literatura científica se pueden organizar en torno a seis pilares fundamentales: (1) Sistemas Nacionales de Innovación, (2) Sistemas Regionales de Innovación, (3) herramientas políticas para la innovación, (4) gestión del conocimiento, (5) desarrollo sostenible y (6) emprendimiento. El análisis de estos pilares y de sus interacciones permitió comprender la importancia de los entornos nacionales y regionales, así como del entorno transnacional en el que países y regiones están embebidos; el papel central de la gestión del conocimiento; la combinación de políticas de innovación para conseguir crecimientos y transiciones más sostenibles; y la relevancia creciente del emprendimiento dentro de las políti-cas y los modelos de innovación, con el surgimiento en los últimos años de los conceptos Sistemas Nacionales de Emprendimiento (NES en sus siglas en inglés) y ecosistemas emprendedores. De forma complementaria a los análisis de los enfoques teóricos anteriores, se ha realizado un estudio empírico y multidimensional de los factores que pue-den promover la competitividad y la innovación de los países, para lo que se ha usado la técnica de Análisis Cualitativo Comparativo fsQCA. En base a los análisis bibliométricos previos, se seleccionaron seis factores o condiciones causales: inversión en I+D, número de instituciones innovadoras, tasa de emprendimiento, políticas de apoyo al emprendimiento, transferencia de I+D y renta per cápita. El resultado de este análisis muestra que hay diversas configuraciones que conducen a países altamente competitivos y/o innovadores, todas ellas multidimensionales, lo que indica que no existe un único patrón para explicar niveles elevados de competitividad e innovación nacionales.[EN] The main objective of the thesis has been the study of innovation policy and the most popular innovation models at present, namely National Innovation Systems (NIS) and Regional Innovation Systems (RIS), through a global and systematic analysis of the scientific literature, due to the fact that the great amount of academic publications in these research fields, especially in the last decades, may hinder the achievement of a general and, at the same time, deep insight into these areas. In the thesis we have mainly used bibliometric techniques and the scientific database Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) to determine the most influential authors, institutions, countries and journals in the aforementioned research fields, as well as to elaborate their conceptual frameworks. Also, we have identified and reviewed the most influential studies with the aim of establishing the major research trends in these areas and their evolution. It is concluded that innovation policies and innovation models in the scientific literature can be organized around six key pillars: (1) National Innovation Systems, (2) Regional Innovation Systems, (3) innovation policy tools, (4) knowledge management, (5) sustainable development and (6) entrepreneurship. The analysis of such pillars and their interactions allowed a better understanding of the importance of the national and regional contexts, as well as the transnational context in which countries and regions are embedded; the central role of the knowledge management; the policy mix to achieve more sustainable growths and transitions; and the increasing relevance of entrepreneurship regarding innovation policies and models, with the emergence of the novel concepts National Entrepreneurship Systems (NES) and entrepreneurial ecosystems in the last years. To complement the analyses of the previous theoretical approaches, an empirical and multidimensional study of the factors affecting national competitive-ness and innovation has been carried out, by using the Qualitative Comparative Analysis technique fsQCA. According to the prior bibliometric analyses, six factors or causal conditions were chosen: R&D expenditure, number of innovative institutions, entrepreneurship rate, entrepreneurship support policies, R&D transfer and GDP per capita. The result of this analysis shows that there are several configurations leading to competitive and/or innovative countries, all of them multidimensional, which indicates that there is no single pattern to explain high levels of national competitiveness and innovation.[CA] L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi ha sigut l'estudi de les polítiques d'innovació i dels models d'innovació més estesos (els Sistemes Nacionals d'Innovació -NIS per les seves sigles en anglès- i els Sistemes Regionals d'Innovació -RIS per les seves sigles en anglès-) a través d'un anàlisi global i sistemàtic de la literatura científica, ja que la gran quantitat d'estudis acadèmics publicats en aquests camps de recerca, especialment en les últimes dècades, pot dificultar l'obtenció d'una visió general i alhora profunda d'aquests. En aquesta tesi s'han utilitzat, fonamentalment, tècniques bibliomètriques i la base de dades científica Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) per a de-terminar els autors, les institucions, els països i les revistes científiques més influents en aquests camps de recerca, així com per a elaborar els marcs conceptuals d'aquests. També s'han identificat i revisat els estudis més influents amb la finalitat d'establir les principals tendències investigadores en aquestes matèries i la seva evolució al llarg del temps. Es conclou que les polítiques d'innovació i els models d'innovació en la literatura científica es poden organitzar entorn de sis pilars fonamentals: (1) Sistemes Nacionals d'Innovació, (2) Sistemes Regionals d'Innovació, (3) eines polítiques per a la innovació, (4) gestió del coneixement, (5) desenvolupament sostenible i (6) emprenedoria. L'anàlisi d'aquests pilars i de les seves interaccions va permetre comprendre la importància dels entorns nacionals i regionals, així com de l'entorn transnacional en el qual països i regions estan embeguts; el paper central de la gestió del coneixement; la combinació de polítiques d'innovació per a aconseguir creixements i transicions més sostenibles; i la rellevància creixent de l'emprenedoria dins de les polítiques i els models d'innovació, amb el sorgiment en els últims anys dels conceptes Sistemes Nacionals d'Emprenedoria (NES per les seves sigles en anglès) i ecosistemes emprenedors. De manera complementària als anàlisis dels enfocaments teòrics anteriors, s'ha realitzat un estudi empíric i multidimensional dels factors que poden promoure la competitivitat i la innovació dels països, per al que s'ha usat la tècnica d'Anàlisi Qualitativa Comparativa fsQCA. Sobre la base de les anàlisis bibliomètriques prèvies, es van seleccionar sis factors o condicions causals: inversió en I+D, nombre d'institucions innovadores, taxa d'emprenedoria, polítiques de suport a l'emprenedoria, transferència d'I+D i renda per càpita. El resultat d'aquest anàlisi mostra que hi ha diverses configuracions que condueixen a països altament competitius i/o innovadors, totes elles multidimensionals, la qual cosa indica que no existeix un únic patró per a explicar nivells elevats de com-petitivitat i innovació nacionals.López Rubio, PD. (2020). Las políticas de innovación y los modelos de innovación en la literatura científica. Un análisis mediante la utilización de técnicas bibliométricas [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/153149TESI

    Aproximación a las técnicas constructivas en la transición del IV-III milenio A.N.E.: el Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos (Almadén de la Plata, Sevilla)

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    Se aborda el estudio de los materiales de construcción en masa de tierra endurecida con improntas vegetales mediante la realización de moldes elaborados con material epóxico con la intención de obtener evidencias de los entramados estructurales de las construcciones habitacionales y/o productivas en el sitio arqueológico de El Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos.This study addresses the construction materials landmass hardened imprints of plants by making epoxy molds made with the intent to obtain evidence of structural trusses residential buildings and / or production at the site El Llano de la Cueva de los Covachos

    Context matters: a global bibliometric review of regional innovation systems

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    [EN] The concept of the regional innovation system (RIS) has received substantial attention from the scientific community, public administrations, and international organisations. This paper presents a systematic quantitative review of RIS research using bibliometric techniques and the Web of Science Core Collection database up to and including the year 2017. Four periods were examined to track the evolution of the RIS concept. The results show that RIS research has grown considerably since 2010, becoming a central research theme in countries focused on a systemic approach toward innovation and in decentralised countries, especially in Western Europe. 'Innovation', 'Europe', 'technology', 'networks', and 'firms' have been the core themes of RIS research since the concept arose in 1992. 'Entrepreneurship' was the major emerging research theme in the 2010s. Since 2010, other emerging topics have appeared, namely 'collaboration', 'organisation', 'triple helix', 'China', 'perspective', 'knowledge bases', and 'governance'. 'Smart specialisation' and 'creation' have been major themes since 2015.This research benefitted from: i GV063/19 funded by Generalitat Valenciana ii RTI2018-093791-B-C22 funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and FEDER.López-Rubio, P.; Roig-Tierno, N.; Mas Verdú, F. (2022). Context matters: a global bibliometric review of regional innovation systems. International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management (IJTPM). 22(3):247-270. https://doi.org/10.1504/IJTPM.2022.12525724727022

    Regional innovation system research trends: toward knowledge management and entrepreneurial ecosystems

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    [EN] The regional innovation system (RIS) is a popular way of explaining a region¿s development and competitiveness based on innovation activities and processes. In this paper, bibliometric techniques are used to analyze all RIS studies indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection (WoS CC) database as of December 2017. The goal of the analysis is to identify the main trends in RIS research. The evolution of the total number of publications and citations per year indicates that this research field has garnered considerable attention from the scientific community, public administrations, and international organizations. Analysis of the most common keywords and their co-occurrence sheds light on the conceptual framework of RIS research, where knowledge, innovation, clusters, policy, networks, systems, R&D, firms, and industry are key concepts. The 17 most influential RIS articles indexed in WoS CC are identified according to the total number of citations and the ratio of number of citations per year. Reviewing these 17 articles reveals 3 groups of underlying research trends: (1) research on innovation systems, which was mainly conducted in the 1990s, (2) research on knowledge management since the beginning of the 2000s, and (3) research on entrepreneurial ecosystems in recent years. Finally, analysis of citations to these 17 most influential RIS articles reveals strong interconnections according to the number of times they are cited together.Norat Roig-Tierno wish to thank Project GV/2019/063, funded by the Generalitat Valenciana, for supporting this research.López-Rubio, P.; Roig-Tierno, N.; Mas-Tur, A. (2020). Regional innovation system research trends: toward knowledge management and entrepreneurial ecosystems. 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    Didactics of art education taught in the Faculties of Education and Information Technologies and Communication: the "webquest" as a constructionist methodological strategy

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    Our current society finds itself in a process of continuous change which has been favoured mostly by the advances happening in the world of Information and Communication Technology (TIC´s). Rightly, education professionals have adapted, failing or succeeding, this fact from the XXI century to their work in school. Therefore, Technology and Internet have become part of the didactic tools used by numerous teachers in their classrooms. This is the main cause of the development of a more active methodology in which the main role is played by students. As it can be seen in this project, we will focus our methodological approach on the use of the webquest as a 2.0 tool with the purpose of developing a constructionist teaching-learning model applicable to the art education taught in the Faculties of Education. This new approach which will be put into practice in the classroom can´t be regarded as a way of replacing the current didactic tools but as a project whose main aim is to establish some skills which allow linking tradition and 2.0 as well as adapt the training of future teachers, who work with children aged between 3-11 years old, to the curricular and social demands of today´s world

    Morphological and physical fitness profile of young female sprint kayakers.

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    Traditionally, physical and anthropometrical profiles of the most successful kayak athletes have been identified in male kayakers. This study attempted to identify the differences in morphology and fitness level of two performance-based groups of young elite female paddlers. Eighty-six female kayakers, aged 13.62 ± 0.57 years (mean ± SD) were allocated in two groups (Top-10 and Rest) depending on their ranking in the three Olympic distances (200, 500 and 1000 meters). All subjects underwent a battery of anthropometrical (heights, weight, girths and sum of skinfolds), physical fitness (overhead medicine ball throw, countermovement jump, sit-and-reach test and 20-m multistage shuttle run test) and specific performance assessments (200, 500 and 1000 meters). Best paddlers presented significantly greater anthropometrical values in muscle mass percentage, maturity status and chronological age (p < 0.05) whereas physical fitness comparison only revealed significant differences in countermovement jump (p < 0.05). Furthermore, aerobic power and muscle mass percentage appear to be crucial in achieving optimal performances at long (1000-m) and short duration races (200 and 500-m). These findings confirm the importance of a larger and compact morphology, as well as superior fitness level, for success in female kayakers. The current results not only identify the weak areas on body composition and physical fitness depending on the maturity status but also the development of specific training programs for FEMALES.Actividad Física y Deport

    Using one-dimensional modeling to analyse the influence of the use of biodiesels on the dynamic behavior of solenoid-operated injectors in common rail systems: Detailed injection system model

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    A combined experimental and computational investigation has been performed in order to evaluate the influence of physical properties of biodiesel on the injection process in a common-direct injection system with second generation solenoid injectors. For that purpose, after a complete characterization of the system, which involved mechanical and hydraulic characterization, a one-dimensional model has been obtained and extensively validated. Simulations have then been performed with a standard diesel and a 100% rape methyl ester (RME) biodiesel which allowed a comparison and analysis of the dynamic response of the injector to be done. Different injection strategies involving main injection and main plus post-injection have been used to explore the impact of the use of biodiesel on the performance and stability of solenoid injectors. As far as the dynamic response of the injector is concerned, the results obtained have clearly shown that the use of biodiesel affects the dynamic response of the needle, especially at low injection pressures. The behavior of the system under multi-injection strategies (main plus post-injection) has been also evaluated determining for different operating conditions (injection pressures and backpressures) the minimum dwell time between injections to assure a stable behavior in the injection process (mass flow rate). Important differences have been found between biodiesel and standard diesel in this critical parameter at low injection pressures, becoming less important at high injection pressure. Finally, a modification on the injector hardware has been proposed in order to compensate these differences.This research has been funded by "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion" in the frame of the project "Estudio teorico experimental de la influencia del combustible sobre la cavitacion y el desarrollo del chorro evaporative (FlexiFuel)", Reference TRA2010-17564.Payri Marín, R.; Salvador Rubio, FJ.; Marti Aldaravi, P.; Martínez López, J. (2012). Using one-dimensional modeling to analyse the influence of the use of biodiesels on the dynamic behavior of solenoid-operated injectors in common rail systems: Detailed injection system model. Energy Conversion and Management. 54(1):90-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2011.10.004S909954

    Mesoporous niobium oxide for dehydration of D-xylose into furfural

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    Se ha demostrado que el óxido de niobio mesoporoso es un catalizador eficaz para la deshidratación de D-xilosa a furfural, alcanzando una conversión del 92% y un rendimiento de furfural 49,3% a 170º C y 90 minutos. La lixiviación de Nb, determinada por ICP-MS, era inferior al 0,5% en peso de la concentración de Nb inicial, confirmando de este modo la estabilidad del catalizador ácido sólido.El furfural posee un gran potencial como molécula plataforma de origen renovable para la síntesis de una alta variedad de compuestos químicos. Se obtiene mediante la deshidratación de pentosas, principalmente a partir de D-xilosa, proceso catalizado por ácidos minerales en fase homogénea. Por tanto, dentro de la química verde y la búsqueda de sostenibilidad de los procesos catalíticos, es necesaria su sustitución por catalizadores sólidos ácidos que sean tolerantes al agua, ya que es el disolvente más utilizado para esta reacción. El óxido de niobio posee propiedades ácidas y es insoluble en agua, pero su superficie específica es muy baja. Por lo tanto, resulta muy interesante la síntesis de un óxido de niobio mesoporoso para emplearlo como catalizador en esta reacción. En este trabajo, se ha sintetizado un Nb2O5 mesoporoso y se ha evaluado su comportamiento catalítico en la obtención de furfural a partir de D-xilosa.Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (ENE2009-12743-C04-03 project)Junta de Andalucía (P09-FQM-5070).Ministry of Science and Innovation for the financial support under the Program Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2008-03387)