384 research outputs found

    La asociacion Monzonitica del Domo Anatectico del Tormes: geoquimica y petrogenesis

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    In certain peripheral zones of the Anatectic Tormes Dome there exists a group of rocks, which are from basic to acid as well as rich in alkali feldspar, apatite and allanite. Such an unusual mineralogy makes the rocks to be enriched in K20, P2O5, LREE and other elements of low ionic potential. Their geochemical signature is related to the volcanic shoshonites, to the vaugnerites of the French Central Massif as well as to the monzonitic series of Ballon, being, in turn, almost exceptional in the iberian variscan. The least evolved terms are rather fractionated, therefore, they are not primary melts. During the differentiation, the saturation of accessory phases such as apatite, allanite and zircon exerts an important effect in the evolution of the residual liquid giving rise to an inflection point in the Harker diagrams. From the good adjustments obtained in mass balance and Rayleigh fractionation modelling, we can infer that the process of fractional crystallization is the dominant one. In this respect, the porphyritic granitoids can be derived from a liquid of monzodioritic composition, being rocks genetically to the associated acid rocks. The corroded cores of plagioclase and the spatial relations suggest the existence of different pulses of magma from basic to acid coming from the same magmatic chamber.En dos bandas del Domo anatéctico del Tormes aparece un conjunto de rocas plutónicas desde básicas a ácidas ricas en feldespato potásico, apatito y allanita. Esta mineralogía tan particular hace que estén enriquecidas en K20, P205, LREE y otros elementos de bajo potencial iónico. Su quimismo es afín a las shoshonitas volcánicas, a las vaugneritas del Macizo Central francés y a las series monzoníticas de Ballon, siendo, a su vez, casi excepcional en el varisco ibérico. Los términos menos evolucionados están bastante fraccionados por lo que no se trata de fundidos primarios. Durante la diferenciación existen fases accesorias como apatito, allanita y circón cuya saturación ejerce un importante efecto en la evolución del líquido residual originando evoluciones quebradas en los diagramas de Harker. A partir de los buenos ajustes obtenidos con las modelizaciones por balance de masas y fraccionación Rayleigh se infiere que el proceso de cristalización fraccionada es el dominante. En este sentido, se pueden hacer derivar los granitoides porfídicos a partir de un líquido de composición monzodiorítica, por lo que no quedan desconectadas las rocas básicas de las ácidas asociadas. Los núcleos corroídos de plagioclasa y las relaciones espaciales parecen indicar que han existido distintos pulsos de magma desde básicos a ácidos procedentes de la misma cámara magmática

    Late Quaternary tectono-sedimentary processes on an isolated offshore high marginal platform (NW Iberian Continental Margin)

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    Studies of the most surficial sedimentary record from passive continental margins provide crucial knowledge about sedimentary dynamics and its changes through recent geological times. These studies allow understanding in detail the influence of both tectonic activity and long-term bottom-current circulation over the Late Quaternary sedimentary dynamics. Using a large dataset of multibeam bathymetry, chirp and multi-channel seismic (MCS) records, ROV seabed direct observations and a magneto-chemical facies characterisation, we provide a well-dated record of the tectono-sedimentary processes on an isolated high marginal platform over the Late Quaternary. Our results display several structural and geomorphological features and tectonic pulses that indicate intense faulting, folding, and deformation of the most recent sedimentary cover. Furthermore, we document four main sedimentary systems acting at the study area and controlled by different water masses (MOW, LSW and NADW): the (hemi)pelagic, bottom current-controlled (hemi)pelagic, contourite and downslope sedimentary systems; as well as a new typology of contourite associated to giant depressions, named as pockmarks-related drift. The record also shows erosive features and extremely low sedimentation rates for the last 172 cal ka BP. Results suggest that the topographic configuration of the high marginal platform and reorganizations of the water masses associated to climate changes causes a constriction of the water masses that induce an enhancement of the bottom-current activity, favouring erosion, winnowing and redistribution of sediments. Therefore, this study provides new insight into the tectonic control and bottom current activity effect over the Late Quaternary sedimentary cover from an isolated and elevate offshore morphostructural province, located at the Galician Continental Margin.publishe

    Application of multivariate statistical analyses to Itrax core scanner data for the identification of deep-marine sedimentary facies: a case study in the Galician Continental Margin

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    The validity and usefulness of multivariate statistical tools for the facies characterization in deep-marine environments have been applied on the geochemical, sedimentological and magnetic data from a piston core extracted from the Transitional Zone in the Galician Continental Margin. The combination of geochemical profiles of Fe, Mn, Ti, Ba and Ca and magnetic susceptibility (MS) obtained using the ItraxTM Core Scanner at the University of Vigo, together with the grain-size, grey level and R (red) G (green) B (blue) colour analyses have allowed characterizing and classifying the sediments of the core PC13-3 using SPSS package v. 23. Cluster Analysis (CA) displays, in the first level of the hierarchy, two major groups that correspond with clay-silt and sand facies. In a second level, it is possible to observe six subfacies that match de visu preliminary classification and allowed us to complete and improve the characterization and the facies limits in the whole core. Discriminant Analysis (DA) confirmed the validity of the cluster analyses and enhanced the results of the classification. The Principal Component Analysis (PCA) shows four principal components: coarse lithogenic fraction (PC1), fine lithogenic fraction (PC2), high density fraction (PC3) and biogenic fraction (PC4). These results are in concordance with the Pearson correlation coefficient and the SEM observations. In general terms, the results confirm the utility of the multivariate statistical methods applied on high resolution geochemical and magnetic data acquired with ItraxTM corer scanner, as a quick and complementary tool in sedimentary facies analysis and description in deep marine environments.publishe

    Sustainable extraction of proteins and bioactive substances from pomegranate peel (Punica granatum L.) using pressurized liquids and deep eutectic solvents

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    Pomegranate peel is a source of proteins, bioactive peptides, and phenolic compounds. The simultaneous extraction of these compounds required the use of polluting solvents and reagents that are non-suitable. This work targets the development of green methodologies based on pressurized liquids (PLE) or deep eutectic solvents (DES) for the extraction of these compounds. Extracts were digested with different proteolytic enzymes and different functionalities (antioxidant, hypocholesterolemia, and antihypertensive capacities) were evaluated. Highly antioxidant and hypocholesterolemic extracts and hydrolysates were obtained using PLE while high antihypertensive capacity was observed in the hydrolysates from proteins extracted using DES. Peptides and polyphenols were identified by HPLC-ESI-Q-TOF/MS. Higher amounts of peptides were shown in hydrolysates from DES extracts while hydrolysates from PLE extracts presented higher amounts of phenolic compounds. Some peptides were assigned to proteins from Punica granatum. Both green methods improved the extraction of bioactive compounds from pomegranate peel compared to the non-sustainable method. Industrial relevance: The development of green methodologies which employ sustainable solvents such as pressurized liquids (PLE) and deep eutectic solvents (DES) allows extracting proteins and bioactive compounds from pomegranate peel. In addition, these solvents improve the extraction of health beneficial compounds compared to the non-sustainable and polluting solvents. Therefore, they could be used for the development of nutraceuticals and functional foods or even in medicinal, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical preparations

    Revalorization of Passiflora species peels as a sustainable source of antioxidant phenolic compounds

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    Food industry generates a big amount of residues. Nowadays, there is interest in adding value to these residues with the aim of increasing the sustainability of the food chain and to reduce the environmental impact of this waste whose revalorization could also originate an economical benefit. Passion fruits are cultivated for juice and pulp production generating high amounts of vegetable residues. The scarce information about passion fruit peels confers a high interest to the study of their phenolic profiles. In this work, an efficient extraction method based on pressurized hotwater extractionwas employed to obtain antioxidants from four Passiflora species peels (P. ligularis, P. edulis, P. edulis flavicarpa and P. mollissima). Antioxidant properties of the extracts were tested by in vitro assays and intracellular reactive oxygen species scavenging. P. mollissima and P. edulis peel extracts presented higher antioxidant capacity and phenolic content than P. ligularis and P. edulis flavicarpa. Tentative structural elucidation of 57 phenolics was achieved by high-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry. Flavones, chalcones and phenolic acids were the polyphenol classes that may contribute to antioxidant capacity of the Passiflora peel

    Predictor variables for low adherence to a lifestyle modification program of overweight treatment in primary health care

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    Objetivos: Identificar variables predictoras de baja adherencia a un programa piloto de Modificación de Estilos de Vida (MEV) para el tratamiento del exceso de peso en Atención Primaria (AP). Material y métodos: Se reclutaron 60 sujetos con IMC > 27 kg/m². Profesionales sanitarios dirigieron el programa, en formato grupal y con una periodicidad quincenal, basado en educación nutricional, pautas dietéticas individualizadas, promoción de actividad física y apoyo motivacional. Para identificar las variables relacionadas con la adherencia al programa se utilizó un cuestionario validado sobre Hábitos de Vida de personas con Sobrepeso y Obesidad y se midieron variables antropométricas al inicio y a los seis meses del tratamiento. Una baja adherencia al programa fue considerada cuando los sujetos del estudio acudían a menos del 80% de las visitas quincenales. Resultados: Se adhirieron al programa 27 sujetos (45%). Las variables asociadas a baja adherencia estuvieron relacionadas al inicio del estudio con IMC ≥ 35 kg/m2 (p < 0,05); período de exfumador ≤ 4 meses (p < 0,01); mayor contenido calórico de la dieta (p < 0,01) y menor práctica de ejercicio físico (p < 0,05). A los 6 meses los sujetos que finalizaron el programa presentaron una disminución significativa de: peso (86,0 ± 15,6 vs 79,2 ± 13,4 kg; p < 0,001);% de masa grasa (41,6 ± 4,6 vs 38,8 ± 5,4%; p < 0,001) y glucemia (108 ± 45,48 vs 94,38 ± 11,97 mg/dl; p < 0,01). Además mejoró el perfil calórico de su dieta, disminuyendo sobretodo el porcentaje de grasa sobre el valor calórico total (39,6 ± 4,8 vs. 35,5 ± 5,6%; p < 0,01). Conclusión: Haber dejado de fumar recientemente, padecer obesidad de grado dos o superior, el alto contenido calórico de la dieta y la menor práctica de ejercicio físico fueron las variables basales identificadas como predictoras de una baja adherencia a un programa de MEV para el tratamiento de sobrepeso y obesidad en AP. Esta experiencia piloto una vez evaluada no la consideramos satisfactoria y otras nuevas estrategias están en fase de desarrolloObjectives: To identify predictive variables of low adherence to a pilot Lifestyle Modification Program (LMP) for overweight and obesity treatment in primary health care (PC ). Material and methods: Sixty subjects with BMI > 27 kg/m² were recruited. Health professionals directed the program in a group structure and biweekly, based on nutrition education with individualized dietary guidelines, promotion of physical activity and motivational support. A validated questionnaire on lifestyle habits for overweight and obesity subjects was used to identify variables related with program adherence and anthropometric variables were measured before and 6 months after intervention. Low adherence was considered when patients attended to less than 80% of visits. Results: Twenty-seven subjects (45%) presented high adherence to the program. The variables associated to low adherence were related to baseline with IMC ≥ 35 kg/m2 (p < 0.05); ex smoker period ≤ 4 months (p < 0.01); high caloric diet (p < 0.01) and scarce physical activity (p < 0.05). At 6 months the subjects who finalized the program presented a significant decrease of weight (86.0 ± 15.6 vs 79.2 ± 13.4 kg; p < 0,001); fat mass percentage (41,6 ± 4,6 vs 38.8 ± 5,4%; p < 0.001), blood glucose (108 ± 45.48 vs 94.38 ± 11.97 mg/dl; p < 0.01). It also improved caloric diet profile, above all decreasing the percentage of fat (39.6 ± 4.8 vs 35.5 ± 5.6%; p < 0.01). Conclusion: Have recently left smoking, obesity degree two or higher, a high caloric diet and scarce physical activity were basal variables identified as predictive of a low adhesion to a LMP for the treatment of overweight and obesity in primary health care. We do not consider this pilot experience as satisfactory and other new strategies are under developmentEste proyecto ha sido subvencionado a través del “Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias e Investigación en servicios de salud” de la convocatoria 2008 de ayudas de la Acción Estratégica en Salud, en el marco del Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-201

    Recovery and determination of cholesterol-lowering compounds from Olea europaea seeds employing pressurized liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

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    Our previous work demonstrated the presence of compounds with hypocholesterolemic capacity in olive seeds. These compounds were extracted using CO2-expanded ethyl acetate and identified as tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and beta-sitosterol using GC&#-MS. This work describes the extraction of these compounds from different olive seeds using pressurized ethyl acetate. Their solubility in ethyl acetate at temperatures ranging from 40&amp;amp;amp;-200 °C was theoretically predicted by Hansen solubility parameters. The content of these compounds was estimated by GC&#-MS, as well as, the reduction of the micellar cholesterol solubility (RMCS) capacity of extracts enabling to establish the optimum extraction temperature at 100 °C. A GC&amp;amp;-MS method was developed and validated in terms of its analytical characteristics for a sensitive determination and quantification of tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and &;946#sitosterol in different olive seeds. Within varieties, Manzanilla seeds presented the highest concentration of tyrosol, hydroxytyrosol, and the lowest concentration of beta-sitosterol, as well as the highest RMCS capacit

    Evaluation of the relationship between the peptide profile and the lipid-lowering properties of olive seeds hydrolysates as a tool for tunning hypocholesterolemic functionality

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    Olive processing generates large amounts of stones with high protein contents. Previous studies have demonstrated that Manzanilla variety olive seed proteins release peptides with lipid-lowering capacity. However, no work has demonstrated their roles in the overall hypolipidemic activity. Moreover, further studies using different olive varieties are required to propose a solid method for the exploitation of olive seeds. Twenty different olive varieties were employed in this work. Proteins were extracted using high-intensity focused ultrasound and digested with Alcalase. The released peptides were identified using proteomic techniques, and their capabilities to reduce the absorption of dietary cholesterol (by inhibiting cholesterol esterase enzyme, binding bile acids, and reducing micellar cholesterol solubility) or the biosynthesis of endogenous cholesterol were evaluated. Peptides with different lipid lowering capacities were obtained from all varieties although the genotype significantly affected the hypolipidemic characteristics. Univariate and multivariate statistical analyses showed strong correlations, positive and negative, between the presence of certain peptides in the hydrolysates and their capacity to reduce exogenous cholesterol absorption and endogenous cholesterol synthesis. Therefore, the selection of the olive seed genotype can direct its lipid-lowering properties,e.g., by promoting the reduction of dietary cholesterol absorption or the inhibition of cholesterol biosynthesis

    Carbon dioxide emissions from semi-arid soils amended with biochar alone or combined with mineral and organic fertilizers

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    Semi-arid soils cover a significant area of Earth s land surface and typically contain large amounts of inorganic C. Determining the effects of biochar additions on CO2 emissions fromsemi-arid soils is therefore essential for evaluating the potential of biochar as a climate change mitigation strategy. Here, we measured the CO2 that evolved from semi-arid calcareous soils amended with biochar at rates of 0 and 20 t ha?1 in a full factorial combination with three different fertilizers (mineral fertilizer, municipal solid waste compost, and sewage sludge) applied at four rates (equivalent to 0, 75, 150, and 225 kg potentially available N ha?1) during 182 days of aerobic incubation. A double exponential model, which describes cumulative CO2 emissions from two active soil C compartments with different turnover rates (one relatively stable and the other more labile), was found to fit verywell all the experimental datasets. In general, the organic fertilizers increased the size and decomposition rate of the stable and labile soil C pools. In contrast, biochar addition had no effects on any of the double exponential model parameters and did not interact with the effects ascribed to the type and rate of fertilizer. After 182 days of incubation, soil organic and microbial biomass C contents tended to increase with increasing the application rates of organic fertilizer, especially of compost, whereas increasing the rate of mineral fertilizer tended to suppress microbial biomass. Biochar was found to increase both organic and inorganic C contents in soil and not to interactwith the effects of type and rate of fertilizer on C fractions. As a whole, our results suggest that the use of biochar as enhancer of semi-arid soils, either alone or combined with mineral and organic fertilizers, is unlikely to increase abiotic and biotic soil CO2 emissions

    Nutritional composition assessment of 3000 individualized parenteral nutrition bags in a tertiary referral hospital: Current prescribing patterns

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    Individualized parenteral nutrition is the most specialized type of nutritional support in the hospital setting. The composition and prescribing patterns for parenteral nutrition have evolved due to new emerging scientific evidence. In the last few years, there has been a tendency to increase the nitrogen and lipid content and decrease the carbohydrate content. To assess the prescribing pattern in a tertiary referral hospital in Spain, the nutritional composition of individualized parenteral nutrition was evaluated retrospectively from January to December of 2016. A total of 3029 parenteral nutrition units were analysed, corresponding to 257 hospitalized adult patients. Medical specialists in General Surgery and Haematology were the most common petitioners. The three most frequently prescribed parenteral nutrition formulae contained 13.4 (28.8%), 15.7 (19.54%) and 17.9 (17.79%) g of nitrogen. The quantity of carbohydrates and lipids showed a mean non-protein calories-to-nitrogen ratio of approximately 78:1 and a carbohydrate-to-lipid ratio that was near 50:50 in most cases. These results suggest a trend towards the administration of parenteral nutrition with a high content of nitrogen and smaller proportion of the non-protein components