3,485 research outputs found

    Adsorption of Self-Assembled Rigid Rods on Two-Dimensional Lattices

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    Monte Carlo (MC) simulations have been carried out to study the adsorption on square and triangular lattices of particles with two bonding sites that, by decreasing temperature or increasing density, polymerize reversibly into chains with a discrete number of allowed directions and, at the same time, undergo a continuous isotropic-nematic (IN) transition. The process has been monitored by following the behavior of the adsorption isotherms for different values of lateral interaction energy/temperature. The numerical data were compared with mean-field analytical predictions and exact functions for noninteracting and 1D systems. The obtained results revealed the existence of three adsorption regimes in temperature. (1) At high temperatures, above the critical one characterizing the IN transition at full coverage Tc(\theta=1), the particles are distributed at random on the surface and the adlayer behaves as a noninteracting 2D system. (2) At very low temperatures, the asymmetric monomers adsorb forming chains over almost the entire range of coverage, and the adsorption process behaves as a 1D problem. (3) In the intermediate regime, the system exhibits a mixed regime and the filling of the lattice proceeds according to two different processes. In the first stage, the monomers adsorb isotropically on the lattice until the IN transition occurs in the system and, from this point, particles adsorb forming chains so that the adlayer behaves as a 1D fluid. The two adsorption processes are present in the adsorption isotherms, and a marked singularity can be observed that separates both regimes. Thus, the adsorption isotherms appear as sensitive quantities with respect to the IN phase transition, allowing us (i) to reproduce the phase diagram of the system for square lattices and (ii) to obtain an accurate determination of the phase diagram for triangular lattices.Comment: Langmuir, 201

    Medios, técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación formativa y compartida del aprendizaje en educación superior

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    En este trabajo presentamos una revisión de la literatura en español sobre la evaluación formativa y compartida del aprendizaje en el nivel universitario referente a los medios, técnicas e instrumentos de dicha evaluación. Los principales resultados apuntan a que a existe una cierta confusión en la utilización de términos como “instrumentos”, “herramientas”, “técnicas”, “dispositivos”, etc. (en ocasiones se utilizan diferentes términos para referirse a un mismo concepto, o bien, el mismo término para referirse a conceptos y prácticas diferentes; se enumeran entremezclados, confundiendo unos con otros); y que no se sigue una clasificación claramente delimitada. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de marco conceptual para hacer referencia a los “medios”, “técnicas” e “instrumentos” de evaluación formativa y compartida en educación superior, definiendo de manera precisa la terminología asociada.In this article we present a review of the literature in Spanish on formative and shared assessment of learning at the university level in relation to the means, techniques, and instruments of such assessment. The main results suggest that there is some confusion in the use of terms such as “instruments,” “tools,” “techniques,” “devices,” etc. (at times different terms are used to refer to the same concept or the same term to refer to different concepts and practices; terms are used interchangeably, creating confusion among them), without following a clearly defined classification. Finally, we present a proposed conceptual framework for referring to the “means,” “techniques,” and “instruments” of formative and shared assessment in higher education, precisely defining the associated terminology

    Percepciones de alumnos, egresados y profesores sobre los sistemas de evaluación del aprendizaje

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    Este estudio pretende conocer qué tipo de evaluaciones se están llevando a cabo en un centro de Formación Inicial del Profesorado (FIP) y si se aproximan a lo que se entiende por “sistemas de evaluación formativa y compartida”. Posteriormente se analiza si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en las percepciones de alumnos, egresados y profesorado sobre los sistemas de evaluación del aprendizaje llevados a cabo. Para ello se aplica un cuestionario validado con una escala tipo “Likert”. Se realiza ANOVA, mediante SPSS.V20.0. Los resultados indican que en la mayoría de ítems del cuestionario, se encuentran diferencias significativas entre la opinión del colectivo del profesorado y los colectivos de alumnado y egresados [P?(A=E)]. En tan solo un ítem (referente a si se utilizaban exámenes orales) las diferencias son entre el colectivo del alumnado y los colectivos de profesorado y egresados ([A?(P=E)]. En cuatro ítems (si se utilizaban procesos de evaluación formativa; si se comentaban los resultados y las dudas de los exámenes y actividades de evaluación; si la calificación final era la suma de las calificaciones de los exámenes parciales realizados; si la nota que ponía el profesor es justificada) los resultados muestran  diferencias significativas entre todos los colectivos (P?A?E).This research aims to identify the types of assessments that are being carried out in a Pre-service Teacher Education (PTE) center, and if that assessment is close to what is meant by "formative and shared assessment systems". Subsequently we analyze whether there are statistically significant differences in the students, graduates and teachers’ perceptions of the learning assessment systems implemented. A validated questionnaire was used, with a Likert type scale. ANOVA was carried out by SPSS.V20.0. The results indicate that in most of the questionnaire items there are significant differences between the opinion of the group of teachers and the groups of students and graduates. In just one item (as to whether they used oral exams) the differences show between the group of students and the groups of teachers and graduates. In four items (If formative assessment processes were used; if results and the doubts about the examinations and assessment activities were commented on; If the final score was the sum of ratings of the partial tests previously carried out; If teacher’s marks were justified) the results show significant differences between all groups. The results can be extrapolated to other cases with similar features

    Requirement and analysis: where is the boundary if any?

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    Even if it seems to be at a first glance a simple question, this is really a very interesting one. For many years, Analysis has been the generic term to refer to those initial Software Production Process steps where design is not yet taken into account. In some way, the analysis phase has been considered as the natural step where Conceptual Schemas of an Information System are conceived and represented. (Párrafo extraído del texto a modo de resumen)Facultad de Informátic

    Red de Evaluación Formativa y Compartida en Docencia Universitaria: Creación, Consolidación y Líneas de Trabajo

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    Producción CientíficaABSTRACT:The convergence process was doing the European Higher Education Area (EHEA ) has brought several changes in the spanish universities, both in methodology and assessment , to adapt to new model of learning based on skills development. In this frame born a network of research and innovation on the use of formative and shared assessment in Higher Education (HE), now consolidated after nine years of operation emerged in Spain. The aim of this paper is to analyze the history of the Network: training process and consolidation and its main lines of work. The methodology used was document analysis. We analyzed all documents generated by the Network since 2005 (ear of creation of the network ) and 2013, in the following formats: (a) minutes of meetings; (b) research projects and reports generated; (c) books of conference proceedings organized by the Network; (d) specialized scientific articles published in formative assessment by Network members from studies and research generated by it. The results show a gradual expansion of the network from his creation until today, as well as the evolution of research themes that develop within it. The main challenge for the future is its internationalization contacting university teachers and researchers interested in the subject continue to deepen.RESUMEN: El proceso de convergencia hacía el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) ha supuesto varios cambios en las universidades españolas, tanto en la metodología como en la evaluación, para adaptarse al nuevo modelo de aprendizaje basado en el desarrollo de competencias. En este marco surgió en España una red de investigación e innovación sobre el uso de la evaluación formativa y compartida en la Educación Superior (ES), actualmente consolidado tras nueve años de funcionamiento. El objetivo del presente artículo es el de analizar la intrahistoria de la Red: el proceso de formación y consolidación y sus principales líneas de trabajo. La metodología utilizada ha sido el análisis documental. Se han analizado todos los documentos generados por la Red desde el año 2005 (año de creación de la Red) al 2013, en los siguientes formatos: (a) actas de reuniones; (b) proyectos e informes de investigación generados; (c) libros de actas de los congresos organizados por la Red; (d) artículos científicos especializados en evaluación formativa publicados por miembros de la Red a partir de los estudios e investigaciones generados por la misma. Los resultados muestran una paulatina expansión de la Red desde su creación hasta el día de hoy, así como la evolución de los ejes temáticos de investigación que se desarrollan dentro de la misma. El principal reto de futuro es su internacionalización, contactando con profesorado universitario e investigadores interesados en continuar profundizando en la temática

    Medios, técnicas e instrumentos de evaluación formativa y compartida en Educación Superior

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    Producción CientíficaABSTRACT: In this article we present a review of the literature in Spanish on formative and shared assessment of learning at the university level in relation to the means, techniques, and instruments of such assessment. The main results suggest that there is some confusion in the use of terms such as “instruments,” “tools,” “techniques,” “devices,” etc. (at times different terms are used to refer to the same concept or the same term to refer to different concepts and practices; terms are used interchangeably, creating confusion among them), without following a clearly defined classification. Finally, we present a proposed conceptual framework for referring to the “means,” “techniques", and “instruments” of formative and shared assessment in higher education, precisely defining the associated terminology.RESUMEN: En este trabajo presentamos una revisión de la literatura en español sobre la evaluación formativa y compartida del aprendizaje en el nivel universitario referente a los medios, técnicas e instrumentos de dicha evaluación. Los principales resultados apuntan a que a existe una cierta confusión en la utilización de términos como “instrumentos”, “herramientas”, “técnicas”, “dispositivos”, etc. (en ocasiones se utilizan diferentes términos para referirse a un mismo concepto, o bien, el mismo término para referirse a conceptos y prácticas diferentes; se enumeran entremezclados, confundiendo unos con otros); y que no se sigue una clasificación claramente delimitada. Finalmente, se presenta una propuesta de marco conceptual para hacer referencia a los “medios”, “técnicas” e “instrumentos” de evaluación formativa y compartida en educación superior, definiendo de manera precisa la terminología asociada

    Best practices in academic assessment in higher education

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    The aim of this article is three-fold: (a) to present an example of best practices in formative assessment in university instruction, offering three different methods of learning and assessment to pass a subject; (b) to analyze differences in academic performance depending on method of learning and assessment chosen; (c) to consider professors´ and students´ evaluation of these assessment methods, as well as analyze the workload these methods suppose for both students and professors. The design is based on a single case study. The study analyzes the results obtained in a third- year course at the University of Valladolid (Spain) that participated in an ECTS pilot program. Data was collected during academic year 2009-10. Total number of registered students was 77. This paper describes the procedure to develop a formative assessment system and collect data, as well as the main techniques to obtain and analyze data. Findings indicate that there are important differences in student academic performance depending on the learning and assessment method employed in an academic course. Courses are using formative and on going assessment result in significantly higher student academic performance than courses using other learning and assessment methods. Lastly, empirical data suggest that the workload is in line with the ECTS European Credit Transfer System, and is no excessive for the professor. However, students´ subjective perception is that this method involves a heavier workload. These findings may be important, given the current process of convergence towards the new Degrees and ECTS credit system, and the need to adapt these degrees and credits to students’ real workload.Peer Reviewe