620 research outputs found

    Proposal of Optimal Operation in Ship Rolling Motion Considering Sea State Conditions

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    [Abstract] Most of the research on ship rolling motion concerns a specific type of ship, such as containerships, or analyzes sailing during certain wave characteristics, rather than the full spectrum of waves that can be encountered during the entire sea route. To date, the most frequent merchant ships in the world are general cargo ships, where the ship’s behaviour at any sea condition has a great influence on overall safety, as well as the lashing design of non-standardized cargo. For this reason, the present paper aimed to study ship-performance models, starting with concepts of the basic physics of ships and waves. Firstly, the ship’s behaviour was analyzed from a theoretical point of view, both in calm waters and when sailing in waves, but independently. Afterwards, the ship-waves system was analyzed during rolling with all variables accounted for at the same moment, with the objective of obtaining roughly realistic models. Relevant results are shown in each of the models, which may be of great interest for ship operators and, in general, for the shipping industry, so as to improve the safety of maritime transport. Finally, these results were validated with a case study. View Full-TextThis research was funded by the R&D projects (Retos y Generación de Conocimiento) of the Spanish State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation. Reference number PID2020-119639RB-I0

    Juan Pablo II y los obispos polacos hablan sobre Iglesia y política a propósito de la primera visita papal a Polonia en junio de 1979

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    We propose a Spanish version of a unique document, edited so far only in Polish, namely a transcript of a recording of a conversation between the General Council of the Polish Bishops’ Conference and Pope John Paul II, held on 5 June 1979 in Częstochowa, during John Paul II’s first trip to Poland in June of that year. It was his second pastoral trip, after the one to Mexico. The source is of great richness, as it unveils with uncommon openness the views of the Pope and the Polish bishops on the meaning and scope of the papal journey. It deals essentially with pastoral and ecclesiastical questions, but does not avoid political issues, which are dealt with in a direct, clear and historically significant manner. The text provides a first-hand account of how the Catholic Church lived under the communist oppression and what they expected from the Pope’s pilgrimage to his homeland, the significance of which the participants of the meeting were fully aware. In the course of the conversation, one learns about the perception they had of the meaning of the action of the Catholic Church and its government, the role that Church in Poland played within the Universal Church, the priorities of John Paul II’s government and the expectations towards other religious authorities, as well as the communist regime at that time and in the future.Presentamos la versión española de un documento editado hasta ahora solamente en polaco. Recoge la transcripción de una conversación mantenida por el Consejo General de la Conferencia Episcopal de Polonia y el papa Juan Pablo II el 5 de junio de 1979 en Częstochowa, en el curso del primer viaje de Juan Pablo II a Polonia, que se desarrolló en junio de ese año. Era su segundo viaje pastoral, después del que había realizado a México. Se trata de una fuente de gran riqueza. Recoge con una franqueza nada común las opiniones del papa y de los obispos polacos sobre el significado y el alcance del viaje papal. Trata esencialmente de cuestiones pastorales y eclesiásticas, pero no elude los temas políticos, abordados de forma directa, clara y muy significativa desde el punto de vista histórico. El texto nos ofrece de primera mano un retrato crudo y sencillo de cómo vivía la Iglesia católica la opresión comunista y qué esperaban de un viaje como el que realizaba Juan Pablo II, de cuya trascendencia eran plenamente conscientes los participantes en aquel diálogo. Al hilo de la conversación se tiene noticia de la idea que poseen los interlocutores de qué significa la acción de la Iglesia católica y su gobierno, de cuál es el papel que puede corresponder a la Iglesia en Polonia en el seno de la Iglesia Universal, de cuáles eran algunas de las prioridades de gobierno de Juan Pablo ii y de qué se esperaba de las autoridades comunistas y de otras autoridades religiosas en aquel momento y en el futuro

    The supporting role of the teres major muscle, an additional component in glenohumeral stability? An anatomical and radiological study

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    Muscle coordination plays an important role in glenohumeral stability. The rotator cuff and the long head of the biceps are considered the primary dynamic stabilizers muscles. However, the fact that a subgroup of patients with a massive tear in the rotator cuff were able to keep a normal function, should make us question this traditional view. We hypothesize that the teres major which is also a monoarticular scapulohumeral muscle, although it is not part of the conjoined tendon of the rotator cuff, can play a role in glenohumeral stability by a direct support of the humeral head generated by the particular posteroanterior location of this muscle under the humeral head and which, as far as we know, has not been written up previously. This particular effect could appear while the arm is being lifted and the humeral head could be leaning on against the teres major muscle belly underneath it. An anatomical a radiological study was carried out to substantiate our hypothesis. Two cadaver specimens were used for the anatomical study. Frist body was studied through conventional dissection. The second body was analysed through sectional anatomy. Then a radiological study was carried out using magnetic resonance imaging in a healthy male volunteer. Both anatomically and radiologically, the anteroinferior surface of the humeral head was showed firmly resting against the muscle belly of the teres major, to the point of misshaping it from 110 degrees of arm elevation with external rotation. The specific contribution of this effect to the glenohumeral stability needs to be confirmed by further studies and can help us to prevent the high incidence of glenohumeral dislocations

    C and L band fiber lasers enhanced by ultrafast laser inscribed artificial backscatter reflectors

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    This letter presents an experimental comparison between two linear-cavity erbium-doped fiber lasers (EDFL) assisted by two different artificial backscatter fiber-based reflectors. Both reflectors were inscribed by femtosecond laser direct writing, one of them within a single-mode fiber (SMF) and the other one within a multi-mode fiber (MMF). Although the erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) used in both structures was the same and both reflectors were manufactured under the same parameters, the reflection spectrum of each was clearly different due to their different physical properties. The first linear-cavity EDFL, consisting of an SMF-based reflector with 9µm core and 125µm cladding, resulted in a single laser emission line located in the C-band and centered at 1564.4 nm, exhibiting an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of 52dB when pumped at 100mW. On the other hand, a single laser emission line with a similar OSNR but in L-band (centered at 1574.5nm) was obtained when using an MMF-based reflector with 50µm core and 125µm cladding.Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (PhD grant FPU2018/02797); European Commission (Next generation EU/PTR); FEDER (A way to make Europe); MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (PDC2021-121172-C21, PID2019-107270RB)

    Wavelength-switchable L-band fiber laser assisted by random reflectors

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    A wavelength-switchable L-band erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL) assisted by an artificially controlled backscattering (ACB) fiber reflector is here presented. This random reflector was inscribed by femtosecond (fs) laser direct writing on the axial axis of a multimode fiber with 50 um core and 125 um cladding with a length of 17 mm. This microstructure was placed inside a surgical syringe to be positioned in the center of a high-precision rotation mount to accurately control its angle of rotation. Only by rotating this mount, three different output spectra were obtained: a single wavelength lasing centered at 1574.75 nm, a dual wavelength lasing centered at 1574.75 nm and 1575.75 nm, and a single wavelength lasing centered at 1575.5 nm. All of them showed an optical signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) of around 60 dB when pumped at 300 mW.This work was financed by the program “José Castillejo para estancias de movilidad en el extranjero de jóvenes doctores”, funded by the Ministerio de Universidades of Spain (reference CAS21/00351); the Spanish AEI projects PID2019-107270RB, funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER “A way to make Europe”, and projects PDC2021-121172 and TED2021-130378B funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union “Next generation EU”/PTR. Finally, the work was also founded by the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte of Spain (PhD grant FPU2018/02797)

    Estimates of the sardine spawning stock biomass off the Galician and Cantabrian coasts

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    From the months of April to May, a simultaneaus daily egg production method and acoustic surveys were carried out off the Ga1ician and Cantabrian shelf waters for the purpose of sardine spawning biomass estimation. These surveys, were coordinated on a temporal-spatial scale using two ships, the R/V "Investigador S." doing the egg survey and R/V "Ignat Pavlyunchenkov", the acoustic tracking. The present document presents the results of sardine biomass estimates from the respective stock evaluation techniques applied: DEPM and acoustics, and analyzes comparatively the results of both approaches

    Synthesis of paramagnetic tetranuclear rhodium and iridium complexes with the 2,6-pyridinedithiolate ligand. Redox-induced degradation to diamagnetic triiridium compounds

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    The tetranuclear complexes [M4(μ-PyS2)2(diolefin)4] [PyS2 = 2,6-pyridinedithiolate; M = Rh, diolefin = cod (1,5-cyclooctadiene) (1), tfbb (tetrafluorobenzo[5,6]bicyclo[2.2.2]octa-2,5,7-triene) (2); M = Ir, diolefin = cod (3), tfbb (4)] exhibit two one-electron oxidations at a platinum disk electrode in dichloromethane at potentials accessible by chemical reagents. The rhodium tetranuclear complexes were selectively oxidized to the monocationic complexes [Rh4(μ-PyS2)2(diolefin)4] + (1+, 2+) by mild one-electron oxidants such as [Cp2Fe]+ or [N(C6H4Br-4)3]+ and isolated as the PF6 -, BF4 -, and ClO4 - salts. Silver salts behave as noninnocent one-electron oxidants for the reactions with the rhodium complexes 1 and 2 since they give sparingly soluble coordination polymers. The complex [Ir4(μ-PyS2)2(cod)4] + (3+) was obtained as the tetrafluoroborate salt by reaction of 3 with 1 molar equiv of AgBF4, but the related complex 4+ could not be isolated from the chemical oxidation of [Ir4(μ-PyS2)2(tfbb)4] (4) with AgBF4. Oxidation of 3 and 4 with 2 molar equiv of common silver salts resulted in the fragmentation of the complexes to give the diamagnetic triiridium cations [Ir3(μ-PyS2)2(diolefin)3] +. The molecular structure of [Ir3(μ-PyS2)2(cod)3]BF 4, determined by X-ray diffraction methods, showed the three metal atoms within an angular arrangement. Both 2,6-pyridinedithiolate tridentate ligands bridge two metal-metal bonded d7 centers in pseudo octahedral environments and one d8 square-planar iridium center. An interpretation of the EPR spectra of the 63-electron mixed-valence paramagnetic tetranuclear complexes suggests that the unpaired electron is delocalized over two of the metal atoms in the complexes 1+-3+.The generous financial support from Dirección General de Enseñanza Superior e Investigación (DGES) (Projects PB98-641 and PB94-1186), and a fellowship (M. A. Casado) are gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Diet of Engystomops pustulosus (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Colombia and current knowledge of its dietary

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    Investigamos la dieta de Engystomops pustulosus de una población del valle medio del río Magdalena, incluyendo una evaluación del efecto del tamaño del cuerpo y de la cabeza sobre el número y volumen de presas. Presentamos el estado actual de conocimiento sobre la dieta de E. pustulosus a partir de información publicada más nuestros datos. Encontramos un total de 400 presas representando dos phyla, Arthropoda y Mollusca; siete órdenes y nueve familias de invertebrados. Los artrópodos, principalmente insectos, fueron las presas más frecuentes en la dieta. Entre los artrópodos, Acari e Isoptera fueron numéricamente dominantes. No se observaron efectos del tamaño del cuerpo y la cabeza sobre el número y volumen de presas. La literatura publicada sobre la dieta de E. pustulosus incluyó 66 taxones presas, entre los que Isoptera, Acari y Formicidae fueron los grupos más comunes, lo que sugiere una especialización en la dieta. Las presas consumidas por E. pustulosus varían entre localidades; Blattodea, Orthoptera y Thysanoptera, son únicos en algunas localidades. Estudios más detallados de la disponibilidad de presas y dietas asociadas a los cambios en el uso del suelo en mas localidades geográficas contribuirá a una mejor comprensión de las interacciones depredador-presa en estos entornos antropogénicos.Investigamos a dieta de Engystomops pustulosus de uma população do vale médio do rio Magdalena, incluindo uma avaliação do efeito do tamanho do corpo e da cabeça sobre o número e o volume das presas. Apresentamos o estado atual do conhecimento sobre a dieta de E. pustulosus com base em informações publicadas e em nossos próprios dados. Encontramos um total de 400 itens alimentares representando os filos Arthropoda e Mollusca; sete ordens e nove famílias de invertebrados. Artrópodes, principalmente insetos, foram os itens mais frequentes na dieta. Entre os artrópodes, Acari e Isoptera foram numericamente dominantes. Não foram observados efeitos do tamanho do corpo e da cabeça sobre o número e o volume de presas. A literatura publicada sobre a dieta de E. pustulosus incluiu 66 táxons, entre os quais Isoptera, Acari e Formicidae foram os grupos mais comuns, sugerindo especialização na dieta. Os itens consumidos variaram entre as localidades; Blattodea, Orthoptera e Thysanoptera foram exclusivos de algumas localidades. Estudos mais detalhados da disponibilidade de presas e dietas associadas a mudanças no uso do solo em mais localidades geográficas contribuirão para uma melhor compreensão das interações predador-presanesses ambientes antropogênicos.We investigated the diet of Engystomops pustulosus from a population in the Middle Magdalena River valley, including an evaluation of theeffect of body and head size on prey number and volume. We present the current state of knowledge of the diet of E. pustulosus from published information in addition to our data. We found a total of 400 prey items representing two phyla, Arthropoda and Mollusca; seven orders and nine families were detected. Arthropods, mainly insects, were the most frequent prey in the diet. Among arthropods, Acari and Isoptera were numerically dominant. We did not observe effects of body and head size on prey number and volume. The published literature of the diet of E. pustulosus included 66 prey items, among which Isoptera (termites), Acari, and Formicidae were the most common groups, suggesting dietary specialization. Prey items consumed by E. pustulosus varied among different localities; Blattodea, Orthoptera, and Thysanoptera were unique at certain localities. Further study of prey availability and diets associated with land-use changes across majorgeographic localities will contribute to a better understanding of the predator-prey interactions in these anthropogenic environments

    Catalogue of the geological effects of earthquakes in Spain based on the ESI-07 macroseismic scale: A new database for seismic hazard analysis

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    This paper summarizes the content and scope of the “Catalogue of Earthquake Geological Effects in Spain”. The catalogue has been published by the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME) and constitutes the first official publication (in Spain) on seismic hazard containing geological information. The catalogue gathers the 51 stronger earthquakes that have occurred in Spain since the Neolithic period to the present and classifies earthquakes with geological or archaeological seismic records in paleoseismic, ancient, historical and instrumental earthquakes. The catalogue offers a variety of parametric information, quality indexes (Qe, Qi, Qg), and Environmental Seismic Intensity Scale (ESI-07) based description of environmental damage structured in individual “event files”. Sixteen of the 51 catalogued events present full information files (full event files), with individualized analyses of the geological and geoarchaeological data as well as graphic information with hybrid ESI-EMS intensity maps, ShakeMaps (seismic scenarios) and complementary kmz files (Google Earth) for each of the sixteen selected earthquakes; among which is the well-known AD 1755 Lisbon earthquake-tsunami. These selected earthquakes present individual environmental earthquake effects (EEE) or earthquake archaeoseismological effects (EAE) files for each catalogued effect containing specific site geo-information and graphic data (photos, graphs, maps, etc.). The second edition of the catalogue record 1027 EEEs and 187 EAEs, of which 322 effects have individual filesThis research was funded by the Spanish Research Project MINECO-FEDER CGL2015-67169-P (QTECSPAIN-USAL). This is contribution of the QTECT-AEQUA Working Group