1,013 research outputs found
Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license This open access book brings together the latest genome base prediction models currently being used by statisticians, breeders and data scientists. It provides an accessible way to understand the theory behind each statistical learning tool, the required pre-processing, the basics of model building, how to train statistical learning methods, the basic R scripts needed to implement each statistical learning tool, and the output of each tool. To do so, for each tool the book provides background theory, some elements of the R statistical software for its implementation, the conceptual underpinnings, and at least two illustrative examples with data from real-world genomic selection experiments. Lastly, worked-out examples help readers check their own comprehension. The book will greatly appeal to readers in plant (and animal) breeding, geneticists and statisticians, as it provides in a very accessible way the necessary theory, the appropriate R code, and illustrative examples for a complete understanding of each statistical learning tool. In addition, it weighs the advantages and disadvantages of each tool
El discurso de la bioconstrucción arquitectónica: divulgación y legitimación en revistas profesionales / The discourse of architectural bioconstruction: popularization and legitimation in professional journals
Abstract: This study analyzes various professional journals form the field of architecture and construction in order to examine how the discourse of the bioconstruction is introduced and legitimatized. In this textual genre, the construction of the professionalization of this emerging discipline is carried out through various discursive strategies such as didacticity, metaphorization and ideological legitimization.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Resumen: En este trabajo se analizan diversas revistas profesionales del campo de la arquitectura y la construcción con el fin de estudiar de qué manera se introduce y se legitima el discurso de la bioconstrucción. El proceso de la profesionalización de esta disciplina emergente se lleva a cabo mediante diversas estrategias discursivas como la didacticidad, la metaforización y la legitimación ideológica
Multivariate Statistical Machine Learning Methods for Genomic Prediction
This book is open access under a CC BY 4.0 license This open access book brings together the latest genome base prediction models currently being used by statisticians, breeders and data scientists. It provides an accessible way to understand the theory behind each statistical learning tool, the required pre-processing, the basics of model building, how to train statistical learning methods, the basic R scripts needed to implement each statistical learning tool, and the output of each tool. To do so, for each tool the book provides background theory, some elements of the R statistical software for its implementation, the conceptual underpinnings, and at least two illustrative examples with data from real-world genomic selection experiments. Lastly, worked-out examples help readers check their own comprehension. The book will greatly appeal to readers in plant (and animal) breeding, geneticists and statisticians, as it provides in a very accessible way the necessary theory, the appropriate R code, and illustrative examples for a complete understanding of each statistical learning tool. In addition, it weighs the advantages and disadvantages of each tool
Estado actual del conocimiento sobre faunas de mamíferos cuaternarios de Galicia
[Resumen] Los hallazgos realizados hasta el momento en el marco de faunas, en general, del Cuaternario en Galícia son escasos. Unicamente son reseñables algunos aislados pertenecientes a mamíferos, los cuales se indican en el texto. Recientemente en la zona de Linares (Piedrafita-Lugo) y en la cueva TARO DA LASTRA (Caurel-Lugo), se han descubierto faunas de cérvidos y úrsidos de edad wurmeriense. Los hallazgos, aún después de la presentación de la presente ponencia, continúan en &reas cercanas a la zona de Piedrafita- Caurel, siendo esperanzador el incremento de comprensión en este tipo de faunasen un futuro próximo[Résumé] Ce travail est une sintese de trouvailles realisés jusqu'ia dans le cadre de mamipheres quaternaires. Dernierment, dans la région de Piedrafita-Caurel (Lugo) ont été decouvertes de faunes de ursidés et cérvidés du Würm. Les travaux d'exploration continuent actuellement avec des nouvelles decouverteset en cours d'excavatión et d'étude
La Terminologia catalana de l'àmbit de la informàtica a través del temps i dels reculls terminològics
En aquest treball s'estudien els trets de la terminologia informàtica en llengua catalana dels reculls terminològics que s'han editat des del seu inici fins avui. S'hi analitzen les fonts erminològiques que han determinat els usos i les propostes terminològiques al llarg del temps. En aquest sentit, s'hi mostren els canvis que
s'han experimentat quant al suport, els receptors, els objectius i les tendències terminològiques d'aquestes obres.This study analyzes computer terminology in Catalan present in the literature published up until now. The terminological origins that have determined terminology uses and proposal over time will also be reviewed. Changes related to the medium, the receivers, the objectives, and terminology trends of the works will be presented
Aulatornoceras (Truyolsoceras) n. subgén. (Ammoinoidea, Tornoceratina) from the Devonian of the Cantabrian and Iberian mountains (NW & NE Spain)
[Resumen] El género Aulatornoceras comprendía hasta la actualidad un amplio espectro de morfologías y, entre ellas, conchas de especies con perfiles más comprimidos que el resto de formas congenéricas, poseyendo al mismo tiempo ombligos puntiformes. Esta peculiaridad nos induce a pensar que dentro de Aulatornoceras existen al menos dos grupos de especies con diferentes planteamientos ecológicos, por lo que hemos erigido el nuevo subgénero Aulatornoceras (Truyolsceras) , cuyo carácter diagnóstico principal dentro del género es la existencia de ombligos puntiformes.[Abstract] Species included into the genus Aulatornoceras encompass shells with an excesively
wide morphological range. Arnong them, those characterized by a compressed shell with very narrow to occluded umbilicus where adapted to paleoecological conditions other than the type-species Aulatornoceras auris and related forms. Very involute, aulotornoceratid shells are consecuently incorporated here to a new subgenus, Aulatornoceras (Truyolsoceras) whith the type-species A. (T.) undulatum (SANDBERGER y SANDBERGER, 1850/56)
The discourse of architectural bioconstruction: popularization and legitimation in professional journals
This study analyzes various professional journals form the field of architecture
and construction in order to examine how the discourse of the bioconstruction
is introduced and legitimatized. In this textual genre, the construction of the professionalization
of this emerging discipline is carried out through various discursive strategies
such as didacticity, metaphorization and ideological legitimization.En este trabajo se analizan diversas revistas profesionales del campo de la
arquitectura y la construcción con el fin de estudiar de qué manera se introduce y se
legitima el discurso de la bioconstrucción. El proceso de la profesionalización de esta
disciplina emergente se lleva a cabo mediante diversas estrategias discursivas como la
didacticidad, la metaforización y la legitimación ideológica
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