604 research outputs found

    Personalised and Adjustable Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Based PPG Quality Assessment for the Edge

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    Most of today's wearable technology provides seamless cardiac activity monitoring. Specifically, the vast majority employ Photoplethysmography (PPG) sensors to acquire blood volume pulse information, which is further analysed to extract useful and physiologically related features. Nevertheless, PPG-based signal reliability presents different challenges that strongly affect such data processing. This is mainly related to the fact of PPG morphological wave distortion due to motion artefacts, which can lead to erroneous interpretation of the extracted cardiac-related features. On this basis, in this paper, we propose a novel personalised and adjustable Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Logic System (IT2FLS) for assessing the quality of PPG signals. The proposed system employs a personalised approach to adapt the IT2FLS parameters to the unique characteristics of each individual's PPG signals.Additionally, the system provides adjustable levels of personalisation, allowing healthcare providers to adjust the system to meet specific requirements for different applications. The proposed system obtained up to 93.72\% for average accuracy during validation. The presented system has the potential to enable ultra-low complexity and real-time PPG quality assessment, improving the accuracy and reliability of PPG-based health monitoring systems at the edge

    Nutritional composition, heavy metal content and in vitro effect on the human gut microbiota of Talitrus saltator, an underutilized crustacean from the Atlantic coast

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    In this study, an undervalued marine crustacean (Talitrus saltator) was characterized in terms of nutritional and heavy metal composition and its potential to affect human gut microbiota. Nutritional analysis of this crustacean revealed that it complies with the criteria established in European legislation to include nutritional claims in their labeling, such as “source of fiber,” “low in fat,” “low in sugars” and “high in protein.” The analysis of the heavy metal content did not reveal any risk derived from the presence of Cd, Hg, or Pb, whereas essential metals contained in 100 g exceeded the minimum daily requirements recommended in Europe for Zn (19.78 mg/kg), Cu (2.28 mg/kg), and Fe (32.96 mg/kg). Using an in vitro system, the effect of T. saltator on the human colonic microbiota shows some beneficial effects, such as fermentation-maintained populations of Bifidobacterium or Lactobacillus, did not increase Firmicutes phylum counts, decreased the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio, and stimulated 11 metabolic pathways with respect to baseline. These results are unusual in a high protein content-food. However, negative effects were also found in gut microbiota relative proportions, such as an increase in the Proteobacteria phylum and especially some opportunistic bacteria from this phylum, probably due to the antimicrobial effect of chitin on other groups more sensitive to its effect. This work shows for the first time the effect of T. saltator on human colonic microbiota using and in vitro system. The presence of chitin in its composition could provide some beneficial effects by modulating the microbiota, but as T. saltator is a high-protein food, more studies should be carried out showing these benefitS

    Toward a new clinical classification of patients with familial hypercholesterolemia: One perspective from Spain

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    The introduction of singular therapies, such as proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 inhibitors (PCSK9i), to lower high cholesterol levels requires better classification of patients eligible for intensive lipid lowering therapy. According to the European Medicines Administration, PCSK9i are recommended in primary prevention in familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients. Therefore, an FH diagnosis is not simply an academic issue, because it has many clinical implications. The bases of a diagnosis of FH are not entirely clear. The availability of genetic testing, including large genome-wide association analyses and whole genome studies, has shown that some patients with a clinical diagnosis of definite FH have no mutations in the genes associated with the disease. This fact does not exclude the very high cardiovascular risk of these patients, and an early and intensive lipid lowering therapy is recommended in all FH patients. Because an FH diagnosis is a cornerstone for decisions about therapies, a precise definition of FH is urgently required. This is an expert consensus document from the Spanish Atherosclerosis Society. We propose the following classification: familial hypercholesterolemia syndrome integrated by (1) heterozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: patients with clinically definite FH and a functional mutation in one allele of the LDLR, ApoB:100, and PCSK9 genes; (2) homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: mutations affect both alleles; (3) polygenic familial hypercholesterolemia: patients with clinically definite FH but no mutations associated with FH are found (to be distinguished from non-familial, multifactorial hypercholesterolemia); (4) familial hypercholesterolemia combined with hypertriglyceridemia: a subgroup of familial combined hyperlipidaemia patients fulfilling clinically definite FH with associated hypertriglyceridemia

    Sistema de calentamiento de agua sanitaria solar con elementos de reciclaje

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    El proyecto  presentado trata respecto de una problemática energética en la vivienda como la energía necesaria para producir el agua caliente sanitaria (ACS) para el uso domiciliario y una problemática ambiental como es la incorrecta disposición de residuos sólidos plásticos, desaprovechando su potencial económico.Se propone una alternativa de reducción del consumo energético en el uso de calentadores: termo tanques o calefones instantáneos que utilizan gas, electricidad o leña para su funcionamiento. Se utilizan materiales plásticos descartados para su armado, reduciendo el impacto ambiental que éstos generan, disponiendo su reutilización por varios años más y resulta además con un costo económico reducido para ser alcanzado por un amplio sector de la población.Además es especialmente aplicable en aquellas viviendas de familias de escasos recursos, en barrios marginales que por diversas razones no cuentan con agua caliente sanitaria. Este sistema realizado por autoconstrucción en talleres, les permitiría contar con agua caliente para enfrentar situaciones actuales de insalubridad.This paper shows the preliminary results of solar water heating system built with recycled plastic materials: PET bottles and Polypropilene tubes. The PET bottles take form an air chamber around the PP tubes and they are put one into the other in order to grow thermal performance of the collector. The cost of the system are 102.3(U 102.3 (US 26.9) for each collector. People of low income can access to this technology to obtain heat water. The temperature measures indicate that it’s possible get several hours with 42ºC.Fil: Miranda Gassull, Virginia Paulina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: Esteves Miramont, Alfredo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; ArgentinaFil: López de Asiain, María. Universidad Internacional de Andalucia. Sede Iberoamericana La Rábida; EspañaFil: Buenanueva, Jose Fernando. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Ciencias Humanas, Sociales y Ambientales; Argentin

    Effects of vincristine and monosodium glutamate on gastrointestinal motility and visceral sensitivity

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    Background Chemotherapy‐induced adverse effects are an unresolved nightmare. In preclinical studies in rats, the food additive monosodium glutamate (MSG) improved some of the side effects caused by cisplatin, but its effects in other models of chemotherapy‐treated animals are not well known. The aim of this study was to test if MSG may improve some of the adverse effects induced by vincristine in rats. Methods Young male Wistar rats were exposed or not to MSG (4 g L−1) in drinking water from week 0 till 1 week after treatment (week 3). Rats received two cycles of five daily intraperitoneal (ip) injections (Monday to Friday, weeks 1 and 2) of either saline (2 mL kg−1) or vincristine (0.1 mg kg−1). Gastrointestinal motility was measured in vivo by radiological methods after the first and tenth ip administrations. On week 3, the threshold for mechanical somatic and colorectal sensitivity was recorded using Von Frey filaments applied to the paws and an intracolonic balloon, respectively. Finally, samples of the terminal ileum and distal colon were histologically evaluated in sections. Key Results Vincristine reduced body weight gain, food intake, and upper gastrointestinal transit, caused somatic (but not visceral) hypersensitivity and increased the thickness of the submucosal and muscle layers of the small intestine. In vincristine‐treated animals, MSG partially prevented gastrointestinal dysmotility and reduced visceral sensitivity but did not improve structural alterations of the small intestine. Conclusions and Inferences MSG could be used as an adjuvant to conventional treatments to improve some gastrointestinal dysfunctions caused by chemotherapy

    3D printing of cubic zirconia lattice supports for hydrogen production

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    The demand for hydrogen has extraordinarily grown during the last years, being one of the most attractive forms of fuels to produce green energy. Cubic zirconia ceramics are considered promising catalytic supports, and the additive manufacturing of porous 3D structures based on these ceramics could enhance their catalytic performance. Herein, lightweight highly porous (up to 88%) 3D patterned 8 mol% yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia (8YSZ) scaffolds are manufactured by robocasting from pseudoplastic aqueous-based inks to produce catalytic supports for the hydrogen (H2) production. These scaffolds are thermally treated at temperatures ranging between 1000 and 1400 ◦C and, hence, mechanically and electrically characterized. 3D 8YSZ structures sintered at 1200 ◦C, with an appropriate balance between high porosity (86%) and compressive strength (3.7 MPa), are impregnated with palladium (Pd) catalytic nanoparticles and employed in the catalytic dehydrogenation of renewable formic acid (FA) using a fixed-bed reactor. 3D Pd/8YSZ catalyst leads to the continuous production of CO-free H2 with a FA conversion of 32% at T =55 ◦CThis work was supported by the Spanish Government through RTI2018-095052-B-I00, PID2019-105079RB-I00 (MICINN/AEI/FEDER, UE), PID2021-125427OB-I00 (MICINN/AEI/FEDER, UE) and EIN2020- 112153 (MCINN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) projects, the latter also supported by the European Union through “NextGenerationEU/ PRTR”. M. Koller gratefully acknowledges funding within “Support for International Mobility of Researchers of the Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, part II”, no. CZ.02.2.69/0.0/ 0.0/18_053/0017555 of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic funded from the European Structure and Investment Funds (ESIF). G. Vega acknowledges the Universidad Aut´onoma de Madrid for the Predoctoral contract. The authors thank J. Mejía for her permanent technical assistance in the catalytic experiment

    Clinical characteristics and evaluation of LDL-cholesterol treatment of the Spanish Familial Hypercholesterolemia Longitudinal Cohort Study (SAFEHEART)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients are at high risk for premature coronary heart disease (CHD). Despite the use of statins, most patients do not achieve an optimal LDL-cholesterol goal. The aims of this study are to describe baseline characteristics and to evaluate Lipid Lowering Therapy (LLT) in FH patients recruited in SAFEHEART.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>A cross-sectional analysis of cases recruited in the Spanish FH cohort at inclusion was performed. Demographic, lifestyle, medical and therapeutic data were collected by specific surveys. Blood samples for lipid profile and DNA were obtained. Genetic test for FH was performed through DNA-microarray. Data from 1852 subjects (47.5% males) over 19 years old were analyzed: 1262 (68.1%, mean age 45.6 years) had genetic diagnosis of FH and 590 (31.9%, mean age 41.3 years) were non-FH. Cardiovascular disease was present in 14% of FH and in 3.2% of non-FH subjects (P < 0.001), and was significantly higher in patients carrying a null mutation compared with those carrying a defective mutation (14.87% vs. 10.6%, respectively, P < 0.05). Prevalence of current smokers was 28.4% in FH subjects. Most FH cases were receiving LLT (84%). Although 51.5% were receiving treatment expected to reduce LDL-c levels at least 50%, only 13.6% were on maximum statin dose combined with ezetimibe. Mean LDL-c level in treated FH cases was 186.5 mg/dl (SD: 65.6) and only 3.4% of patients reached and LDL-c under 100 mg/dl. The best predictor for LDL-c goal attainment was the use of combined therapy with statin and ezetimibe.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although most of this high risk population is receiving LLT, prevalence of cardiovascular disease and LDL-c levels are still high and far from the optimum LDL-c therapeutic goal. However, LDL-c levels could be reduced by using more intensive LLT such as combined therapy with maximum statin dose and ezetimibe.</p

    Clinical characteristics and evaluation of LDL-cholesterol treatment of the Spanish Familial Hypercholesterolemia Longitudinal Cohort Study (SAFEHEART)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Aim</p> <p>Familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) patients are at high risk for premature coronary heart disease (CHD). Despite the use of statins, most patients do not achieve an optimal LDL-cholesterol goal. The aims of this study are to describe baseline characteristics and to evaluate Lipid Lowering Therapy (LLT) in FH patients recruited in SAFEHEART.</p> <p>Methods and Results</p> <p>A cross-sectional analysis of cases recruited in the Spanish FH cohort at inclusion was performed. Demographic, lifestyle, medical and therapeutic data were collected by specific surveys. Blood samples for lipid profile and DNA were obtained. Genetic test for FH was performed through DNA-microarray. Data from 1852 subjects (47.5% males) over 19 years old were analyzed: 1262 (68.1%, mean age 45.6 years) had genetic diagnosis of FH and 590 (31.9%, mean age 41.3 years) were non-FH. Cardiovascular disease was present in 14% of FH and in 3.2% of non-FH subjects (P < 0.001), and was significantly higher in patients carrying a null mutation compared with those carrying a defective mutation (14.87% vs. 10.6%, respectively, P < 0.05). Prevalence of current smokers was 28.4% in FH subjects. Most FH cases were receiving LLT (84%). Although 51.5% were receiving treatment expected to reduce LDL-c levels at least 50%, only 13.6% were on maximum statin dose combined with ezetimibe. Mean LDL-c level in treated FH cases was 186.5 mg/dl (SD: 65.6) and only 3.4% of patients reached and LDL-c under 100 mg/dl. The best predictor for LDL-c goal attainment was the use of combined therapy with statin and ezetimibe.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Although most of this high risk population is receiving LLT, prevalence of cardiovascular disease and LDL-c levels are still high and far from the optimum LDL-c therapeutic goal. However, LDL-c levels could be reduced by using more intensive LLT such as combined therapy with maximum statin dose and ezetimibe.</p

    Heterogeneidad fenotípica en el Sistema de Secreción tipo III de Pseudomonas syringae durante la interacción con la planta

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    La heterogeneidad fenotípica es un fenómeno que se ha descrito en poblaciones bacterianas de diversas especies. Un patrón de expresión génica heterogéneo puede llegar a volverse bimodal en ambientes homogéneos, proceso conocido como bistabilidad. El desarrollo de métodos de análisis de células individuales, como la microscopía confocal, la citometría o la microfluídica, ha llevado a la identificación de nuevos ejemplos de variación fenotípica y de biestabilidad. La relevancia de estos procesos se ha demostrado en patógenos humanos y de animales. No obstante, se conoce muy poco sobre la relevancia de este tipo de procesos en el proceso de adaptación a huéspedes no animales. P. syringae es una bacteria patógena de plantas con un amplio rango de hospedador, existiendo más de 50 patovares. La virulencia de Pseudomonas syringae dependiende del Sistema de Secreción Tipo III (T3SS) y de los efectores tipo III (T3E). Mediante fusiones transcripcionales a proteínas fluorescentes generadas en el genoma de P. syringae pv. phaseolicola, y el uso de microscopía de fluorescencia y citometría de flujo, nuestro laboratorio ha demostrado que la expresión del T3SS y de T3E es heterogénea en el interior de la planta y biestable en medio mínimo. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados obtenidos en nuestro análisis del impacto de la expresión heterogénea del T3SS para la adaptación a la planta, que incluyen la evaluación de la viabilidad de las variantes (T3SSON/T3SSOFF) en el apoplasto de la hoja, y de la dinámica de expresión en la población en diferentes escenarios de activación de defensa en la planta.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Atomic-scale study of type-II Dirac semimetal PtTe2 surface

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    Dirac semimetals (DSM) host linear bulk bands and topologically protected surface states, giving rise to exotic and robust properties. Platinum ditelluride (PtTe2) belongs to this interesting group of topological materials. Here, we employ scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) in combination with first-principles calculations to visualize and identify the native defects at the surface of a freshly cleaved PtTe2 crystal. Around these defects, short-wavelength electron density oscillations are observed. Fourier transform analysis of the energy-dependent quasiparticle interference patterns is in good agreement with our calculated joint density of states, demonstrating the singular properties of the surface of this type-II DSM. Our results evidence the power of STM in understanding the surface of topological material