1,058 research outputs found

    Colour morph does not predict brood size in the Booted Eagle.

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    Mechanisms regulating colour polymorphism remain largely unknown and detailed investigation is required to explore the biological consequences on population dynamics. This paper presents the first study of the possible connection between colour polymorphism and productivity in a Booted Eagle (Aquila pennata) population breeding in southeastern Spain. To that end we used 19 years of data of non-marked individuals. A total of 738 pale (91.6%) and 68 dark (8.4%) adult Booted Eagles were observed in our study area, including 57 territories. Our results suggest that colour morph of both sexes remained stable in the population over the study period. Although we found a higher number of offspring produced by parents exhibiting the dark morph than those of the pale morph, statistical differences were not significant. Hence, our models showed that colour polymorphism was not a good predictor of Booted Eagles'productivity, although further research by capture-recapture analysis would be needed to explore the influence of colour variation on fitness components at individual level and its consequences at population level of long-lived species

    Ion release from dental casting alloys as assessed by a continuous flow system: Nutritional and toxicological implications

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    Objectives: The aims of this study were to quantify the metallic ions released by various dental alloys subjected to a continuous flow of saliva and to estimate the nutritional and toxicological implications of such a release. Methods: Four pieces of three nickel-based, one noble, one high-noble and two copper-aluminum alloys were cast and then immersed in a continuous flow of artificial saliva for 15 days. To simulate three meals a day, casts were subjected to thrice-daily episodes, lasting 30 min each and consisting of pH decreases and salinity increases. After 15 days, the metallic ions in the artificial saliva were analyzed. Data were expressed as averaged release rate: microg/cm2/day of ion released for each alloy. The highest value of 95% Cl of each ion was adapted to a hypothetical worst scenario of a subject with 100 cm2 of exposed metal surface. The results were compared with the tolerable upper daily intake level of each ion. Results: The copper-aluminum alloys released copper, aluminum, nickel, manganese and iron. The nickel-based alloys essentially released nickel and chromium, while the beryllium-containing alloy released beryllium and significantly more nickel. The noble and high-noble alloys were very resistant to corrosion. The amount of ions released remained far below the upper tolerable intake level, with the exception of nickel, released by beryllium-containing nickel-based alloy, whose levels approach 50% of this threshold. Significance: The daily amount of ions released seems to be far below the tolerable upper intake levels for each ion

    Use of limestone filler as a sorbent for the removal of As(V), Pb(II), Cu(II), Zn(II) and Cd(II) in contaminated sites

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    Many of the approaches used to treat soils contaminated by heavy metals are invasive, and do not restore the natural equilibrium of the environment [1]. For this reason, one of procedures used to stabilise heavy metal-contaminated soils in situ is to directly add amendments, which, while they may not totally eliminate toxic elements, help natural retention mechanisms, induce sorption and reduce mobility and bioavailability. In this respect, the use of calcareous materials may be an excellent, eco-friendly way for recovering this type of soils [2], and this communication reports studies made in our laboratory for such a purpose. The influence of different variables in the preparation of mixtures used to stabilize contaminated soils (soil pH, temperature and composition of the contaminated soil / limestone filler) was studied by means of a factorial experimental design. The main interaction effects of the factors obtained on different contaminated soils were used along with the results of the physicochemical and mineralogical characterization in the same data matrix to be analyzed by principal components analysis (PCA). To evaluate the optimal values of the variables, spectroscopic techniques were used to measure the level of leached metals (Pb, Cd, Cu, As, Zn and Fe). The environmental conditions were simulated and controlled by means of a climatic chamber to evaluate simultaneously the processes of geochemical alteration and passivation of the mixture. The results obtained showed that the corresponding factors of the experimental design may be an important source of information to show correlations on some of the most significant variables such as the concentration of metals and, in this way, optimize the use of the in situ stabilizer

    Analysis of the perception of conflict and its positive resolution in university students

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    This research aimed to analyze the perception of conflict in universities and the ways of dealing with it in relation to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. The research was developed from a quantitative approach in three universities in two European countries: the University of Murcia and Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) and University of Minho (Portugal). The sample consisted of 247 university students and the technique used was an ad hoc survey administered online. Among the main research results we can highlight that (a) the perception of conflict is mostly negative; (b) there are predictive variables in the positive view of conflict; and (c) university students clearly identify the peaceful resolution of conflicts with some of the Sustainable Development Goals. The main conclusions are that conflict is inherent to any organization and the university must be sensitive to the conflicts that occur within it. It is therefore necessary to create intra-university mediation services as a conflict resolution resource for the entire university community. Training and a positive view of conflict favors the construction of a citizenry capable of dialogue and of resolving the conflicts that arise in their adult life.This research work is the result of the Eramus+ LIMEdiat− Licence Européenne en Médiation pour l’Inclusion Sociale (European Degree in Mediation for Social Inclusion) project -2020-1-FR01-KA203-079934, with the participation of the University of Minho (Portugal), the University of Murcia (Spain), Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM) (France), and the Universitat Degli Studi di Cagliari (Italy). The total budget of the research project was 304,066 €

    Importance of food sensitivities and personalized diet in patients with fibromyalgia

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    Fibromyalgia (FM) is a disease characterized by generalized chronic pain located in the locomotor system. Patients usually present obesity, metabolic syndrome, alterations in the microbiota and food sensitivities. The prevalence is 2.1% in the world population, affecting 2.3% of Europeans and 2.4% of Spaniards. By sex, the prevalence among men is estimated at 0.2%, compared to 4.2% in women. FM is one of the rheumatic diseases with more impact on the quality of life. Nutrition has been suggested as a relevant factor in the treatment and improvement of FM symptoms. The aim of this study was to measure mitochondrial homeostasis using several biomarkers for the diagnosis and monitoring of FM before and after the application of a personalized nutritional intervention with a rich antioxidant diet. Furthermore, we  evaluated the role of personalized nutrition as a potential treatment for patients with FM and identified new approaches for a better understanding of the disease.Motivation: Currently, a significant percentage of patients who suffer FM are not well diagnosed and face inadequate treatments. We proposed that personalized nutritional interventions can improve the symptomatology of patients and their quality of life.Methods: Fifty FM patients with clinical suspicion of food sensitivities were included in the study. Data were collected from nutritional questionnaries, the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire (FIQ) and the ratio of mitochondrial mass and selective autophagy. Mitochondrial markers were measured pre and post nutritional interventions with the objective of evaluating if personalized diets improved clinical symptoms.Results: Rich antioxidant diets decreased radical oxygen species (ROS) levels in blood and improved significantly clinical symptoms. In addition, a balanced, personalized diet for each patient improved the ratio between mitochondrial mass and selective autophagy.Conclusions: FM patients presents several associated comorbidities such as food sensitivities which need more attention and research. The adequate consumption of antioxidants and other micronutrients is important in FM management. Therefore,  personalized antioxidant diets could be a promising approach for the improvement of clinical symptoms in FM

    El quehacer del psicólogo en la prevención de la deserción escolar por violencia urbana en adolescentes entre los 12 y 15 años en la Institución Educativa La Sierra bajo los parámetros de la declaración de Incheon

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    RESUMEN: Con el presente estudio se tuvo como objetivo el identificar el rol del psicólogo educativo a la hora de intervenir en los adolescentes de la Institución Educativa La Sierra que tuvieran riesgo de deserción por los factores de riesgo psicosociales adyacentes en su entorno más inmediato, analizando los componentes personales, del contexto, y las acciones pertinentes a la intervención en este sentido, y teniendo en cuenta la Declaración de Incheon como el sustrato en el ámbito de la ley. Desde un enfoque cualitativo, se analizaron los aportes del psicólogo educativo en las realidades de los adolescentes, mirando los impactos que su intervención puede tener, o no, en la vida de los jóvenes. Entre los hallazgos más representativos, se destaca la forma de intervención del psicólogo educativo en el componente subjetivo de los adolescentes para evitar los procesos de deserción escolar, partiendo de la base de considerarlos como humanos íntegros en el medio de realidades complejas dadas por el contexto, la familia, y las realidades sociales a las que están expuestos. También, se dio cuenta de un desconocimiento de las formas de intervenir a la luz de lo propuesto de la Declaración de Incheon.ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was to identify the role of the educational psychologist when intervening in adolescents from the Institución Educativa La Sierra who were at risk of leaving the educational process due to the adjacent psychosocial risk factors in their most immediate environment, analyzing the components personal, context, and actions relevant to intervention in this regard, and taking into account the Incheon Declaration as the substrate in the field of law. From a qualitative approach, the contributions of the educational psychologist 4 in the realities of adolescents were analyzed, looking at the impacts that their intervention may or may not have on the lives of young people. Among the most representative findings, we found the form of intervention of the educational psychologist in the subjective component of adolescents to avoid school dropout processes stands out, starting from the basis of considering them as whole humans in the midst of complex realities given by the context, the family, and the social realities to which they are exposed. Also, we identified a lack of knowledge of the ways to intervene under what is proposed in the Incheon Declaration

    Aprovechamiento de residuos de aluminio industrial para la obtención controlada de hidrógeno mediante la reacción aluminio-agua

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    La aparición de vehículos que funcionan con pilas de combustible tipo PEM (membrana de intercambio de protones) plantea la necesidad de proporcionar hidrógeno de alta pureza de forma dosificada y a baja presión. Actualmente se suministra mediante pesadas bombonas de hidrógeno a alta presión, 350 a 700 bar, que requieren de reguladores de presión, estrictos controles de seguridad y mantenimiento. Dicho hidrógeno proviene mayoritariamente del reformado del gas natural, gas no renovable. Una opción más segura y renovable a este sistema consiste en la obtención de hidrógeno, in situ, a partir de la reacción aluminio-agua en un medio alcalino, a ser posible de residuos de aluminio. Un problema que se plantea es la dificultad de obtener con este sistema un caudal constante de hidrógeno, de gran pureza y de evitar la precipitación del Al(OH)3 en la superficie del aluminio, si este queda en seco, lo que retardaría el reinicio de la reacción. Se describe en este artículo, un nuevo proceso para la obtención de hidrógeno, a partir de residuos de aluminio, de forma controlada por dosificación de agua, a partir de la reacción aluminio-agua en medio alcalino, utilizando un alcohol. El alcohol cubre en todo momento el aluminio, evitando la precipitación de Al(OH)3 en su superficie, estabilizando la reacción y filtrando el hidrógeno. En esta investigación, en primer lugar se ha estudiado el comportamiento de diferentes alcoholes: etanol, alcohol isopropílico, 1,2-propanodiol, y 1,2-etanodiol, obteniéndose que el alcohol isopropílico es el más adecuado para estos fines. Posteriormente, y utilizando este alcohol isopropílico, se han comparado y determinado la molaridad de NaOH que permite la obtención de caudales y rendimientos de hidrógeno mayores. También se ha analizado y comparado el caudal de hidrógeno obtenido para aluminio puro 99,7 % granulado (<1mm) y para diferentes virutas y residuos de aluminio procedentes de diversos procesos industriales. Finalmente, se ha estimado la relación entre el caudal de agua dosificada en el reactor y el caudal de hidrógeno obtenido, suponiendo que siempre exista suficiente superficie activa de aluminio para una reacción completa. Con estos datos, se ha determinado la pureza del hidrógeno y del hidróxido de aluminio Al(OH)3 resultante tras el filtrado y extracción a partir del residuo generado, NaAl(OH)4.Postprint (published version

    Antimicrobial Effect of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    The widespread use of antibiotics has led to the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacterial strains, and therefore a current concern for food safety and human health. The interest for new antimicrobial substances has been focused toward metal oxide nanoparticles. Specifically, titanium dioxide (TiO2) has been considered as an attractive antimicrobial compound due to its photocatalytic nature and because it is a chemically stable, non-toxic, inexpensive, and Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) substance. Several studies have revealed this metal oxide demonstrates excellent antifungal and antibacterial properties against a broad range of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. These properties were significantly improved by titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs) synthesis. In this chapter, latest developments on routes of synthesis of TiO2 NPs and antimicrobial activity of these nanostructures are presented. Furthermore, TiO2 NPs favor the inactivation of microorganisms due to their strong oxidizing power by free radical generation, such as hydroxyl and superoxide anion radicals, showing reductions growth against several microorganisms, such as Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. Understanding the main mechanisms of antimicrobial action of these nanoparticles was the second main purpose of this chapter

    Intra-university mediation on the road to the sustainable development goals: a systematic review

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    Mediation as a formula for resolving conflicts is becoming increasingly relevant internationally as a mechanism for a peaceful conflict resolution. In Europe, many countries are enacting legal regulations, and European directives promote the use of mediation to resolve disputes between individuals, companies, institutions, etc. Mediation has a wide range of possibilities in terms of fields of action: family, judicial, school, community, etc. One of those becoming increasingly relevant is intra-university mediation, as a mechanism for resolving conflicts between the people/agents involved, among the students themselves and their peers. Moreover, mediation is related to education and the culture of peace, which are critical aspects of a more autonomous and independent society that can solve conflicts. Bearing in mind the possibilities provided by mediation and as a horizon for intra-university mediation, we propose a systematic review that pivots on three axes: a) conflict and mediation as a means to resolve dissent; b) intra-university mediation, experiences, and possibilities; c) intra-university mediation and its relationship with the Sustainable Development Goals. To do so, a systematic review has been carried out in scientific databases using a qualitative methodologyin order to identify the role of mediation in the university environment and the benefits that the university community and society can obtain. Among the main findings is the evidence that educational mediation at the university level is viable and is widely developed internationally

    Análise de ftalatos em detergentes e produtos de limpeza utilizando dois métodos analíticos

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    Some phthalates are classified in the hazard class reproductive toxicity category 1B and they are subject to authorisation or they have restrictions according to the REACH Regulation. The presence of six phthalates in detergents and cleaning products was determined using two different methods. The phthalates determined were dimethyl phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP), bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP) and di-n-octyl phthalate (DOP). Method 1 consisted of gas chromatography and mass spectrometry, and method 2 consisted of reverse-phase liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Using method 1 phthalates were determined in 14 out of the 27 samples, and 4 out of the 6 analysed phthalates were found. Using method 2 phthalates were determined in all samples, and all analysed phthalates were detected. Liquid chromatography detected greater number of phthalates than gas chromatography. All the concentrations obtained were less than the critical allowed phthalates concentration according to the REACH Regulation.Se han determinado y cuantificado ftalatos en detergentes y limpiadores al encontrarse algunos de ellos sujetos a autorización o restricción por el Reglamento REACH al estar clasificados como tóxicos para la reproducción humana categoría 1B. Se determinaron seis ftalatos: dimetilftalato (DMP), dietilftalato (DEP), di-n-butilftalato (DBP), bis (2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP), bencilbutilftalato (BBP) y di-n-octilftalato (DOP), desarrollando para ello dos métodos de análisis diferentes. El método 1 consiste en una cromatografía de gases para la separación y espectrometría de masas para la detección y el método 2 en una cromatografía líquida en fase reversa para la separación y espectrometría de masas para la detección. Por el método 1 se detectaron ftalatos en 14 de las 27 muestras y solo 4 sustancias de las 6 analizadas. Por el método 2 se detectaron ftalatos en todas las muestras y los 6 ftalatos fueron determinados. La cromatografía líquida nos ha permitido detectar más sustancias de este grupo que la cromatografía de gases. Todas las concentraciones obtenidas estaban por debajo de las concentraciones límite más desfavorable para ftalatos establecidas en la normativa.Foram determinados e quantificados ftalatos em detergentes e produtos de limpeza, encontrando-se alguns deles sujeitos a autorização e/ou restrição pelo Regulamento REACH por estarem classificados como tóxicos para a reprodução humana (categoria 1B). Foram determinados seis ftalatos: dimetilftalato (DMP), dietilftalato (DEP), di-n-butilftalato (DBP), bis (2-etilhexil) ftalato (DEHP), benzilbutilftalato (BBP) e di-n-octilftalato (DOP), através de 2 métodos de análises distintos. O método 1 consiste em cromatografia de gases para a separação e em espectrometria de massa para a deteção, e o método 2 consiste em cromatografia líquida em fase invertida para a separação e espectrometria de massa para a deteção. Através do método 1 foram detetados ftalatos em 14 das 27 amostras e apenas 4 substâncias das 6 analisadas. Através do método 2 foram detetados ftalatos em todas as amostras e foram detetados todos os ftalatos analisados. A cromatografia líquida permitiu detetar mais substâncias deste grupo que a cromatografia de gases. Todas as concentrações obtidas estão abaixo das concentrações limite mais desfavoráveis para ftalatos estabelecidas em normativa