490 research outputs found

    Meteorización de las granulitas de Cabo Ortegal

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    [Resumen] Se realiza el estudio químico y mineralógico del proceso de alteración, en medios sustractivos, de las granuli tas de Cabo Ortegal, la precipi tación media anual supera los 1.300 mm. y las temperaturas medias mensuales extremas son 23ºC y 4,7ºC. Durante el proceso de meteorizaciór se origina una fuerte pérdida de Ca, Na y Mg y,en menor proporción, de Si con acumulación relativa de Fe y Al. Como productos de alteración aparecen filosilicatos 1:1 dioctaédricos, gibbsita, oxihidróxidos de hierro y micas y cloritas degradadas. La edafogénesis es de tipo fermonosialítico con una tendencia ferralítica, al menos en sus fases iniciales.[Abstract] This paper is a chemical and mineralogical study about the weathering process, in subtr&ctive environments, of the granul i tes in Cabo Ortegal. The mean annual precipitation is over 1.300 mm. and the mean monthly extreme temperatures are 23ºC and 4,7ºC . In the process of weathering there is an intense 10S8 of Ca, Na and Mg and, in a minar level , of Si, with a relative accumulation of Fe and Al. Proqucts of the weathering are 1: 1 dioctahedral phyllosilicates, gibbsi teiron oxyhydroxides and degraded micas and chlorites. The pedogenesis is of fermonosialli tic type wi th a ferrallitic tendence, in the first phases at least

    Plasticity in the Echolocation Inventory of Mormopterus minutus (Chiroptera, Molossidae)

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    We recorded the echolocation behavior of the molossid bat Mormopterus minutus, a species that uses a plastic call inventory. During its foraging activity, M. minutus searches for insects emitting rather long and narrow-band echolocation calls. Search call design however, can vary noticeably even in a continuous foraging pass. While echolocating in different flying conditions M. minutus uses several other call designs such as short CF, QCF, FM/QCF, FM and multi-harmonic FM, with or without harmonic overlap, and QCF/FM. Call plasticity characterizes most echolocation sequences, particularly in bats flying in open spaces. Call variation was also influenced by the presence of conspecifics. In those sequences containing echolocation calls from more than one bat, signals from different individuals were reliably identified. In contrast to other small molossids, the call designs in the echolocation inventory of M. minutus show a high level of plasticity. Our results suggest that M. minutus has combined the advantages of emitting several call designs, as shown by molossids, with the advantages of manipulating one signal design as shown by vespertilionids within the same sonar inventory.Peer reviewe

    Shifts in crane migration phenology associated with climate change in southwestern Europe

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    Gallocanta lagoon, NE Spain, is one of the main stopover and wintering areas of Common Cranes (Grus grus) migrating through Western Europe. We investigated how the water level of the lagoon where cranes roost, precipitation, and air temperature might have influenced the species’ migration and wintering patterns in this area between 1973 and 2018. Over the study period, the mean annual air temperature increased at 0.3 °C per decade. Simultaneously, cranes advanced the spring peak migration date at a rate of 0.37 days/year. Water level and rainfall during spring were also positively correlated with the date of spring migration peak. Because cranes need shallow water to roost, and must drink water from streams because the lagoon is saline, these correlations suggest that low water levels at roosting sites and drinking water shortage may have further accelerated the onset of northward spring migration. The water level was also positively correlated with peak crane numbers in autumn, suggesting that the roosting capacity of the lagoon may limit numbers of cranes that can stopover in the area. We conclude that global warming, variations in the water level of the lagoon, and precipitation during spring have determined changes in the use of Gallocanta as a staging and wintering area by Common Cranes during the last decades. Because climatic models predict further decreases in rainfall and higher temperatures in the area, further advances in the migration phenology of cranes should be expected, which might also have implications for the conservation and management of the species and the study area.project AgroSOS (CGL2015-66016-R Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness - FEDER funds [EU])Government of Aragón (Spain) through a predoctoral internship to J. M. Orellana (BOA 20/07/2017)Peer reviewe

    Effect of ionic strength on rheological behavior of polymer-like cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate micellar solutions

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The influence of ionic strength on the rheological properties of polymer-like aqueous micellar solutions of cetyltrimethylammonium tosylate (CTAT) containing different salts (KCl, KBr, (COONa)2, K2SO4 or K3PO4) is investigated. The rheological behavior of the solutions is analyzed above the concentration where a micellar entanglement network is formed, varying surfactant and salt concentration, salt counterion valency and temperature. A master curve of the linear viscoelastic properties is obtained by multiple superposition of time, temperature, salt type, and surfactant and salt concentration. Application of the existent kinetic theory provides information suggesting that the micellar solutions are in the fast breaking regime (i.e., the relaxation is kinetically controlled) regardless of salt type and concentration. Moreover, these solutions exhibit shear-banding flow with a reduced stress plateau (σ/G0, being σ and G0 the shear stress and the plateau modulus, respectively) that increases with salt content and counterion valency. The zero-shear viscosity (η0) and the main relaxation time (τC) diminish with increasing salt content according to a step-like function, in which the number of steps increases with the salt counterion valence. In contrast, G0 only increases slightly with increasing salt content for the five salts employed. These results are discussed in terms of ionic strength and screening of the electrostatic-interactions caused by the addition of salt. In addition, it was found that the influence of anions on the viscoelastic properties of the polymer-like micelles follows the Hofmeister series commonly encountered in macromolecular and biological systems. This finding opens a challenge for scientists in the experimental and theoretical fields

    Biocontrol of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita with Purporeocillum lilacinum and liquid bio-formulates in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

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    Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) cause great losses in tomato crops. An environmentally friendly for its control is the use of predatory fungi such as Purporeocillum lilacinum, which reduces its population in the soil and mitigates yield losses. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to evaluate the biocontrol efficacy of the strains of the nematophagous fungus Purporeocillum lilacinum and liquid bioformulates on the eggs of the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, and the formation of galls on the tomato root. Two native strains of Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 combined with the bioformulated Extract of Beneficial Microorganisms (EPMB®) and the root exudate stimulator Exu-Root® were tested on Meloidogyne incognita eggs and tomato plants. The results obtained indicate that the Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 strains infected the Meloidogyne incognita eggs, interrupted the development of the embryos and caused their death, which significantly reduced the presence of galls in the root of the plants. In short, the maximum biological performance was presented with the treatments H2+Exu-Root® and H3+EPMB®, which had the lowest number of galls with 19.2 and 20.3 galls per plant respectively, compared to the control that presented 88 galls in the root and the treatments where the fungus was not applied (69-85 galls). Finally, it is concluded that the results demonstrate the potential of the Purporeocillum lilacinum H2 and H3 strains as biocontrol agents against the root-knot nematode Meloidogyne incognita, and that, in combination with EPMB® and Exu-Root®, the efficacy can be increased to reduce its population

    Influence of the feedstock material on the compost maturity, stability and reactivity

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    Compost samples from different origins have been characterized in order to obtain information about their composition, humic-like substances content, maturity and stability. The composts used in the present study were obtained from manure (CAP), algae (CA), domestic waste (VCRU), sewage sludge (CT) and animal waste (CE). Different techniques have been used to gather physical-chemical parameters of the raw composts, their equilibrium solutions and the extracted humic-like substances. The analysis of the parameters collected in the characterization process allowed to stablish the degree of maturity and stability of the composts. Results indicate that the compost originated from algae exhibits the highest degree of maturity. Also, metal complexation was analyzed in the CE compost with the aim of assessing the contribution of the different fractions of dissolved organic matter.0366_RES2VALHUM_1_P - Valorização de resíduos orgânicos: produção de substâncias húmicas, cofinanciada pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento regional (FEDER) através do Programa INTERREG V-A Espanha-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-2020

    Razões para a atividade física no tempo livre e sua relação o cumprimento das recomendações

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    Los objetivos del estudio fueron: describir los motivos para practicar actividad física en el tiempo libre (AFTL) en adultos de Madrid y analizar su asociación con el sexo y la edad y con la posibilidad de cumplir las recomendaciones de AF. Se realizó un estudio transversal con 1500 personas de Madrid (15-74 años). La AFTL se evaluó con la versión 2 del Global Physical Activity Questionnaire y los motivos de práctica mediante la versión española de la escala Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised. Los motivos se ordenaron así: salud (6.19±.87), disfrute (5.67±1.05), competencia (4.84±1.31), social (4.81±1.70) y apariencia (4.63±1.52). Conceder una relevancia alta a los motivos salud y competencia se asoció con mayor probabilidad de cumplir las recomendaciones (OR=1.69 y OR=1.83, respectivamente). La salud es el motivo más importante para la práctica de AFTL en la muestra estudiada. Le siguen: disfrute, competencia, relaciones sociales y apariencia. Las mujeres conceden importancia alta a la salud y a la apariencia, más que los hombres. El protagonismo del motivo salud aumenta con la edad. Para los motivos de competencia, social y apariencia la tendencia es opuesta. La probabilidad de alcanzar las recomendaciones es mayor cuando se concede una importancia alta a la salud o a la competenciaThe aim of the study was to describe the motives for Leisure Time Physical Activity (LTPA) in Madrid adults; analyse their association to gender and age, and with the possibility of meeting the physical activity recommendations. A cross-sectional study from 1500 subjects living in Madrid (age: 15-74 years). LTPA was assessed using Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (version 2), and practice motives using the Spanish version of the Motives for Physical Activity Measure-Revised scale. Motives for LTPA were reported in the following order: fitness (6.19±.87), enjoyment (5.67±1.05), competence (4.84±1.31), social (4.81±1.70) and appearance (4.63±1.52). Conceding a high relevance to the motives of fitness or competence was associated to a higher possibility of meeting the recommendations (OR=1.69 y OR=1.83, respectively). Based in the studied sample, health is the main important motive for LTPA practice. Followed by enjoyment, competence, social relations and appearance. Women concede a higher importance to health and appearance than men. The importance of health motive increase with the age, while the competence, social and appearance motives have the opposite tendency. The possibility of meeting the PA recommendations is higher when a higher importance to health or competence is concededOs objetivos do estudo foram descrever as razões para a prática de atividade física no tempo livre entre adultos em Madrid e analisar sua associação com sexo e idade e a possibilidade de implementar as recomendações do AF. Um estudo cruz com 1500 pessoas em Madrid (15-74 anos) foi realizada. LTPA foi avaliada com a versão 2 da Global Physical Activity Questionnaire e as razões para a prática pela versão em espanhol dos motivos de escala para a atividade física Medida-Revised. As razões são ordenados da seguinte forma: saúde (6.19 ± .87), prazer (5.67 ± 1.05), a concorrência (4.84 ± 1.31), social (4.81 ± 1.70) e aparência (4,63 ± 1,52). Concedesse uma alta relevância a razões de saúde e à concorrência foi associado com cumprir as recomendações (OR = 1.69 e OR = 1.83, respectivamente). A saúde é a prática mais importante da AFL na mostra estudada. Pelar seguintes razões: Prazer, Competição, relações sociais e aparência. As mulheres dão mais importância a saúde e aparência, mais do que os homens. O papel da razão da saúde aumenta com a idade. Por razões de concorrência, social e aparência a tendência é oposta. A probabilidade de alcançar as recomendações é maior quando uma elevada importância foi anexada para a saúde ou a concorrênci

    Modeling the Accretion Disk around the High-mass Protostar GGD 27-MM1

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    Recent high angular resolution (≃40 mas) ALMA observations at 1.14 mm resolve a compact (R ≃ 200 au), flattened dust structure perpendicular to the HH 80─81 jet emanating from the GGD 27-MM1 high-mass protostar, making it a robust candidate for a true accretion disk. The jet─disk system (HH 80─81/GGD 27-MM1) resembles those found in association with low- and intermediate-mass protostars. We present radiative transfer models that fit the 1.14 mm ALMA dust image of this disk, which allow us to obtain its physical parameters and predict its density and temperature structure. Our results indicate that this accretion disk is compact (R disk ≃ 170 au) and massive (≃5 M ☉), at about 20% of the stellar mass of ≃20 M ☉. We estimate the total dynamical mass of the star─disk system from the molecular line emission, finding a range between 21 and 30 M ☉, which is consistent with our model. We fit the density and temperature structures found by our model with power-law functions. These results suggest that accretion disks around massive stars are more massive and hotter than their low-mass siblings, but they still are quite stable. We also compare the temperature distribution in the GGD 27─MM1 disk with that found in low- and intermediate-mass stars and discuss possible implications for the water snow line. We have also carried out a study of the distance based on Gaia DR2 data and the population of young stellar objects in this region and from the extinction maps. We conclude that the source distance is within 1.2 and 1.4 kpc, closer than what was derived in previous studies (1.7 kpc).Fil: Añez López, N.. Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio; EspañaFil: Osorio, M.. Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía; EspañaFil: Busquet, G.. Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio; EspañaFil: Girart, J. M.. Instituto de Ciencias del Espacio; EspañaFil: Macías, E.. European Southern Observatory; ChileFil: Carrasco González, C.. Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica; MéxicoFil: Curiel, S.. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. Instituto de Astronomia; MéxicoFil: Estalella, R.. Universidad de Barcelona. Facultad de Física; EspañaFil: Fernandez Lopez, Manuel. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía; ArgentinaFil: Galván Madrid, R.. Instituto de Radioastronomía y Astrofísica; MéxicoFil: Kwon, J.. University of tokyo; JapónFil: Torrelles, J. M.. Institut de Ciencies de l’Espai; Españ

    Comparison of cadmium binding by humic and fulvic acids extracted from compost samples of different feedstock

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    Compost is a bio-sustainable material produced by the controlled decomposition of the organic wastes. Composting can be employed for the urban organic waste treatment in alternative to incineration or landfill disposal [1]. The properties of compost are closely related to the presence of humic-like substances (HS). Both fulvic acids (FA) and humic acids (HA) contain a significant amount of carboxylic acids and phenolic groups that are responsible for some of their properties like solubility and ability to complex metal ions [2]. In the scope of the project Res2ValHum [3], composts produced from different feedstock were analysed and compared regarding the ability of the FA and the HA extracts to bind Cd2+. The free cadmium ion concentration was measured using the electroanalytical technique AGNES (absence of gradients and Nernstian equilibrium stripping) [4]. The cadmium binding by FA and HA extracts of two compost samples: compost of algae (CA) and compost of sludge sewage (CSS) is illustrated in Figure 1. Results indicate that the extent of the binding of cadmium by FA is similar despite the nature of the compost. In opposition, the HA extracts from the algae compost exhibit a larger capacity to bind cadmium ion in comparison to the extracted from the sludge sewage compost. These results indicate that the nature of the feedstock seem to affect more the structure of the HA (in comparison to the FA) formed during the composting process. The chemical characterization of these extracts by different analytical techniques are in course in order to fully understand the referred effect.0366_RES2VALHUM_1_P - Valorização de resíduos orgânicos: produção de substâncias húmicas, cofinanciada pelo Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento regional (FEDER) através do Programa INTERREG V-A Espanha-Portugal (POCTEP) 2014-202