980 research outputs found

    Sensing using light: a key area of sensors

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    This invited featured paper offers a Doctrinal Conception of sensing using Light (SuL) as an "umbrella" in which any sensing approach using Light Sciences and Technologies can be easily included. The key requirements of a sensing system will be quickly introduced by using a bottom-up methodology. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get a general conception of a sensor using Light techniques and know some related issues, such as its main constituted parts and types. The case in which smartness is conferred to the device is also considered. A quick "flight" over 10 significant cases using different principles, techniques, and technologies to detect diverse measurands in various sector applications is offered to illustrate this general concept. After reading this paper, any sensing approach using Light Sciences and Technologies may be easily included under the umbrella: sensing using Light or photonic sensors (PS).This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (PID2019-107270RB-C21/AIE/10.13039/501100011033) and also TeDFeS Project (RTC-2017-6321-1) co-funded by European FEDER funds

    Photonic sensors

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    This invited featured paper offers a Doctrinal Conception of sensing using Light (SuL) as an “umbrella” in which any sensing approach using Light Sciences and Technologies can be easily included. The key requirements of a sensing system will be quickly introduced by using a bottom-up methodology. Thanks to this, it will be possible to get a general conception of a sensor using Light techniques and know some related issues, such as its main constituted parts and types. The case in which smartness is conferred to the device is also considered. A quick “flight” over 10 significant cases using different principles, techniques, and technologies to detect diverse measurands in various sector applications is offered to illustrate this general concept. After reading this paper, any sensing approach using Light Sciences and Technologies may be easily included under the umbrella: sensing using Light or photonic sensors (PS).This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (Grant PID2019-107270RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI /10.13039/501100011033) and also TeDFeS Project (grant RTC-2017-6321-1) co-funded by European FEDER funds ( as a way of making Europe)

    Reflective teaching, a way to enrich teachers’ intercultural communicative competence at Luis Carlos Galán Sarmiento School

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    Este Proyecto de Investigación- Acción Colaborativa tiene por objetivo comprender de qué manera un proceso de enseñanza reflexiva podría enriquecer la Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural de los docentes a través del desarrollo de una propuesta diseñada y aplicada en un colegio público de Bogotá en la jornada mañana con los Docentes de Inglés como población del proyecto y enmarcado con la teoría de la Competencia Comunicativa Intercultural y la Enseñanza Reflexiva. Las investigadoras establecieron un conjunto de tareas iniciando con la revisión teórica de los documentos legales y teorías de los dos principales conceptos que guiaron el trabajo. Luego, ellas diseñaron una propuesta de cinco sesiones con un taller en cada una con el objetivo de que los profesores reflexionaran sobre la importancia de desarrollar la CCI en las clases de Inglés para mejorar el ambiente de aprendizaje de sus estudiantes así como sus prácticas de enseñanza, utilizando diferentes materiales y recursos para presentar los temas establecidos en cada sesión y así adquirir el interés, la participación y la reflexión de la muestra de profesores colaboradores. Los resultados obtenidos a partir de algunos instrumentos diseñados por las investigadoras, tales como diarios de campo y encuestas respondidas por ellas y por los demás docentes al comienzo y al final de cada sesión, mostraron que el aspecto más importante para tener en cuenta es que los Docentes deben obtener la oportunidad de compartir sus experiencias y reflexionar sobre ellas como medio de trabajo colaborativo y desarrollo profesional. Además, los resultados revelaron que la CCI es una habilidad fundamental para promover mejores ambientes de enseñanza y aprendizaje basados en el diálogo, alteridad y respeto por la diversidad cultural.This Collaborative Action Research project aims at understanding how reflective teaching process could enrich English Teachers’ Intercultural Communicative Competence through the development of a proposal designed and applied in a public school of Bogotá, in the morning shift, with the English teachers as population and framed with the theory about Intercultural Communicative Competence and Reflective teaching. Researchers established a set of tasks, starting with the theoretical review about the legal documents and theories of the two main concepts which guided this work. Then, they designed a proposal of five sessions with a workshop in each one, where they aimed teachers reflected about the importance of developing Intercultural Communicative Competence into the English classes to improve their students’ learning environment and their teaching practices, using different materials and sources to present the topics established in each session in order to get interest, participation and reflection from the sample teachers. The results obtained from some instruments designed by researchers such as the journals and the surveys that were filled by them and the other teachers at the beginning and at the end of each session, showed that the most important aspect to take into account is that teachers must get the opportunity to share their experiences and reflect on them as a means of collaborative work and professional development. On the other hand, results revealed that Intercultural Communicative Competence is a fundamental ability to foster a better learning and teaching environments based on the otherness, dialogue and respect toward the cultural diversity

    Virtual long-period gratings

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    A theoretical prediction of a new fiber grating structure is presented. This new device is achieved when a high-birefringence fiber is heavily twisted. It behaves like a long-period grating, but its spectral response can be controlled with the input state of polarization of the light. Since there is no permanent index change, but the index change is instead a product of the polarization evolution along the fiber, this device is called a virtual long-period grating

    Brillouin distributed fiber sensors: an overview and applications

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    A review focused on real world applications of Brillouin distributed fiber sensors is presented in this paper. After a brief overview of the theoretical principles, some works to face the two main technical challenges (large dynamic range and higher spatial resolution) are commented. Then an overview of some real and on-field applications is done.This work has been supported by the Spanish TEC2010-20224-C02-02 Project

    Comportamiento de transmisión CVT en ADAMS-Drive_Line y ADAMS-Car

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    En este proyecto se parte de un diseño de transmisión variable para un vehículo turismo que rectifica en ambos sentidos el movimiento del planeta de un tren epicicloidal, diseñado y analizado en el anterior trabajo de fin de carrera “Diseño de transmisión variable para vehículo turismo”, donde se adoptaron unas suposiciones con el fin de poder simular su comportamiento. El objetivo de este proyecto es probar esta transmisión continua variable en un entorno real, dentro de un vehículo con parámetros actuales, utilizando el programa de simulación ADAMS-Car y ADAMS-Drive_Line, comparando los análisis para ver el funcionamiento de la CVT en un vehículo turismo y comprobar la fiabilidad de las hipótesis realizadas.This study starts from a variable transmission design for a private car which rectifies the oscillatory movement in both of the rotating direction of the sun gear. This system was designed and analyzed in the last study “Diseño de transmisión variable para vehículo turismo” and in that case, some hypotheses have been made in order to simulate a real behavior. The aim of this study is to proof the behavior of the variable transmission in a real environment, inside a car with real current parameters, by using the simulator programs ADAMS-Car and ADAMS-Drive_Line. This study compares the variable transmission with the actual transmission of a private car.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería Industria

    Narrativa escrita en niños con trastorno por déficit de atención/hiperactividad de la ciudad de Manizales

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    Maestría en Desarrollo Infantil, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas.El análisis de las muestras tomadas a partir de una tarea de re-narración escrita, posterior a la escucha de un cuento de 21 proposiciones leído por un evaluador (tarea para evaluar la habilidad de recuperación escrita tomada de la Batería ENI, 2007), fue el insumo para analizar la narrativa escrita del niño con TDAH, a partir de la valoración de la capacidad de mantener el tipo de texto, desarrollar coherencia dentro y entre las oraciones, coherencia del contenido escrito en relación con el contenido inicial, el mantenimiento del eje temático y las acciones que de este se desprenden, de acuerdo a la información aportada por el texto. Este interés subyace de la consideración de que en el TDAH, el trastorno de la función ejecutiva coexiste con dificultades en diversos ámbitos incluido el lenguaje oral y escrito, específicamente en procesos que exigen planeación y organización. De manera específica, el lenguaje escrito requiere de procesamiento perceptivo visual y auditivo, memoria, acceso al léxico, rutas de decodificación y codificación visual, procesamiento cognitivo del tipo de información para guardar las intenciones y sentidos del texto, sintaxis, entre otras y todas al tiempo, razón por la que es lógico encontrar que el sujeto con TDAH muestre serias dificultades en este tipo de tareas

    Pulsed wavelength-tunable Brillouin fiber laser based on a Fourier-domain mode-locking source

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    In this work, a pulsed wavelength-tunable Brillouin fiber laser based on a Fourierdomain mode-locking (FDML) source with a repetition rate of 4.2 kHz is presented. The tunable Brillouin laser is formed by a fiber-ring cavity (for the Stokes signal amplification) within a primary fiber-ring cavity for generating an FDML signal. The primary cavity is formed by an erbium-doped fiber amplifier and a fiber Fabry-Perot filter (FFP-F) as the gain medium and the tunable optical bandpass filter, respectively. A spectral laser tuning range of 2.54 nm centered in 1531 nm was achieved by adjusting the offset voltage of the FFP-F, while a variation, from 0.282 to 0.462 nm, on the Brillouin linewidth of the laser was achieved by setting the amplitude of a modulation signal applied in the FFP-F. A laser pulsewidth of 6.50 us was measured, and an output power of -7 dBm was achieved.This work was supported by the Spanish government through project TEC2010-20224-C02-C02

    Sellutehtaan jätevedenkäsittelyn toimintavarmuuden parantaminen

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    Tarkoituksena ja toimeksiantona tässä opinnäytetyössä oli selvittää, miten sellutehtaan mekaanisen jätevedenkäsittelyn laitteiden toimintavarmuutta, erityisesti hienovälppien toimintaa voidaan parantaa. Työssä selvitetään, miksi jätevedenkäsittelylaitos ei aina toimi odotetulla tavalla ja annetaan ratkaisuehdotus siihen. Työn alussa avataan hieman työhön liittyvää käsitteistöä ja annetaan kokonaiskuva mekaanisesta jätevedenkäsittelystä keskittyen käytännönläheisesti erityisesti juuri Uimaharjun tapaukseen. Käytännön osuudessa kerrotaan, millaisia ongelmia jätevedenkäsittelyssä ilmeni, miten ongelman tutkiminen aloitettiin ja miten niitä lähdettiin ratkaisemaan. Opinnäytetyön viimeisessä osuudessa on esitetty, millä käytännön toimenpiteillä jätevedenkäsittelyn toimintaa pyrittiin saamaan varmemmaksi. Lopuksi annetaan ehdotus, millainen kustannustehokas ja toimintavarmempi ratkaisu sopisi juuri kyseiseen jäteveden puhdistamislaitokseen.The main goal and the task of this thesis was to explore how the reliability of the effluent pre screening equipment could be increased at Uimaharju pulp mill. This thesis presents why the effluent treatment plant isn’t occasionally working properly and the conclusion for the problem is also given. In the beginning of this thesis some basic information about mechanical effluent treatment is given which concentrates in case Uimaharju practically. The actual practical part of this work tells the problems which appeared at the effluent treatment plant. The practical part also gives answers for the questions how troubleshoot was started and what kinds of methods were used to solve those problems. In the last section of this thesis the practical actions to improve the operation of the effluent treatment plant are presented. More reliable and cost-effective solution is introduced in the end of this work

    Demultiplexing of interferometrically interrogated fiber Bragg grating sensors: FFT vs MUSIC

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    We describe an interferometric technique for the demodulation of serial fiber Bragg grating sensor arrays, yielding absolute measurement of the individual grating mean wavelengths. We compare two methods for decoding the Bragg wavelengths of gratings