216 research outputs found

    Surfactant coated carbon nanotubes for the liquid-liquid extraction of phthalates and other migrants in virgin olive oils

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC

    Comparison of five strategies for seasonal prediction of bioclimatic indicators in the olive sector

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    This paper assesses the forecast quality of five seasonal forecasting strategies applied to different bioclimatic indicators tailored to the olive sector. In total, five indicators have been selected considering their importance in the management of the olive orchard. As time progresses through the indicator target period, the impact of the increasing share of actual observations included in its computation has been evaluated by examining the variabilities of correlation coefficients and fair rank probability skill scores for each initialization date. The results show that blending either seasonal predictions or climatology with observations enhanced the capability of forecasting the tercile category for all the indicators when compared to the use of climatology or seasonal predictions alone. In fact, for Spring Maximum Temperature and Growing Season Temperature indicators, the combination of observations and SEAS5 predictions could outperform the other methods for most of the start months. As for those threshold-defined indicators, namely Spring Heat Days and Summer Heat Stress Days, the end-users are highly encouraged to use climatology in the first month and combine it with observations as soon as the latter becomes available.Thanks to all the partners of the project MED-GOLD (Turning climate-related information into added value for traditional MEDiterranean Grape, Olive and Durum Wheat food systems, agreement no. 776467) and the project ASPECT (HE-101081460) both funded by the European Union. Thanks to Dcoop as the end-user for providing feedback in the co-development process. The results contain modified Copernicus Climate Change Service information. Neither the European Commission nor ECMWF is responsible for any use that may be made of the Copernicus information or data it contains. One of the coauthors, Raül Marcos-Matamoros, is a Serra Húnter Fellow. Finally, we thank the reviewers, whose comments helped improve the paper substantially.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efficient self-propelled locomotion by an elastically supported rigid foil actuated by a torque

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    A new theoretical model is presented for an aquatic vehicle self-propelled by a rigid foil undergoing pitching oscillations generated by a torque of small amplitude applied at an arbitrary pivot axis at which the foil is elastically supported to allow for passive heaving motion. The model is based on 2D linear potential-flow theory coupled with the self-propelled dynamics of the semi-passive flapping foil elastically mounted on the vehicle hull through translational and torsional springs and dampers. It is governed by just three ordinary differential equations, whose numerical solutions are assessed with full viscous numerical simulations of the self-propelled foil. Analytical approximate solutions for the combined effect of all the relevant non-dimensional parameters on the swimming velocity and efficiency are also obtained by taking advantage of the small-amplitude of the applied torque. Thus, simple power laws for the velocity and efficiency dependencies on Lighthill number and torque intensity are obtained. It is found that the swimming velocity and transport efficiency can be greatly enhanced by selecting appropriately the non-dimensional constants of the translational and torsional springs, which are mapped for typical values of the remaining parameters in aquatic locomotion. These resonant values serve to select optimal frequencies of the forcing torque for given structural and geometric parameters. Thus, the present model and analysis provide a useful guide for the design of an efficient flapping-foil underwater vehicle.This research has been supported by the Junta de Andalucía, Spain, through the project grants UMA18-FEDER-JA-047 and P18-FR-1532. The computations were performed in the Picasso Supercomputer at the University of Málaga, a node of the Spanish Supercomputing Network. // Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBU

    Energía y productos de hidrólisis a partir de cultivos industriales y forestales

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    Se caracterizan química y energéticamente diversas especiesvegetales de elevada producción de biomasa (Eucalyptus globulus, tallos de girasol, Chamaecitysus proliferus, Paulownia fortunei, Leucaena diversifolia y Arundo donax) y se estudia el proceso de autohidrólisis en condiciones no isotermas en un marco general de evaluación de la valorización por fraccionamiento y aprovechamiento integral de las fracciones lignocelulósicas con posterior aprovechamiento energético de la fase sólida post-hidrólisis. Los procesos de autohidrólisis se han revelado particularmente interesantes en el caso de las especies madereras estudiadas frente a las especies herbáceas con variaciones en la extracción de la fracción de xilano a 180ºC entre el 19,7% de Eucalyptus globulus y el 36,8% de Leucaenadiversifolia y a 200ºC entre el 57,9% de Paulownia fortunei y el 79,1% de Chamaecytisus proliferus. Las especies madereras de corta rotación de cultivo ensayadas se manifiestan más susceptibles que la especie de referencia (Eucalyptus globulus) al proceso de autohidrólisis a bajas temperaturas. La explotación de las especies madereras de corta rotación ensayadas por combustión directa de la fracción sólida post-autohidrólisis a 200ºC aporta, además de la valorización inherente a los oligómeros y monosacáridos de la fracción líquida, un aumento del poder calorífico relativo de la fracción sólida post-autohidrólisis del 3,4% en Paulownia fortunei y 6,7% en Leucaena diversifolia

    Correlation between Solar Intensity and Relative Humidity and its Influence on the Performance of Solar Stills

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    Solar stills are thermal devices that can be used in far distant areas or rural communities with freshwater deficits due to their ease of construction and relative cheap costs. Nonetheless, climatic factors can significantly affect performance of these devices and the technical feasibility for their usage. This research assesses solar intensity behavior, relative humidity, cloud cover and the existing correlations between these climatic factors in addition to how they influence a solar still production and performance. Tests were carried out in the city of Misantla, Veracruz State, Mexico; therefore, results cannot be extrapolated to a different latitude. It was found that there is a negative linear correlation between solar intensity and relative humidity of the monitoring site, depending on cloudiness. This negative correlation varies from moderate to high when cloud cover is between 46 and 55%. However, for less than 10% cloud cover, negative linear correlation was very high, with a correlation coefficient higher than -0.90. It was verified that performance of solar stills depends fundamentally on the average solar radiation, cloud cover and duration of the shadow at the test site. &nbsp

    Bioeconomy and sustainability strategy through Innovation in Dcoop, DcoopSCA

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    Europa necesita cambiar radicalmente su manera de producir, consumir, transformar, almacenar, reciclar y eliminar los recursos biológicos para hacer frente al crecimiento de la población mundial, al agotamiento de los recursos, al aumento de la presión sobre el medio ambiente y al cambio climático. La estrategia Europa 2030 propone la bioeconomía como elemento clave para el crecimiento inteligente y ecológico. Los avances en la investigación sobre bioeconomía y la absorción de la innovación permitirán mejorar la gestión de los recursos biológicos renovables y abrir mercados nuevos y diversificados de alimentos y bioproductos. Siguiendo esta estrategia, Dcoop Sociedad Cooperativa Andaluza, desarrolla su actividad. La sostenibilidad en el sector agroalimentario es uno de los objetivos prioritarios de Dcoop, y para su consecución ha puesto en marcha prácticas sostenibles, tanto en su actividad industrial como productiva, trabajando, además, en varias líneas de innovación agrícola, ganadera, de aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales (subproductos) y de gestión de los residuos producidos durante los procesos productivos que desarrolla. El papel de Dcoop es ser la respuesta que necesita el campo -agricultores y ganaderos-y los consumidores a los desafíos que plantean el mercado global, el cambio climático y los nuevos estilos de vidaEurope needs to radically change it way of producing, consuming, transforming, storing, recycling and disposing of biological resources to cope with global population growth, resource depletion, increasing pressure on the environment and climate change. The Europe 2030 strategy proposes the bioeconomy as a key element for smart and green growth. Advances in bioeconomy research and the uptake of innovation will improve the management of renewable biological resources and open up new and diversified markets for food and bioproducts. Following this strategy, Dcoop, Andalusian Cooperative Society, is developing its activity. Sustainability in the agrifood sector is one of Dcoop's priority objectives, and to achieve this it has implemented sustainable practices, both in its industrial and production activities. It is also working on various lines of agricultural and livestock research, the use of natural resources and the management of waste produced during its production processes. The role of Dcoop is to be the answer that the farmers, livestock farmers and consumers need to the challenges posed by the global market, climate change and new lifestyle

    Effects of an acute exercise bout on serum hepcidin levels

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    Iron deficiency is a frequent and multifactorial disorder in the career of athletes, particularly in females. Exercise-induced disturbances in iron homeostasis produce deleterious effects on performance and adaptation to training; thus, the identification of strategies that restore or maintain iron homeostasis in athletes is required. Hepcidin is a liver-derived hormone that degrades the ferroportin transport channel, thus reducing the ability of macrophages to recycle damaged iron, and decreasing iron availability. Although it has been suggested that the circulating fraction of hepcidin increases during early post-exercise recovery (~3 h), it remains unknown how an acute exercise bout may modify the circulating expression of hepcidin. Therefore, the current review aims to determine the post-exercise expression of serum hepcidin in response to a single session of exercise. The review was carried out in the Dialnet, Elsevier, Medline, Pubmed, Scielo and SPORTDiscus databases, using hepcidin (and “exercise” or “sport” or “physical activity”) as a strategy of search. A total of 19 articles were included in the review after the application of the inclusion/exclusion criteria. This search found that a single session of endurance exercise (intervallic or continuous) at moderate or vigorous intensity (60–90% VO2peak) stimulates an increase in the circulating levels of hepcidin between 0 h and 6 h after the end of the exercise bout, peaking at ~3 h post-exercise. The magnitude of the response of hepcidin to exercise seems to be dependent on the pre-exercise status of iron (ferritin) and inflammation (IL-6). Moreover, oxygen disturbances and the activation of a hypoxia-induced factor during or after exercise may stimulate a reduction of hepcidin expression. Meanwhile, cranberry flavonoids supplementation promotes an anti-oxidant effect that may facilitate the post-exercise expression of hepcidin. Further studies are required to explore the effect of resistance exercise on hepcidin expression

    Objetos virtuales de aprendizaje y el desarrollo de aprendizaje autónomo en el área de Inglés

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    This research focuses on two main aspects: the virtual learning objects as ICT tool for teaching and independent learning; with this we pursue to establish the relevance or not, of certain digital tools, represented as LO, that had certain characteristics, for support in the classroom, so that they fulfill an educational role for the teaching and learning processes, which demands methodologies and knowledge by the teacher and the right attitude by the student. Of course, to achieve that, the overall objective of the research is to “Evaluate the incidence of Virtual Learning Objects as digital didactic tool in teaching and in the development of autonomous learning in English in high school students of the Institution Bertha Gedeón Báladi “which was the chosen population. The methodology used was under the qualitative and quantitative approach with descriptive and evaluative. The research involved 54 students high school; the instruments used for data collection were surveys, interviews and direct observation, the validity of which was guaranteed by implementing a table triple entry into the categories were established, indicators, descriptors and instruments for data collection appropriate to the study methodology. For information analysis methodological triangulation that gave a more complex view of reality, therefore more complete and closer to it was used. The results revealed the high incidence of OVA as a motivating tool in the autonomous learning of the student and their preference to traditional materials, instead of resources lacking interactivity or multimedia.Esta investigación se enfoca en los objetos virtuales de aprendizaje como herramienta TIC para la enseñanza y el aprendizaje autónomo. Se buscó establecer la relevancia, o no, de ciertas herramientas digitales, representadas como OVA, que cumplieran con ciertas características, para el apoyo en las clases, de tal manera que desempeñaran un papel didáctico para los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje, el cual demanda metodologías y conocimiento por parte del docente y una actitud deseada por parte del estudiante. Para lograr eso, se planteó como objetivo general de la investigación: “Evaluar la incidencia de los Objetos Virtuales de Aprendizaje como herramienta didáctica digital en la enseñanza y en el desarrollo de aprendizaje autónomo del inglés en los estudiantes de noveno grado de básica secundaria de la Institución Educativa Bertha Gedeón de Báladi”. La metodología utilizada fue planteada bajo el enfoque cualitativo y cuantitativo con carácter descriptivo y evaluativo. En la investigación participaron 54 estudiantes de noveno grado de secundaria; los instrumentos utilizados para la recolección de datos fueron encuestas, entrevistas y observación directa, cuya validez fue garantizada implementando un cuadro de triple entrada en el que se establecieron las categorías, los indicadores, los descriptores y los instrumentos de recolección de datos apropiados a la metodología de estudio. Para el análisis de la información se utilizó la triangulación metodológica que permitió tener una visión más compleja de la realidad, por tanto, más completa y cercana a la misma. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron la gran incidencia de los OVA como herramienta motivadora en el aprendizaje autónomo del estudiante y su preferencia ante materiales tradicionales planos, carentes de interactividad o de elementos multimedia que privilegien diversos estilos de aprendizaje

    Microestructura y propiedades mecánicas de SiC bimórfico a partir de madera de jara

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    Se ha sintetizado SiC biomórfico mediante infiltración reactiva de silicio fundido en preformas de carbón obtenidas por medio de pirólisis de ramas de jara, de diámetro típico 5 mm. Debido a la especial microestructura de esta madera, el producto final es un tubo de SiC de densidad 2.40g/cm3 (25% de la sección) relleno de carbón sin reaccionar. Se realizaron ensayos de resistencia a rotura a velocidad de compresión constante de 5 mm/min para temperaturas entre 1150 y 1350ºC, obteniéndose tensiones de rotura entre 600 y 1000 MPa y deformaciones a rotura menores del 2%. Los resultados promedio presentan un buen acuerdo con la extrapolación de los obtenidos para SiC biomórfico con densidades menores, y los de carburo de silicio formado por reacción (RF-SiC) de densidades mayores