439 research outputs found

    Relationship between body weight and body condition score with energy content in the carcass of Pelibuey ewes

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    The determination of energy content in the carcass and body of domestic animals by direct method involves very intensive work and it is costly. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between body weight (BW) and body condition score (BCS) with the energy content of muscular and adipose tissues of adult Pelibuey ewes. Twenty two adult non-pregnant, nonlactatingewes of 35.63 ± 5.03 kg BW and 2.47±0.55 BCS were used. The correlation coefficients (r) of BCS between muscle energy (ME), fat energy (FE) and total energy (TE) were all significant (P<0.01) with values of 0.64, 0.66 and 0.69, respectively, while for BW between ME, FE and TE they were all significant (P<0.001) with values of 0.90, 0.76 and 0.89, respectively. The regression equations had high determination coefficients (r2) ranging from 0.87 to 0.94 when BCS was used as predictor, while using the BW the r2 ranged from 0.59 to 0.83. The inclusion of both BW and BCS in multiple regressions improved the prediction from 2 to 7%; nonetheless, the inclusion of BCS only was significant in the equation for TE. The use of BCS and BW in Pelibuey ewes provides a good estimate of the ME, TE and FE of the carcass

    Active study: undetected prevalence and clinical inertia in the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP)

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    Aims To prove if there is clinical inertia in the identification and treatment of episodes of breakthrough cancer pain (BTcP), comparing actual results from clinical practice with clinical oncologists’ prior perception. Design Observational and descriptive study, using information collected by practising medical oncologists, at three moments: (a) questionnaire regarding their professional judgement of the handling of patients with BTcP in their practice, (b) cross-sectional clinical screening, to detect possible existing cases of BTcP in a representative sample of their patients, (c) retrospective self-audit of clinical case histories of patients diagnosed with BTcP to find out about how it has been handled. Participants and study period A random sample on a state level of 108 specialists in medical oncology. 540 patients who suffer some type of cancer pain on the designated study date for each specialist (July–December 2016). Results The global prevalence of BTcP in the study sample covered 91.3% of the patients who were suffering some type of cancer pain. Barely 2% of the doctors surveyed suspected figures around this mark. 40.9% of the cases had not been previously detected as BTcP by their doctors. Although 90% of the patients who had previously been diagnosed with BTcP received a specific analgesic treatment for the symptoms, 42% of those patients with known BTcP were not able to control their episodes of pain. Conclusions Clinical inertia is a serious problem in the handling of BTcP in medical oncology services, where it is the subject of a significantly low level of detection and treatment, despite the contrasting perception of specialists.pre-print339 K

    Towards a large-scale twitter observatory for political events

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    Explosion in usage of social media has made its analysis a relevant topic of interest, and particularly so in the political science area. Within Data Science, no other techniques are more widely accepted and appealing than visualisation. However, with datasets growing in size, visualisation tools also require a paradigm shift to remain useful in big data contexts. This work presents our proposal for a Large-Scale Twitter Observatory that enables researchers to efficiently retrieve, analyse and visualise data from this social network to gain actionable insights and knowledge related with political events. In addition to describing the supporting technologies, we put forward a working pipeline and validate the setup with different examples

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    Dimorfismo sexual en Microtus cabrerae en base a los caracteres de su pelvis.Notas sobre la distribución y ecología de Microtus cabreae, Thomas, 1906.Alimentación de la culebra bastarda (Malpolon monspessulanus, Ophidia, Colubridae) en el S. O. de España.Selectividad en la predación de la lechuza común (Tyto alba) sobre Rano ridibunda.Variations in the food habits of the european Eagle Owl. (Bubo bubo)Contaminación en huevos de aves silvestres de lSuroeste de España por residuos organoclorados (Insecticidas y bifenilos policlorados)Sobre el status taxonómico del águila imperial ibéricaEstudio filogenético y comparativo de Microtus cabrerae y Microtus brecciensisDescripción de una nueva especie de liebre (Lepus castroviejoi), endémica de la Cordillera CantábricaPeer reviewe

    Analysis of the mutational landscape of classic Hodgkin lymphoma identifies disease heterogeneity and potential therapeutic targets

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    Defining the mutational landscape of classic Hodgkin lymphoma is still a major research goal. New targeted next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques may identify pathogenic mechanisms and new therapeutic opportunities related to this disease. We describe the mutational profile of a series of 57 cHL cases, enriched in Hodgkin and Reed-Sternberg (HRS) cells. Overall, the results confirm the presence of strong genomic heterogeneity. However, several variants were consistently detected in genes related to relevant signaling pathways, such as GM-CSF/IL-3, CBP/EP300, JAK/STAT, NF-kappaB, and numerous variants of genes affecting the B-cell receptor (BCR) pathway, such as BTK, CARD11, BCL10, among others. This unexpectedly high prevalence of mutations affecting the BCR pathway suggests some requirement for active BCR signaling for cHL cell viability. Additionally, incubation of a panel of cHL cellular models with selective BTK inhibitors in vitro constrains cell proliferation and causes cell death. Our results indicate new pathogenic mechanisms and therapeutic opportunities in this disease

    Effects of local factors on adaptation to heat in Spain (1983–2018)

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    The European Union is currently immersed in policy development to address the effects of climate change around the world. Key plans and processes for facilitating adaptation to high temperatures and for reducing the adverse effects on health are among the most urgent measures. Therefore, it is necessary to understand those factors that influence adaptation. The aim of this study was to provide knowledge related to the social, climate and economic factors that are related to the evolution of minimum mortality temperatures (MMT) in Spain in the rural and urban contexts, during the 1983–2018 time period. For this purpose, local factors were studied regarding their relationship to levels of adaptation to heat.The authors gratefully acknowledge the grants for projects ENPY107/18; ENPY 376/18, ENPY 470/19 and ENPY 340/20 from the Carlos III Institute of Health, and is supported by the Biodiversity Foundation of the Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge