141 research outputs found

    Informe especial de estabilidad financiera: posición financiera de los hogares - Primer semestre de 2023

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    La dinámica de los principales mercados en los que el sistema financiero participa (e.g. crédito, depósitos y administración de fondos, entre otros) se encuentra estrechamente vinculada al comportamiento del sector de hogares, dado su papel preponderante en cada uno de estos. Teniendo en cuenta lo anterior y la ocurrencia de episodios de alto crecimiento en el crédito dirigido a este segmento de la economía, se introduce este Informe de periodicidad anual que ofrece un análisis de la evolución de los principales rubros del balance financiero de los hogares de manera regular y ofrece una valoración de sus potenciales implicaciones sobre el sistema financiero. Este Informe emplea la información de Cuentas Financieras Nacionales discriminando por sector institucional que se generan del trabajo conjunto adelantando desde 2016 entre el DANE y el Banco de la República, junto al apoyo de la Cooperación Económica de la Secretaría de Estado para Asuntos Económicos (SECO), financiado por el Gobierno de Suiza y el apoyo técnico del Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI). En particular, esta fuente de información tiene frecuencia anual entre 2005 y 2016 y a partir de esa fecha se presenta de manera trimestral

    Expresión diferencial de genes en Pyropia columbina (Bangiales, Rhodophyta) bajo hidratación y desecación natural

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scielo.RESUMEN. En Zonas Costeras rocosas, la desecación es gatillada porción Cambios Diarios en los Niveles de marea, y la Evidencia indica experimental de Me Distribución de las algas en la zona intermareal no está Relacionada estafa do palabra capacidad, párr tolerar la desecación. En Este Contexto, la Presencia de Pyropia columbina en la zona alta del intermareal sí Explica Por Su excepcional tolerancia fisiológica a la desecación. Este Estudio explora las Vías Metabólicas involucradas en la tolerancia a la desecación en P. columbina, un Través de la Caracterización de do transcriptoma Bajo Condiciones de hidratación contrastantes. Se obtuvó 1410 TER provenientes de dos Librerías de substracción de ADNc de frondas Naturalmente hidratadas y desecadas. Los transcriptomas de emba Librerías contienen transcritos de Diversas Rutas Metabólicas Relacionadas a la tolerancia. Entre el los transcritos expresados ​​15% estan involucrados en la Síntesis de Proteínas, do Procesamiento y degradacion, 14,4% Asociados un Fotosíntesis y cloroplasto, el 13,1% una mitocondrial Respiración and function, 10,6% al metabolism de la Pared Celular y 7,5% a la Actividad ANTIOXIDANTE, Proteínas chaperonas y factors de Defensa (catalasa, tiorredoxina, Proteínas de choque térmico, P450 citocromo). In Ambás Librerías sí DESTACA La Presencia De genes / Proteínas no descritos en algas. Proporciona Información This El Primer Trabajo molecular Que Estudia la tolerancia a desecación en P. columbina y Sus Resultados Ayudan a explicar los patrones clásicos de Distribución descritos párr algas en la zona intermareal. Palabras clave: Pyropia, desecación porción Estrés, EST, macroalgas, transcriptómica, Proteínas.ABSTRACT. In rocky shores, desiccation is triggered by daily tide changes, and experimental evidence suggests that local distribution of algal species across the intertidal rocky zone is related to their capacity to tolerate desiccation. In this context, the permanence of Pyropia columbina in the high intertidal rocky zone is explained by its exceptional physiological tolerance to desiccation. This study explored the metabolic pathways involved in tolerance to desiccation in the Chilean P. columbina, by characterizing its transcriptome under contrasting conditions of hydration. We obtained 1,410 ESTs from two subtracted cDNA libraries in naturally hydrated and desiccated fronds. Results indicate that transcriptome from both libraries contain transcripts from diverse metabolic pathways related to tolerance. Among the transcripts differentially expressed, 15% appears involved in protein synthesis, processing and degradation, 14.4% are related to photosynthesis and chloroplast, 13.1% to respiration and mitochondrial function (NADH dehydrogenase and cytochrome c oxidase proteins), 10.6% to cell wall metabolism, and 7.5% are involved in antioxidant activity, chaperone and defense factors (catalase, thioredoxin, heat shock proteins, cytochrome P450). Both libraries highlight the presence of genes/proteins never described before in algae. This information provides the first molecular work regarding desiccation tolerance in P. columbina, and helps, to some extent, explaining the classical patterns of ecological distribution described for algae across the intertidal zone.http://ref.scielo.org/jm5rc

    Effects of Biological Therapies on Molecular Features of Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune and chronic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the joints, and closely related to specific autoantibodies that mostly target modified self-epitopes. Relevant findings in the field of RA pathogenesis have been described. In particular, new insights come from studies on synovial fibroblasts and cells belonging to the innate and adaptive immune system, which documented the aberrant production of inflammatory mediators, oxidative stress and NETosis, along with relevant alterations of the genome and on the regulatory epigenetic mechanisms. In recent years, the advances in the understanding of RA pathogenesis by identifying key cells and cytokines allowed the development of new targeted disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). These drugs considerably improved treatment outcomes for the majority of patients. Moreover, numerous studies demonstrated that the pharmacological therapy with biologic DMARDs (bDMARDs) promotes, in parallel to their clinical efficacy, significant improvement in all these altered molecular mechanisms. Thus, continuous updating of the knowledge of molecular processes associated with the pathogenesis of RA, and on the specific effects of bDMARDs in the correction of their dysregulation, are essential in the early and correct approach to the treatment of this complex autoimmune disorder. The present review details basic mechanisms related to the physiopathology of RA, along with the core mechanisms of response to bDMARDs

    Therapeutic Potential and Immunomodulatory Role of Coenzyme Q10 and Its Analogues in Systemic Autoimmune Diseases

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    Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a mitochondrial electron carrier and a powerful lipophilic antioxidant located in membranes and plasma lipoproteins. CoQ10 is endogenously synthesized and obtained from the diet, which has raised interest in its therapeutic potential against pathologies related to mitochondrial dysfunction and enhanced oxidative stress. Novel formulations of solubilized CoQ10 and the stabilization of reduced CoQ10 (ubiquinol) have improved its bioavailability and efficacy. Synthetic analogues with increased solubility, such as idebenone, or accumulated selectively in mitochondria, such as MitoQ, have also demonstrated promising properties. CoQ10 has shown beneficial effects in autoimmune diseases. Leukocytes from antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) patients exhibit an oxidative perturbation closely related to the prothrombotic status. In vivo ubiquinol supplementation in APS modulated the overexpression of inflammatory and thrombotic risk-markers. Mitochondrial abnormalities also contribute to immune dysregulation and organ damage in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Idebenone and MitoQ improved clinical and immunological features of lupus-like disease in mice. Clinical trials and experimental models have further demonstrated a therapeutic role for CoQ10 in Rheumatoid Arthritis, multiple sclerosis and type 1 diabetes. This review summarizes the effects of CoQ10 and its analogs in modulating processes involved in autoimmune disorders, highlighting the potential of these therapeutic approaches for patients with immune-mediated diseases

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Municipios Chaparral Tolima y Florencia Caquetá

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    https://lorenacontrer55.wixsite.com/my-site-2Este trabajo presenta un análisis e intervención psicosocial que se realiza a la población victima el conflicto armado. Este análisis se realiza teniendo en cuenta la foto voz, los casos de Ana Ligia y el caso Peñas Colorado, tomando referentes académicos y sus consideraciones en los procesos y acompañamientos psicosociales en escenarios de violencia. Se realiza un informe analítico y reflexivo de la experiencia de la foto voz, en los diferentes contextos de violencia, utilizando herramientas como la imagen y la narrativa se basa para extraer nuevos significados de la memoria en el contexto psicosocial, recursos de afrontamiento, reflexión psicosocial. La foto voz y la narrativa son instrumentos que facilita identificar las situaciones de emergencias psicosociales en los diferentes escenarios de violencia y con relación a la memoria, subjetividad y violencia. Se realiza un análisis de los casos, se reconocen los impactos que se genera a la población víctima, se proponen acciones de apoyo y acompañamiento psicosocial así como Estrategias psicosociales que permitan un mejor afrontamiento de la situación que se vive como víctima en el marco del conflicto armando.This work presents an analysis and psychosocial intervention that is carried out to the population victim of the armed conflict. This analysis is carried out taking into account the cases of Ana Ligia and the Peñas Colorado case, taking as academic references and their considerations in the psychosocial processes and accompaniment in scenes of violence. An analytical and reflective report is made of the experience of the photo voice, in the different contexts of violence, using tools such as the image and the narrative is based to extract new meanings from the memory in the psychosocial context, coping resources, psychosocial reflection. The photo voice and the narrative are instruments that facilitate the identification of psychosocial emergency situations in the different scenarios of violence and in relation to memory, subjectivity and violence. An analysis of the cases is carried out, the impacts generated on the victim population are recognized, psychosocial support and accompaniment actions are proposed as well as psychosocial strategies that allow better coping with the situation experienced as a victim in the context of the conflict arming

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos del Tolima y Caquetá.

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    No se evidencian anexosEl Presente trabajo está encaminado a analizar eventos psicosociales traumáticos desde una perspectiva psicológica. Como primera etapa del libro Voces el relato de violencia y esperanza en Colombia desde la narrativa se analizará el relato 1 Jennifer Pinzón, donde en este se reconocen, los impactos psicosociales, discriminación social, ansiedad y exclusión laboral; la expresión de un fenómeno psicosocial alterno de violencia social, creada por la sociedad. De acuerdo con este caso se formularán preguntas estratégicas, preguntas circulares y preguntas reflexivas para una posible entrevista con el protagonista del relato. En la siguiente etapa, se analizara el caso Pandurí, donde se generara reflexiones y se propondrán estrategias de acompañamiento psicosocial, en este caso se presentan emergentes psicosociales como: estrés, ansiedad, miedo excesivo y episodios de pánico, donde la principal acción de apoyo ante esta situación de crisis es generar redes en la comunidad con atención integral; teniendo en cuenta los sucesos y el proceso de conflicto al que se ha visto inmersa la comunidad, la cual necesita un acompañamiento psicosocial que garantice la restructuración y confrontación de la situación. Posteriormente, el documento contiene un informe analítico y reflexivo de la experiencia de foto voz realizada en el paso 3, para la cual se presentan diferentes argumentos que muestran la realidad que se vive en diversos contextos, que a través de las imágenes se interpreta y se comprende las situaciones de conflicto que perturba diferentes poblaciones del país, identificando poca atención, poco apoyo por parte de instituciones y del gobierno ante conflictos que merecen la confrontación de escenas traumáticas, que ha dejado la violencia, como son los problemas psicosociales, donde cabe resaltar las enfermedades mentales, carencias económicas, violencia intrafamiliar, desempleo, desplazamiento forzado, secuestros entre otros; es así que radica la importancia del rol del psicólogo, con el fin de generar trasformaciones en las poblaciones víctimas del conflicto, ya que está encaminado hacia el servicio y orientación a la comunidad.The present work is aimed at analyzing traumatic psychosocial events from a psychological perspective. As the first stage of the book Voces the story of violence and hope in Colombia from the narrative will be analyzed the story 1 Jennifer Pinzon, where in this are recognized, the psychosocial impacts, social discrimination, anxiety and work exclusion; the expression of an alternative psychosocial phenomenon of social violence, created by society. According to this case, strategic questions, circular questions and reflective questions will be formulated for a possible interview with the protagonist of the story. In the next stage, the Pandurí case will be analyzed, where reflections will be generated, and psychosocial accompaniment strategies will be proposed. In this case, psychosocial emergencies such as stress, anxiety, excessive fear and episodes of panic are presented, where the main action of support this situation of crisis is to generate networks in the community with integral attention; taking into account the events and the process of conflict to which the community has been immersed, which needs a psychosocial accompaniment that guarantees the restructuring and confrontation of the situation. Subsequently, the document contains an analytical and reflective report of the photo voice experience carried out in step 3, for which different arguments are presented that show the reality lived in different contexts, which is interpreted and interpreted through the images. understands the conflict situations that disturb different populations of the country, identifying little attention, little support from institutions and the government before conflicts that deserve the confrontation of traumatic scenes, that violence has left, such as psychosocial problems, where it is worth highlighting mental illness, economic deprivation, intrafamily violence, unemployment, forced displacement, kidnapping among others; This is how the importance of the role of the psychologist lies, in order to generate transformations in the populations that are victims of the conflict, since it is directed towards service and orientation to the community

    The clinical and molecular cardiometabolic fingerprint of an exploratory psoriatic arthritis cohort is associated with the disease activity and differentially modulated by methotrexate and apremilast

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    Objectives: (1) To evaluate clinical and molecular cardiovascular disease (CVD) signs and their relationship with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) features and (2) to identify a clinical patient profile susceptible to benefit from methotrexate (MTX) and/or apremilast regarding CVD risk. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 100 patients with PsA and 100 age-matched healthy donors. In addition, an exploratory cohort of 45 biologically naïve patients treated for 6 months with apremilast, MTX or combined therapy according to routine clinical practice was recruited. Extensive clinical and metabolic profiles were obtained. Ninety-nine surrogate CVD-related molecules were analysed in plasma and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs). Hard cluster analysis was performed to identify the clinical and molecular phenotypes. Mechanistic studies were performed on adipocytes. Results: Cardiometabolic comorbidities were associated with disease activity and long-term inflammatory status. Thirty-five CVD-related proteins were altered in the plasma and PBMCs of PsA patients and were associated with the key clinical features of the disease. Plasma levels of some of the CVD-related molecules might distinguish insulin-resistant patients (MMP-3, CD163, FABP-4), high disease activity (GAL-3 and FABP-4) and poor therapy outcomes (CD-163, LTBR and CNTN-1). Hard cluster analysis identified two phenotypes of patients according to the rates of cardiometabolic comorbidities with distinctive clinical and molecular responses to each treatment. Conclusions: (1) Novel CVD-related proteins associated with clinical features could be emerging therapeutic targets in the context of PsA and (2) the pleiotropic action of apremilast could make it an excellent choice for the management of PsA patients with high CVD risk, targeting metabolic alterations and CVD-related molecules

    Obtención de bioetanol a partir de residuos de fruta obtenidos de sitios urbanos

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    El presente proyecto plantea la posibilidad de obtener bioetanol a partir de los residuos orgánicos generados en sitios urbanos, efectuando la fermentación anaeróbica en condiciones normales de presión y temperatura y, evaluando el rendimiento del bioetanol obtenido a partir de los muestreos efectuados para verificar la viabilidad del procedimiento, y en su caso se pueda considerar la aplicación del mismo a nivel industrial generando un valor agregado a los residuos urbanos después de su transformación en biocombustible.The present project raises the possibility of obtaining bioethanol from organic waste generated in urban sites, when making performing anaerobic fermentation under normal pressure and temperature conditions, and evaluating the yield of bioethanol obtained from the samplings carried, out to verify the viability of the procedure, and where appropriate, the application of the same at an industrial level can be considered, generating an added value to urban waste after its transformation into a biofuel