159 research outputs found

    Necrópolis de incineración y arquitectura funeraria en el noreste de la Península Ibérica durante el Bronce Final y la Primera Edad del Hierro

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    En este artículo presentamos un estado de la cuestión sobre las necrópolis de incineración del Bronce Final y Primera Edad del Hierro en el noreste peninsular. Para ello, analizamos el ritual funerario, la organización interna de las necrópolis y muy especialmente su arquitectura funeraria para, en base a ella, caracterizar el proceso de regionalización que se observa en el territorio.In this paper we evaluate the present knowledge on cremation cemeteries from the Late Bronze and Early Iron Age periods in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. We analyze the funerary rites as well as the internal organization of the necropolis paying special attention to the funerary architecture. Our main goal is to characterize the regionalism observed in the territory

    Comensalitat durant el bronze final i la primera edat del ferro al paratge arqueològic de Can Roqueta: anàlisi dels dipòsits relacionats amb el consum en contextos domèstics i funeraris

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    La reconstrucció de les pautes de consum d"aliments durant el bronze final i la primera edat de ferro, tant si són de caire domèstic com si no, passa per un anàlisi exhaustiu de les diferents dades arqueològiques. En primer lloc, tenim els espais destinats al consum. Les circumstàncies pròpies del registre arqueològic a Catalunya durant aquests períodes fa que, depèn del territori, aquest nivell d"anàlisi sigui més o menys evident. Així, en territoris on existeix una tradició arquitectònica en pedra i, fins i tot, dissenys urbanístics ben definits (entorn del Segre i l"Ebre), aquest problema resulta relativament fàcil de tractar en funció de la conservació de la resta d"elements i la particularitat de les estructures analitzades. Això ha permès caracteritzar certes pràctiques.de consum diferenciades del que podria ser propi d"un àmbit domèstic en jaciments com Barranc de Gàfols (habitacions 1 y 2), la Moleta del Remei (habitació 7), Tossal Redó (habitació 1), San Cristóbal (habitació 2), Sant Jaume Mas d"en Serrà (habitacions 3 i 4), l"edifici de Turó del Calvari de Vilalba dels Arcs o Genó (habitació 2) (Lucas 1989; López Cachero 1998; Sanmartí et al. 2000; Fatás 2004-05; Garcia 2005; Sardà 2008). Aquesta situació contrasta amb el que passa a la resta del litoral català on les estructures negatives són pràcticament l"única evidència del poblament existent i on resulta molt complicat, fins i tot, la documentació de qualsevol espai habitacional que ens permeti avançar en aquesta direcció

    Nécropoles protohistoriques de la région de Castres (Tarn): Le Causse, Gourjade, Le Martinet

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    El número 94 de la serie DAF se ha dedicado a las necrópolis protohistóricas de Le Causse, Gourjade y Le Martinet, ubicadas en la región de Castres (Tarn). Se trata de un trabajo colectivo a cargo de arqueólogos especialistas en diversos campos y vinculados a varios organismos científicos, que trabajaron coordinadamente durante 5 años. Integran el equipo J. P. Giraud, F.Pons y T. Janin como directores, además de J. M.Carozza, H. Duday, V. Forest, A. Gardeisen, A. Lagarrigue y J. Roger. El Midi francés es una de las zonas del sur de Europa mejor conocidas a nivel de arqueología funeraria protohistórica. Hasta ahora los mayores conjuntos estudiados del Bronce Final y la Primera Edad del Hierro se ubicaban en el Languedoc, pero con este trabajo el conocimiento se amplia hacia un territorio situado más al interior

    Sociedad y economía durante el Bronce Final y la primera Edad del Hierro en el Noreste Peninsular: una aproximación a partir de las evidencias arqueológicas

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    At the end of the Bronze Age, important changes took place among the communities of the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula. These changes continue during the seventh and sixth centuries B.C. and are characterized by a gradual formation of a warrior-type aristocracy. But this “elite” did not consolidate its power definitively until the early Iberian Period, establishing the social structure characteristic of the archaic states of the Iberian Period. Nevertheless, there are social differences among inland and coastal territories. In the inland areas (rivers Segre- Cinca, Guadalope and Matarraña-Algás) these differences are the result of local development of societies and, in the coastal areas the main changes take place in parallel with a Phoenician trade, integrating them in the Mediterranean world-system. The local response to this phenomenon was not homogeneous. Differences include chronology, settlement processes and distribution of wealth. We analyze here recent studies on this subject, including the issue of the Urnfield Culture and give special emphasis to the main archaeological contributions of the last decade.  A finales de la Edad del Bronce comienzan a producirse importantes transformaciones en el seno de las comunidades del noreste peninsular que tendrán continuidad durante los siglos VII y VI ANE y que se caracterizarán por la paulatina formación de una clase aristocrática de carácter guerrero. Sin embargo, esta élite no se consolidará definitivamente en el poder hasta el ibérico antiguo, constituyéndose así la estructura social sobre la que se desarrollarán los estados arcaicos durante el ibérico pleno. No obstante, los procesos de gestación de las desigualdades sociales que se observan en el noreste peninsular son diferentes en función del territorio que analicemos, ya que mientras que en el caso de los territorios interiores (Segre- Cinca, Guadalope y Matarraña-Algás) la dinámica emprendida parece ser consecuencia del desarrollo interno de estas sociedades, en la costa el cambio se produce en paralelo a la presencia del comercio fenicio y, por lo tanto, con la integración del territorio dentro de un sistema mundial de ámbito mediterráneo. La respuesta indígena a este fenómeno tampoco se muestra homogénea, pues se perciben importantes diferencias en la cronología de los cambios y en la evolución de los mismos, así como en los modelos de poblamiento y en el reparto de la riqueza en las necrópolis de incineración. Se trata, pues, de un proceso sumamente complejo que conviene analizar detenidamente en cada uno de los territorios afectados. Con este trabajo pretendemos relanzar la discusión entorno al desarrollo social y económico de las sociedades del noreste peninsular. Para la elaboración de nuestro discurso realizaremos un breve estado de la cuestion de los períodos analizados donde nos replanteamos algunos de los argumentos tradicionalmente asumidos referentes a la cuestión de la denominada Cultura de los Campos de Urnas y valoraremos las últimas aportaciones realizadas a partir de determinados contextos arqueológicos que han comenzado a ver la luz durante la última década.

    Equine diet during protohistoric times in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula: Stable isotope data (C, N) from bone collagen

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    [Abstract] The analysis of stable isotopes in bone collagen allows us to infer the diet of the animals studied. This dataset consists of isotopic signatures (δ13C and δ15N) obtained by isotope ratio mass spectrometry from the skeletal remains of 42 equines (horse, ass and their hybrids) from the Can Roqueta site (Sabadell, Northeast Iberian Peninsula). Their chronology spans from Late Bronze Age to Late Roman Period, with particular emphasis on the Early Iron Age. These animals were found in storage silos and graves and were probably sacrificed as ritual offerings. The isotopic values are accompanied by data to assess the quality of the collagen analyzed. This fills a gap in equine isotopic values for this region and chronology, which may be of use to archaeologists interested in the study of livestock management or palaeodiet.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad; HAR2017-87695-

    Impact of Programming Exposure on the Development of Computational Thinking Capabilities: An Empirical Study

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    Today’s digital society has turned the development of students’ computational thinking capabilities into a critical factor for their future success. As higher education institutions, we need to take responsibility for this development in every degree course we offer, and provide students with the kind of subjects and activities that best contribute to this aim. In this paper, we study the impact of following an introductory programming course on the development of the computational thinking capabilities of university students. In order to achieve this aim, a concurrent cohort observational study was carried out in which we measured both the subjective and objective computational thinking capabilities of 104 participants (50 first year students enrolled on a Bachelor’s degree course in Psychology at the Catholic University of Murcia (UCAM), and 54 first year students enrolled on a Bachelor’s degree course in Health Information Systems at the University of Alicante (UA)). The statistical procedures applied to test our hypotheses were a two-way mixed ANOVA, a paired-sample T-test and an independent-sample T-test. The data shows that the group at UA had an initial higher subjective perception of their computational capabilities than the group at UCAM. This perception was supported by their objective scores, which were also significantly higher. However, the subjective assessment of computational capability of the UA group diminished after exposure to the programming course, contrasting with the fact that their objective computational capabilities improved significantly. In the UCAM group, both subjective and objective capabilities remained constant over time. Based on these results, we can conclude that computational thinking capabilities are not developed naturally, but need to be trained. Providing such training to all our students, and not only to those enrolled on undergraduate degrees in engineering, is of paramount importance to allow them to face the challenges of their future professions. This paper empirically demonstrates the extent to which exposing subjects to a programming course may contribute to this aim.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness (Access@City) under Contract TIN2016-78103-C2-2-R, in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation, and Universities under Contract RTI2018-098156-B-C54, in part by the Co-Financed by FEDER funds (MINECO/ FEDER/UE), and in part by the EduTech Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union under Grant 609785-EPP-1-2019-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

    Pastures and fodder for feeding equids 3000 years ago. The Can Roqueta site (Barcelona, Spain) as a model of equine herd management

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    Can Roqueta has provided a large number of equid and dog assemblages from the Late Bronze Age to the Early Iron Age. An analysis of the stable isotopes δ13C and δ15N in 42 bone samples has made it possible to reconstruct the diet of domestic equids. The results and carpological remains show that the territory was managed for agricultural and pasture use. They indicate the cultivation of two types of highly nutritious and digestible millet, used in combination with other cereals to prepare fodder, as well as the use of natural pastures

    The Study of spatiotemporal patterns integrating temporal uncertainty in late prehistoric settlements in northeastern Spain

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    This paper explores the integration of two variables that are typically difficult to use in spatial analysis: time and uncertainty. A framework is constructed to analyse mid- and long-term variation in settlement dynamics during late prehistory in northeastern Spain. Following previous proposals, an aoristic model is built with ceramic dating to feed a Monte Carlo simulation that explores the case study using a discrete time-step approach. At the same time, available radiometric dating is used to validate the accuracy of the simulation results. Departing from the static analysis of spatial variables, the model proposes a new approach by which researchers can address temporal uncertainty. The results show that patterns detected by classical spatial analysis can be produced by artefacts derived from the division of time in chronologies instead of discrete time periods. The model is also used to compare a-priori identical variations whose rate of change, when analysed with this approach, is revealed to be completely different

    Estudio de la habitación 2 de Genó, una aproximación al conocimiento del espacio doméstico de las comunidades de CC.UU antiguos en el Bajo Segre

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenció del Grau de llicenciat. Departament de Prehistòria, Història Antiga i Arqueologia. Universitat de Barcelona. Directors: Maya González, José Luis i Petit i Mendizàbal, Maria Àngels. 1998