12 research outputs found

    Effect of dietary organic selenium on muscle proteolytic activity and water-holding capacity in pork

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    This study evaluates the effect of dietary selenium (Se) supplementation source (organic, Se-enriched yeast; SY vs. inorganic, sodium selenite; SS), dose (0.2: L vs. 0.4: H mg/kg) and the combination of Se and vitamin E (VITE + SS) for 26 days on drip loss, TBARS, colour changes, myofibrillar protein pattern and proteolysis in pork. The lowest water losses were observed in the SY-H group when compared to the others. SY-H and VITE + SS groups presented lower myofibrillar protein hydrolysis/oxidation. VITE + SS supplementation also resulted in higher PRO, TRP and PHE content at days 2 and 7, whereas the SY group showed increased GLY and CAR and tended to have higher TAU and ANS at day 2. The myofibrillar fragmentation index was not modified by the dietary treatment; however, at day 8, it tended to be higher in groups supplemented with SeY and VITE + SS. The results of the present study might indicate a possible relation between muscle proteolysis and water loss.This research was supported by projects CDTI IDI-20111017 and S2013/ABI-2913-MEDGAN-CAM.Peer reviewe

    Fatty acid composition of different adipose tissues in heavy pigs

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    Forty-seven castrated male Duroc x (Landrace x Large White) pigs were used to determine fatty acids compositions from different adipose tissues. The outer subcutaneous backfat layer had a lower proportion of saturated and higher monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids than the inner laver. Liver fat had the highest proportion of poiyunsaturated fatty acids. Intramuscular fat followed by subcutaneous backfat had the highest monounsaturation indexes. Moreover, omental and hepatic fat had the highest amount of n-3 fatty acids. In conclusion, the fatty acid profile was depended on fat location, with intramuscular and outer backfat the most beneficial from the point of view of nutrition and health

    Efecto de la suplementaci贸n con vitamina E natural en el agua de bebida sobre el nivel s茅rico de tocoferol y actividad antioxidante en lechones tras el destete

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    En el presente trabajo se estudi贸 la influencia de la suplementaci贸n de vitamina E natural (D-伪 - tocoferol) en el agua de bebida administrada simult谩neamente con la forma sint茅tica en pienso a cerdas durante el periodo de lactaci贸n y/o a los lechones tras el destete, sobre la concentraci贸n de 伪-tocoferol en el suero del lech贸n as铆 como su poder antioxidante. Los lechones suplementados con vitamina E natural en el agua de bebida, que nacieron de las madres que se suplementaron con la misma forma de vitamina E (S-Cerda-Lech贸n) tuvieron la m谩s alta concentraci贸n de 伪-tocoferol a los 5 d铆as post-destete, mientras que la m谩s baja concentraci贸n de tocoferol fue encontrado en el grupo que consumi贸 la forma sint茅tica (伪- tocoferol acetato) y que nacieron de las madres que consumieron esta misma forma de vitamina E (Control). El FRAP del suero se afect贸 de forma significativa por la suplementaci贸n con vitamina E natural de los lechones (P=0.037). Los efectos observados fueron debidos principalmente a la suplementaci贸n de los lechones

    Efecto del sexo y la inclusi贸n de glicerol en el pienso sobre la distribuci贸n de 谩cidos grasos en el triglic茅rido en ganado porcino

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    Concentration of C16:0 was higher and C18:1 y C18:2 lower in boars than in gilts in the subcutaneous fat of hams. Dietary inclusion of glycerol decrease C18:2 and PUFA concentration, thus decreasing fat unsaturation. Saturated fatty acids are concentrated in the external position of the triglyceride (Sn-1,3), while PUFA and MUFA are located preferentially in the inner position (Sn-2). No interaction was observed between position and either sex or dietary treatment. The PUFA/SAT index was affected by position, sex and dietary treatment, However, rations in which MUFA were involved were not significant. The C18:0/C18:2 index showed an interaction dietary treatment*position, in which the ratio is increased by dietary glycerol only in the Sn-1,3 position.Los machos castrados tuvieron una concentraci贸n m谩s alta de C16:0 y m谩s baja de C18:1 y C18:2 en la grasa subcut谩nea del jam贸n. La inclusi贸n de glicerol en el pienso durante la fase de acabado produce una menor concentraci贸n de C18:2, del total de PUFA y, en consecuencia, una menor insaturaci贸n de la grasa. Los 谩cidos grasos saturados se concentraron especialmente en las posiciones externas (Sn-1,3), mientras que los MUFA y PUFA lo hicieron preferentemente en la posici贸n central (Sn-2). No se observaron interacciones de la posici贸n de los 谩cidos grasos individuales debidas al sexo o a la alimentaci贸n. La relaci贸n PUFA/SAT result贸 significativa respecto a la posici贸n, el sexo y la alimentaci贸n. Sin embargo, los 铆ndices en los que participan los MUFA son mucho m谩s constantes e independientes del sexo y la alimentaci贸n. El cociente C18:0/C18:2 muestra una interacci贸n glicerol*posici贸n, de modo que dicho cociente aumenta espec铆ficamente en la posici贸n 1,3 cuando los cerdos reciben glicerol, pero no se afecta (o lo hace con muy poca intensidad) en la posici贸n 2

    Influencia de la restricci贸n de vitamina A en la dieta de cerdos ib茅ricos sobre el metabolismo y la transcripci贸n de genes relacionados con lipog茅nesis

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    Vitamin A is a liposoluble vitamin obtained from the diet with multiple physiological actions in all animal tissues, including an antiadipogenic action which seems to be limited to muscular tissues. Thus, vitamin A restriction has been proposed as a strategy for improving meat and carcass quality in farm animals. In this work we have studied the effects of vitamin A dietary restriction on productive traits, tissue fatty acid composition and expression of a panel of adipogenic and lipogenic candidate genes in Iberian pigs. Forty Torbiscal pigs were fed with a standard or a Vitamin A restricted diet from two months of age till their sacrifice conducted in two batches, at 100 and 160 Kg live weight. Diet had no significant effect on growth, fatness, yields or intramuscular fat, but animals receiving no vitamin A supplementation showed higher monounsaturated fatty acids and lower saturated fatty acids in back fat and loin samples than the control ones. Adipose tissue SCD gene expression was higher in vitamin A restricted animals, as occurs with CRABP II expression. On the other hand, RXRG expression was higher in control group, in agreement with the influence on transcription of retinoic acid and its potential relationship with adipogenesis and lipogenesis.La vitamina A es una vitamina liposoluble obtenida de la dieta con numerosas funciones fisiol贸gicas en los tejidos animales, incluyendo un efecto antiadipog茅nico aparentemente limitado al tejido muscular. La restricci贸n de vitamina A se ha propuesto como una herramienta para mejorar la calidad de la canal y de la carne en animales de abasto. En el presente trabajo hemos estudiado el efecto de la restricci贸n de vitamina A en el pienso sobre caracteres productivos, composici贸n tisular de 谩cidos grasos y expresi贸n de un panel de genes candidato con funciones adipog茅nicas y lipog茅nicas en cerdos ib茅ricos. Cuarenta cerdos de la estirpe Torbiscal fueron alimentados con pienso est谩ndar o con pienso sin vitamina A en el corrector desde los dos meses de edad hasta su sacrificio, realizado en dos lotes (a 100 y 160 kg de peso vivo). La dieta no afect贸 al crecimiento, engrasamiento, rendimientos ni a la cantidad de grasa intramuscular, pero los animales restringidos mostraron una cantidad mayor de 谩cidos grasos monoinsaturados y menor de saturados en el tocino dorsal y en el lomo. El an谩lisis de expresi贸n g茅nica en el tocino dorsal mostr贸 una mayor expresi贸n de SCD y CRABP II en el grupo restringido. Por otro lado, la expresi贸n de RXRG fue mayor en el grupo control, en concordancia con el efecto modulador de la transcripci贸n g茅nica del 谩cido retinoico y su potencial relaci贸n con la adipog茅nesis y lipog茅nesis

    Influencia del tama帽o de la bellota sobre los resultados de crecimiento, calidad de la canal y composici贸n en 谩cidos grasos de la grasa subcut谩nea e intramuscular de cerdos Ib茅ricos cebados en estabulaci贸n

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    The main objective of this experiment was to asses the effect of acorn size consumed during the fattening period (90.1-137.9 kg) on growth performance, carcass characteristics and fat quality from Iberian pigs. Two groups of eight barrows were located in individual cages and fed ad libitum with acorns in confinement. One group of pigs received acorns of large size (average weight 4.26 g) and the other one acorns of small size (2.49 g). The pigs that received small acorns had lower average daily intake (5.5 kg) than those pigs given large acorns (5.7 kg) and consequently, weight average daily gain and carcass weight were significantly lower (0.7 vs 0.6 kg and 111.1 vs 106.2 kg respectively). The acorn size had not significant influence on major fatty acids proportions contained in subcutaneous fat and intramuscular Longissimus dorsi muscle.El objetivo principal de este experimento fue investigar la influencia del tama帽o de bellota consumida durante el periodo de cebo (90,1-137,9 kg) sobre los resultados productivos, calidad de la canal y de la grasa de cerdos Ib茅ricos. Dos grupos de ocho cerdos Ib茅ricos machos castrados fueron alojados individualmente en estabulaci贸n y alimentados ad l铆bitum s贸lo con bellota. Un grupo recibi贸 bellotas de tama帽o grande (4,26 g) y el otro de tama帽o peque帽o (2,49 g). Los cerdos que fueron alimentados con bellotas peque帽as tuvieron una ingesti贸n media diaria de bellota inferior (5,5 kg) que los que fueron alimentados con bellotas grandes (5,7 kg) y, como consecuencia, menor ganancia media diaria de peso (0,7 vs 0,6 kg), y peso canal (111,1 vs 106,2 kg). El tama帽o de bellota consumida no tuvo influencia significativa sobre las proporciones de los principales 谩cidos grasos contenidas en la grasa dorsal subcut谩nea y en la intramuscular del m煤sculo Longissimus dorsi

    Comunicaci贸n corta. Predicci贸n del peso de las partes nobles de la canal mediante el peso al sacrificio o el peso canal en cerdos Ib茅ricos

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    The aim of this study was to assess the possibility of predicting the weight of major joints in the carcass of Iberian pigs. One hundred and nineteen castrated Iberian pigs of the Torbiscal line, fattened under free-range conditions, were used. Simple regression analyses were carried out to find the relationships between slaughter or carcass weight with ham, foreleg and loin weights. The best predictions were obtained by linear and quadratic functions. To determine the accuracy of the regression equations data from 20 free-ranged Iberian pigs barrows of the Torbiscal line and 12 of the Guadyerbas line were used. A good prediction of ham weight was obtained both with linear and quadratic functions in Torbiscal pigs when the slaughter or carcass weight was considered as independent variable. However, in these pigs the prediction of loin weight was weak. For the Guadyerbas line the slaughter weight, in linear and quadratic functions, predicted adequately ham weight, but overestimated foreleg weight. It is concluded that slaughter or carcass weight can be used to predict ham weight in Iberian pigs. Since genetic line affects the accuracy of the regression equations, specific equations should be developed for each line.El objetivo de este estudio fue investigar la posibilidad de predecir el peso de las partes nobles de la canal en el cerdo Ib茅rico. Se utilizaron 119 cerdos Ib茅ricos de la estirpe Torbiscal acabados en montanera. Se calcularon ecuaciones de regresi贸n simple con el fin de buscar la relaci贸n entre el peso de jamones, paletas y lomos con el peso al sacrificio o canal, logrando los mejores ajustes mediante funciones lineales o cuadr谩ticas. Para determinar la fiabilidad de las ecuaciones de regresi贸n calculadas se utilizaron los datos procedentes de 20 cerdos Ib茅ricos de la estirpe Torbiscal y de 12 de la estirpe Guadyerbas acabados en montanera. La cantidad de jamones de la estirpe Torbiscal se predijo adecuadamente mediante funciones lineales o cuadr谩ticas que consideraban como variables independientes el peso al sacrificio o el peso canal. La cantidad de lomos de esta estirpe tambi茅n se predijo adecuadamente por ecuaciones lineales o cuadr谩ticas con el peso vivo como variable independiente. Para la estirpe Guadyerbas, el peso al sacrificio incluido como variable independiente en ecuaciones lineales o cuadr谩ticas fue un buen predictor de la cantidad de jamones, pero sobreestimaba la cantidad de paletas. Se concluye que el peso al sacrificio o el peso canal permiten predecir aceptablemente el peso de los jamones en cerdos Ib茅ricos, aunque la l铆nea gen茅tica tiene influencia sobre la fiabilidad de las ecuaciones de regresi贸n predictoras

    Empleo de aceite de anchoa o mezclas de aceites que incluyen estearina de palma en piensos para salm贸n atl谩ntico (Salmo salar L.): efectos sobre la calidad y el metabolismo lip铆dico

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    The effect of feeding Atlantic salmon with two fat sources containing similar concentration of saturated (SAFA), monounsaturated (MUFA) and polyunsaturated (PUFA), but different fatty acid composition, on growth, digestibility, fillet quality and lipid metabolism was studied. Two extruded diets with the same basal composition but coated with herring oil supplemented with palm stearin and n-3 fatty acid concentrate (HO+ diet) or with pure anchovy oil (AO diet) were fed to Atlantic salmon with an average weight of 1.9 kg for 24 weeks. A better growth was reported in fish fed the AO diet (PSe alimentaron salmones atl谩nticos de 1,9 kg de peso inicial durante 24 semanas con dos tipos distintos de grasa. Por un lado se utiliz贸 una mezcla de aceite de arenque, estearina de palma, y un concentrado de n-3 (HO+) y por otro aceite puro de anchoa (AO), que conten铆an la misma concentraci贸n de 谩cidos grasos saturados SAFA, monoinsaturados MUFA y poliinsaturados PUFA, pero con un perfil de 谩cidos grasos distinto, para as铆 evaluar su efecto sobre la composici贸n de 谩cidos grasos en el m煤sculo, el crecimiento, la digestibilidad y el metabolismo de la grasa. Los salmones atl谩nticos alimentados con AO mostraron un mejor crecimiento (

    Efecto del nivel de alimentaci贸n administrado durante la premontanera sobre el crecimiento y caracter铆sticas de la canal de cerdos ib茅ricos

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    This study was principally undertaken to provide information of the influence of feeding level during the period prior to fattening on growth and carcass traits of Iberian pigs finished under free-range conditions with acorns and grass. During the period prior to fattening, a group of 11 pigs (high feeding level, H) was fed with 70 g feed kgE1 LW sup(0.75) (live weight) and another group of 11 pigs (low feeding level, L) was fed with 50 g feed kgE1 LW sup(0.75). The pigs average daily gain for prior to fattening, free-range and whole periods were: 385.4 and 168.9 (PEl objetivo principal de este estudio fue analizar el efecto del nivel de alimentaci贸n de premontanera sobre el crecimiento y caracter铆sticas de la canal de cerdos ib茅ricos cebados en montanera exclusiva. Un grupo de 11 cerdos fue diariamente alimentado con 70 g de pienso por kg de peso metab贸lico durante la premontanera (nivel de alimentaci贸n alto, A) y otro grupo de 11 cerdos con 50 g de pienso por kg de peso metab贸lico (nivel de alimentaci贸n bajo, B) durante el mismo periodo. La ganancias medias diarias durante la premontanera, montanera y periodo total fueron: 385,4 vs 168,9 g (

    Conjugated linoleic acid content in cecotrophes, suprarenal and intramuscular fat in rabbit fed commercial diets

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    [EN] An experiment was conducted to measure recycling through cecotrophes and retention of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the body fat of rabbits. A commercial diet was formulated and given ad libitum to six New Zealand x Californian rabbits. Animals were weaned at 25 days of age and were reared in individual cages for five weeks, reaching an average body weight of 2.5 kg. Excretion of soft faeces was individually determined for 24 h after putting a wooden collar around the animals' neck. Ether extract content and fatty acid profile were determined in both soft and hard faeces, and also in the suprarenal and intramuscular fat. CLA cis-9, trans-11 isomer was detected in faeces and tissues. The CLA concentration was higher in soft than in the hard faeces (6.4 vs. 3.6 g/kg total fatty acids). No difference in CLA concentration was found between tissues (muscle vs. adipose). However, CLA incorporation in muscle was only detected in the neutral lipid fraction. It was concluded that the amount of CLA cis-9, trans-11 isomer recycled through cecotrophy in rabbits fed a commercial diet is retained in similar proportions in the suprarenal and intramuscular fat, but differs in the lipid classes.G贸mez-Conde, M.; Menoyo, D.; Chamorro, S.; L贸pez-Bote, C.; Garc铆a-Rebollar, P.; Blas, JD. (2006). Conjugated linoleic acid content in cecotrophes, suprarenal and intramuscular fat in rabbit fed commercial diets. World Rabbit Science. 14(2). doi:10.4995/wrs.2006.552SWORD14