8,519 research outputs found

    ICT Skills and Employment: A Randomized Experiment

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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate the impact that the acquisition of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) skills has on the labor market of two Latin-American cities: Buenos Aires and Bogota. Using cross-sectional data from an experiment that randomly assigned the ICT skills line in the resume, we assess the returns to ICT skills. For that, we submit approximately 11,000 fictitious Curricula Vitae (CVs) for real job vacancies published daily in the main job search engines in both cities. We estimate a binary choice model to identify differences in callbacks depending on ICT skills. We also analyze how gender, place of residence and occupational categories interact with ICT skills. Our econometric analysis supports previous literature suggesting that ICT skills could increase the probabilities of inclusion in the labor market, mainly for those at some level of disadvantage. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study that quantifies the effect of ICT skills on employment. Our findings suggest that having ICT skills in the resume can increase the probability of receiving a callback by around 1 percent or more. This effect is much stronger in Bogota than in Buenos Aires, which suggests that ICT could be acting differently depending on the characteristics of the labor market.Information and Communication Technologies, hiring decisions, labor demand

    El poble peoni : parent dels troians

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    El present estudi pretén ser una recopilació i anàlisi de les fonts que es refereixen a l'origen del poble peoni, trobades a les obres d'Homer, Heròdot i Estrabó. Aquest estudi mostra la possibilitat que els peonis fossin parents dels troians.The present study tries to be a summary and an analysis of the sources found in the works of Homer, Herodotus and Strabo that deal with the origin of Paionian people. This study demonstrated the possibility that they are Troyans's relative

    Estratigrafía secuencial de sistemas deltaicos en cuencas de antepais: ejemplos de Sant Llorenç de Munt, Montserrat y Roda (paleógeno, cuenca de antepaís surpirenaica)

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    After the sedimentological study of the Sant Llorenc del Munt, Montserrat and Roda deltaic systems, a stratigraphic subdivision based on three different scale transgressiveregressive sequences has been developed. This subdivision has been established on the coastal facies belts from the deduced shoreline (and associated facies belts) migration.These transgressive-regressive sequences are formed by a lower transgressive part with a deepening-upwards trend and a retrogradational staclung pattern and an upper regressive part, with shallowing-upwards trend and a progradational stacking pattern. The lowest scale sequences (metrical) have been named "fundamental sequences". A series of "composite sequences", intermediate scale (decametric to hectometric), have been defined afier the study of the staclung pattem of the fundamental sequences. After the study of the stacking pattem of composite sequences there have been defined a series of large-scale (decametric to kilometric) "composite megasequences".A sequential subdivision based on non interpretative models (which does not imply the recognition of a controlling factor or set of factors) can be effective. However, to reach some predictive results is necessary to estimate (qualitative and quantitatively) the greater nurnber of controlling pararneters on the cyclicityAfter the analysis of the field examples, there hasbeen demonstrated that there are three main controlling factors of the cyclicity (eustacy, subsidence and sediment supply) worlung in a combined way. In foreland basins the rates of action of the non-global controlling factors (subsidence and sediment supply) are variable in time and space. That variability makes sequences local for correlation purposes. Sequences will only be correlatable for those areas where the controlling-parameters have operated with a similar magnitude and a similar periodicity. Most of the changes on controlling parameters have not a determined periodicity, so, the resulting sequences will not either have a determined periodicity (or duration)

    Critical Discourse Analysis: The Rhetoric of Female Political Activism in the 21st Century. Yousafzai, Thunberg and Ocasio-Cortez

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    [Abstract] The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze three speeches by young female voices. In order to do so, theory on Critical Discourse Analysis will be presented, followed by a detailed study on Malala Yousafzai’s Nobel Lecture in 2014, Greta Thunberg’s speech at the United Nations during the Climate Action Summit in 2019, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s speech at the C40 World Mayors Summit in 2019. The study focusses on linguistic and non-linguistic features in order to find out what kind of rhetorical devices have been used to create strong appeals and enhance persuasion, which results in the important political impact of the three orators. The findings will reveal the importance of context, figures of speech, agency, and modality in rhetoric and, more precisely, in persuasive discourse, as they are used to appeal to ethos, pathos, and logos, the three Aristotelian proofs that have been in the core of rhetoric since classical times.Traballo fin de mestrado (UDC.FIL). Estudos ingleses avanzados e as súas aplicacións. Curso 2019/202

    Estratigrafía secuencial de sistemas deltaicos en cuencas de antepais: ejemplos de Sant Llorenç de Munt, Montserrat y Roda (paleógeno, cuenca de antepaís surpirenaica)

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    After the sedimentological study of the Sant Llorenc del Munt, Montserrat and Roda deltaic systems, a stratigraphic subdivision based on three different scale transgressiveregressive sequences has been developed. This subdivision has been established on the coastal facies belts from the deduced shoreline (and associated facies belts) migration.These transgressive-regressive sequences are formed by a lower transgressive part with a deepening-upwards trend and a retrogradational staclung pattern and an upper regressive part, with shallowing-upwards trend and a progradational stacking pattern. The lowest scale sequences (metrical) have been named "fundamental sequences". A series of "composite sequences", intermediate scale (decametric to hectometric), have been defined afier the study of the staclung pattem of the fundamental sequences. After the study of the stacking pattem of composite sequences there have been defined a series of large-scale (decametric to kilometric) "composite megasequences".A sequential subdivision based on non interpretative models (which does not imply the recognition of a controlling factor or set of factors) can be effective. However, to reach some predictive results is necessary to estimate (qualitative and quantitatively) the greater nurnber of controlling pararneters on the cyclicityAfter the analysis of the field examples, there hasbeen demonstrated that there are three main controlling factors of the cyclicity (eustacy, subsidence and sediment supply) worlung in a combined way. In foreland basins the rates of action of the non-global controlling factors (subsidence and sediment supply) are variable in time and space. That variability makes sequences local for correlation purposes. Sequences will only be correlatable for those areas where the controlling-parameters have operated with a similar magnitude and a similar periodicity. Most of the changes on controlling parameters have not a determined periodicity, so, the resulting sequences will not either have a determined periodicity (or duration)

    A robust numerical framework for the analysis of material failure of fibre reinforced soft tissue

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    In this work, robustness and stability of continuum damage models applied to material failure in soft tissues are addressed. In the implicit damage models equipped with softening, the presence of negative eigenvalues in the tangent elemental matrix degrades the condition number of the global matrix, leading to a reduction of the computational performance of the numerical model. Two strategies have been adapted from literature to improve the aforementioned computational performance degradation: the IMPL-EX integration scheme [Oliver,2006], which renders the elemental matrix contribution definite positive, and arclength-type continuation methods [Carrera,1994], which allow to capture the unstable softening branch in brittle ruptures. The IMPL-EX integration scheme has as a major drawback the need to use small time steps to keep numerical error below an acceptable value. A convergence study, limiting the maximum allowed increment of internal variables in the damage model, is presented. Finally, numerical simulation of failure problems with fibre reinforced materials illustrates the performance of the adopted methodology

    Justifying and communicating eastward enlargement: enthusiasm, disappointment and pragmatism from the perspective of the European Commission, 1989-2004

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    The main objective of this paper is to study the induction of collective time perceptions by EU institutional actors to implement politically and economically motivated long-term projects through internal and external communicative actions. Within the different cases and periods analysed, I will specifically explore the perspective of the European Commission in EU's Eastward enlargement internal and external communication narratives from 1989 to 2004, the year of the actual enlargement project implementation. I have chosen to examine the question of the induction of forced transitional time perceptions in the process of enlargement from the perspective of European Commission actors because they assumed they were the self-appointed motor of the EU's Eastward enlargement process. In sum, this paper aims at opening the debate on the issue of the relationship of change in history with the opposition between the determinism of rules presented as timeless in a constantly extended present and the consideration of new principles once the perspective of a different future is suddenly open

    Numerical analysis of embedded walls for design with Eurocode 7

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    Anglès: The possibility of applying numerical methods, particularly Finite Element Models (FEM), for geotechnical design permits to cope with more complexity and therefore model reality with better accuracy and precision. Elaborated models are relatively inexpensive, increasingly less time-consuming and can be aided by commercial software. The introduction of Eurocodes has changed the standard lumped factored practise to geotechnical design in the direction of limit state analysis and partial factoring. As a result, the implementation of numerical models is more complicated, raising issues on how to apply partial factors of safety, particularly in the strength parameters. Finite Element Methods are considered a valid tool for design in Eurocode 7. However, guidelines are provided typically on limit equilibrium models. The application of partial factors of safety is regulated by the design approaches in Eurocode 7. When using FEM, the application of partial safety factors in the soil strength parameters can be considered by means of two methods: · Numerical simulation with characteristic values without factoring as an input. Then in a required Ultimate Limit State check stage the software undertakes a stepped reduction of strength parameters until geotechnical failure occurs and the factor of safety is determined. · Factored strength parameters are the input of the analysis. No failure occurring in any stage implies satisfying the requirements from the code. Eurocode 7 gives no guidance on which of these two approaches is more appropriate; neither on the appropriate algorithm to perform the required strength reduction during the analysis in the first approach mentioned. As long as the results may differ between the procedures for the same input, developing guidelines is considered necessary. The objective of this project is to apply the above methods to the case of a retaining wall and assess the suitability of the approaches for predicting the ultimate limit state. Special attention is to be put on bringing to light the effect of the dilation angle

    Effect of Industry 4.0 on Education Systems: An Outlook

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    Congreso Universitario de Innovación Educativa En las Enseñanzas Técnicas, CUIEET (26º. 2018. Gijón

    Aplicación de la solarización para el control de la Verticilosis del olivo en plantaciones establecidas

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    Se han realizado 4 experimentos de solarizacion en 3 plantaciones comerciales de olivo infestadas con Verticillium dahliae en Andalucía. En 3 de los experimentos la solarizacion se aplicó a filas de árboles y, en el cuarto, a árboles individuales. Las plantaciones mostraban inicialmente diferentes densidades de inoculo del patógeno en el suelo. Los estudios previos indicaron que en el Experimento I, localizado en Marinaleda, se hallaban presentes aislados del patógeno altamente virulentos (defoliantes), por lo que este estudio representa la primera cita de este tipo de aislados afectando olivares comerciales de Europa. Los tratamientos de solarizacion se aplicaron a las líneas de árboles durante un año (solarizacion única) o dos años consecutivos (solarizacion doble). La solarizacion redujo significativamente la población del patógeno en los primeros 20 cm del suelo durante los 3 años de estudio en relación con las parcelas testigo. La reducción del patógeno después de la solarizacion única enmascaró los efectos del tratamiento de solarizacion doble. La reducción de la densidad de inoculo en el suelo mediante solarizacion no se correspondió con una reducción similar de la enfermedad. No obstante, la severidad de la enfermedad se redujo significativamente en las plantaciones con medias o altas densidades de inoculo iniciales. El segundo tratamiento de solarizacion no mejoró el efecto de la solarizacion única en el control de la verticilosis. En plantaciones con bajas densidades de inoculo, la solarizacion no resultó en diferencias significativas en la incidencia y severidad de la enfermedad, pero mejoró la recuperación de los árboles frente a la enfermedad. Las parcelas solarizadas se mantuvieron libres de malas hierbas y los árboles solarizados no mostraron un incremento significativo en su crecimiento medido en función del perímetro de tronco