398 research outputs found

    A probabilistic model for crystal growth applied to protein deposition at the microscale

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    A probabilistic discrete model for 2D protein crystal growth is presented. This model takes into account the available space and can describe growing processes of different nature due to the versatility of its parameters which gives the model great flexibility. The accuracy of the simulation is tested against a real protein (SbpA) crystallization experiment showing high agreement between the proposed model and the actual images of the nucleation process. Finally, it is also discussed how the regularity of the interface (i.e. the curve that separates the crystal from the substrate) affects to the evolution of the simulation.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    Nanoscale mechanically induced structural and electrical changes in Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 films

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    We demonstrate that the microstructure and electrical properties of Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 films can be changed by a nanoscale mechanical process. Nanoscratching is used to define modified areas onto an as-deposited crystalline Ge 2Sb 2Te 5 film. Scanning tunneling microscopy measurements show that the modified areas have a very low electrical conductivity. Micro-Raman measurements indicate that the mechanically induced microstructural changes are consistent with a phase transformation from crystalline to amorphous, which can be reversed by laser irradiation.Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas 201060E102Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad CSD2008-00023Junta de Andalucía TEP21

    Lipomas profundos

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    Se han revisado retrospectivamente 10 lipomas profundos localizados en los miembros. Todos los pacientes fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente y el diagnóstico de certeza fue histopatológico. Siete de los casos eran lipomas intra o intermusculares y los restantes angiolipoma, hibernoma y fibrolipoma intraneural, respectivamente. El seguimiento medio postoperatorio fue de 48 meses (mínimo: 14, y máximo: 84). No ha habido recidiva en ningún caso.This article is a retrospective review of 10 deep lipomata localized in the limbs. In all the cases the treatment required surgery, and the diagnosis was made by histopathological analysis. Seven cases were intra or intermuscular lipomata, and the other three were angiolipoma, hibernoma and endoneural fibrolipoma. The average postoperative follow-up time was 48 months (14 min-84 max). None showed recurrence at review

    Protective Embolization of the Gastroduodenal Artery with a One-HydroCoil Technique in Radioembolization Procedures

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    Purpose: Protective occlusion of the gastroduodenal artery (GDA) is required to avoid severe adverse effects and complications in radioembolization procedures. Because of the expandable features of HydroCoils, our goal was to occlude the GDA with only one HydroCoil to provide particle reflux protection. Methods: Twenty-three subjects with unresectable liver tumors, who were scheduled for protective occlusion of the GDA before radioembolization therapy, were included. The primary end point was to achieve a proximal occlusion of the GDA with only one detachable HydroCoil. Evaluated parameters were duration of deployment, and early (during the intervention) and late (7-21days) occlusion rates of GDA. Secondary end points included complete duration of the intervention, amount of contrast medium used, fluoroscopy rates, and adverse effects. Results: In all cases, the GDA was successfully occluded with only one HydroCoil. The selected diameter/length range was 4/10mm in 2 patients, 4/15mm in 6 patients, and 4/20mm in 15 patients. HydroCoils were implanted, on average, 3.75mm from the origin of the GDA (range 1.5-6.8mm), with an average deployment time of 2:47 (median 2:42, range 2:30-3:07) min. In 21 (91%) of 23 patients, a complete occlusion of the GDA was achieved during the first 30min after the coil implantation; however, in all patients, a late occlusion of the GDA was present after 6 to 29days. No clinical or technical complications were reported. Conclusion: We demonstrated that occlusion of the GDA with a single HydroCoil is a safe procedure and successfully prevents extrahepatic embolization before radioembolizatio

    Transcriptomic profiling of skeletal muscle reveals candidate genes influencing muscle growth and associated lipid composition in Portuguese local pig breeds

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    Gene expression is one of the main factors to influence meat quality by modulating fatty acid metabolism, composition, and deposition rates in muscle tissue. This study aimed to explore the transcriptomics of the Longissimus lumborum muscle in two local pig breeds with distinct genetic background using next-generation sequencing technology and Real-Time qPCR. RNA-seq yielded 49 differentially expressed genes between breeds, 34 overexpressed in the Alentejano (AL) and 15 in the Bísaro (BI) breed. Specific slow type myosin heavy chain components were associated with AL (MYH7) and BI (MYH3) pigs, while an overexpression of MAP3K14 in AL may be associated with their lower loin proportion, induced insulin resistance, and increased inflammatory response via NFkB activation. Overexpression of RUFY1 in AL pigs may explain the higher intramuscular (IMF) content via higher GLUT4 recruitment and consequently higher glucose uptake that can be stored as fat. Several candidate genes for lipid metabolism, excluded in the RNA-seq analysis due to low counts, such as ACLY, ADIPOQ, ELOVL6, LEP and ME1 were identified by qPCR as main gene factors defining the processes that influence meat composition and quality. These results agree with the fatter profile of the AL pig breed and adiponectin resistance can be postulated as responsible for the overexpression of MAP3K140s coding product NIK, failing to restore insulin sensitivity

    Comparative Transcriptomic Analysis of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue from Local Pig Breeds

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    When compared to modern lean-type breeds, Portuguese local Alentejano (AL) and Bísaro (BI) pig breeds present a high potential for subcutaneous and intramuscular fat (IMF) deposition which contributes for better meat quality. The aim of this work was to explore the genome function to better understand the underlying physiological mechanisms associated with body fat accretion. Dorsal subcutaneous fat samples were collected at slaughter from adult animals (n = 4 for each breed) with ~150 kg body weight. Total RNA was obtained and sequenced for transcriptome analysis using DESeq2. A total of 458 di erentially expressed (DE) genes (q-value < 0.05) were identified, with 263 overexpressed in AL and 195 in BI. Key genes involved in de novo fatty acid biosynthesis, elongation and desaturation were upregulated in AL such as ACLY, FASN, ME1, ELOVL6 and SCD. A functional enrichment analysis of the DE genes was performed using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis. Cholesterol synthesis is suggested to be higher in AL via SREBF2, SCAP and PPARG, while lipolytic activity may be more active in BI through GH and AMPK signalling. Increased signalling of CD40 together with the predicted activation of INSIG1 and INSIG2 in BI suggests that this breed is more sensitive to insulin whereas the AL is less sensitive like the Iberian breed

    Scanning Electron Microscope Study of Wohlfahrtia magnifica (Schiner, 1862) (Diptera: Sarcophagidae) I. Structures with Parasitic and Possible Taxonomic Meaning

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    The larval development of Wohlfahrtia magnifica (the most important dipteran causing sheep myiasis in the Palearctic region) has been studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The ultrastructure of mouth-hooks, oral ridges, labial lobes, body spines and anterior and posterior peritremes is described for the first time. Their possible adaptations to a parasitic lifeway are also discussed. Thus, the use of new structures in the Sarcophagidae taxonomy is proposed from the point of view of their ultrastructure and adaptative morphology

    The impact of hunting on tropical mammal and bird populations

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    Hunting is a major driver of biodiversity loss, but a systematic large-scale estimate of hunting-induced defaunation is lacking. We synthesized 176 studies to quantify hunting-induced declines of mammal and bird populations across the tropics. Bird and mammal abundances declined by 58% (25 to 76%) and by 83% (72 to 90%) in hunted compared with unhunted areas. Bird and mammal populations were depleted within 7 and 40 kilometers from hunters’ access points (roads and settlements). Additionally, hunting pressure was higher in areas with better accessibility to major towns where wild meat could be traded. Mammal population densities were lower outside protected areas, particularly because of commercial hunting. Strategies to sustainably manage wild meat hunting in both protected and unprotected tropical ecosystems are urgently needed to avoid further defaunation

    Determinación de Mercurio, Cadmio, Plomo y Arsénico en ríos de la zona minera de la subcuenca del Río Titihuapa, Cabañas, El Salvador, C.A.

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    The sub-basin of the Titihuapa River in the department of Cabañas houses part of the Tertiary volcanism of El Salvador in that region, and therefore has an abundance of minerals. The mining activity that developed since the end of the 19th century, made this area appear as one of the most favorable for the exploitation of gold and silver in El Salvador. However, this mining prosperity could have led to the metallic contamination of a good part of the Titihuapa river basin. The methodology used included taking sediment samples at sites located at the confluence points of the tributary rivers to the Titihuapa sub-basin, which were protected and transported to the laboratory for their respective analysis using atomic absorption techniques, graphite furnace method. and flame generator method. The Slight Effects Level (NEL) of the Guide for the Evaluation of Sediments, of the Department of Environmental Protection of New Jersey, 1998 was used as a parameter. The concentrations of Hg, Cd and Pb are below the values of the NEL. As concentrations, most of them exceed the NEL which is 6.0 µg / g.La subcuenca del río Titihuapa en el departamento de Cabañas alberga parte del vulcanismo Terciario de El Salvador en esa región, y por ende posee una abundancia de minerales. La actividad minera que se desarrolló desde finales del siglo XIX, hizo figurar a esta zona como una de las más propicias para la explotación de oro y plata en El Salvador. Sin embargo, esta prosperidad minera, pudo haber propiciado la contaminación metálica de buena parte de la cuenca del río Titihuapa. La metodología empleada incluyó la toma de muestras de sedimentos en sitios ubicados en los puntos de confluencia de los ríos tributarios a la subcuenca Titihuapa, las cuales fueron resguardadas y transportadas al laboratorio para su respectivo análisis mediante técnicas de absorción atómica, método de horno de grafito y método de generador de flama. Se usó como parámetro el Nivel de Efectos Leves (NEL) de la Guía Para la Evaluación de Sedimentos, del departamento de Protección Ambiental de New Jersey, 1998. Las concentraciones de Hg, Cd y Pb están por debajo de los valores de la NEL. Las concentraciones de As, la mayoría sobrepasa el NEL que es de 6.0 μg/g