5,028 research outputs found

    Rethinking Palestine: A critique of the liberal Oslo peace process from an analytical framework of colonialism

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    En este estudio hacemos un análisis crítico del proceso de paz de Oslo iniciado entre palestinos e israelíes en 1993, poniendo de manifiesto cómo estos acuerdos son elementos constitutivos a través de los cuales se manifiestan dos formas de colonialismo que operan y se configuran sobre la tierra de Palestina. Una basada en la lógica de apropiación/violencia, ejercida por Israel; y otra de modernización/desarrollo, ejercida por los donantes internacionales a través de su definición del proceso de paz desde el paradigma de la paz liberal. Se hablará de la narrativa de paz de Oslo, entendido como un marco estructural e ideológico que actúa como una matriz de control que se complementa con estas dos formas de colonialismo llegando a legitimarlasIn this paper, we conduct a critical analysis of the Oslo peace process which was launched in 1993 by Palestinians and Israelis. Through this analysis, we show that the Oslo Accords are constituent elements that reflect the two forms of colonialism that take form and operate on the land of Palestine. One is based on the logic of appropriation/violence and is exerted by Israel, whereas the other is based on the logic of modernisation/development and is practised by international donors, as they define the peace process according to the liberal peace paradigm. We also discuss the narrative of the Oslo peace process, understood as a structural and ideological framework that serves as a control matrix and is complemented by the aforementioned forms of colonialisms, and which eventually manages to legitimize the

    Trend Filtering Techniques for Time Series Analysis

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    Time series can be found almost everywhere in our lives and because of this being capable of analysing them is an important task. Most of the time series we can think of are quite noisy, being this one of the main problems to extract information from them. In this work we use Trend Filtering techniques to try to remove this noise from a series and understand the underlying trend of the series, that gives us information about the behaviour of the series aside from the particularities that it can have when we look at it. We can also easily learn by using Trend Filtering the points when the trend of the series changes. We begin this work introducing the elements of the convex optimization theory, that are key to solve the Trend Filtering problem. Then this problem is tackled as a convex optimization one and we nd the solution to a number of di erent variations on this problem. Some extensions to Trend Filtering are also explored, specially Polished Trend Filtering, which uses the points that Trend Filtering nds to be those where the trend changes to construct a more precise model. Finally, we apply this technique to analyse and forecast the energy demand on Spain, comparing our results with those of an autoregressive model, nding that, for short-term predictions, Polished Trend Filtering can outperform it

    Induced pluripotent stem cells as a new approach in therapy for stroke

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    Stroke is the main cause of disability in Europe and second cause of death. Cell therapy have appeared as new approach in pre-clinical and clinical phases of experimentation. Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are stem cells similar to embryonic stem cells but they can be obtained from somatic cells. We administrated iPSCs in an ischemic stroke model by systemic via and in a haemorrhagic stroke model by systemic and intracerebral via. Despite we did not find out any changes in lesion volume, we did observe improvements in functional tests in animals with systemic administration. Also iPSCs-treated animals showed increased neurogenesis in different ways. No tumour formation was detected. Cell tracking study revealed that most of cells travelled to liver and to a lesser extent to spleen and lungs

    Classifier selection with permutation tests

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    This work presents a content-based recommender system for machine learning classifier algorithms. Given a new data set, a recommendation of what classifier is likely to perform best is made based on classifier performance over similar known data sets. This similarity is measured according to a data set characterization that includes several state-of-the-art metrics taking into account physical structure, statistics, and information theory. A novelty with respect to prior work is the use of a robust approach based on permutation tests to directly assess whether a given learning algorithm is able to exploit the attributes in a data set to predict class labels, and compare it to the more commonly used F-score metric for evaluating classifier performance. To evaluate our approach, we have conducted an extensive experimentation including 8 of the main machine learning classification methods with varying configurations and 65 binary data sets, leading to over 2331 experiments. Our results show that using the information from the permutation test clearly improves the quality of the recommendations.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Understanding biological invasions : an experimental study with "Carpobrotus edulis"

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    [Resumen] Las invasiones biológicas suponen una de las mayores amenazas para la conservación de la biodiversidad a nivel global. Durante los últimos años han sido muchos los trabajos que se han dirigido a intentar conocer los atributos que provocan que una planta se convierta en un invasor agresivo. La plasticidad fenotípica, capacidad de los individuos de ajustar sus respuestas morfológicas y fisiológicas para adaptarse al ambiente, podría ser un atributo clave para entender los procesos de invasión. En este experimento utilizamos individuos de Carpobrotus edulis, una invasora muy agresiva, y Carpobrotus acinaciformis, especie exótica considerada menos agresiva, para comparar su plasticidad en términos de distribución de recursos ante la presencia de distintos niveles de nutrientes. Nuestro trabajo muestra que existen diferencias significativas en la cantidad de raíz producida por C. edulis y C. acinaciformis en función del contenido de nutrientes del suelo, con C. edulis mostrando una mayor plasticidad para este carácter. Este resultado parece apoyar la idea de que la plasticidad fenotípica podría contribuir al éxito de algunas especie invasoras.[Resumo] As invasións biolóxicas supoñen unha das maiores ameazas para a conservación da biodiversidade a nivel global. Durante os últimos anos, moitos traballos tentaron descubrir os atributos que fan que unha planta se converta nun invasor agresivo. A plasticidade fenotípica, capacidade dos individuos da axustar as súas respostas morfolóxicas e fisiolóxicas para adaptarse ó ambiente, podería ser un atributo clave para comprender os procesos de invasión. Neste experimento utilizamos individuos de Carpobrotus edulis, unha invasora moi agresiva, e Carpobrotus acinaciformis, especie exótica considerada coma menos agresiva, para Página 2 de 23 comparar a súa plasticidade atendendo á distribución de recursos da planta en función da presencia de distintos niveis de nutrientes. O noso traballo mostra que existen diferencias significativas na cantidade de raíz producida por C.edulis e C.acinaciformis en función do contido de nutrintes do solo, mostrando C.edulis unha maior plasticidade para este caracter. Iste resultado parece apoiar a idea de que a plasticidade fenotípica podería contribuir ó éxito dalgunhas especies invasoras.[Abstract] Biological invasions are one of the biggest threats to global biodiversity conservation. In recent years there has been many essays focused on discovering which characteristics make a plant become an aggressive invader. Phenotypic plasticity -ability of an individual to adjust their morphological and physiological responses in order to adapt to the environment- could be a key attribute in order to understand invasion processes. In this experiment we use individuals of C.edulis (very aggressive invader) and C.acinaciformis (exotic species, less aggressive invader) in order to compare their plasticity in terms of resources distribution in presence of different soil nutrient concentrations. Our essay shows significative differences in root mass produced by C.edulis and C.acinaciformis depending on the content in soil nutrients, C.edulis showed a higher plasticity for this character. This result seems to support the idea that phenotypic plasticity could contribute to the success of some invasive species.Traballo fin de grao (UDC.CIE). Bioloxía. Curso 2014/201

    Estado de transición constitucional y nuevas líneas jurisprudenciales del Tribunal Constitucional Boliviano

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    El artículo refiere al denominado Estado de Transición Constitucional y las nuevas líneas jurisprudenciales del Tribunal Constitucional boliviano establecidas en la gestión 2010 destacándose en este contexto la jurisprudencia que moduló o cambia anteriores líneas jurisprudenciales controvirtiéndolas y analizándolas en el marco de la posición de la mayoría y considerando los votos disidentes de algunos magistrados.The article refers to the so-called Transition State Constitutional and new lines Bolivian Constitutional Court's jurisprudence established in 2010 emphasizing management in this context the case that modulate or change controverting previous lines and analyzing case law under the majority position and considering dissenting opinions of some judges