244 research outputs found

    Búsqueda de dianas terapeúticas en la célula Beta-Pancreática para el tratamiento de la diabetes

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    Hay una urgencia de encontrar nuevas dianas terapéuticas y fármacos eficaces para el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, para mejorar el control glucémico y las complicaciones de la diabetes. La viabilidad y función de las células beta-pancreáticas se vean afectadas en las dos formas más comunes de diabetes, tipo 1 y tipo 2. La regeneración de la masa de células beta-pancreáticas funcional ha sido propuesto como un tratamiento potencial para la diabetes. Por lo tanto, hemos propuesto dos objetivos, en primer lugar, la regeneración y la protección de la masa de células beta pancreáticas y, segundo, para estudiar las proteínas que podrían ser cruciales para la función de las células beta, por lo tanto, posibles dianas terapéuticas para la diabetes.Departamento de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular y Fisiologí

    Sinorhizobium fredii Strains HH103 and NGR234 Form Nitrogen Fixing Nodules With Diverse Wild Soybeans (Glycine soja) From Central China but Are Ineffective on Northern China Accessions

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    Sinorhizobium fredii indigenous populations are prevalent in provinces of Central China whereas Bradyrhizobium species (Bradyrhizobium japonicum, B. diazoefficiens, B. elkanii, and others) are more abundant in northern and southern provinces. The symbiotic properties of different soybean rhizobia have been investigated with 40 different wild soybean (Glycine soja) accessions from China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea. Bradyrhizobial strains nodulated all the wild soybeans tested, albeit efficiency of nitrogen fixation varied considerably among accessions. The symbiotic capacity of S. fredii HH103 with wild soybeans from Central China was clearly better than with the accessions found elsewhere. S. fredii NGR234, the rhizobial strain showing the broadest host range ever described, also formed nitrogen-fixing nodules with different G. soja accessions from Central China. To our knowledge, this is the first report describing an effective symbiosis between S. fredii NGR234 and G. soja. Mobilization of the S. fredii HH103 symbiotic plasmid to a NGR234 pSym-cured derivative (strain NGR234C) yielded transconjugants that formed ineffective nodules with G. max cv. Williams 82 and G. soja accession CH4. By contrast, transfer of the symbiotic plasmid pNGR234a to a pSym-cured derivative of S. fredii USDA193 generated transconjugants that effectively nodulated G. soja accession CH4 but failed to nodulate with G. max cv. Williams 82. These results indicate that intra-specific transference of the S. fredii symbiotic plasmids generates new strains with unpredictable symbiotic properties, probably due to the occurrence of new combinations of symbiotic signals.España, Junta de Andalucía P11-CVI-7500España Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-78409-

    Influencia de la temperatura y del tiempo de pirólisis en la hidrofobicidad de biocarbón obtenido a partir de purín porcino

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    [ESP] Para determinar y explicar la influencia de la temperatura y del tiempo de pirólisis en la hidrofobicidad de los biocarbones producidos a partir de purín porcino, se realizaron pirólisis del mismo a temperaturas de 300, 400, 500 y 700 ºC con tiempos de 1h, 2h, 4h y 5h, obteniendo 16 tipos de biocarbones a los cuales se les determinó la hidrofobicidad, el contenido de carbono total y los grupos funcionales orgánicos. Los resultados mostraron que la hidrofobicidad en los biocarbones aumenta a bajas temperaturas y tiempos de pirólisis bajos, desapareciendo a partir de 4h a 400ºC y cualquier tiempo a partir de 500ºC, debido a la pérdida de compuestos alifáticos. [ENG] To identify and explain the influence of the temperature and time of pyrolysis on the hydrophobicity of biochars produced from pig manure, pyrolysis was performed at temperatures of 300, 400, 500 and 700°C with times of 1h, 2h, 4h and 5h, obtaining 16 kinds of biochars. We measured hydrophobicity, total carbon content and the organic functional groups. The results showed that hydrophobicity increased at low temperatures and low pyrolysis time, disappearing from 4h at 400ºC and at any time from 500°C due to the loss of aliphatic compounds.Centro Universitario de la Defensa. Escuela de Turismo de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos y Minas (EICM). Escuela de Arquitectura e Ingeniería de Edificación (ARQ&IDE). Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Navantia. Campus Mare Nostrum. Estación Experimental Agroalimentaria Tomás Ferro. Esta investigación ha sido financiada por el Programa de Líderes Jóvenes en la Investigación de la Fundación Séneca (Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia, España)

    A transcriptomic analysis of the effect of genistein on Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 reveals novel rhizobial genes putatively involved in symbiosis

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    Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 is a rhizobial soybean symbiont that exhibits an extremely broad host-range. Flavonoids exuded by legume roots induce the expression of rhizobial symbiotic genes and activate the bacterial protein NodD, which binds to regulatory DNA sequences called nod boxes (NB). NB drive the expression of genes involved in the production of molecular signals (Nod factors) as well as the transcription of ttsI, whose encoded product binds to tts boxes (TB), inducing the secretion of proteins (effectors) through the type 3 secretion system (T3SS). In this work, a S. fredii HH103 global gene expression analysis in the presence of the flavonoid genistein was carried out, revealing a complex regulatory network. Three groups of genes differentially expressed were identified: i) genes controlled by NB, ii) genes regulated by TB, and iii) genes not preceded by a NB or a TB. Interestingly, we have found differentially expressed genes not previously studied in rhizobia, being some of them not related to Nod factors or the T3SS. Future characterization of these putative symbiotic-related genes could shed light on the understanding of the complex molecular dialogue established between rhizobia and legumes.España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2011-30229-C01España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad AGL2012-38831Junta de Andalucía, P11-CVI-7050Junta de Andalucía P11-CVI-750

    Ghrelin's effects on proinflammatory cytokine mediated apoptosis and their impact on β-cell functionality

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    Ghrelin is a peptidic hormone, which stimulates cell proliferation and inhibits apoptosis in several tissues, including pancreas. In preclinical stage of type 1 diabetes, proinflammatory cytokines generate a destructive environment for β-cells known as insulitis, which results in loss of β-cell mass and impaired insulin secretion, leading to diabetes. Our aim was to demonstrate that ghrelin could preserve β-cell viability, turnover rate, and insulin secretion acting as a counter balance of cytokines. In the present work we reproduced proinflammatory milieu found in insulitis stage by treating murine cell line INS-1E and rat islets with a cytokine cocktail including IL-1β, IFNγ, and TNFα and/or ghrelin. Several proteins involved in survival pathways (ERK 1/2 and Akt/PKB) and apoptosis (caspases and Bcl-2 protein family and endoplasmic reticulum stress markers) as well as insulin secretion were analyzed. Our results show that ghrelin alone has no remarkable effects on β-cells in basal conditions, but interestingly it activates cell survival pathways, downregulates apoptotic mediators and endoplasmic reticulum stress, and restores insulin secretion in response to glucose when beta-cells are cytokine-exposed. These data suggest a potential role of ghrelin in preventing or slowing down the transition from a preclinical to clinically established diabetes by ameliorating the effects of insulitis on β-cells.This work was funded by a grant by the Andalusian Government (PI 0765-2011).Peer Reviewe

    Drug utilization study of two generic antibiotics in a tertiary hospital in Bogotá

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    Introduction: The Colombian national pharmaceutical policy establishes as a strategy the generation of greater pharmaco-epidemiological research at the national level, especially in the case of antibiotic drugs. Objective: To provide local pharmaco-epidemiological evidence regarding the effectiveness, conditions of use and safety of generic meropenem and cefepime in a tertiary hospital in Bogotá. Materials and methods: We conducted a descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective drug utilization study. The data were collected from the medical histories of all the patients who had cefepime or meropenem prescribed. Results: We included 82 patients treated with cefepime and 91 treated with meropenem in the study. Most of the patients were in services different from the intensive care unit (taking cefepime: 59.8%, and meropenem: 52.7%). Only 21.9% of the patients treated with cefepime and 49% of those treated with meropenem were seen by an infectious disease specialist. The antibiogram was performed for 47% and 60% of the patients treated with cefepime and meropenem, respectively. The most frequent indication for cefepime were respiratory infections and for meropenem, genitourinary ones. Therapeutic success rates were 61.7% for cefepime and 63.0% for meropenem. Conclusions: This study contributes evidence regarding the therapeutic performance of two generic antibiotics used in tertiary hospitals. There were no reports of therapeutic failure during the study period. In the cases of non-response, pharmacokinetic alterations, unfavorable clinical conditions, and inappropriate choice of antimicrobial treatment were identified as frequent factors

    Transcriptomic studies of the effect of nod gene-inducing molecules in rhizobia: Different weapons, one purpose

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    Simultaneous quantification of transcripts of the whole bacterial genome allows the analysis of the global transcriptional response under changing conditions. RNA-seq and microarrays are the most used techniques to measure these transcriptomic changes, and both complement each other in transcriptome profiling. In this review, we exhaustively compiled the symbiosis-related transcriptomic reports (microarrays and RNA sequencing) carried out hitherto in rhizobia. This review is specially focused on transcriptomic changes that takes place when five rhizobial species, Bradyrhizobium japonicum (=diazoefficiens) USDA 110, Rhizobium leguminosarum biovar viciae 3841, Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899, Sinorhizobium (=Ensifer) meliloti 1021 and S. fredii HH103, recognize inducing flavonoids, plant-exuded phenolic compounds that activate the biosynthesis and export of Nod factors (NF) in all analysed rhizobia. Interestingly, our global transcriptomic comparison also indicates that each rhizobial species possesses its own arsenal of molecular weapons accompanying the set of NF in order to establish a successful interaction with host legumes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2016-78409-R, AGL2016-77163-

    The nodD1 Gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 Restores Nodulation Capacity on Bean in a Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 nodD1/nodD2 Mutant, but the Secondary Symbiotic Regulators nolR, nodD2 or syrM Prevent HH103 to Nodulate with This Legume

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    Rhizobial NodD proteins and appropriate flavonoids induce rhizobial nodulation gene expression. In this study, we show that the nodD1 gene of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103, but not the nodD2 gene, can restore the nodulation capacity of a double nodD1/nodD2 mutant of Rhizobium tropici CIAT 899 in bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris). S. fredii HH103 only induces pseudonodules in beans. We have also studied whether the mutation of different symbiotic regulatory genes may affect the symbiotic interaction of HH103 with beans: ttsI (the positive regulator of the symbiotic type 3 protein secretion system), and nodD2, nolR and syrM (all of them controlling the level of Nod factor production). Inactivation of either nodD2, nolR or syrM, but not that of ttsI, affected positively the symbiotic behavior of HH103 with beans, leading to the formation of colonized nodules. Acetylene reduction assays showed certain levels of nitrogenase activity that were higher in the case of the nodD2 and nolR mutants. Similar results have been previously obtained by our group with the model legume Lotus japonicus. Hence, the results obtained in the present work confirm that repression of Nod factor production, provided by either NodD2, NolR or SyrM, prevents HH103 to effectively nodulate several putative host plants.España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades projects AGL2016-77163-R and PID2019-107634RB-I00España Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Universidades FPU18/06248

    Efecto de paricalcitol sobre el metabolismo mineralóseo en pacientes trasplantados renales con hiperparatiroidismo secundario

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    ResumenIntroducciónEl hiperparatiroidismo secundario es muy prevalente en pacientes trasplantados renales. Cursa con frecuencia con hipercalcemia y se ha asociado al desarrollo de osteopenia y fracturas óseas. El paricalcitol ha mostrado su eficacia en el control del hiperparatiroidismo secundario en la enfermedad renal crónica con y sin diálisis, con una baja incidencia de hipercalcemia. La experiencia con paricalcitol en trasplantados renales es muy escasa. El objetivo de este trabajo fue mostrar el efecto sobre el metabolismo mineralóseo del paricalcitol en trasplantados renales con hiperparatiroidismo secundario.Material y métodosEstudio retrospectivo multicéntrico con trasplantados renales de más de 18 años de edad y más de 12 meses de evolución postrasplante, con función renal estable, que hayan sido tratados con paricalcitol durante más de 12 meses, con seguimiento clínico hasta los 24 meses de tratamiento.ResultadosSe incluyó a 69 pacientes, con 120±92 meses postrasplante, con creatinina inicial de 2,2±0,9mg/dl y FG-MDRD 36±20ml/min/1,73 m2. La dosis de paricalcitol se incrementó progresivamente durante el estudio: basal 3,8±1,9μg/semana, 12 meses 5,2±2,4μg/semana; 24 meses 6,0±2,9μg/semana (p<0,001). Los niveles séricos de PTH descendieron de forma rápida y significativa: basal 288±152 pg/ml; 6 meses 226±184 pg/ml; 12 meses 207±120; 24 meses 193±119 pg/ml (p<0,001). Observamos una reducción sobre PTH basal ≥30% en el 42,4% de los pacientes a los 12 meses y en el 65,2% de los pacientes a los 24 meses. La fosfatasa alcalina descendió también significativamente en los 6 primeros meses para luego estabilizarse: basal 92±50 UI/l; 6 meses 85±36 UI/l, 12 meses 81±39 UI/l (p<0,001). Globalmente no hubo modificaciones en el calcio o fósforo séricos ni en la excreción urinaria de calcio. La reducción de PTH fue más importante en trasplantados con niveles séricos más elevados de partida. Observamos que los pacientes con calcio basal más bajo mostraron un incremento significativo de sus cifras de 0,5-0,6mg/dl en promedio aunque manteniéndose en rango de normalidad, mientras que pacientes con calcio basal>10mg/dl mostraron una reducción progresiva de sus cifras. Quince (21,7%) pacientes seguían tratamiento previo con calcitriol y al cambiarlos a paricalcitol precisaron dosis significativamente mayores que los pacientes que no habían recibido calcitriol. El paricalcitol fue asociado a cinacalcet en 11 pacientes, con reducciones significativas de PTH, con evolución similar al resto de la población y con dosis de paricalcitol también similares.ConclusionesParicalcitol es eficaz en el tratamiento del hiperparatiroidismo secundario de trasplantados renales. Globalmente no observamos modificaciones significativas de los niveles de calcio ni de fósforo, ni en su excreción urinaria. Los pacientes en tratamiento previo con calcitriol precisaron dosis mayores de paricalcitol. Cuando el paricalcitol se administra a pacientes tratados con cinacalcet, se observa un descenso significativo de la PTH con dosis de paricalcitol similar a pacientes sin cinacalcet.AbstractIntroductionSecondary hyperparathyroidism is highly prevalent in kidney transplant recipients, and commonly results in hypercalcaemia; an association to osteopenia and bone fractures has also been observed. Paricalcitol has proved effective to control secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic kidney disease in both dialysed and non-dialysed patients, with a low hypercalcaemia incidence. Currently available experience on paricalcitol use in kidney transplant recipients is scarce. Our main aim was to show the effect of paricalcitol on mineral bone metabolism in kidney transplant recipients with secondary hyperparathyroidism.Material and methodsA retrospective multicentre study in kidney transplant recipients aged>18 years with a 12-month or longer post-transplantation course, stable renal function, having received paricalcitol for more than 12 months, with available clinical follow-up for a 24-month period.ResultsA total of 69 patients with a 120 ± 92-month post-transplantation course were included. Baseline creatinine was 2.2±0.9mg/dl y GFR-MDRD was 36±20ml/min/1.73m2. Paricalcitol doses were gradually increased during the study: baseline 3.8±1.9μg/week, 12 months 5.2±2.4μg/week; 24 months 6.0±2.9μg/week (P<.001). Serum PTH levels showed a significant fast decline: baseline 288±152 pg/ml; 6 months 226±184 pg/ml; 12 months 207±120; 24 months 193±119 pg/ml (P<.001). Reduction from baseline PTH was ≥30% in 42.4% of patients at 12 months y in 65.2% of patients at 24 months. Alkaline phosphatase showed a significant decrease in first 6 months followed by a plateau: baseline 92±50 IU/l; 6 months 85±36 IU/l, 12 months 81±39 IU/l (P<.001). Overall, no changes were observed in serum calcium and phosphorus, and in urine calcium excretion. PTH decline was larger in patients with higher baseline levels. Patients with lower baseline calcium levels showed significantly increased levels (mean increase was 0.5-0.6mg/dl) but still within normal range, whereas patients with baseline calcium>10mg/dl showed gradually decreasing levels. Fifteen (21.7%) patients had received prior calcitriol therapy. When shifted to paricalcitol, such patients required paricalcitol doses significantly larger than those not having received calcitriol. Paricalcitol was used concomitantly to cinacalcet in 11 patients with significant PTH reductions being achieved; clinical course was similar to other patients and paricalcitol doses were also similar.ConclusionsParicalcitol is an effective therapy for secondary hyperparathyroidism in kidney transplant recipients. Overall, no significant changes were observed in calcium and phosphorus levels or urinary excretion. Patients having previously received calcitriol required higher paricalcitol doses. When used in patients receiving cinacalcet, paricalcitol results in a significant PTH fall, with paricalcitol doses being similar to those used in patients not receiving cinacalcet

    A Complex Regulatory Network Governs the Expression of Symbiotic Genes in Sinorhizobium Fredii HH103

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    Introduction: The establishment of the rhizobium-legume nitrogen-fixing symbiosis relies on the interchange of molecular signals between the two symbionts. We have previously studied by RNA-seq the effect of the symbiotic regulators NodD1, SyrM, and TtsI on the expression of the symbiotic genes (the nod regulon) of Sinorhizobium fredii HH103 upon treatment with the isoflavone genistein. In this work we have further investigated this regulatory network by incorporating new RNA-seq data of HH103 mutants in two other regulatory genes, nodD2 and nolR. Both genes code for global regulators with a predominant repressor effect on the nod regulon, although NodD2 acts as an activator of a small number of HH103 symbiotic genes. Methods: By combining RNA-seq data, qPCR experiments, and b-galactosidase assays of HH103 mutants harbouring a lacZ gene inserted into a regulatory gene, we have analysed the regulatory relations between the nodD1, nodD2, nolR, syrM, and ttsI genes, confirming previous data and discovering previously unknown relations. Results and discussion: Previously we showed that HH103 mutants in the nodD2, nolR, syrM, or ttsI genes gain effective nodulation with Lotus japonicus, a model legume, although with different symbiotic performances. Here we show that the combinations of mutations in these genes led, in most cases, to a decrease in symbiotic effectiveness, although all of them retained the ability to induce the formation of nitrogen-fixing nodules. In fact, the nodD2, nolR, and syrM single and double mutants share a set of Nod factors, either overproduced by them or not generated by the wild-type strain, that might be responsible for gaining effective nodulation with L. japonicus.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación PID2019-107634RB-I0