293 research outputs found

    The politics of legal reform

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    Money laundering and its regulations

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    The recent wave of terrorist attacks has increased the attention paid to money laundering activities. Using several methodologies, this paper investigates empirically the determinants of money laundering and its regulation in over 80 countries by assembling a cross-country dataset on proxies for money laundering and the prevalence of feeding activities. The paper additionally constructs specific money laundering regulation indices based on available information on laws and their mechanisms of enforcement and measures their impact on money laundering proxies. The paper finds that tougher money laundering regulations, particularly those that criminalize feeding activities and improve disclosure, are linked to lower levels of money laundering across countries; the results are robust to potential endogeneity of money laundering regulation. The relevance of historical factors in explaining the variation of money laundering regulation across countries sheds light on theories of institutions and provides room for further action, particularly in the areas of the law that improve the impact of criminalization, including liability of intermediaries, reductions of the burden of proof and better disclosure

    Privatization in Latin America: what does the evidence say?

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    fter decades of poor performance and inefficient operations by state-owned enterprises, governments all over the world earnestly embraced privatization. Thousands of state-owned enterprises have been turned over to the private sector in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and eastern and western Europe. This trend was spurred by the well-documented poor performance and failures of state-owned enterprises and the efficiency improvements after privatization around the world.1 Privatiza-tion efforts have greatly stalled in recent years, however, despite world-wide evidence that points to improved performance, firm restructuring, fiscal benefits, increased output, and quality improvements following privatization. Academia, politicians, and the media have recently attacked privatiza-tion, voicing concerns about its record, the sources of the gains, and its impact on social welfare and the poor.2 The negative reaction to privatiza

    Human capital and regional development

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    We investigate the determinants of regional development using a newly constructed database of 1569 sub-national regions from 110 countries covering 74 percent of the world’s surface and 97 percent of its GDP. We combine the cross-regional analysis of geographic, institutional, cultural, and human capital determinants of regional development with an examination of productivity in several thousand establishments located in these regions. To organize the discussion, we present a new model of regional development that introduces into a standard migration framework elements of both the Lucas (1978) model of the allocation of talent between entrepreneurship and work, and the Lucas (1988) model of human capital externalities. The evidence points to the paramount importance of human capital in accounting for regional differences in development, but also suggests from model estimation and calibration that entrepreneurial inputs and possibly human capital externalities help understand the data.Human Capital, Development, Regional Economics.

    Contribution to the study of lichenicolous fungi from Northwest Iberian Peninsula (León and Lugo provinces)

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    We have found 117 taxa of lichenicolous fungi in the studied area. In this paper, we describe five taxa: Arthonia boomiana on Nephromopsis chlorophylla, Lawalreea burgaziana on Platismatia glauca, Pronectria scrobiculatae on Lobarina scrobiculata, Trichonectria parmeliellae on Parmeliella testacea and Trichonectria rubefaciens ssp. cryptoramalinae on Ramalina. Furthermore, the next records are interesting chorologically from the Iberian Peninsula: Arthophacopsis parmeliarum, Catillaria lobariicola, Lichenopuccinia poeltii, Myxotrichum bicolor, Nanostictis christiansenii, Niesslia lobariae, Opegrpaha sphaerophoricola, Pronectria fragmospora, Rhymbocarpus aggregatus, R. neglectus, and Tremella cetrariicola.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. ED431C 2021/4

    Looking inside a conglomerate : efficiency of internal capital allocation and managerial power within a firm

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    Does more bargaining power of managers inside a firm lead to larger allocations of capital? To tackle this question, we use unique and proprietary panel data on planned and realized capital allocations inside a very large conglomerate. The firm operates worldwide, is headquartered in Europe and has 5 divisions and 22 business units. We measure bargaining power by looking at the three complementary measures of power: (i) tenure of the division CEOs, (ii) whether they have the local nationality and (iii) whether they have an engineering degree (the firm has a very strong and very long engineering tradition). We find that (ex ante) planned allocations of capital are not distorted by bargaining power. Then we study how unexpected cash windfalls at the headquarter level are distributed inside the firm. The cash windfalls result from the sale of equity holdings in other firms and are exogenous to the divisions and business units. We find that managers with more bargaining power get a larger part of the cash windfalls for their own business units. Our results suggest that bargaining power does not matter in formalized allocation processes but rather when it comes to the ad hoc distribution of unexpected cash windfalls. We show that our power variables do not proxy for ability

    Las ruinas de Santo Domingo de Pontevedra

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    Esta obra nace como resultado de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por un equipo interdisciplinar que ha trabajado conjuntamente en sucesivos proyectos de investigación. Estos proyectos se enmarcan dentro de la Cátedra de Investigación “Filgueira Valverde”, constituida en 1997 con el fin de fomentar las actividades de investigación en el Campus de Pontevedra, cofinanciada por Caixanova y la Universidad de Vigo y gestionados por el Vicerrectorado de Relaciones Institucionales. El primer proyecto, Identificación de la flora colonizadora de los escudos del centro histórico de Pontevedra. Limpieza y conservación, fue llevado a cabo en el año 1998. El segundo, Colonización vegetal, estado de alteración y pautas de conservación en elementos pétreos representativos de las Ruinas de Santo Domingo se materializó a lo largo del año 2004 y el tercero, Estudio de los factores de deterioro en el conjunto de las Ruinas de Santo Domingo (Pontevedra) Propuesta de las medidas de limpieza, restauración y conservación, se desarrolló durante el año 2008. La dirección de dichos proyectos ha corrido a cargo de la Profesora Titular de Universidad Mª Eugenia López de Silanes

    La metáfora de hablar: inscripciones de la mente silenciosa

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    El lenguaje surge del silencio. Es un hecho simple, casi inapreciable, y en el que apenas reparamos. Pero encierra en sí mismo toda la profundidad del habla humana, que asoma en la superficie de una sustancia muda, que no se pronuncia, y en la que discurre como un nómada por el pensamiento, en la búsqueda de la significación. Este es el tema principal de esta tesis, y así lo hago ver desde el título: la inscripción, por el habla, de lo que en la mente es solo silencio. Se trata de una nueva forma de abordar el problema cerebro–mente, y la manera en que nos relacionamos con los objetos del mundo —entre ellos los propios términos que usamos para nombrarlo—, que hace necesario replantear los vínculos de la mente con el signo, y del signo con el cerebro. Pues el referente es algo que nunca se expresa, y permanece siempre como a punto de ser dicho. El camino del lenguaje es un buscarlo. Y su función primera es por tanto metafórica: constituirse en signo, presencia; manifestarse, respecto de lo que no se manifiesta. Por el habla hacemos que los hechos del mundo se hagan patentes y cobren sentido, en un acto que puede llamarse de consumación, y el sujeto hablante confiere así propiedades de epifanía al habla, de inserción en la realidad desde una materia que es anterior a la primera palabra pronunciada. Por eso el lenguaje de este texto, científico y poético al mismo tiempo, quiere ser escenario mismo donde la tesis suceda, de manera que se haga palpable, como acontecimiento. Todo lo que la tesis descubre lo hace a través de la palabra, que a menudo se estira en estos párrafos como un grito lanzado hacia los límites de la semántica, dejando tras de sí el rastro de una luz transparente en su regreso a la estricta órbita de lo conocido..

    Metonimia y lectura natural: filogenia del humano signo

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    The study of the human brain allows us to understand some aspects of the relationship that language establishes between the mind and the world, as a transitional organ in the processes of matter. A neurological investigation is proposed in the acoustic origins of the linguistic sign, within an evolutionary and tactile model that integrates orality with written letter, applied in this work to the semiology of reading disorders.El estudio del cerebro humano permite comprender algunos aspectos de la relación que el lenguaje establece entre la mente y el mundo, como órgano transicional en los procesos de la materia. Se propone así una indagación neurológica en los orígenes acústicos del signo lingüístico, dentro de un modelo evolutivo y táctil que integra la oralidad con la letra impresa, aplicado en este trabajo a la semiología de los trastornos de la lectura.The study of the human brain allows us to understand some aspects of the relationship that language establishes between the mind and the world, as a transitional organ in the processes of matter. A neurological investigation is proposed in the acoustic origins of the linguistic sign, within an evolutionary and tactile model that integrates orality with written letter, applied in this work to the semiology of reading disorders