171 research outputs found

    Contribución de la electrónica y fotónica a la tecnología de la rehabilitación

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    Alrededor de un 15% de la población está afectada en cierto grado por una discapacidad. En la sociedad del bienestar y a las puertas de un nuevo milenio, existe una indudable preocupación por proporcionar a estas personas con discapacidad acceso a servicios similares, y a un mismo grado de independencia que sus conciudadanos. En este sentido, la Tecnología de la Rehabilitación será la encargada de ofrecerles soluciones, productos y servicios que les permitan equipararse con el resto de la sociedad y acceder de forma igualitaria a las mismas tareas, actividades y puestos de trabajo. El soporte tecnológico sobre el que se basarán los citados productos o servicios puede ser variado, aunque disciplinas tradicionales como la electrónica y la fotónica seguirán jugando un papel preponderante.Publicad


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    The production system under greenhouse makes possible to obtain higher yields and better fruit quality. Two Anaheim pepper hybrids were produced during summer-fall season of 2011 at the experimental field of the University of Sonora, México. The objectives were to evaluate the yield and fruit quality, and to determine the water use efficiency, under greenhouse conditions using two production systems, substrate and soil. In the soil system the higher fruit weights were obtained with 63.12 g fruit-1 and 61.98 g fruit-1, in Cardon and 118 respectively. The fruit number per plant and the yield in the first harvest were higher in the substrate system; however, the final averages were no significant among treatments. The higher fruit length, 17.52 and 15.52 cm in Cardon and 118 respectively, were obtained in the soil system. The fruit diameter did not present significant differences among treatments. The water use efficiency (WUE) was higher in the soil system, with 36.4 and 31.2 kg m-3 compared to 9.1 y 9.9 kg m-3 obtained in the substrate system for 118 and Cardon respectively

    Acute Effects of Muscular Fatigue on Vertical Jump Performance in Acrobatic Gymnasts, Evaluated by Instrumented Insoles: A Pilot Study

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    The study of fatigue during training is becoming a very useful tool to avoid possible injuries not only during the training sessions but also during recovery time. Many researches have proved that concepts such as muscular fatigue and postactivation potentiation have a close relationship. With this aim, vertical jump can provide a very important information that can help to analyze the muscular fatigue that happened during this type of activity, mainly if the monitoring system is able to measure jumping parameters during their regular training session in their natural training environment. This study was performed with instrumented insoles called ECnsole. These insoles were tested with a group of twelve volunteers. In a tumbling surface, the participants performed a jumping protocol in three conditions: rest, fatigue-induced, and recovery. Using these validated insoles, the acrobatic gymnasts showed an inability to use the stretch-shortening cycle for improving vertical jumping performance after fatigue condition, although no deterioration of jump performance was found.Junta de Andalucía European Commission P10-TIC5997European Commissio

    Biosynthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Chenopodium ambrosioides

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    Biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) was achieved using extract of Chenopodium ambrosioides as a reducer and coating agent at room temperature (25°C). Two molar solutions of AgNO3 (1 mM and 10 mM) and five extract volumes (0.5, 1, 2, 3, and 5 mL) were used to assess quantity, shape, and size of the particles. The UV-Vis spectra gave surface plasmon resonance at 434–436 nm of the NPs synthesized with AgNO3 10 mM and all extract volumes tested, showing a direct relationship between extract volumes and quantity of particles formed. In contrast, the concentration of silver ions was related negatively to particle size. The smallest (4.9 ± 3.4 nm) particles were obtained with 1 mL of extract in AgNO3 10 mM and the larger amount of particles were obtained with 2 mL and 5 mL of extract. TEM study indicated that the particles were polycrystalline and randomly oriented with a silver structure face centered cubic (fcc) and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) indicated that disappearance of the –OH group band after bioreduction evidences its role in reducing silver ions

    A ventromedial prefrontal dysrhythmia in obsessive-compulsive disorder is attenuated by nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation

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    Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) has consistently been linked to abnormal frontostriatal activity. The electrophysiological disruption in this circuit, however, remains to be characterized. Objective/hypothesis: The primary goal of this study was to investigate the neuronal synchronization in OCD patients. We predicted aberrant oscillatory activity in frontal regions compared to healthy control subjects, which would be alleviated by deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus accumbens (NAc). Methods: We compared scalp EEG recordings from nine patients with OCD treated with NAc-DBS with recordings from healthy controls, matched for age and gender. Within the patient group, EEG activity was compared with DBS turned off vs. stimulation at typical clinical settings (3.5 V, frequency of stimulation 130 Hz, pulse width 60 ms). In addition, intracranial EEG was recorded directly from depth macro electrodes in the NAc in four OCD patients. Results: Cross-frequency coupling between the phase of alpha/low beta oscillations and amplitude of high gamma was significantly increased over midline frontal and parietal electrodes in patients when stimulation was turned off, compared to controls. Critically, in patients, beta (16-25 Hz)-gamma (110-166 Hz) phase amplitude coupling source localized to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and was reduced when NAc-DBS was active. In contrast, intracranial EEG recordings showed no beta-gamma phase amplitude coupling. The contribution of non-sinusoidal beta waveforms to this coupling are reported. Conclusion: We reveal an increased beta-gamma phase amplitude coupling in fronto-central scalp sensors in patients suffering from OCD, compared to healthy controls, which may derive from ventromedial prefrontal regions implicated in OCD and is normalized by DBS of the nucleus accumbens. This aberrant cross-frequency coupling could represent a biomarker of OCD, as well as a target for novel therapeutic approaches. (C) 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.This work was supported by Project grants SAF2015-65982-R from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness to BS and PSI2014-58654-JIN to JGR, an FPI Predoctoral Fellowship (BES-2016-079470) to ST, and BIAL Foundation Grant 119/12 to BS. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (ERC-2018-COG 819814)

    Fiebre manchada por Rickettsia rickettsii en las Américas: un problema creciente de salud pública

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    Rocky mountain spotted fever is a public health problem in America. The disease remains as a challenge for Health Systems at regional level. It is an illness of medical relevance due to its high case-fatality rate when it is not diagnosed and treated early. Although anyone is susceptible to infection, some groups are more vulnerable due to increased exposure to ticks, including children who have higher morbidity and fatal outcomes. A myriad of biological, ecological and social factors, complexly interrelated, are associated with its epidemiological pattern, which requires integrated and multidisciplinary interventions at different levels. The incidence of the disease may continue to increase in the region and its actual occurrence required an urgent call for regional action. Preventive actions that reduce contact with ticks and increase early disease suspicion should be priorities in the health agenda of various nations in America.El comportamiento epidemiológico de la fiebre manchada por Rickettsia rickettsii constituye un desafío para los sistemas de salud del continente americano. Es un padecimiento de relevancia médica por la letalidad que provoca si no es diagnosticado ni tratado oportunamente. Aunque cualquier persona es susceptible a la infección, algunosgrupos poblacionales son más vulnerables debido a un mayor contacto con la garrapata transmisora, entre ellos los niños, quienes tienen mayor morbilidad por lo que se asocian con resultados fatales. En su origen participa una multitud de factores biológicos, ecológicos y sociales, interrelacionados complejamente, y cuyo abordaje requiere de intervenciones integradas y multidisciplinarias. La incidencia de la enfermedad puede continuar aumentando en la región, de modo que su ocurrencia actual constituye un llamado urgente para la acción regional. Acciones preventivas que disminuyan el contacto con garrapatas e incrementen la sospecha temprana de la enfermedad, son prioritarias en la agenda de salud de varias naciones de las Américas

    Fiebre manchada por Rickettsia rickettsii en las Américas: un problema creciente de salud pública

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    Rocky mountain spotted fever is a public health problem in America. The disease remains as a challenge for Health Systems at regional level. It is an illness of medical relevance due to its high case-fatality rate when it is not diagnosed and treated early. Although anyone is susceptible to infection, some groups are more vulnerable due to increased exposure to ticks, including children who have higher morbidity and fatal outcomes. A myriad of biological, ecological and social factors, complexly interrelated, are associated with its epidemiological pattern, which requires integrated and multidisciplinary interventions at different levels. The incidence of the disease may continue to increase in the region and its actual occurrence required an urgent call for regional action. Preventive actions that reduce contact with ticks and increase early disease suspicion should be priorities in the health agenda of various nations in America.El comportamiento epidemiológico de la fiebre manchada por Rickettsia rickettsii constituye un desafío para los sistemas de salud del continente americano. Es un padecimiento de relevancia médica por la letalidad que provoca si no es diagnosticado ni tratado oportunamente. Aunque cualquier persona es susceptible a la infección, algunosgrupos poblacionales son más vulnerables debido a un mayor contacto con la garrapata transmisora, entre ellos los niños, quienes tienen mayor morbilidad por lo que se asocian con resultados fatales. En su origen participa una multitud de factores biológicos, ecológicos y sociales, interrelacionados complejamente, y cuyo abordaje requiere de intervenciones integradas y multidisciplinarias. La incidencia de la enfermedad puede continuar aumentando en la región, de modo que su ocurrencia actual constituye un llamado urgente para la acción regional. Acciones preventivas que disminuyan el contacto con garrapatas e incrementen la sospecha temprana de la enfermedad, son prioritarias en la agenda de salud de varias naciones de las Américas

    Brúquidos (Insecta: Coleoptera) asociados a semillas de fabáceas en el Norte de Sinaloa, México

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    Las fabáceas representan una importante fuente de recursos al ser utilizadas en la producción de carbón, alimentación del ganado y personas, además de evitar erosiones del suelo; estas plantas se encuentran amenazadas en su producción por la presencia de brúquidos o gorgojos (Insecta: Coleoptera), quienes se alimentan de sus semillas para sobrevivir, causando pérdidas económicas en la región. En 2017 se realizaron recolectas de semillas en cuatro municipios del norte de Sinaloa, con el objetivo de identificar las especies de brúquidos asociados a fabaceas y evaluar sus daños sobre la germinación de semillas. Se identificaron 25 especies de fabáceas: Ahome (7), El Fuerte (6), Guasave (6) y Choix (6). Del total de 68,340 semillas, emergieron 19,396 gorgojos adultos, agrupados en siete géneros y 14 especies, con dominancias en las especies de Mimosestes (3), Acanthoscelides (3), Merobruchus (3) y Stator (2). De las especies vegetales, 17 fueron atacadas por una sola especie de brúquido, y seis por dos; en Ahome la especie plaga más perjudicial fue Merobruchus santarosae, con 43.9% y 33.1% de daños a Mariosouza coultieri y M. acatlensis, respectivamente; en El Fuerte, Acanthoscelides desmanthi causó daños del 38.95% a Sesvania herbaceae y del 29.48% a S. occidentalis; en Guasave, los mayores daños correspondieron a Callosobruchus maculatus sobre Cicer arietinum (41.3%), Mimosestes ulkei sobre Parkinsonia aculeata (40.6%) y M. mimosae sobre P. florida (37.7%); en Choix los mayores daños correspondieron a Merobruchus insolitus sobre Albizia sinaloensis (34.7%) y Amblycerus acapulcencis sobre Caesalpinia cacalaco (29.1%).Fabaceae represent an important source of resources when are used in coal production, feeding of livestock and people, in addition to avoiding soil erosions; these plants are threatened in their production by the presence of bruchids or weevils (Insecta: Coleoptera), who feed on their seeds to survive, causing economic losses in the region. In 2017, seed collections were carried out in four municipalities in the North of Sinaloa, with the objective of identifying the bruquid species associated with Fabaceae and assessing their damage on the germination of seeds. 25 species of Fabaceae were identified: Ahome (7), El Fuerte (6), Guasave (6) and Choix (6). From 68,340 seeds, 19,396 adult weevils emerged, grouped into seven genera and 14 species, with dominance in species of Mimosestes (3), Acanthoscelides (3), Merobruchus (3), and Stator (2). Of the plant species, 17 were attacked by a kind of bruquid and six by two; in Ahome the most harmful pest species was Merobruchus santarosae, with 43.9%  and 33.1% damage to Mariosouza coultieri and M. acatlensis, respectively; in El Fuerte, Acanthoscelides desmanthi caused 38.95% damage to Sesvania herbaceae and 29.48% to S. occidentalis; in Guasave, the greatest damages corresponded to Callosobruchus maculatus on Cicer arietinum (41.3%), Mimosestes ulkei on Parkinsonia aculeata (40.6%) and M. mimosae on P. florida (37.7%); in Choix, the greatest damages corresponded to Merobruchus insolitus on Albizia sinaloensis (34.7%) and Amblycerus acapulcencis on Caesalpinia cacalaco (29.1%)