599 research outputs found

    Situación epidemioloógica de la cirugía Laparoscóspica diagnóstica y terapéutica de las pacientes ingresadas en el Hospital Bertha Calderón de Enero a Noviembre del 2014

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    Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal en el Hospital Bertha Calderón Roque (HBCR), en el período de Enero del 2014 a Noviembre del 2014 en muestra de 38 pacientes. En este estudio el universo estuvo conformado por 38 pacientes a las que se le realizó cirugía por vía laparoscópica en el HBCR en el tiempo estudiado y la muestra fue igual al universo. La edad más frecuente de la pacientes estudiadas fue las mayores de 35 años un total de 21 pacientes para 55.3%. La escolaridad encontrada en las pacientes estudiadas fue principalmente secundaria 21 pacientes para un 55.3%. Los factores de riesgo encontrados fueron la obesidad que la presentó el % de las pacientes, las enfermedades crónicas como Diabetes, Hipertensión, EPOC, etc se encontró en % de las pacientes; El antecedente de cirugías abdominopelvicas lo tuvieron 17 pacientes para 44.7% lo cual no generó complicaciones postquirúrgicas. La indicación quirúrgica en las pacientes estudiadas fue principalmente la patologías de ovario 26 pacientes para 68.4%, luego la patología biliar con 9 pacientes para 23.7%, patología apendicular 1 paciente para 2.6%. No hubo ninguna complicación quirúrgica Inmediata ni Mediata en 100% de las pacientes estudiadas. Tampoco hubo Reingresos. En las pacientes estudiadas, las horas postquirúrgicas al egreso de las pacientes a estudio fue: menor de 24 horas 33 pacientes para 86.8%, de 25-72 horas fue 5 pacientes para 13.2% y no hubo pacientes que permaneciera más de 72 horas; el tiempo quirúrgico más frecuente encontrado fue para % de las pacientes. El tiempo anestésico durante la cirugía fue principalmente de minutos para % de las pacientes. Por lo que se puede concluir, que con pacientes bien seleccionadas la técnica laparoscópica es segura en cirugía general, ginecológica y obstétrica. Por tanto se recomienda en el presente estudio, que se cree mecanismos, por parte del Ministerio de Salud, para capacitar, entrenar y acreditar a ginecoobstetras para la realizar las cirugías ginecológicas y obstétricas con la técnica de laparoscopía, ofreciendo más alternativas a la mujer nicaragüense, a quienes les beneficiaríamos en gran maner

    Efecto a corto plazo de un programa de estiramientos en la extensibilidad isquiosural y disposición sagital del raquis en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria

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    Hamstring shortness and postural deformities are frequent in adolescents. For this reason, the purpose of this study was to analyse the influence of a short-term stretching program in hamstring extensibility and sagittal spinal curvatures in high school students. Sixty-two male high school students aged 14-17 years old performed a 70 seconds hamstring stretching program (3 exercises) twice a week for five weeks during their physical education classes. Hamstring extensibility was measured by the straight leg raise test and sit-and-reach test. Thoracic and lumbar curves and pelvic inclination were measures in relaxed standing and in the sit-and-reach test. These measures were assessed before (pre-test) and after (post-test) the intervention program. Significant increases in the sit-and-reach score (d= 0.23) and in the straight leg raise angle (d= 0.85-0.90) were found. Sagittal spinal curvatures in standing showed no differences between pre- and post-test. In the maximal trunk flexion position during the sit-and-reach was detected a lower thoracic kyphosis and posterior pelvic tilt (p < 0.05) in post-test although with a low size effect (d=0.02-0.22). A hamstring muscle stretching program with a volume of 2 sessions per week (70 seconds each session), for 5 weeks, improves hamstring extensibility in adolescents and slightly reduces the thoracic bending and posterior pelvic tilt in trunk flexion postures with extended kneesDebido a la frecuencia de casos con una reducida extensibilidad isquiosural y alteraciones posturales en adolescentes, el objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la influencia de un programa de estiramientos, de corta duración, en la extensibilidad isquiosural y disposición sagital del raquis en estudiantes de Educación Secundaria. A sesenta y dos adolescentes varones (14-17 años) se les midió la extensibilidad isquiosural (test sit-and-reachy test de elevación de la pierna recta) antes (pre-test) y después (post-test) de un programa escolar de 5 semanas (2 sesiones semanales), compuesto por tres estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural, con una duración total por sesión de 70 segundos. También se valoró la disposición sagital del raquis torácico, lumbar e inclinación pélvica en bipedestación relajada y en el sit-and-reach. Se encontró un aumento significativo en la distancia alcanzada en el test sit-and-reach (d= 0,23) y en el ángulo de flexión co-xofemoral en el test de elevación de la pierna recta (d= 0,85-0,90). La disposición sagital del raquis en bipedesta-ción no mostró diferencias entre el pre- y post-test. En la posición de máxima flexión del sit-and-reach, hubo una menor cifosis torácica y menor retroversión pélvica (p < 0,05) en el post-test, aunque con un tamaño del efecto bajo (d=0,02-0,22). Un programa de estiramientos de la musculatura isquiosural realizado en las dos clases semanales de Educación Física (70 segundos de estiramiento en cada clase), durante 5 semanas, mejora la extensibilidad isquiosural de adolescentes y reduce, ligeramente, la flexión torácica y la retroversión pélvica en la posición de máxima flexión del tronco con rodillas extendidaActividad Física y Deport

    Potential methane production and molecular characterization of bacterial and archaeal communities in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland under cold and warm seasons

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    Organic matter removal in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland (HSSF) treating wastewater is associated with the presence of bacteria and archaea. These organisms perform anaerobic microbial processes such as methanogenesis, which can lead to methane emissions. The aim of this study was to evaluate methane production and characterize the bacterial and archaeal communities found in HSSFs treating secondary urban wastewater during cold and warm seasons. The pilot system used in this study corresponds to four HSSFs, two planted with Phragmites australis (HSSF-Phr) and two planted with Schoenoplectus californicus (HSSF-Sch), the monitoring was carried out for 1335¿days. Removal efficiencies for organic matter (biological and chemical oxygen demand) and total and volatile suspended solids were evaluated in each HSSF. Moreover, biomass from each HSSF was sampled during warm and cold season, and methane productions determined by Specific Methanogenic Activity assays(maximum) (SMAm). In the same samples, the quantification and identification of bacteria and archaea were performed. The results showed that the degradation of organic matter (53–67% BOD5 and 51–62% COD) and suspended solids (85–93%) was not influenced by seasonal conditions or plant species. Potential methane production from HSSF-Sch was between 20 and 51% higher than from HSSF-Phr. Moreover, potential methane production during warm season was 3.4–42% higher than during cold season. The quantification of microorganisms in HSSFs, determined greater development of bacteria (38%) and archaea (50–57%) during the warm season. In addition, the species Schoenoplectus californicus has a larger number of bacteria (4–48%) and archaea (34–43%) than Phragmites australis. The identification of microorganisms evidenced the sequences associated with bacteria belong mainly to Firmicutes (42%), Proteobacteria (33%) and Bacteroidetes (25%). The archaea were represented primarily by Methanosarcinales, specifically Methanosaeta (75%) and Methanosarcina (16%). The community structure of the methanogenic archaea in HSSFs did not change throughout the seasons or plant species.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Mathematical Model to Evaluate the Impact of the Maintenance Strategy on the Service Life of Flexible Pavements

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    [Abstract] The structural failure of a flexible pavement occurs when the accumulated fatigue damage produced by all the vehicles that have passed over each section exceeds a certain threshold. For this reason, the service life of pavement can be predicted in terms of the damage caused by the passage of a single standard axle and the expected evolution of traffic intensity (measured in equivalent standard axles) over time. In turn, the damage caused by the passage of an axle depends on the vertical load exerted by the wheels on the pavement surface, as given by the technical standard in application, and the depths and mechanical characteristics of the layers that compose the pavement section. In all standards currently in application, the unevenness of the road surface is disregarded. Therefore, no dynamic effects are taken into consideration and the vertical load is simply given in terms of the static weight carried by the standard axle. However, it is obvious that the road profile deteriorates over time, and it has been shown that the increase in the pavement roughness, when considered, gives rise to important dynamic effects that may lead to a dramatic fall in the expected structural service life. In this paper, we present a mathematical formulation for the fatigue analysis of flexible pavements that includes the effects of dynamic axle loading. A pavement deterioration model simulates the sustained growth of the IRI (International Roughness Index) over time. Time is discretized in successive time steps. For each time step, a road surface generation model provides a profile that renders the adequate value of the IRI. A QHV (Quarter Heavy Vehicle) model provides the dynamic amplification function for the loads exerted on the road surface along a virtual ride. This function is conveniently averaged, what gives the value of the so-called effective dynamic load amplification factor (DLA); this is the ratio between the effective dynamic loading and the static loading at each time step. Finally, the damage caused by the passage of the standard axle can be evaluated in terms of the dynamic loading. The product of this damage times the number of equivalent standard axles gives the total fatigue damage produced in the time step. The accumulated fatigue damage at each moment is easily computed by just adding up the damage produced in all the previous time steps. The formulation has been implemented in the software DMSA (Dynamic & Maintenance Simulation App). This tool has been specifically developed for the evaluation of projects in applications for financing submitted to the European Investment Bank (EIB). DMSA allows for quantifying the expected structural service life of the pavement taking into account both the rise of the dynamic axle loads exerted by the traffic as the road profile deteriorates over time and the different preventive maintenance strategies to be taken into consideration.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; DPI2015-68431-RXunta de Galicia; GRC2014/03

    Thermoacoustic analysis of lean premixed hydrogen flames in narrow vertical channels

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    Thermoacoustic instabilities arise for lean hydrogen-air flames propagating in narrow channels. We provide here a detailed experimental analysis of such phenomena in a semi-confined vessel, analyzing the effect of the mixture composition, geometry and gravity on the onset of acoustic-driven flame vibrations. Downward-propagating flames leaner than a critical value vibrate smoothly and transit to the secondary oscillating instability, which develops strong variations of pressure that couple with the propagation dynamics. The transition threshold changes during the propagation along very narrow channels, where heat losses are no longer negligible. The parametric region of equivalence ratio for the secondary thermoacoustic instability diminishes, showing an additional transition for very lean flames. There, the front breaks into several structures and the flame-wave feedback becomes weaker. The influence of gravity is studied by comparing upward and downward propagating flames, where the Rayleigh–Taylor instability arises for sufficiently small values of the Froude number in slow-propagating lean flames. For a constant mixture, buoyancy-driven upward-propagating flames develop less wrinkled fronts than those propagating downwards, and remain unresponsive to acoustic-front interaction. We show here a direct relation between front shape and thermoacoustics. In agreement with previous studies [1], [2], [3], curvature and strain effects on conduction and diffusion characterize the response of the flame to pressure perturbations, with the Markstein number controlling the aforementioned transition. Nevertheless, the theoretical analyses found in the literature can only be used on nearly equidiffusional mixtures, and are not accurate enough to describe the highly diffusive fuel mixtures (i.e. lean hydrogen-air flames) considered in our experiments.This work was supported by projects ENE2015-65852-C2-1-R (MINECO/ FEDER, UE), BYNV-ua37crdy (Fundación Iberdrola España) and KIT. The authors want to thank the technical support of ProScience GmbH. in the construction and operation of the experimental setup. D. Martnez-Ruiz would like to acknowledge F. Higuera for fruitful discussions.Publicad

    Diseño del Cuadro de Mando Integral en Eboca

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño de la herramienta de gestión, denominada Cuadro de Mando Integral en la empresa Eboca. Ésta facilita la toma de decisiones mediante una serie de indicadores, ofreciendo una visión clara de su negocio.Gracias al análisis DAFO y CAME, teniendo siempre presente la misión,visión y valores de la empresa serán planteados unos objetivos estratégicos en las diferentes perspectivas: finaciera,clientes, procesos internos y aprendizaje y crecimiento. Los objetivos aquí planteados deben estar alineados entre si para un correcto desarrollo del Cuadro de Mando Integra

    Sistemas Complejos: Un modelo de mapas logísticos acoplados

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    Se introducen los conceptos de sistema y sistema complejo, así como de red compleja y ofrecen características y ejemplos ilustrativos de los mismos.´Se introduce un transfondo matemático para su estudio, incluyendo bases de teoría de grafos y sistemas dinámicos. Se estudia la dinámica del mapa logístico y se procede a construir un acoplado de mapas de este tipo siguiendo una estructura de red cualquiera, siguiendo los pasos de un artículo escrito por el director del proyecto. Estudiamos la dinámica del nuevo sistema. Se hace particular hincapié en la biestabilidad, una propiedad que el sistema presenta independientemente de la red escogida para construir el acoplado. Para finalizar se incluyen resultados propios sobre puntos fijos del sistema en ciertas redes y medidas computacionales de parámetros cuyo estudio queda pendiente

    Solar Energy Harvesting to Improve Capabilities of Wearable Devices

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    The market of wearable devices has been growing over the past decades. Smart wearables are usually part of IoT (Internet of things) systems and include many functionalities such as physiological sensors, processing units and wireless communications, that are useful in fields like healthcare, activity tracking and sports, among others. The number of functions that wearables have are increasing all the time. This result in an increase in power consumption and more frequent recharges of the battery. A good option to solve this problem is using energy harvesting so that the energy available in the environment is used as a backup power source. In this paper, an energy harvesting system for solar energy with a flexible battery, a semi-flexible solar harvester module and a BLE (Bluetooth® Low Energy) microprocessor module is presented as a proof-of-concept for the future integration of solar energy harvesting in a real wearable smart device. The designed device was tested under different circumstances to estimate the increase in battery lifetime during common daily routines. For this purpose, a procedure for testing energy harvesting solutions, based on solar energy, in wearable devices has been proposed. The main result obtained is that the device could permanently work if the solar cells received a significant amount of direct sunlight for 6 h every day. Moreover, in real-life scenarios, the device was able to generate a minimum and a maximum power of 27.8 mW and 159.1 mW, respectively. For the wearable system selected, Bindi, the dynamic tests emulating daily routines has provided increases in the state of charge from 19% (winter cloudy days, 4 solar cells) to 53% (spring sunny days, 2 solar cells). Keywords: energy harvesting; internet of things; physiologicalThis research was funded by the Department of Research and Innovation of Madrid Regional Authority, in the EMPATIA-CM research project (reference Y2018/TCS-5046). This work has been partially supported by the European Union—NextGenerationEU, with the SAPIENTIAE4BINDI project “Proof of Concept” 2021. (Ref: PDC2021-121071-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033). This work has been supported by the Madrid Government (Comunidad de Madrid-Spain) under the Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of Excellence of University Professors (EPUC3M26), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation)

    A new species of Epicauta from Venezuela with comments on the Epicauta (E.) vittata species group(Coleoptera: Meloidae)

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    [EN] The study of specimens of Epicauta held at the collection of the Museo del Instituto de Zoología Aplicada (MIZA, Venezuela) allowed us to discover specimens with singular morphological traits from the states of Lara and Falcón. The characters shown by these specimens do not permit to assign them to any of the known species of the genus, and thus we consider that they represent a new species: Epicauta falcolarandina sp. nov. The new species is included in the Epicauta vittata species group. E. falcolarandina differs at first glance from all other Venezuelan species of the E. vittata species group (Epicauta aragua and Epicauta apure) because it presents the ventral blade of the tarsal claws curved and of similar width and length than the dorsal one. The characteristic coloration pattern of E. falcolarandina, which vaguely resembles the pattern displayed by Epicauta leopardina, differs from all other species of the E. vittata species group. A particular trait of E. falcolarandina, shared with Epicauta abadona, is that the coloration of the pilosity does not match the color of the tegument. Most of the surface of the elytra of E. falcolarandina, including almost all dark zones, is covered by a whitish-yellow pilosity.[ES] El examen de ejemplares del género Epicauta de la colección del Museo del Instituto de Zoología Aplicada (MIZA, Venezuela) nos permitiódetectar la presencia de ejemplares procedentes de los estados de Lara y Falcón, con características morfológicas singulares. Estos rasgos nopermiten su asignación a ninguna de las especies conocidas del género por lo que se describe como una especie nueva: Epicauta falcolarandinasp. nov., que se incluye en el grupo de especies de Epicauta vittata. E. falcolarandina se diferencia de las demás especies venezolanas del grupode E. vittata (Epicauta aragua y Epicauta apure) por presentar la lámina inferior de las u˜nas de los tarsos curvada y casi de la misma anchura ylongitud que la lámina superior. El patrón característico de coloración de E. falcolarandina, que recuerda al de Epicauta leopardina, la diferenciade las restantes especies del grupo de E. vittata. Una característica peculiar de esta especie, que comparte con Epicauta abadona, es que el colorde la pilosidad no coincide con el de la coloración tegumentaria; así, en la mayor parte de los élitros, incluidas casi todas las zonas oscuras, lapilosidad es amarillo-blanquecina.Este estudio ha contado con el apoyodel Proyecto CGL2015-66571-P (MINECO/FEDER).Peer Reviewe

    Experimental analysis of oscillatory premixed flames in a Hele-Shaw cell propagating towards a closed end

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    An experimental study of methane, propane and dimethyl ether (DME) premixed flames propagating in a quasi-two-dimensional Hele-Shaw cell placed horizontally is presented in this paper. The flames are ignited at the open end of the combustion chamber and propagate towards the closed end. Our experiments revealed two distinct propagation regimes depending on the equivalence ratio of the mixture as a consequence of the coupling between the heat-release rate and the acoustic waves. The primary acoustic instability induces a small-amplitude, of around 8 mm, oscillatory motion across the chamber that is observed for lean propane, lean DME, and rich methane flames. Eventually, a secondary acoustic instability emerges for sufficiently rich (lean) propane and DME (methane) flames, inducing large-amplitude oscillations in the direction of propagation of the flame. The amplitude of these oscillations can be as large as 30 mm and drastically changes the outline of the flame. The front then forms pulsating finger-shaped structures that characterize the flame propagation under the secondary acoustic instability. The experimental setup allows the recording of the flame propagation from two different points of view. The top view is used to obtain accurate quantitative information about the flame propagation, while the lateral view offered a novel three dimensional perspective of the flame that gives relevant information on the transition between the two oscillatory regimes. The influence of the geometry of the Hele-Shaw cell and of the equivalence ratio on the transition between the two acoustic-instability regimes is analyzed. In particular, we find that the transition to the secondary instability occurs for values of the equivalence ratio phi above (below) a critical value phi(c) for propane and DME (methane) flames. In all the tested fuels, the transition to the secondary instability emerges for values of the Markstein number M below a critical value M-c. The critical MarkstPublicad