1,717 research outputs found

    Executive function and intelectual disabilities: assesment and relevance.

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    Este trabajo es una revisión teórica de los últimos instrumentos utilizados en la evaluación de las funciones ejecutivas (FE) en la discapacidad intelectual (DI). A pesar de la importancia cada vez mayor que se está concediendo a las FE en el perfil cognitivo de las personas con DI, son todavía pocos los trabajos que han abordado el estudio de las funciones ejecutivas en esta población y muy escasas las pruebas disponibles para una evaluación estandarizada. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es poner a disposición de los profesionales e investigadores en el campo de la Psicología y de la Educación una serie de instrumentos que pueden ser utilizados para la evaluación de las FE en la discapacidad intelectual.In this work, a theoretical review about the last tools used to assessment the executive functioning (EF) in people with intellectual disability (ID) is presented. Despite the growing importance that the research is giving to the executive function in the cognitive profile of people with ID, there are few studies about the executive function in this population and there are few standardized available tests. Therefore, the aim of this work is to make available a set of instruments to assessment the EF in the ID that could be used by psychologists and educators.peerReviewe

    La Convención Mundial sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad: reflexiones en torno a la Educación Inclusiva en tiempos de crisis

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    La Convención sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (2006,, entró en vigor el 3 de mayo del 2008), en su artículo 24, configura el derecho a la educación desde la perspectiva de derechos humanos, sobre la base de la igualdad de oportunidades y la no discriminación y de acuerdo con el modelo social de la discapacidad presente en toda la Convención. Este artículo obliga a los Estados a garantizar un sistema educativo inclusivo. La actual crisis económica hace que nos planteamos, unas reflexiones que favorezcan la inclusión educativa y que no siempre tienen que suponer ampliación de la dotación económica, sino optimizar ideas fuerzas y recursos. Presentamos algunas ideas fuerzas y dentro de ellas indicadores para su desarrollo, entre los que destacamos: Saber de dónde venimos y hacia dónde vamos. Mejorar el sistema educativo en general; Defender modelos de inclusión educativa acordes con la convención en un sistema educativo más eficiente, sin renunciar a la equidad. Asumir responsabilidades y participación. Compromiso con una formación – capacitación de calidad. Nuevas tecnologías con accesibilidad universal y diseño para todos. Control y seguimiento; instaurando la cultura del seguimiento continuo, y evaluación de la gestión pública participativa y participada.The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006...took effect on May 3, 2008), in Article 24, frames the right to education from the point of view of human rights, equal opportunities and no discrimination, according to the social model of disability present throughout the Convention. The Inclusive Education System is required by law and the States must assure this. The current economic crisis force us to think some thoughts to help inclusive education that does not necessarily increase the financial support but the optimization of ideas, forces and resources. We propose some ideas and within them some indicators to develop among which we highlight the following: to know where we come from and where we are going ; to improve the overall education system; to defend inclusion models according to the Convention in the context of a more efficient educational system but without sacrificing the equality; to assume responsibilities and participation; commitment to quality training; universal access to new technologies; control and monitoring, establish the culture of continuous monitoring and participatory evaluation of public management

    Reflexiones sobre pensamiento y lenguaje

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    Análisis del proceso del pensamiento que lleva a formar palabras y su relación en frases. Estudio teórico sobre la teoría lingüística.Analysis of the thought process that leads to forming words and their relationship in sentences. Theoretical study on linguistic theory

    Morphosyntatic assessment in adolescents and young people with Down Syndrome

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    Las personas con síndrome de Down presentan una especial dificultad en el desarrollo de su lenguaje oral, especialmente en su aspecto expresivo, lo que influye en su capacidad de expresar mensajes que transmitan sus sentimientos, ideas, opiniones… Para buscar una respuesta psicoeducativa adecuada que mejore su expresión oral, se considera adecuado realizar, primero, una evaluación específica de los elementos morfosintácticos que componen dicha expresión. Esta evaluación se ha realizado en una muestra de dieciocho adolescentes de la Asociación Síndrome de Down de Extremadura con edades comprendidas entre los trece y veintiún años de edad aplicándoseles pruebas específicas morfosintácticas para valorar esas necesidades. Los resultados obtenidos muestran sus necesidades educativas específicas en el área expresiva, las cuales orientarán el desarrollo de una intervención adecuada.People with Down syndrome have particular difficulty in language development, mainly in expressive language. These difficulties influence on their ability to express feelings, ideas, opinions… Thus, it is necessary to do a specific evaluation of morphosyntactic components of the language to look for a properly psychoeducational response. were evaluated by means the above program. Standard and nonstandard specific morphosyntactic tests have been applied to evaluate their needs. Here, results of above evaluation of different morphosyntactic components are shown. These results will let us to know the specific educative needs of these people in relation to expressive area. These ones will guide the development of appropriate educational practice.Eighteen young people and teenagers with Down syndrome aged between 13 and 21peerReviewe

    Entrenamiento en interacción social y conflicto cognitivo en una tarea de analogías

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    Pretendemos demostrar, cómo el aprendizaje de una tarea de analogías, se puede favorecer cuando se produce en interacción social, y más concretamente al establecerse un "conflicto cognitivo", entendiendo éste, como una confrontación de diversos puntos de vista que movilizan los progresos intelectuales. Para ello, y tras partir de tres concepciones teóricas aparentemente distintas. Tomamos una muestra de 27 alumnos de la provincia de Badajoz, y les sometimos a diversos entrenamientos. Los resultados han corroborado nuestros planteamientos iniciales, el aprendizaje de la tarea de analogías propuesta, se ve favorecida con una intervención en interacción social, tanto adulto-niño como niño-niño.We intend to demonstrate, how the learning of a task of analogies, can be favored when it occurs in social interaction, and more concretely when establishing a "cognitive conflict", understanding this, like a confrontation of diverse points of view that mobilize the intellectual progresses. To do this, and after three apparently distinct theoretical conceptions. We took a sample of 27 students of the province of Badajoz, and underwent various trainings. The results have confirmed our initial approaches, the learning of the task of analogies proposal, is favored with an intervention in social interaction, both adult-child and child-child.peerReviewe

    Electrokinetic flushing with surrounding electrode arrangements for the remediation of soils that are polluted with 2,4-D: A case study in a pilot plant

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    This work aimed to evaluate electrokinetic soil flushing (EKSF) technologies for the removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) from spiked soils using an electrode configuration consisting of one cathode surrounded by six anodes (1c6a) and one anode surrounded by 6 cathodes (1a6c). Experiments were conducted for over one month in a bench-scale set-up (175 dm3 of capacity) that was completely automated and operated at a constant electric field (1.0 V cm− 1). The electrical current, temperature, pH, moisture and pollutant concentration in electrolyte wells were monitored daily, and at the end of the experiments, an in-depth sectioned analysis of the complete soil section (post-mortem analysis) was conducted. Despite the geometric similarity, the two strategies led to very different results mainly in terms of water and herbicide mobilization, whereas pH and conductivity do not depend strongly on the electrode configuration. The volume of water extracted from cathodes with 1a6c is seven times higher than that of the 1c6a strategy. Herbicide was transported to the anode wells by electromigration and then dragged toward the cathode wells by electro-osmotic fluxes, with the first process being much more important. The configuration 1c6a was the most efficient and attained a transfer of 70% of the herbicide contained in the soil to flushing water in 35 days. These results outperform those obtained by the configuration 1a6c, for which less than 8% of the herbicide was transferred to flushing fluids in a much longer time (58 days)

    Remediation of soils polluted with 2,4-D by electrokinetic soil flushing with facing rows of electrodes: A case study in a pilot plant

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    This study focuses on evaluating the application of electrokinetic soil flushing (EKSF) technologies to remediate soil polluted with 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). This compound was selected as an example of polar herbicides that may cause soil percolation and groundwater contamination due to its high water solubility, lifetime and mobility. To evaluate this technology, a 40-day test was conducted on a bench-scale set-up (175 dm3 of capacity) that was fully automated and operating under potentiostatic mode (1 V cm−1). The electrical current, temperature, pH, humidity and pollutant concentration in the electrolyte wells were monitored daily, and at the end of the tests, a post-analysis characterization of the soil section was performed to obtain 3-D plots of the changes in each parameter. Simultaneously, a blank test was carried out (without applying an electric field) to determine spreading of the pollutant in the soil that did not experience an electric field. The results indicate that the 2,4-D is transported to the anode wells by electromigration (the primary species is an anion under the treatment pH) and the cathode wells by electroosmotic drag, even though a lower concentration is obtained because a large volume of water is mobilized. After 40 days of the EKSF treatment, 50% of the initial 2,4-D leaked into the soil was eliminated, 25% remained in the soil, and the remaining 25% was volatilized.Este estudio se enfoca en evaluar la aplicación de tecnologías de lavado electrocinético del suelo (EKSF) para remediar el suelo contaminado con ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D). Este compuesto fue seleccionado como un ejemplo de herbicidas polares que pueden causar la filtración del suelo y la contaminación de las aguas subterráneas debido a su alta solubilidad en agua, vida útil y movilidad. Para evaluar esta tecnología, se realizó una prueba de 40 días en un banco de pruebas (175 dm 3 de capacidad) totalmente automatizado y operando en modo potenciostático (1 V cm −1). La corriente eléctrica, la temperatura, el pH, la humedad y la concentración de contaminantes en los pozos de electrolitos fueron monitoreados diariamente y al final de las pruebas, se realizó una caracterización post-análisis de la sección del suelo para obtener gráficas tridimensionales de los cambios en cada uno de ellos. parámetro. Simultáneamente, se realizó una prueba en blanco (sin aplicación de campo eléctrico) para determinar la dispersión del contaminante en el suelo que no experimentó campo eléctrico. Los resultados indican que el 2,4-D es transportado a los pozos anódicos por electromigración (la especie primaria es un anión bajo el pH del tratamiento) y a los pozos catódicos por arrastre electroosmótico, aunque se obtiene una menor concentración debido a un gran volumen de el agua es movilizada. después de 40 días del tratamiento con EKSF, se eliminó el 50 % del 2,4-D inicial que se filtró al suelo, el 25 % permaneció en el suelo y el 25 % restante se volatilizó

    Metal-dependent Glycosylation in Recombinant Metallothioneins

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    Researchers from Barcelona and Granada want to acknowledge the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación and FEDER for the projects BIO2015-67358-C2-2-P (M.C. and Ò.P.), PID2021-123258NB-I00 (R.A.) and PID2019-111461GB-I00 (J.M.D.V). This study was co-financed by a cooperation grant to R.D. from the Austrian Science Fund (DACH grant No I 3032-B21). M.C. and Ò.P. are members of the “Grup de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya”, ref. 2017SGR-864, and R.A. of ref. 2017SGR-1665. M.G.-R. acknowledges to the UAB the PIF grant. A.G. acknowledges Junta de Andalucía for the postdoctoral contract within the PAIDI 2020 program (DOC_00791). We thank the Servei d’Anàlisi Química (SAQ) at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICP-AES, ESI-MS) for allocating instrument time. R.D. and V.P.-M. are members of the Center of Molecular Biosciences of the University of Innsbruck.We show for the first time glycosylation of recombinant metallothioneins (MTs) produced in E. coli. Interestingly, our results show that the glycosylation level of the recombinant MTs is inversely proportional to the degree of protein structuration, and reflects their different metal preferences.Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e InnovaciónFEDER: BIO2015-67358-C2-2-P, PID2021-123258NB-I00, PID2019-111461GB-I00Austrian Science Fund I 3032-B21Generalitat de Catalunya 2017SGR-864, 2017SGR-1665Junta de Andalucía PAIDI 2020 program (DOC_00791)Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (ICP-AES, ESI-MS)University of Innsbruc

    Scale-up of the electrokinetic fence technology for the removal of pesticides: Part I: Some notes about the transport of inorganic species

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    This work describes the application electrokinetic fence technology to a soil polluted with herbicides in a large prototype containing 32 m3 of soil. It compares performance in this large facility with results previously obtained in a pilot-scale mockup (175 L) and with results obtained in a lab-scale soil column (1 L), all of them operated under the same driving force: an electric field of 1.0 V cm−1. Within this wide context, this work focuses on the effect on inorganic species contained in soil and describes the main processes occurring in the prototype facility, as well as the differences observed respect to the lower scale plants. Thus, despite the same processes can be described in the three plants, important differences are observed in the evolution of the current intensity, moisture and conductivity. They can be related to the less important electroosmotic fluxes in the larger facilities and to the very different distances between electrodes, which lead to very different distribution of species and even to a very different evolution of the resulting current intensity. 2-D maps of the main species at different relevant moments of the test are discussed and important information is drawn from them. Ions depletion from soil appears as a very important problem which should be prevented if the effect of natural bioremediation and/or phytoremediation on the removal or organics aims to be accounted

    One-year breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection and correlates of protection in fully vaccinated hematological patients

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    The long-term clinical efficacy of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines according to antibody response in immunosuppressed patients such as hematological patients has been little explored. A prospective multicenter registry-based cohort study conducted from December 2020 to July 2022 by the Spanish Transplant and Cell Therapy group, was used to analyze the relationship of antibody response over time after full vaccination (at 3-6 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months) (2 doses) and of booster doses with breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection in 1551 patients with hematological disorders. At a median follow-up of 388 days after complete immunization, 266 out of 1551 (17%) developed breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infection at median of 86 days (range 7-391) after full vaccination. The cumulative incidence was 18% [95% confidence interval (C.I.), 16-20%]. Multivariate analysis identified higher incidence in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients (29%) and with the use of corticosteroids (24.5%), whereas female sex (15.5%) and more than 1 year after last therapy (14%) were associated with a lower incidence (p < 0.05 for all comparisons). Median antibody titers at different time points were significantly lower in breakthrough cases than in non-cases. A serological titer cut-off of 250 BAU/mL was predictive of breakthrough infection and its severity. SARS-CoV-2 infection-related mortality was encouragingly low (1.9%) in our series. Our study describes the incidence of and risk factors for COVID-19 breakthrough infections during the initial vaccination and booster doses in the 2021 to mid-2022 period. The level of antibody titers at any time after 2-dose vaccination is strongly linked with protection against both breakthrough infection and severe disease, even with the Omicron SARS-CoV-2 variant