7 research outputs found

    A theory of electron collection by a grid sphere

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    Use of a spherical grid as electron collector at the anodic end of a tether, as recently proposed, is considered. The standard analysis of space-charge limited current to a solid sphere (with neither magnetic nor plasma-motion effects), which has been shown to best fit TSS1R in-orbit results at very high bias, is used to determine effects from grid transparency on current collected; the analysis is first reformulated in the formalism recently introduced in the two-dimensional analysis of bare-tethers. A discussion of the electric potential created by a spherical grid in vacuum is then carried out; it is shown that each grid-wire collects current well below its maximum OML current, the effective grid transparency being close to its optical value. Formulae for the current to a spherical grid, showing the effects of grid transparency, is determined. A fully consistent analysis of electric potential and electron density, outside and inside the grid, is completed

    A correction to Whipple's law for ion-trap Current

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    We have analyzed a phenomenon heretofore ignored in the analyses of ion traps, which are used to determine ion temperature, among other plasma parameters, in planetary ionospheres: ions that are rejected by the trap perturb the plasma well ahead of the Debye sheath at the front of the trap.The determination of the perturbed plasma flow is found to depend on the fact that the ionospheric plasma be stable to quasineutral, ion-acoustic perturbations

    A generic, hard transition to chaos

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    A hard-in-amplitude transition to chaos in a class of dissipative flows of broad applicability is presented. For positive values of a parameter F, no matter how small, a fully developed chaotic attractor exists within some domain of additional parameters, whereas no chaotic behavior exists for F < 0. As F is made positive, an unstable fixed point reaches an invariant plane to enter a phase half-space of physical solutions; the ghosts of a line of fixed points and a rich heteroclinic structure existing at F = 0 make the limits t --* +oc, F ~ +0 non-commuting, and allow an exact description of the chaotic flow. The formal structure of flows that exhibit the transition is determined. A subclass of such flows (coupled oscillators in near-resonance at any 2 : q frequency ratio, with F representing linear excitation of the first oscillator) is fully analyse

    Non-periodic driving of coupled oscillators:a spherical swing

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    Nonlinearly coupled, damped oscillators at 1:1 frequency ratio, one oscillator being driven coherently for efficient excitation, are exemplified by a spherical swing with some phase-mismatch between drive and response. For certain damping range, excitation is found to succeed if it lags behind, but to produce a chaotic attractor if it leads the response. Although a period-doubhng sequence, for damping increasing, leads to the attractor, this is actually born as a hard (as regards amplitude) bifurcation at a zero growth-rate parametric line; as damping decreases, an unstable fixed point crosses an invariant plane to enter as saddle-focus a phase-space domain of physical solutions. A second hard bifurcation occurs at the zero mismatch line, the saddle-focus leaving that domain. Times on the attractor diverge when approaching either fine, leading to exactly one-dimensional and noninvertible limit maps, which are analytically determined

    Sudden transition to chaos in plasma wave interactions

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    The coherent three-wave interaction, with linear growth in the higher frequency wave and damping in the two other waves, is reconsidered; for equal dampings, the resulting three-dimensional (3-D) flow of a relative phase and just two amplitudes behaved chaotically, no matter how small the growth of the unstable wave. The general case of different dampings is studied here to test whether, and how, that hard scenario for chaos is preserved in passing from 3-D to four-dimensional flows. It is found that the wave with higher damping is partially slaved to the other damped wave; this retains a feature of the original problem an invariant surface that meets an unstable fixed point, at zero growth rate! that gave rise to the chaotic attractor and determined its structure, and suggests that the sudden transition to chaos should appear in more complex wave interactions

    Experimental evidence of a hard transition to chaos

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    A generic, sudden transition to chaos has been experimentally verified using electronic circuits. The particular system studied involves the near resonance of two coupled oscillators at 2:1 frequency ratio when the damping of the first oscillator becomes negative. We identified in the experiment all types of orbits described by theory. We also found that a theoretical, ID limit map fits closely a map of the experimental attractor which, however, could be strongly disturbed by noise. In particular, we found noisy periodic orbits, in good agreement with noise theory

    Hard transition to chaotic dynamics in Alfven wave fronts

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    The derivative nonlinear Schrodinger DNLS equation, describing propagation of circularly polarized Alfven waves of finite amplitude in a cold plasma, is truncated to explore the coherent, weakly nonlinear, cubic coupling of three waves near resonance, one wave being linearly unstable and the other waves damped. In a reduced three-wave model equal dampings of daughter waves, three-dimensional flow for two wave amplitudes and one relative phase, no matter how small the growth rate of the unstable wave there exists a parametric domain with the flow exhibiting chaotic relaxation oscillations that are absent for zero growth rate. This hard transition in phase-space behavior occurs for left-hand LH polarized waves, paralleling the known fact that only LH time-harmonic solutions of the DNLS equation are modulationally unstable, with damping less than about unstable wave frequency 2/4 x ion cyclotron frequency. The structural stability of the transition was explored by going into a fully 3-wave model different dampings of daughter waves,four-dimensional flow; both models differ in significant phase-space features but keep common features essential for the transition